Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 635 I took off my pants and you show me this? !

Chapter 635 I took off my pants and you show me this? !
The premiere data of "In the Name of People" was good, because it featured Boss Wei, the cast was strong enough, and the scale of the show was large, so it immediately attracted a lot of hot searches.

In terms of online broadcasting, the number of views exceeded 100 million, and Hualuo.com also successfully topped the list in popularity.

The ratings were even better, with the premiere scoring 1.8.

Although TV platforms have generally been overwhelmed by video websites in the past two years, their ratings are much lower than before.

However, as the most popular and influential TV station in the country, CCTV has also been affected by the market, but its basic foundation and lower limit are still stable enough.

In addition, "In the Name of People" has a great fit with CCTV's audience group, and many people believe that 1.8 is just the starting point of this drama.

Seeing that the ratings were high enough, Wei Yang felt relieved.

CCTV is already difficult to interfere with, and now that In the Name of People’s ratings are booming, it has an added layer of protection.

In the past two years, although CCTV has maintained a lower limit in performance and its basic foundation is stable enough, there are few strong works.

Taking last year as an example, CCTV had the most TV dramas with ratings exceeding 1 among all TV stations, and its overall average TV drama ratings for the whole year also ranked first.

However, among the top ten works in national ratings last year, only four were from CCTV, and the one ranked first just missed breaking 2 and ranked fourth.

Other TV stations may be very satisfied with this result, but CCTV is different. During its heyday, CCTV suppressed all local TV stations and made them breathless.

Up to now, CCTV has not won the title of national ratings champion for many years.

Boss Wei alone has had five consecutive kills. It was not until last year that Wei Yang started filming a web drama and stopped working in the TV market. As a result, Zhao Liying, Da Mimi, and Fan Xiaopang are each more powerful than the other.

"Strategy of the Ming Palace", "The First Half of My Life" and "Dear Translator" occupied the top three spots.

If Love O2O hadn’t put more effort into the Internet, CCTV might not even have gotten fourth place.

This really irritated CCTV!
Therefore, they really need a blockbuster drama that can rival its heyday.

Then tell everyone that your uncle is always your uncle, and it is not only the Hunan TV station and the Shanghai TV station that can broadcast hit shows.

Under such circumstances, "In the Name of People" won the first battle. Not to mention unwarranted suppression, even if there were some non-principle issues, CCTV would do its utmost to protect it.

In addition to protecting "In the Name of People", CCTV, seeing the huge success of its premiere, has been promoting it even more vigorously.

All major official media outlets gave thumbs up, and with the hype from PPTV, even though "In the Name of People" was only broadcast for one day, it received huge fanfare.

In addition to mainstream praise, there are also discussions about the plot and actors.

The most popular one was Hou Yong, who showed amazing acting skills even though he only acted in two episodes.

At least one-third of the current topics about "In the Name of People" are related to him, followed by discussions about other actors and the plot.

The hot discussion about the plot also revolves around catching the traitor.

Although "In the Name of People" has an original novel, it had almost no presence before the TV series was released.

In addition, PPTV and CCTV have taken a lot of actions to prevent spoilers, blocking the original work as much as possible, and then spreading various rumors to confuse the audience.

For example, Gao Xiaoqin was actually Li Dakang's lover, Qi Tongwei was sent down from above, the villain was actually Zheng Xipo from Dafeng Factory, Ding Yizhen turned against them in the end and reported Sha Ruijin, Zhao Donglai used a sniper rifle to assassinate Gao Yuliang...

In a nutshell, it can be as wild as you want, as outrageous and as chaotic as you want.

Everyone knows the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. If it continues like this, even if someone reveals the true plot of the original novel, I guess no one will believe it.

It’s true, some people actually believe these made-up plots, especially Chen Hai played by Wei Yang.

Zhao Liying is not the only one who shares the same train of thought as her. Many people think that Chen Hai might be a villain.

They may not know how many scenes Boss Wei has, but they know very well that Lu Yi is the leading male role.

And they arrest corrupt officials right from the start, and they have basically been designated as decent people.

Wei Yang is such a big star, it would be a waste of his talent to have him play a supporting role for Lu Yi, so it is more logical for him to play a villain. Combined with the previous plot, it also seems more subversive.

Some people also dug out an interview that Wei Yang gave after the filming of "In the Name of People" was completed, in which he claimed that there were a lot of sex scenes.

This news was quite popular at the time, and many people expressed their expectations, but since the TV series was not launched, it fell silent.

Now that it has been brought up again, the popularity has suddenly increased. At the same time, it also indirectly verifies the rumor that he is a villain.

Can a decent person act in a sex scene?!

There are so many sex scenes, and it is obvious that he is a corrupt official. After all, some officials are like this. They can resist the temptation of money but cannot escape the trap of beauty. Maybe he is having an affair with Gao Xiaoqin.

Boss Wei was both happy and sad about these comments.

Kai Xin deceived everyone, increased the popularity, and also achieved the purpose of indirectly covering up the original plot.

What's uncomfortable is - what kind of person is Wei Yang? He must not be a good person, and Chen Hai must be a pervert.

Let's just talk about the play, why make personal attacks? !

Although Boss Wei was indignant, the sex scene gimmick did attract a large number of old...gentlemen to come and watch.

QQ groups, Tieba, and Zhihu are all asking for PPTV membership accounts. Many people also went to Boss Wei’s Weibo to ask who the actress is, whether the content is too explicit, whether there are any behind-the-scenes footage, and whether they want to have a word with him.

On the Internet, people talk about sports, history, love, economics, games, etc.

People are likely to have arguments no matter what the topic is, but the most beautiful harmony on the Internet can only be achieved when people say "Let me talk for a moment" and "I have a friend".

That night, when the fifth episode of "In the Name of People" was launched on PPTV, the barrage of comments was extremely active.

【I'm coming】

【Good people have a safe life】

[Has anyone finished watching it? How many minutes is it?]

[Distinguished members pass by with their heads held high]

【Toilet paper is ready】

[I'm fine now, let's see tomorrow]

[Sisters, go!]

[Fuck, are there any women here?]

[Just kidding, this is Wei Yang, there are more women here]


Amid the lively comments, the TV series began to play. Chen Hai, played by Wei Yang, appeared a few minutes later. He obtained key evidence and prepared to go to Beijing to find Hou Liangping.

Just when the audience was impatient to see when the sex scene would begin, Chen Hai, who was crossing the road while making a phone call, was suddenly hit by a speeding truck.

【?】Instantly became the most frequently appearing symbol in the barrage. After a few minutes, other scenes appeared. Chen Hai/Wei Yang, wrapped tightly, lay on the hospital bed, unconscious, and most likely became a vegetable.

【? ? ? 】

So this is the sex scene!

You call this a sex scene?!

I took off my pants and this is all you show me?? ! !
Many viewers lost their guard and went to Boss Wei's Weibo to criticize him for false propaganda and deceiving their feelings. Even Liu Shishi reposted a Weibo post that accused him of being a liar, and she believed it and was jealous at the time.

Wei Yang pretended to be dead in his own comment section, but replied to Liu Shishi - [Just tell me if it was a sex scene? ]

When he made a guest appearance in "In the Name of People", he almost got bedsores, and he spent more time in bed than standing up to film. Why do you say that this was not a sex scene?


The sex scenes and the like are just a joke. Except for a very small number of people, most people who find out they have been deceived will just smile and make a few complaints.

Some people even made up a joke, saying that Boss Wei was deceived by the director when he first received the script.

When he heard there was a sex scene, he rushed over without even reading the script. He ended up lying on the bed like a vegetable.

Wei Yang also liked this Weibo post, and suddenly became a "victim", which made others less resentful.

In fact, Wei Yang did not play the bed scene plot out of boredom, but to find a hot spot for In the Name of People and maximize the benefits of his guest appearance.

This is indeed the case. The combination of bed scenes and "bed scenes" is full of topics and dramatic effects, which instantly made "In the Name of People" popular.

"In the Name of People", which was already gaining momentum, went straight out of the circle and attracted a large number of new audiences.

The quality of "In the Name of People" is there. Unless someone is really not interested in this subject matter, as long as they are interested in the TV series, it can retain people.

The ratings and broadcast data of "In the Name of People" are getting higher and higher, and its reputation and influence are fermenting, which has attracted new audiences and brought the results to a higher level.

In mid-September, "In the Name of People" had been online for more than a week, and the online broadcast data had been rising steadily, dominating the charts during the same period.

The TV platform is even more terrifying, with an average viewership rating about to break 3, the highest viewership rating already breaking 4.5, and a market share of 15%, shocking the industry.

In the past two years, the television channels have declined and such crazy situations have rarely occurred.

What’s more crucial is that “In the Name of People” has not even aired halfway yet.

You know, after "Nirvana in Fire", there hasn't been a drama that could break 3 for more than two years. Last year's national ratings champion "Strategy of the Palace" had an average viewership of 2.94, just one step away from breaking 3.

Now that it is basically certain that "In the Name of People" will break 3, many people can't help but have high hopes for it.

Since there is such a long broadcast period, can it break 4?
The "Joy of Life" series was deified, largely because all three parts broke 4 and won the national ratings championship that year.

After "Joy of Life 3", no other drama has broken the 4-point mark.

Even the fact that "Joy of Life 3" broke the 4 mark was somewhat accidental. After all, the TV channels at that time still had some spare capacity. In addition to the foreshadowing and accumulated influence of the first two parts, the Blue Whale series and Hunan TV station tried their best to create momentum, and they were suspected of using some tricks, so it finally broke the 4 mark with difficulty.

Now that times have changed, the difficulty of breaking 4 is more than one level higher than in previous years.

But then again, the more difficult the times are, the more valuable it will be if "In the Name of People" can break 4, and the greater the positive benefits it will bring.

Not only CCTV is willing to see this, but many other TV stations also hope that this drama can create a miracle.

The current television market is too sluggish. If "In the Name of People" can be successful, it will be no less than a shot in the arm for the entire industry.

Coupled with the inherent correctness of the main theme of "In the Name of People", under the leadership of CCTV, various official media and television media have increased their output.

Boss Wei is naturally happy to see this happen.

He is not worried that the recovery of TV channels will affect PPTV's market value. It is a general trend for online platforms to replace TV channels. No matter how popular "In the Name of People" is, it is just a flash in the pan. After the brief glory, everything will be the same.

Moreover, the popularity of "The People's Righteousness" has benefited more than just CCTV.

CCTV is making a lot of money, and PPTV is also making a lot of money.

The restrictions on television channels are too great, and a considerable number of viewers have flocked to PPTV. CCTV has not yet rerun the show, and viewers who want to watch the show twice or thrice also give priority to PPTV, with the added membership income and advertisements, which makes Li Ji very happy.

After "In the Name of People", PPTV was officially launched on the market.

If all goes well, Boss Wei will go to the United States to ring the bell in either November or December.

There is no doubt that at this juncture, how much benefit "People's Righteousness" will bring to PPTV.

"Eternal Love", "The Lost Tomb 2", "Go Go Squid! 2", "Zhu Xian", and now "In the Name of People".

During the summer season from June to August and September, PPTV's performance was unparalleled, with relevant data ranking first. Many external institutions have raised its valuation to over 6 billion.

Although it has not been announced publicly, the top management of PPTV has already called for a market value of 100 billion yuan.

At that time, Boss Wei's net worth soared, and these executives and related stakeholders also made huge profits. Many of them were likely to become billionaires in one fell swoop.

When Wei Yang visited PPTV headquarters to promote "Dying to Survive", he discovered that his prestige in PPTV was incredibly high.

There’s nothing we can do about it, who doesn’t like and admire their own God of Wealth!

Many employees who are eligible for share distribution and subscription, looking at the rising shares and the bright prospects, want to give Boss Wei a kiss.

Zhang Ze and others who were involved in the promotion were all scared. If it weren’t for the PPTV logo all over the company, they would have almost thought they were at a pyramid scheme.


In late September, along with the Sha family gang’s MVP victory settlement screen, “In the Name of People” finally aired its finale.

Although the online broadcast data is not as good as "Eternal Love", it is not much inferior to "Zhu Xian".

In terms of ratings, the highest ratings once approached 9%, the market share exceeded 25%, and the average ratings successfully broke 4, which is the highest record in the past three years.

It is worth mentioning that many people attributed part of the credit for "In the Name of People" breaking the 4-rated box office to Boss Wei.

After all, the early popularity of "In the Name of People" was all due to his influence. Many people have reiterated Boss Wei's title of "marketing master". When it comes to film and television promotion, Boss Wei is definitely the best in the entertainment industry.

There is also a more mysterious theory, which is that the reason why "In the Name of People" was able to break 4 was due to the good fortune of Boss Wei.

The reason is very simple. After 2010, there are only a few dramas whose ratings have exceeded 4, and they are basically all related to Wei Yang.

Wei Yang is the leading actor in "My Love from the Star" and "Joy of Life" trilogy. He also made a rare guest appearance in "In the Name of People", and the box office exceeded 4. If you say that there is nothing wrong with Boss Wei, they don't believe it.

The consequence of this is that many film crews hope that Boss Wei will make a cameo appearance to bask in his fame.

However, Boss Wei has no time to deal with these invitations. The National Day holiday is coming in October, and "Dying to Survive" will also be released...

(End of this chapter)

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