Chapter 35 The Juggernaut's Blank
Five Elements Enlightenment Fist, the starting momentum is windy, and the closing momentum is light.

Rigid and soft, very digestible.

When he practiced before, he didn't feel it yet.

It also shows that the practice was wrong at that time, and now with the spiritual energy, it seems that it can turn decay into magic.

Anyway, I feel that this boxing technique is extremely good.

When he finished playing once, he began to watch Xia Lu play.

After a while, Xia Lu was stopped by him, and then he pointed out the problem.

When there is no problem, let him fight by himself.

After a few sets, the whole person collapsed from exhaustion.

"Brother Xu, I can't take it anymore." Xia Lu lay down on the ground.

Practicing boxing at home is not so tiring.

Sure enough, it can only be deployed outside.

Xu Jian sat on the side and didn't care.

Xia Lu has no aura, so it is indeed harder.


Suddenly a dog barked.

Xu Jian followed the trend.

I saw a black dog barking non-stop towards the air, not only that, but also running around.

"Oh, Natto, please be quiet." A girl in her early twenties pulled the dog with difficulty.

Xu Jian also felt something was wrong at this time, and that feeling came again.

It was as if there was light coming.

This time the speed of light is very fast and it is moving fast.

After a while, the light roared past behind him.

Looking back, there was nothing.

At this time, the black dog ran towards this side quickly and broke free from its owner.

"Natto." The girl shouted in panic.

Worried about the dog messing around.

Xia Lu was also taken aback, and quickly jumped up, it would be bad if the dog went crazy and bit him.

Seeing that the dog was about to rush forward, Xu Jian grabbed the dog's leash.

With a crash, the dog flew back upside down.

But Xu Jian was as stable as Mount Tai, and his feet didn't move.

Xia Lu was stunned.

Can this boxing be done like this?

If you think about it carefully, it is true. Brother Xu's fists are powerful, and the wind howling.

So handsome, he'll have to keep practicing.

Xu Jian heaved a sigh of relief, this dog is really sensitive, and he has noticed it all.

The other dogs were completely unaware.

I just don't know what will happen if the dog catches up with it, normally it will be unlucky.

It is clear at a glance which is stronger and weaker between a demon and a normal dog.

"Thank you, thank you." At this moment, the young woman ran over, thanking her non-stop.

Xu Jian lifted the dog leash and handed it to the other party: "It's okay, it's easy to do."

"Thank you, thank you so much." The girl still nodded her thanks.

Xu Jian didn't say anything.

In fact, it is not the other party's reason, but the dog's high spirituality.

"Natto, thank you yet." The girl kicked the black dog.

The dog glanced at Xu Jian and lowered his head.

"This dog is really spiritual." Xu Jian couldn't help saying.

"Yeah, natto is not usually like this, it is very human." The girl explained.

Xu Jian nodded.

In fact, he knows more.

At this time, there were some people around, and a little girl who followed the old man asked, "Uncle, you were practicing martial arts just now, are you a hero?"

"Hero?" Xu Jian looked over, he was a four or five-year-old kid: "No, do you want to guess?"

"Ah?" The girl looked puzzled: "How do you guess this?"

"Let me give a demonstration, and you can guess." Xu Jian stretched out his hand and turned it back and forth.

There is nothing.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed it in the air, spread it out again, and a candy appeared in his hand.

"Wow." The girl exclaimed.

"Hold your hands, hold both hands together, and leave a space in the middle." Xu Jian said, looking at the girl three meters away.

The girl complied.

It took so long to hold the candy again.

Then it blew.

Immediately spread out.

At this point, the candy has disappeared.

"Missing?" the girl asked.

Xu Jian smiled and said, "Show your hands and have a look."

Puzzled, the girl spread her hand, and at this moment, the candy in Xu Jian's hand was lying in her hand.

In an instant, the girl jumped up in surprise.

The people around were also shocked.

How did this change?

"Do you know who I am now?" Xu Jian asked.

"Magician." The girl replied immediately.


"what is that?"


Xu Jian replied with a smile.

He didn't say it out, leaving blank is what a magician should do.

If anything, his mentality is different now.

Before, we looked at mountains as mountains, but now we look at mountains as mountains.

From form to God.

The woman holding the black dog looked astonished, she thought this magic was unscientific.

But the other party also said that this is not magic, what is it?

Xu Jian ignored him and left with Xia Lu.

Go in the direction the demon left.

Just now he noticed the demon again, which is not a good thing.

In normal times, maybe you don't need to care about it, but Xia Lu is here again.

Now he once suspected that Xia Lu had the physique of attracting monsters.

Not long after leaving, Xia Lu immediately asked, "What happened to Brother Xu just now? I want to learn this trick."

"Show your girlfriend how to change?" Xu Jian glanced at him.

"Brother Xu also found his cousin by this trick?" Xia Lu felt that he had finally found out.

Xu Jian didn't speak, let him make up his mind.

At this time, his cell phone vibrated suddenly, and it turned out that there was a private message from the live broadcast platform.

It's a sword that asks the sky.

After reading the content, Xu Jian felt a little headache.

"Recently I got news that there are a lot of them in Yecheng, maybe something is going to happen, you'd better not go.

If you want to know, you can probably ask me, I know a lot.

By the way, you'd better delete the video, otherwise more and more people will find you. "

Not so good.

This One Sword Asking Heaven may really know a lot.

As soon as he said that, he met a demon.

Now that I met another one, the other party sent another reminder.

As for contacting the other party, Xu Jian didn't have this idea, so he should ask his father first.

arrive home.

He sent a message to Dad.

He talked about asking the sky with a sword, and seeing a demon in the park.

"This person is forcing you to admit your identity as a magician, and even lured you to ask with news.

It seems to be testing.

In fact, your identity as a cultivator has been confirmed. "Xu Youyan replied the message.

"Why?" Xu Jian asked.

"Because you just can't look back, normal people have already started asking." Xu Youyan replied.

Xu Jian: "."

It seems to be the case.

"So don't pay too much attention to it, just watch what he posts, and he only knows that you are an ordinary magician, he doesn't know that you have a magic weapon.

I also don't know the function of the magic weapon.

In addition, the materials have already been obtained, and after a while, I will give the second magic weapon.

It can improve your strength a bit. "Xu Youyan said good news.

Seeing this, Xu Jian heaved a sigh of relief. With his father's support, he would be much more calm when dealing with people.

It's just that I make more money. If I don't have money to buy water and food for my dad, then I'm done.

"What magic weapon is this time?"

"You'll know then."

Xu Jian felt a little disappointed, but didn't say anything.

"Leaving aside this, the two times you saw Yao, were they by Xia Lu's side?" Xu Youyan asked.

"Yes, and Yi Jian Wen Tian said that there are many Ye Cheng, what is going to happen?" Xu Jian was quite concerned.

(End of this chapter)

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