Chapter 139 Liu Yu's Small Abacus
When Xu Jian left Zheng Rong's house, he felt something was wrong.

These people and things always feel together.

Whether it is Zheng Rong and his friend Lao Yang, or Sister Hu or Lu Fa, they are all affected by the same thing
And I am also on the verge of this matter, but fortunately it has not been affected yet.

It should still be possible to withdraw and leave now.

I got a black screen twice after using credit, and if I don't leave, I may be in trouble.

But what needs to be most concerned about now is actually Xia Lu.

I always feel that this matter will also have something to do with him.

After all, ascetic monks are chased by demons, and these demons are forced.

Might also need his fancy space.

Sighing, Xu Jian decided to ask this Gu Feng.

Anyway, you have to figure out who the other party is and whether you have the ability to handle things.

If there is, it will be fine, if not, the main thing is to protect Xia Lu.

Then sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

If necessary, you can tell the Crimson Group the news.

But looking at it so far, there is no danger.

Whether it's Zheng Rong, Sister Hu, or Lu Fa, there are no major problems for the time being.

Xu Jian shook his head, and decided to visit Yecheng School while he was still free.

See if there is nothing wrong with the troublemaker who has been causing trouble for him.

Just to check and accept the growth of the other party's mouth.

I have taught so hard, if Xia Lu gives up, he will have to smoke.

But giving up is also excusable. I couldn't hold on at the beginning.

Yaluo Schools.

"Principal Gu, that's all I've learned for now." Liu Yu said standing aside.

And there are many teachers beside her.

There was some shock in their eyes.

It was the first time they saw the revised Wuxing Wuxinquan, which completely overturned their cognition.

Is this still the Five Elements Enlightenment Fist?
The mystery is shocking.

Gu Xianyun stood where she was, not wanting to popularize this kind of boxing for a while.

Want to pass on to outstanding students.

This is the idea of ​​wanting to occupy the good stuff.

But as soon as this idea appeared, she dismissed it.

I want to improve the school and make boxing more suitable for their school.

It must be widely promoted.

Make improvements from it, and finally come up with the most suitable boxing method for teaching.

This kind of improvement is just the beginning, and the follow-up needs continuous improvement.

Not the most perfect is the best, sometimes the most suitable is the best.

"Learning quickly." Gu Xianyun nodded: "You have also received the theoretical books, and now after class and on weekends, start practicing boxing with Liu Yu."

"Ah?" Liu Yu was a little surprised: "After class and on weekends?"

"Is there a problem?" Gu Xianyun asked.

"work overtime?"

"if not?"

"Principal, I have hard work without merit, are you not repaying kindness with revenge?" Liu Yu said a little unwillingly.

"There is overtime pay." Gu Xianyun said flatly.

"That can't be added like that. I'm already married, and the relationship between husband and wife needs to be maintained." Liu Yu said seriously.

"After get off work at eight o'clock, it can be maintained, and Xu Jian also has courses, and the desks are all together, what can't be maintained?" Gu Xianyun asked back.

Liu Yu: "."

After being unable to resist, she suddenly said, "Principal, as the head coach, I should be able to make requests, right?"

"Except for not working overtime, I can mention everything else." Gu Xianyun is also very generous.

"I want to visualize the figure." Liu Yu said.

"Xu Jian's eighth class?"

"No, it's the sixth class of book boys."

As soon as the words came out, Gu Xianyun was a little surprised.

Not only her, but other teachers were a little surprised.

"Is it time for Teacher Liu?" a teacher asked.

"No." Liu Yu shrugged and said, "Prepare for a rainy day, after all, there are not many such opportunities."

Everyone: "."

Gu Xianyun thought for a moment and said, "You don't want to enter the sixth stream, trying to help Xu Jian enter the eighth stream, do you?

Although the sixth stream can indeed help the ninth stream to enter the eighth stream, it is not as simple as you think.

This kind of thing can't be rushed. "

Liu Yu wanted to say no, but quickly turned her head and said:

Gu Xianyun sighed.


Others also lamented that Xu Jian was too late to cultivate immortality, even if he was talented in the training method, the essence was to visualize the figure.

Quite a pity.

Even with Liu Yu's relentless help, it is very difficult to enter the eighth rank.

Liu Yu wanted to laugh when she saw their eyes, so please continue to regret it.

One day your jaws will drop.

"Principal, Xu Jian is so talented in martial arts, do you think Qiandu School will become angry and hit hard?" Liu Yu asked suddenly.

"No." Principal Gu shook his head and said:
"We've got what we want, they don't need to do it.

Furthermore, training methods are training methods after all, not inheritance stones, and there is no need to destroy them.

And they might have room to ask.

So there is no need to give Xu Jian special props. "

Liu Yu: "."

I haven't asked for props yet.

"By the way, there is something you need to inform Xu Jian." Principal Gu said suddenly:
"Yu Wende, who woke up earlier, has disappeared, and no one knows his whereabouts.

May come to Yecheng again.

He has some contact with Xu Jian, and there is a certain probability that he will find him. "

Liu Yu was a little puzzled.

Why did this person suddenly disappear?

Sure enough, there should not be too much interaction with the people of the Crimson Group.

It's easy to get into trouble.

This Yu Wende, and Sister Hu.

I always feel that they all have a lot of troubles, and the more they get in touch with themselves, the troubles will increase.

"Principal, I remember that the school has some very powerful plant seeds, right?" Liu Yu asked suddenly.

"Yes, do you want it? Not every teacher can get it.

Those seeds that have been polluted are dangerous and difficult to tame without the strength to plant them. " Principal Gu said.

"I want to try." Liu Yu said seriously.

"Why?" Gu Xianyun was puzzled.

"What if Xu Jian has other talents?" Liu Yu said.

Gu Xianyun didn't know what to say for a while.

Think Liu Yu can really do this kind of thing.

"Wait in my office, I'll give you the information, there is a prerequisite for you to try it, and that is to teach me the Wuxing Wuxinquan well." Gu Xianyun said.

Liu Yu nodded reluctantly.

On the way to Yecheng University, Xu Jian found that someone on the live broadcast platform sent him a message.

It's a sword that asks the sky.

"Recently, the situation is a bit weird. The people from that meeting actually went to Yecheng. There may be many things happening there, and strange organizations and people seem to like to go there.

You'd better be careful, stay out of that area, and contact me immediately if you've been there.

With your strength, it is easy to be discovered by those people.

When the time comes, life and death are unpredictable.

Someone may have discovered you and started reaching out to you.

Remember, you can't believe anyone's words, otherwise you may fall into an endless abyss. "

Seeing the rush of news, Xu Jian was quite emotional.

Yi Jian asked Tian why he was so persistent and wanted to pull himself into the group.

the other side.

Xia Lu and his roommate Yang Feng are enjoying the shade under the tree.

"Brother Xia, I originally wanted to ask out a senior sister, but the senior sister said she wanted to see a juggler's performance, where do you think I can find a juggler for him?" Yang Feng sighed.

"Isn't there a performance at school tonight? Maybe there will be a magician." Xia Lu looked at the sparse sunlight scattered from the leaves.

"No, I've confirmed it. What do you think I should do? My happiness is still in the womb." Yang Feng sighed.

At this time, Xia Lu's cell phone rang, and after looking at it, he said with emotion: "How about I just find you the Juggler?"

"I just like your bragging personality, like me." Yang Feng said with emotion.

I ran out of time and could only write one chapter.

Chapter 2 leave.

Feel sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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