Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 641 95 Flowers, Newcomers of Coral Entertainment

Chapter 641 95 Flowers, Newcomers of Coral Entertainment
Not long after the vice president left, another person came over. Not just one person, but he was leading someone else.

"Boss, this is Mao Buyi, the champion of The Next Generation of Idols, who just signed with the company."

Yang Tianzhen, wearing a somewhat fancy dress, introduced the artists she brought to Wei Yang.

In addition to helping them to look good in front of the big boss, it also indirectly takes credit for themselves -

We are not working for the company for free. We have been training and supporting new people, and the company is thriving.

For senior executives, strong ability is one thing, but sometimes it’s not enough to just do it, you also have to be able to speak, and let your boss see your achievements and hard work.

Yang Tianzhen is well aware of this. As long as she seizes the opportunity, she will bring her artists to Wei Yang to show her presence.

As a result, Wei Yang values ​​her more and thinks she is loyal and capable. The artists under him also think that General Yang is very capable and will take them to meet the big boss. Their dependence and trust in him will also increase. With the support of everyone, his position in Coral Entertainment will become more and more stable.

Of course Wei Yang could understand Yang Tianzhen's intention, but he did not point it out and was very cooperative.

Executives need to take credit in front of the boss, and the boss also needs to affirm and win over executives and artists, the backbone of the business, from time to time. The emotions are two-way.

So, Yang Tianzhen is good at everything, and Boss Wei is good at everything…

"I know. I've heard a few of his songs. He sings well."

Mao Buyi is not a professional and has a shy personality. He became even more reserved in front of the big boss. It was only after Yang Tianzhen reminded him that he said thank you.

Wei Yang was quite interested in Mao Buyi. He was almost out of ideas when it came to singing songs and needed a creative talent like this to take over.

In addition, in his impression, Mao Buyi later achieved a lot in variety shows.

Although he is not sure how someone with this personality can shine in variety shows, perhaps he may be slow to warm up or... introverted?
As a singer-songwriter, he may not be good at expressing himself, but he is definitely full of emotions.

There are many examples of singer-songwriters transforming into variety show stars. Xue Zhiqian and Da Zhangwei are representatives. Wang Sulong and Mao Buyi also did well later. Even Hua Chenyu can be considered a representative of successful transformation.

Well, no matter whether he is a great singer or not, or whether his dance moves are ear-catching or not, he is indeed an original singer.

"This girl is called Zhang Ruonan. She was born in 1996 and is in her early twenties. She just participated in a campus-themed movie that we invested in. The producer and I know each other and is very optimistic about this girl, so he recommended her to me."

"The campus-themed film, the one called "A River of Sadness"?"

Wei Yang thought for a moment and remembered the name. Yang Tianzhen quickly explained, "Yes, it was a Guangguang movie. Actually, the heroine in that movie is not bad either. She has aura. Guangguang has already signed her. I worked hard to get this girl."

Guangxian cannot be considered as a member of the Blue Whale family, but the two sides have a close relationship. The latter often has to rely on Blue Whale, so it is not a big problem to snatch a newcomer.

"It's pretty good, it has a star flavor."

Wei Yang looked at Zhang Ruonan, who seemed a little nervous. She was a 95 flower, not particularly famous, but she was popular with the public, especially among the boys, and was known as the "National Girlfriend."

"This is Meng Ziyi, she graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 1995, she has already made her debut, she signed the contract last year, and she has previously starred in Eternal Love."

After Yang Tianzhen said this, Wei Yang seemed to have some impression, as if she was some demon princess.

He didn’t watch much of the drama Eternal Love and didn’t take the small role seriously, thinking it was a butterfly effect and that the relationship was just with their own artists.

He had a deeper impression of Meng Ziyi than Zhang Ruonan, mainly because he had seen her variety show, a tiger girl with a terrible singing voice.

However, what puzzled him was that the way the girl looked at him was a little too passionate, with a bit of admiration and infatuation. It didn't seem like an employee meeting the boss, but more like a fan meeting her idol.

On second thought, I understood that although Boss Wei has a bad reputation, his popularity is not to be underestimated.

Many young actresses of this age grew up watching his dramas, so it’s normal for him to have a few fans.

Having said that, Boss Wei still looked at his fans differently. However, he soon frowned.

Yang Tianzhen is planning to compete with the Blue Whale Artist Management Department!

Meng Ziyi is a typical beauty with strong complexion. Her style is somewhat similar to Dilraba Dilmurat and Guli Nazha. The roles that suit them both are suitable for Meng, and it is obvious that she is targeting the second beauty of Xinjiang province.

However, the two beauties in Xinjiang Province have now become the dominant force and cannot be replaced by anyone who wants to.

Yang Tianzhen wants to use Meng Ziyi to threaten the two beauties in Xinjiang Province and suppress the Blue Whale Artist Management Department, so as to consolidate and enhance Coral Entertainment's position in the Blue Whale system, but the chance of success is too small, and Meng Ziyi is likely to become cannon fodder.

This doesn’t matter to Yang Tianzhen. If it succeeds, it’s good news. If it fails, it’s just a waste of resources.

Even if Meng Ziyi herself knew that the knife was in Yang Tianzhen's hand, she would probably be willing to do so, after all, it gave her a chance to stand out.

There are countless people in the entertainment industry who wish they could be used, but no one is using them.

As for changing someone else, Boss Wei doesn't care. Everyone has their own destiny. But Meng Ziyi is a good candidate and she is also his fan. It would be a pity to use her as cannon fodder for internal friction.

Forget it, be kind and give her a hand!

Yang Tianzhen began to introduce the last person, but before she opened her mouth, Wei Yang smiled.

"You don't need to tell me that. How could you not know the person I specifically asked for? You have a keen sense of smell and signed him right away."

Aruna, who was ugly in appearance, stepped forward and greeted him: "Boss."

Wei Yang knew him and joked, "You are so polite. I am looking for someone from Teacher Long. You can just call me Senior Brother."

Aruna smiled innocently: "Teacher said that it's okay to call me that in private, but you have to call me by my position in the company, so that you don't have to do it in a difficult way."

Wei Yang shook his head and smiled. This guy looked fierce, but he was actually very smart.

Aruna, the name may sound unfamiliar to some, but you will recognize him when you mention the roles he played, such as the coppersmith in "Duds", Li Hongwei in "Kuang Bi", known as the "Innate Gangster Saint Body", a professional villain, and one of the four new generation villains in the film and television industry.

What many people don’t know is that this guy graduated from the Shanghai Theatre Academy, and because of their fellow villagers, he became Siqin Gaowa’s disciple.

At the same time, he was also very popular in the Shanghai Theatre Academy, and many teachers admired him, including Wei Yang's teacher, Long Futong, vice-president of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, who said that it was no exaggeration to say that he was half-junior of Boss Wei.

Wei Yang noticed this junior fellow and established a connection with him because of "Chi Le Chuan".

There are many characters in "Chi Le Chuan", and Gao Huan's sons cannot be ignored. After all, he had four sons who became emperors (Gao Cheng posthumously conferred the title).

Among them, Gao Yan and Gao Zhan were too young in the early stage and had a low presence, so they were basically ignored.

However, Gao Cheng, the eldest son who achieved success at a young age, has a lot of roles in the story, and Gao Yang, the founding emperor of Northern Qi, also has a certain amount of writing.

It's okay for Gao Cheng to just find a handsome guy, but it's not the same for Gao Yang.

It is not known whether it was a genetic mutation, but Gao Huan was known for his handsomeness, and Lou Zhaojun was also a great beauty, and their sons all looked good. The eldest son, Gao Cheng, was even more beautiful, calm and elegant. The famous handsome man, Lanling King Gao Changgong, was Gao Cheng's son.

Only Gao Yang was different. According to historical records, he was [black, with big cheeks, scaly body and heavy ankles]. He was dark-skinned, with a big, drooping face, bad skin, and problems with his feet, so the actor he played had to be an ugly man.

But he couldn't just be ugly, because although Gao Yang was ugly, he had a calm and resolute character, great talent and strategy, and was highly appreciated by his father Gao Huan.

Therefore, Wei Yang took a fancy to Aruna, who was ugly but could act outwardly evil but actually sensitive. He not only had the ambition and ability to be called the "Heroic Emperor" but also had a bit of a sinister personality, which paved the way for his later mental illness.

Blue Whale had planned to make a sequel if "Chi Le Chuan" performed particularly well.

It is hard to say who will be the specific protagonist. Gao Yang, Yuwen Yong, Chen Baxian, Gao Changgong, and Yang Jian are all possibilities, or it could just be a group portrait.

Anyway, if the story after Gao Huan is filmed, Gao Yang will most likely appear and have a considerable role to play.

Therefore, the crew paid more attention to the role of Gao Yang, and put a lot of effort into both actor selection and early preparation.

In addition to Gao Yang, Gao Cheng, Yuwen Hu, Duan Shao and other characters who shined after Gao Huan's death have similar arrangements, which can form a linkage if a sequel is made.

However, "Chi Le Chuan" has not been filmed yet, and the sequel is too far away. Except for Wei Yang and a few senior executives, it has not been disclosed to the public.

Even Aruna herself thought that she had managed to get a small supporting role from her senior brother Wei Yang just because of her teacher's face.

However, Yang Tianzhen was well-informed, or perhaps he was optimistic about Aruna's performance, so he signed him decisively.

However, it is a good thing that Aruna signed with Coral Entertainment.

Due to his limited image, it is difficult for him to play the leading role, and he mostly plays villain roles. Joining Shan Hu is like a fish in water for him.

Those who know the business know that although big companies like Blue Whale are competitive, there are also many opportunities, especially for those who have unique personal advantages and have little internal competition. If you don't consider your position in the cast and the amount of roles you play, you can get so many roles that you can't even hold your breath.

It is no exaggeration to say that Blue Whale, PPTV and related companies now produce, invest in and actually influence dozens of dramas every year.

As long as you dare to accept it, you can work all year round and work yourself to death...

After chatting with the newcomers about family matters and giving them some encouragement, they left. Yang Tianzhen shamelessly listened to his boss's instructions.

"Isn't the company too many artists? There are dozens of them, big and small. Can we allocate enough energy and resources? There are still some actions to be taken later."

You can’t just sign an artist and then leave him alone. You have to invest resources in training him, especially for popular artists. There are many things involved.

Coral Entertainment already has a lot of popular artists, and the internal atmosphere is delicate. It is also constantly absorbing new talents. Yang Tianzhen should not make any mistakes.

“We are actually studying this as well. One of the methods is to semi-independently establish popular artists as studios.”

"Their team is mature, and we don't need to negotiate for many resources. They come to us on their own. In addition, the studio is relatively more flexible, and the company can save a lot of resources and energy to support other artists."

"But the disadvantage is that the control is reduced, and the profit sharing may also need to be adjusted, and there is also the risk of artists working independently."


Wei Yang nodded slightly. In fact, he was not surprised by Coral Entertainment's approach.

It is very normal for stars to fight for power with their management companies after becoming famous in the circle, and the management companies will inevitably make some compromises and try to win over them.

Firstly, the popular stars have the ability to make money, and secondly, they are afraid that the cash cow they have worked so hard to cultivate will run away.

The current entertainment environment is very favorable. Artists have stronger ability to make money, more opportunities, and naturally have more initiative.

Coral Entertainment has many top-tier and popular artists under its command, and the situation is more complicated, but it has remained stable so far.

Part of the reason is because of Yang Tianzhen’s ability, and part of the reason is that these people were basically made famous by the company, so they don’t have the confidence to resist.

But the most important reason is that behind Coral Entertainment stand two giants, Blue Whale and PPTV. There are many artists who dare to break up with their agents and artist companies, but few dare to offend film and television giants and platforms.

Not only can we not afford to offend them, but a considerable number of people also need Blue Whale's resources.

With the support of a powerful backer and the resources to guide her, Yang Tianzhen overwhelmed all the top stars of Coral Entertainment.

But we can't keep staying like this forever, otherwise problems will arise sooner or later, so we have to promote changes in the way of cooperation.

Wei Yang didn't interfere too much and let Yang Tianzhen handle it.

Again, the foundation of the Blue Whale system lies in Blue Whale and PPTV. As long as these two basic bases develop smoothly, it will be invincible.

Even if all the artists from Coral Entertainment run away, Wei Yang can still bring out a new batch.

Yang Tianzhen received praise from Boss Wei and finally left happily.

Before Boss Wei could even catch his breath, someone else came over to show his face, ask for cooperation, and report on his work.

There's no way. Most people don't have many opportunities to meet Boss Wei. Especially this year, Wei Yang has devoted a considerable amount of his energy to his family, resulting in a significant decrease in the frequency of his public appearances. It's a rare opportunity, so how can everyone not be diligent and active?

After wasting more than an hour, Wei Yang was finally able to escape from the dinner.

On the way home, Boss Wei, who was sitting in the back seat of the Maybach, rubbed his nose and thought of Meng Ziyi, whom he had just met. He was afraid that he would forget her when he turned around, so he took out his mobile phone and started calling.


"Oh, Boss Wei still remembers me. I thought you had abandoned me."

Da Mimi's sarcastic voice came from the phone, and Wei Yang felt a little embarrassed. During this period of time, he cared about his two sons and had to take care of Fan Xiaopang. He did neglect Da Mimi and the others. The last time he took the initiative to call was a month ago.

"Cough cough..."

After an awkward cough, Wei Yang coaxed Da Mimi for a few words, and finally made her slow down her tone before getting down to business.

"I can recommend a new person to you, Meng Ziyi, who was signed by Yang Tianzhen last year. I think she is a good fit for your company. If you think she is good, I will ask Yang Tianzhen to release her."

Da Mimi has never had Dilraba Dilmurat under her in her life, so most of the time she, the boss, has to do it herself.

The reason is that these signed female artists are not up to the task and are unable to take on the main responsibility.

Wei Yang was not sure whether Meng Ziyi could be chosen, but her achievements in her previous life were much better than those of Mi Xing and the others. She was worth training. Maybe she could create a low-profile version of Dilraba Dilmurat to at least share the pressure of Da Mimi.

(End of this chapter)

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