People in modern times receive text messages from the fairy world

Chapter 248 Chapter 4 Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters

Chapter 248 Fourth Rank Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters

It was dark in Yecheng.

Everything around is also tending to silence.

The group of monsters broke through the defense, and now the Crimson Group led people to support it.

Director Sima's cultivation is good, but he has no way to deal with such a giant monster.

He had offended the one in Yecheng, so he needed to do something to ensure his position in Yecheng.

The No. [-] powerhouse in Yecheng is getting stronger and stronger, and many people will turn to the No. [-] powerhouse.

Even if there are people behind him, they will definitely be excluded.

The only way to break the situation is to get that person's understanding.

The method is also very simple, if the one wants to defend Yecheng, he will do his best to defend it.

As long as you do it, you will be recognized.

What was before is no longer a thing.

He was betting his life, betting on that person's success, and betting that he would win.

For a moment, he thought he had lost.

But the moment he survived, he knew he had won.

Won hemp.

At this time, the already dark night became even darker, like an endless abyss.

But the sound of footsteps came from this endless abyss.

Many people below looked up in surprise.

Because the night has changed.

The pitch black will deprive everyone present of their sights.

Even the demon spirits felt that the darkness had suddenly descended.

"What happened?" Big Eyes got up from the ground and asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't feel very good." Second Eye followed suit.

"Why don't you run first." Sanyan pushed away the corpse beside him with some worry.

Xin Yue and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't understand what's going on, but at present, it's their people.

"Who is it?" A roar came from the giant monster's mouth.

He glared at the sky, where the voice just now came from.

The barefoot general followed behind, and also said, "You rat, do you dare to come out?"

The darkness is still spreading, as if to envelop everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a flat voice came from high above:
"I never hide, why dare not come out?"

The voice fell, and the footsteps approached.

Suddenly, a roar came from the night.

A companion demon squeezed through the night at a speed visible to the naked eye and got out.

I saw that the people and demons below were startled.

The companion demon fell to the ground, and there was a bald head in its arms.


But after coming out, the companion demon was relieved.

It seems a little excited.

The giant demon didn't care about the appearance of the companion demon, but looked up at the crack.

There was a person walking out slowly.

"This is our grievance with human beings." The giant monster said coldly.

At this time, the figure walked into the night sky, and he looked down at the giant monster and said, "This is the night."

"So what?" The giant monster revealed a violent aura.

Xu Jian smiled slightly. At this time, he stood in the air, and the night behind him condensed into a throne. Then he sat down slowly and said:

"Night, I am walking."

Hearing this, the barefoot general who originally wanted to shout was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to back away.

The giant monster shook its flesh, let out a low growl, and jumped up, swinging the huge bone hammer in its hand.

"Death to me!"

Xu Jian looked at the opponent's attack and stretched out his hand to gently pinch it.

In an instant, the night seemed to grow a giant hand to catch the giant monster.

Between breaths, the giant monster was caught by this hand.

He roared, and the shock erupted on his body, trying to shatter the giant hand of the night.

However, the giant hand produced countless spikes.

Pierced into the giant monster's body.

A huge sound wave shook all directions and rushed towards Xu Jian.

The people below were startled.

However, Xu Jian, who was sitting high on the throne, raised his hand slightly, and the night wrapped him up.

Sonic couldn't get close to him.

Immediately after, he shook his palm heavily.


The giant monster was pinched and exploded in the air.

Blood was scattered on the ground.

At this time, he just repeated the sentence just now: "Dark night, I am walking."

For a moment, the night surged, as if to swallow everything completely.

Both Xinyue and the others, as well as the demon spirit, were frightened by this feeling.

The night rules.

It was the noun that came to all of their minds.

At this moment, he stood up and looked down at the army of demon spirits.

For a moment, Yecheng's auxiliary formation surged.

With the help of the dark night, the auxiliary formation reached its peak.

Then the night condensed the stone pillars, and the formation suppressed the demon spirit.

After doing this, Xu Jian disappeared in mid-air.

Xin Yue and the others naturally also noticed the weakness of the demon spirit, and immediately cheered up.

On the other side, Guan Yi, who had escaped originally, came back again.

When they saw the Lord of the Night appearing just now, they were frightened to death.

Come back as soon as possible.

Because the road ahead is dark.

They know that if they go forward, they will undoubtedly die.

Can only come back and continue to kill.

At this time, Xu Jian's figure slowly appeared in the city, and Xia Lu was beside him.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to do it, but that he can't do it anymore.

In the passage, he spent a lot of spiritual energy.

Now it costs a lot more.

has been hollowed out.

If you continue to stay, it will be dangerous.

He is still a mysterious person, as long as he is not seen.

Then everything will be deterred.

"Brother Xu, your face is a little pale." Xia Lu had just been hidden.

Have no idea what's going on.

He knew that the companion demon had left.

"Go back first."

Xu Jian said.

Liu Yu should be back in these two days, and he just took the opportunity to be promoted.

Let the other party know that if you don't see each other for three days, you will be amazed.

The overall situation outside the city has been decided.

It is difficult for the demon spirit to do anything under his dark night.

Of course, unless Yu Wenlie lost.

Otherwise, the army of demon spirits would not be able to break through the defense he had set up.

The night will last.

After returning to his residence, Xu Jian began to meditate to recover.

Xia Lu couldn't leave.

Need to stay here, maintain the channel.

Wait for everything to settle before closing the channel.

Eliminate the effects of.

This Xu Jian didn't know it, but he couldn't, but it didn't mean that the miraculous father couldn't.

March NO.30.

Xu received the news.

The army of demon spirits was defeated.

Moreover, Yuwen's family has captured more than 1 demon spirits, and they have already locked them up.

It's not so dangerous outside anymore.

Seeing this, Xu Jian used the method taught by his father to seal Xia Lu's space.

After doing this, the night fades away.

Xin Yue who was on the phone froze in place, and some people around her were also shocked.

Just reported the situation, and the sky changed.

What kind of means is this?

Qiu Zhengping felt lucky about his decision.

Pang Xia felt that Brother Fool was really good at seeing people.

I recognized a good adoptive father.

And Xu Jian also got the fourth-rate visualization figure after telling his father about the situation.

But this time is different.

Engraving requires a special scene.

"What scene?"

"It's not necessarily necessary, but if there is, it will increase the success rate. As for the scene, I told you before that you need a demon spirit."

Demon spirit?

Xu Jian was a little surprised, and then looked at the stone slab that his father sent over.

There is a figure engraved on it, which is different from before.

He sat high on the throne, looking down, like a king in the world.

After Xu Jian sensed it, four big characters appeared in his mind - Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters. .

(End of this chapter)

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