Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 639 Liu Shishi: Can Zhao’s son have enough to eat?

Chapter 639 Liu Shishi: Can Zhao’s son have enough to eat?
As mentioned before, after "Zhu Xian", Zhang Ruoyun can be said to be the number one traffic star, and many popular male stars of the Mesozoic era have to avoid him.

The official announcement of a relationship by such a top star almost caused the Weibo server to crash.

The reason why it was almost successful was actually because Zhang Ruoyun's love affair was no secret, and many fans who were familiar with the entertainment industry knew it well.

After all, he knew Tang Yixin before he joined Coral Entertainment, and they officially announced their interaction on Weibo a long time ago.

Later, when he became famous, he was naturally dug out. After discussion, Zhang Ruoyun and the team decided to keep a low profile for the sake of his development. They neither admitted it nor denied it.

After that, Zhang Ruoyun avoided related topics, just like Boss Wei never responded when asked how many relationships he had.

Zhang Ruoyun didn't mention it, Tang Yixin avoided suspicion, and fans turned a blind eye, pretending they didn't know about this sister-in-law and regarded her as single.

This is also the basic operation of fan circles regarding idols’ love affairs.

After Lu Han started dating, fans either stopped following him or deceived themselves and ignored Guan Xiaotong. Anyway, we don’t acknowledge it, and if we don’t acknowledge it, it doesn’t exist.

Fans ignored it, the team handled it in a low-key manner, and even deliberately suppressed the popularity, so although it was no secret that Zhang Ruoyun was not single, it was not widely spread.

This is not surprising. If celebrities do not deliberately market their love affairs, many passers-by who are not familiar with the entertainment industry will not know about it.

Therefore, many times when a certain star breaks up or divorces, the onlookers are confused and surprised - they were actually together?!
Zhang Ruoyun’s official announcement this time had a similar effect.

Holy shit, they've been dating for so many years, how come I didn't know?!

Although it shocked many passers-by and caused quite a stir, many people knew about it beforehand, so the sensation was not as high as expected, and there was some pressure to suppress the news about Wei Yang and Zhao Liying.

But Zhang Ruoyun obviously thought of this as well.

Don’t be anxious, I’ll take care of everything. The above is just an appetizer. The official announcement is not enough, get the certificate first!

It is hard to tell whether this guy went to get the marriage certificate out of loyalty to save Boss Wei, regardless of his career, or whether he took this great opportunity to break through the pressure from the team and the company and finalize his marriage to his girlfriend.

After all, dating and getting married are two different things. You can break up when you are in a relationship, but after a divorce you will feel like a "second-hand old man".

For a top star, getting married has a much greater impact on their career than falling in love.

The company and the team may be able to accept him having a relationship, but getting married, especially announcing it to the public, should be done as late as possible.

But Zhang Ruoyun is a "love-brained" person, and perhaps because of her family, she attaches great importance to this aspect.

According to Tang Yixin, this guy was thinking about getting married when they just got together, but she persuaded him not to do so. Even after he became famous, he remained true to his original intention.

Although Zhang Ruoyun is very popular in this time and space, he still has not given up the idea of ​​getting married.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for Zhang Ruoyun to convince her team and company that even if she got married, it would be a secret marriage and it would be impossible to publicly announce the wedding.

But he was lucky. The boss was in trouble and needed him to be found to attract fire.

He almost laughed out loud just thinking about it. Not only did he achieve his goal, with Wei Yang's support, he also avoided conflicts with the company and the team. Most importantly, he also did the boss a big favor.

In order to take the blame for his boss, he ignored his career prospects, and the boss and his wife's favorability towards him kept increasing.

Make a lot of money!
Indeed, Zhang Ruoyun's trick is quite effective. If it were someone else, he would have fooled them. At least Zhao Liying was quite touched.

She and Zhang Ruoyun had no friendship, and strictly speaking, they were not from the same faction.

Zhang Ruoyun is Yang Tianzhen's person, and Yang Tianzhen has an old friendship with Fan Xiaopang, and is also good friends with Tang Yan and Da Mimi. She can be considered to be able to get along with Liu Shishi, but she has nothing to do with her, and they even had a small fight.

I didn't expect that this guy would be so loyal at the critical moment.

Although Zhao Liying also knew that Zhang Ruoyun was targeting Boss Wei, she acknowledged the favor.

Zhang Ruoyun has a solid foundation, so she doesn't need to take care of him, but it's not convenient to get too close to him, so she might as well do this favor for his family.

With Zhao Liying's influence in Blue Whale, just arranging some resources would be enough for Tang Yixin to move up to the next level.

However, Zhao Liying was fooled, but Boss Wei, who knew Zhang Ruoyun's character, understood what was going on.

But he did not expose it. He only judged the deeds and not the heart.

No matter what, this guy really stepped up at the critical moment. Now that the job is done, Boss Wei can't just turn around and deny him, otherwise how can he convince the public in the future.

However, he remembered the favor and would ask for a reward when he had the chance, but the petty-minded Boss Wei did not forget it either.

This kid had better pray that he doesn't fall into his hands one day, or he will take it all back...


With Zhang Ruoyun attracting traffic, Boss Wei took the opportunity to cool down the news about Zhao Liying and confuse the audience.

As mentioned before, no one can be sure that this nanny car is related to Boss Wei.

Then you can say that it is a fight between Wei Yang and the paparazzi, and I can also say that it is a complete hype by the paparazzi and the live broadcast platform.

The interest chain can be uncovered. After all, the live broadcast platforms and paparazzi accounts have indeed benefited. Since they have made profits and there is no substantial evidence, how can it not be marketing hype?

You said since it was hype, why didn't Boss Wei refute or clarify it?
That’s because he is the manipulator behind the scenes!

Don't forget that Wei Yang is a well-known publicity and marketing master, and he has manipulated film and television projects and commercial brands more than once or twice.

Not to mention anything else, wasn't it he who brought "In the Name of People" to fame? And "Dying to Survive" also had shadows of marketing operations.

It is rumored online that Boss Wei has shares in or has good connections with several of these live streaming platforms, and any profit made by the platform is his.

A little controversy is nothing to him. After all, he is an artist who makes a living by exposure. The worst that can happen is that he can issue a statement and restore his reputation.

These damn capitalists can come up with all kinds of ideas to make money. These are all tricks. If you follow their ideas, you will be fooled.

It’s no wonder that many people buy into this conspiracy theory, or at least they are skeptical about it.

Once a chain of suspicion is formed, the truth is covered up and even develops into various versions.

At first, Boss Wei simply threw dirty water on himself and the paparazzi, but slowly, passers-by and fans who had a good impression of him started to take action, and the wind direction began to change.

Is it possible that Boss Wei is the victim and the real mastermind is someone else?
For example, if you have a bad relationship with him, you want to take advantage of the opportunity to stir up trouble!

Even though Boss Wei had achieved this point, he still had many enemies. With the addition of Zhao Liying, many suspects were soon revealed.

For example, Huayi and Xiao Ma Ge, who are in competition with Boss Wei, and the 85 flowers who have a bad relationship with Zhao Liying. What's more, some people even mentioned foreign forces.

This is not illogical!
Boss Wei has produced mainstream movies like "Wolf Warrior 2" and domestic masterpieces like "Dying to Survive".

He has not only enhanced national self-esteem, but also made efforts for the development of national culture. He is a rare talent in domestic propaganda. It is normal for him to be slandered and framed by these reactionary forces.

Not to mention, Boss Wei was in a trance when he heard this speculation. He was just wondering why he had so many black fans, and it was all because of this bunch of ugly foreign forces.

Now there is one more person to take the blame for the thunder. When the wind changes in the future, he can share some of the firepower. After all, compared with class contradictions and contradictions between enemies and ourselves, the latter can make people more united in hatred of the enemy.

Draining traffic + suppressing popularity + confusing the audience
Although the three-pronged approach is simple and old-fashioned, it is very effective and works every time you use it.

The outside world's turmoil continued, but Zhao Liying and her children's presence became less and less felt.

It is impossible to ignore everyone completely, but as long as it is controlled below a certain level, there will be no problem.

The main reason is that they are afraid of linking Liu Shishi together, and then leading the trend, which would have a very bad impact.

As I said, Wei Yang was not afraid of exposing the fact that he had a child out of wedlock, but he was afraid of causing a chain reaction. If his opponents attacked him together, no one knew what the situation would be like in the end.

Boss Wei had already decided that the worst that could happen was that he would just take the blame and quit the industry.

But PPTV has not yet been listed, many of its projects and plans have not yet been completed, and even Liu and Zhao do not want to face criticism from the outside world, so there is no need to go in an extreme direction.

Even if it cannot be hidden and will be revealed sooner or later, it can be done in a subtle way so that everyone can gradually accept it and achieve the goal in a more tactful and safer way.


Zhao Liying returned home and took good care of herself during the confinement period. Wei Yang also finally found time to visit Liu Shishi and his eldest son.

As for Fan Xiaopang, she became pregnant in early March, two months later than Zhao Liying, and her belly is now big.

Worried about his mother, Fan also rushed to Shanghai to take care of him. Fat Fan didn't want his mother and Wei Yang to meet too often, so Wei Yang would usually go over when he was not around.

"Dad's good son, be good or not."

Even during the half-month of promoting "Dying to Survive" and taking care of Zhao Liying, Wei Yang only came to see her briefly. The child was still sleeping at that time, and he missed his eldest son very much.


The eldest son stared at Wei Yang blankly for a few seconds, then began to chatter excitedly, as if accusing him of being ruthless, and later even turned his head away angrily and didn't look at him.

Although Boss Wei comes less often, he video chats with the family every day, so even though the children are still young, they can still remember him.

"Hey, he's still angry."

Wei Yang was amused by his son. Liu Shishi next to him rolled her eyes and then happily shared the ugly deeds of her eldest son.

"This little kid has a bad temper. Yesterday, when I was holding him to play, he looked at the door curiously and tried to grab the handle with his hands, but he couldn't let go. He froze for a long time and then started crying in anger."

Wei Yang laughed loudly, and Young Master Wei heard the laughter, turned to look at his father, a little at a loss, and then, for some reason, he also grinned.

Boss Wei was even happier, just like his mom, so easy to coax!

After making a fuss for a while, the child was tired and fell asleep in a daze. Although the child's sleep time is much less now than when he was just born, he still needs to sleep more than ten hours a day.

However, I basically take a nap during the day and wake up after one or two hours. Otherwise, I will get too much sleep during the day and be very tired at night.

Boss Wei loved children very much, so he stayed to look after his sleeping eldest son for more than ten minutes before he and Liu Shishi left carefully to leave the child under the care of a confinement nanny.

After leaving the bedroom, Liu Shishi also had time to care about other things, and asked curiously: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Wei Yang was slightly stunned before he realized that Liu Shishi was asking about Zhao Liying and Wei Ershao.

Liu Shishi had known about Zhao Liying's pregnancy for a long time, but she was not sure about the details. Since Boss Wei didn't tell her, she didn't ask and just pretended not to know.

But this time Wei Yang returned to Shanghai and hasn't come over, plus the paparazzi incident made her know that Zhao Liying had given birth, so she couldn't help her curiosity.

Boss Wei hesitated for a moment, but did not hide it: "Boy."

Liu Shishi looked normal, and it was hard to tell whether she was disappointed or not. She just said, "She is lucky."

Wei Yang didn't want to talk about this topic, so as not to bring trouble to herself, but Liu Shishi didn't let her go.

"Are she and the baby okay?"


This time Boss Wei was really surprised, because he had never told Liu Shishi that Zhao Liying was in poor health.

The latter snorted proudly: "It's not like I haven't given birth to a child before. I can see that there are some differences. Even though you hide it well, there is still your mother."

Wei Yang then realized what the problem was. It was probably because the situation between him and the original delivery was a little abnormal, and Liu Shishi noticed it.

Then he got information from Wang Yunping and, combined with information from the confinement nanny and the medical team at home, he concluded that things were not going well for Zhao Liying.

Either there is a problem with the mother or there is a problem with the child!
Although Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying had a bad relationship and had fought many times, she had not hated her to death.

Especially at this time, Liu Shishi, who had just become a mother, could not help but empathize with Zhao Liying who was in the same situation. As it involved the child, she became worried and did not hesitate to ask Wei Yang against her principles.

After understanding what Liu Shishi meant, Boss Wei felt relieved.

Although he didn't expect the women to live in harmony, he didn't want to see them hate each other too much, to the point of ignoring their bottom line.

After all, no matter how much we fight, to some extent, we are actually a family, and we have many things in common...

Wei Yang briefly told Liu Shishi about Zhao Liying's situation. Learning that it was nothing serious, Liu Shishi breathed a sigh of relief, put aside her worries, and returned to normal, mocking Zhao Liying.

"Humph, you're asking for trouble. How about listening to the doctor and having a caesarean section?"

How to put it, after this sentence was uttered, although it was unfriendly, Boss Wei felt more accustomed to it.

Yes, this taste is authentic!

Liu Shishi became more and more excited as she spoke. After criticizing Zhao Liying for being self-righteous, she began to make personal attacks.

"I feel sorry for the child. He only has a few catties of meat. Is that enough for the child? Prepare some more milk powder so that he won't starve."

Wei Yang felt that if Zhao Liying heard this, she would not care about the bottom line and would definitely fight Liu Shishi to the death.

However, Wei Yang glanced at Liu Shishi's granary with a strange and meaningful look in his eyes.

In fact, sometimes, the eldest sister, let alone the second sister, is not much better...

Liu Shishi was keenly aware of Boss Wei's gaze, her eyebrows raised, and her defense was instantly broken.

"Mr. Wei, what do you think I mean?!"

(End of this chapter)

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