Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 659: Tang Yan is suitable to be a manager

Chapter 659: Tang Yan is suitable to be a manager

"Chi Le Chuan", crew
"He Liuhun, you will go to my house to ask for marriage tomorrow."

Tang Yan was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and waist-length skirt, with a fur-collared cape, looking delicate and lively. Next to her was a young actress dressed as a maid.

Wei Yang, who was sitting opposite them, was wearing an old grey cloth with patches on it.

Facing Tang Yan's forced marriage, Wei Yang had a headache: "Mrs. Lou, you have seen my home. It is just two mud houses, barely enough to shelter us from the wind and rain. Even the pots and pans are not in place. Wouldn't it be hardship for you to marry me?"

"It doesn't matter. I have money. After we get married, I can buy a house."

Tang Yan didn't care at all, showing the demeanor of a rich woman, which choked Wei Yang.

"But I don't even have a betrothal gift."

"It's okay, I'll prepare it for you."

"Your parents won't agree to a poor boy like me marrying you."

"It's none of your business. I'll make them agree."


"No buts."

Tang Yan looked at Wei Yang seriously: "The men of Liuzhen are not afraid of death, so why would they be afraid of marriage proposals? Unless you think I am not worthy of Ni He Liu Hun, and you don't like me."

"Of course I like you."

Wei Yang retorted hastily, and seeing Tang Yan's sly smile in her eyes, he sighed helplessly, and then his tone became firm.

"Okay, I'll go propose."

"No problem, passed."

The director of "Chi Le Chuan" Zhang Yongxin shouted from the surveillance camera in the corner of the yard.

Zhang Yongxin is currently the leading TV drama director of Blue Whale. He has directed dramas such as "Joy of Life", "Nirvana in Fire", and "Strategy of the Ming Palace". He is basically the first choice of Blue Whale for historical themes.

Boss Wei trusted him very much, so it was natural for Zhang Yongxin to become the director of the filming of "Chi Le Chuan".

Wei Yang and Tang Yan went to the monitor to watch the footage that had just happened.

There was nothing wrong with their acting. The maid in the background seemed a little nervous, but she was just a background figure and didn't have much impact.

However, Wei Yang still motioned the other party to come over, intending to give him some advice to avoid any problems in the subsequent filming.

This maid’s role is not important, but she always follows the heroine Tang Yan and appears in many roles.

"Forget it, I'll go and tell them, you're scaring people again."

Seeing Wei Yang waving, the maid became obviously more nervous, so Tang Yan simply stepped forward to take charge of the matter.

Soon, Tang Yan got the matter settled.
Although Boss Wei is usually kind, his status is there. In the eyes of many people, he has an aura and halo, which makes it very stressful to deal with him.

The higher you climb, the lonelier you feel. Wei Yang deeply agrees with this statement.

Now, as his wealth and status continue to rise, especially after he became the richest man, people's attitude towards him has changed unconsciously.

After more than a year, Wei Yang returned to the crew to film again and he clearly felt that many people had distanced themselves from him.

When some of the old members of the Blue Whale production team who were familiar with him saw Wei Yang, they unconsciously restrained their words and deeds and dared not play around like before. Most of the actors also became more cautious and restrained, not to mention the newcomers, who even seemed to avoid him.

"It's very cold at high places."

Wei Yang sighed a little. Although it was possible that he had not been in the group for a long time and everyone was a little unfamiliar with him, the awe and restraint were also real.

It has been nearly half a month since he joined the group, and only a few people dare to joke with him as usual.

Even Tang Yan tried a little bit at the beginning, and only returned to normal after she felt that Wei Yang was no different from before.

Soon, Tang Yan calmed the maid down, and Wei Yang, who was sitting in the rest area, handed the electric heating bag in his hand to her.

"How did you persuade me?"

"It's just normal advice. He is a professional actor, trained in a professional school, and has filmed movies before. He was nervous because he was scared by someone."

Tang Yan spoke for the actress and said frankly that it was indeed very stressful for a newcomer to film with Boss Wei. What if you made a mistake and had to reshoot? It's okay if it happens once or twice, but if it happens too many times, your agent will scold you when you go back.

After all, Boss Wei is not just some big-name movie star, but a tycoon in the entertainment industry, and his career might be affected.

"Am I that scary? How do these people usually plot against me?"

Boss Wei felt very wronged. He was usually very caring towards new actors. It was normal for actors to make mistakes and have a few NGs. At most he would scold them when he got angry. Was it necessary to ban them?

The brainless villain in Huayu Online's novel shouldn't be so violent!

Tang Yan smiled but said nothing. Even though Wei Yang was approachable, everyone would still be in awe of him. This was the pressure brought by his identity.

No matter how gentle a tiger behaves, when you get along with it, you must always remember that it can eat people if it opens its mouth.

It’s not that Wei Yang doesn’t understand this truth, he’s just not happy with being “demonized” a bit, but this is hard to avoid and he can’t do anything about it.

"I saw you had a good chat with her just now. You seemed quite familiar with her. Do you know her?"

Tang Yan gave him a strange look: "You don't know? This is my artist."

Wei Yang suddenly realized that, as mentioned earlier, Coral Entertainment has implemented a semi-independent studio model for top stars like Tang Yan and Zhang Ruoyun.

After Tang Yan's personal studio became semi-independent, she signed two or three new people to supplement the studio's business.

Tang Yan is quite caring towards the newcomers in the studio. She brought them with her when she filmed a previous drama, and did the same this time when she came to "Chi Le Chuan".

Wei Yang knew that Tang Yan had brought someone into the group, and he also knew the newcomer.

Chen Yuqi!
Later, she became a well-known and popular young actress. She played Zhao Min in the new "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber", as well as "Floating Tu Yuan" and "Today's Good Luck".

In her previous life, she was with Tang Yan, and she didn't know when she got back together with Tang in this time and space.

It is said that Tang Yan originally wanted to bring her to Coral Entertainment, but later felt that there were too many young actresses in the company and they were too coquettish, so she wanted to recommend her to Mi Xing of Da Mimi, but Da Mimi also had a lot of people, and there was also Meng Ziyi who was strongly supported.

Later, when Tang Yan's studio became semi-independent and had a certain degree of autonomy, she simply signed her into her own studio.

In this way, he is considered as Tang Yan's direct descendant, and Tang Yan can guide him. If there are any resources that Tang Yan has a say in, he will also be recommended by Tang Yan.

If she can please Tang Yan, get a lot of support, and be lucky, she might have a better future than joining Shan Hu and Mi Xing as an ordinary artist. In this "Chi Le Chuan", Tang Yan got Chen Yuqi the role of Lou Zhaojun's sister Lou Heinu, who later married Gao Huan's trusted general Dou Tai.

In fact, Lou Zhaojun was not only Gao Huan's virtuous wife and angel investor, but other people in the Lou family also benefited Wei Yang a lot.

His brother-in-law Lou Zhao was one of his generals, and his sister-in-law Lou Henu married Dou Tai, and the two became brothers-in-law. Dou Tai also became a loyal supporter of Gao Huan.

There is another brother-in-law, Duan Rong, who is also an important official under Gao Huan, but the most important thing is his good son Duan Shao.

Not only did he save the life of his uncle Gao Huan, but in the later period he also became one of the three pillars of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and made great contributions to the establishment and development of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Therefore, Lou Zhaojun's dowry was not only gold, silver and treasures to help Gao Huan start his career, but also a younger brother, a brother-in-law, a brother-in-law and a nephew who were also crucial to the Gao family's empire.

From this perspective, even if Lou Zhaojun’s dowry is not as good as Wei Zifu’s, it is still ranked among the best in history…

The character of Lou Heinu, played by Chen Yuqi, did not appear much, and Wei Yang was curious at the time how Tang Yan managed to get such a small role for her own artist.

I only found out now that Tang Yan brought more than one person into the group. Lou Zhaojun's personal maid Yuncao is also her artist.

Chen Yuqi's role is small, maybe she has other dramas to play outside. This maid is the one that Tang Yan really wants to support in "Chi Le Chuan" this time.

Wei Yang took a look at the maid's appearance and didn't recognize her. He then asked her name, which was Mu Le'en. After recalling for a while, he finally had some impression of her.

It seemed like she was Tang Yan’s maid in the drama “The Princess Weiyoung” in her previous life. Unexpectedly, after going around in this time and space, she is still a maid.

Besides, Wei Yang really had no other impression of this actor and guessed that he had not made it.

After all, Tang Yan has limited resources, and it is not easy for her to bring out Chen Yuqi.

As far as I can remember, the one who was most successful in bringing up the younger ones in the previous life was Da Mimi. The ones in Jiaxing were all brought up by her.

Secondly, the Li Bingbing sisters brought out Zhou Ye, Xu Cainü also promoted Li Gengxi, Zhang Jingyi under Zhou Gongzi is also doing well, and international star Zhang is good friends with Zhang Xueying.

Fan Xiaopang also has a Peng Xiaoran under her, who starred in "Eastern Palace", but apart from this drama, she hasn't made any splash since then.

Putting aside the special Da Mimi, Tang Yan can be compared with the four Dans and two Bings in this respect, which shows that she is still quite capable.

After finishing today's scenes and returning to the hotel, watching Tang Yan explaining things to the maid Mu Le'en in a serious manner, Wei Yang thought that if she moved behind the scenes one day, she could try to be an agent.

Tang Yan has connections and resources, and she is also careful and thoughtful, as well as resourceful and shrewd. Maybe she has brought out some of the top stars.


"Chi Le Chuan" has a total of 60 episodes, which seems like a lot, but it is still stressful to film Gao Huan's decades of history and also have some other side stories.

Therefore, although the script has some details and omissions in some plots, the overall rhythm is still relatively brisk.

Take for example the love story between the male protagonist Gao Huan and the female protagonist Lou Zhaojun.

From the moment Gao Huan appeared on the stage, to the moment Lou Zhaojun passed by the city gate not long after, she saw the handsome guy and fell in love at first sight. Then she inquired about his background, tested him, and when she was satisfied with his character, she made a private appointment with Gao Huan directly. After they successfully fell in love, she played it straight and let the latter propose marriage.

Gao Huan came to propose marriage, but the Lou family looked down on this poor boy, so there were some twists and turns. However, Lou Zhaojun insisted on marrying him, and finally the Lou family solved the problem and the two got married.

The total time span is less than four episodes, and some of Gao Huan’s other personal side stories must also be added.

This speed is definitely ranked first among domestic dramas. Most of the dramas that can be compared with it are family and marriage dramas such as "Golden Wedding" and "Parents' Love".

Although the film is short and fast-paced, it does not mean that the plot is rushed or ugly. On the contrary, a lot of thought was put into the writing and filming.

When writing the script of "Chi Le Chuan", Wei Yang discussed with the screenwriter and even the producer how to attract audiences with this kind of historical theme.

After much deliberation, Wei Yang and the screenwriters came up with a key setting - [cool].

It is true that "Chi Le Chuan" has a tragic ending, but it does not mean that the drama cannot be exciting, especially the plot of Gao Huan's rise in the early stage.

From a small soldier at the city gate to the overlord of the north, before he met his two nemesis, Yuwen Tai and Wei Xiaokuan, Gao Huan's life was originally a ready-made cool story.

Therefore, in the early and even middle stages, many plots of "Chi Le Chuan" consciously added the element of "coolness".

In this society where people are impetuous and eager for success, Gao Qiqiang, a fishmonger who counterattacked to become a city tycoon, can cause everyone to get excited, not to mention the grassroots who counterattacked to become the "founding emperor."

Moreover, Gao Huan’s counterattack is indeed full of exciting moments. At least at the beginning, it is simply a brainless male-oriented story.

Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang both relied on their wives' families to some extent in their early days, but at least they were favored by their father-in-law.

Gao Huan really relied on his looks and was madly pursued by the beautiful, rich and white woman Lou Zhaojun.

She fell in love with him at first sight and was determined to marry him. Gao Huan had no money, so she paid the betrothal gift out of her own pocket. Her family disagreed, so she cried, made a fuss, and even threatened to commit suicide before they agreed. Then she married Gao Huan with a large dowry.

After getting married, they bought houses and land, and also bought a horse for Gao Huan, making him a team leader (a junior military officer).

Afterwards, Gao Huan used her money to make friends with many heroes, and she had no complaints. She gave him as much as he wanted, and if it was not enough, she would go back to her parents' home for more.

It can be said that the first ten episodes of "Chi Le Chuan" can be renamed "Women can be more proactive when seeing handsome guys" or "He Liuhun, a freeloader".

How to say it, this kind of "being kept" plot may cause some controversy.

But more people will feel refreshed!

There is no need to say much about the male audience. If they are not interested in the domineering president, it is because he is not domineering.

Female viewers can also put themselves in Lou Zhaojun's perspective and think that it feels great to keep a young hunk.

In this plot, Wei Yang and Tang Yan are the absolute protagonists, and the filming was very fast, far exceeding expectations.

A big part of the reason is that Wei Yang and Tang Yan have a great understanding of each other.

Wei Yang has been in the industry for many years, and the actresses he has worked with the most are Liu Shishi, Fan Xiaopang, and Tang Yan.

As early as in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III", the two played a couple, and Wei Yang's first screen kiss was given to Tang Yan.

Later, in "My Love from the Star", Wei Yang also found Tang Yan. There were not many rival scenes in this drama, and the two really reached a tacit understanding in the "Joy of Life" series.

In the "Joy of Life" trilogy, Liu Shishi plays Lin Wan'er, the first female lead, but in fact her role may not be as important as Haitang Duoduo played by Tang Yan, especially in the last two parts, where Haitang Duoduo's presence is obviously higher.

After filming three films in a row, Tang Yan and Wei Yang had many rival scenes, so they naturally developed a lot of tacit understanding.

Although the two have hardly collaborated after "Joy of Life", that was in the play. They have had in-depth exchanges outside of the play, and this tacit understanding has continued.

In the crew of "Chi Le Chuan", it took the two of them less than two days to complete the running-in period.

After that, Gao and Lou's roles improved by leaps and bounds. Whether they were lovers, affectionate couples, newlyweds, or husband and wife, both of them handled the role just right, as if they had really experienced it...

(End of this chapter)

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