The road to the Dragonspine Mountains is long. After Imrik asked his wife to go to the temple first, the Phoenix King traveled alone among the rugged mountains.

The dark clouds retreated, the roar gradually subsided, and the steam surged through the cracks...

Walking alone after a long time reminded him of many things and gave him a premonition that many things were about to happen.

It was half a month after Imrik left Lothern that he finally arrived at the temple.

"Your Majesty..." Creon, standing at the gate of the temple, had been waiting for a long time, staring at the dragon lord who was slowly walking towards him from the foot of the mountain.

"Yeah." Imrik nodded, but did not walk into the temple gate immediately. He raised his hand and invited the captain of the guard to walk around the temple.

The king and his subject, who had known each other for a long time, strolled along the gravel road surrounding the temple.

Imrik stroked the rough rock wall of the temple with his fingertips. This building was the result of the hard work of many people. It was very likely that in the future, it would become a religious sanctuary open to Caledor, rather than just a building that provided safety as it did today...

"Creon, let's talk about my daughter Gladys and whether she is adapting well here.

There is no mistake... I am an arbitrary head of the family who puts the continuation of the family first and does not take into account the feelings of the couple. "

"As far as I know, Gladys is in a very stable mood... Both the court psychologist and Lord Belannaer believe that your daughter..." Creon was still a little uncomfortable with this title, and paused for a moment: "She is in very good health, except that she is weak and has difficulty moving in the late pregnancy... Of course, this is a problem that almost every woman will have, so you don't need to worry."

"Sure enough?"

Creon hesitated for a moment, then asked a very minor question: "Miranda told me... Of course, I had no intention of listening."

"Don't waste your time, Creon. I will judge all the circumstances and make...reasonable decisions."

"Gladys is a little worried about the child's future. This is mainly due to rumors from other palaces and the fact that the Caledo family is so small... She thinks you might bring the child to the Phoenix Court to raise him from a young age."

"Nonsense." Imrik judged this ridiculous idea without hesitation. "Draknir has been appointed by me as the next Phoenix King. This child may inherit the throne... But before that, he is the Dragon Prince of Caledor and should receive the most orthodox dragon court education."

Imric glanced over Creon's face. There was no lack of conspiracy in every court, even in Caledor.

Perhaps some people hope to see the Phoenix King change from being elected to being hereditary, so that they can grasp their own expectations for their descendants and let other kingdoms understand that the Phoenix King is training a third generation of successors...

As long as there is opposition or resistance, no matter what the reason is, your strong personality will only make the misunderstanding deeper and deeper.

After all, the current Phoenix King is also considering this matter... but the time has not yet come for it to be realized.

"Creon, I hope you said this because of Miranda's revelation... not some unfounded rumors.

I don't want anyone interfering in the internal affairs of the Caledor family, do you understand?"

Creon's palms clenched slightly. His thoughts were seen through. After witnessing the honor brought by Imrik, they hoped that this honor would remain in Caledor forever.

Royal power may be eternal, but the person who wears the crown will always change, and the Dragon Princes don't want this to happen.

The captain of the guard lowered his head and took a step back, "We have overstepped our authority."

Imrick nodded. It was not uncommon for such thoughts to arise. He did not blame the captain of the guard for his thoughts. Intentions and actions were two different things.

"Let's get back to the topic just now. How is Gladys doing?" "From what I understand, Gladys's condition is very stable. Your concerns seem... overly cautious."

The Flame Knight Captain's perspective...

Imrick nodded slowly, thinking it was fully understood. Security, politics, and influence were the captain of the guard's primary considerations, which did not include the feelings of the prince's wife.

Just like Ingersoll always carries a nightingale with him, nominally to find a companion who can be close to his soul, but in reality it is a pet.

Many dragon princes' attitudes towards Gladys are similar to the relationship between Ingersoll and Nightingale...

"Well, continue with your duties."


Knowing that His Majesty might not be in a good mood, Creon took a few steps back and left with a determined back.

Perhaps the Flame Knights have some small thoughts, but their duties will not change. If there is any problem with this child, they will be regarded as a disgrace to the family.

The Phoenix King stood alone outside the temple, pondering for a long time, and finally looked back at the temple.

"Mr. Mi, what do you think about our daughter?"

A huge black dragon's skull emerged from the shadows of the temple tower and floated directly above the brat's head.

"Let me correct you. Strictly speaking, she is not my daughter... nor is she your daughter.

Creon is right, Gladys is in good health, and if there is no external interference, the delivery will go smoothly...but I can sense that she is uneasy."

"Uneasy?" Imrick was a little puzzled.

"It's hard for you to understand this feeling." Minasnil's eyes slanted downward, and he said naturally: "After all, you are not a qualified husband."

"I won't deny that. I owe Etila a lot...but what is the reason for the uneasiness you mentioned?"

“Draknir is a qualified monarch, husband, leader, and scholar... He is like an energetic Silver Moon Dragon who can handle everything properly.

Tell me, Imrick, what job do you hate the most?

"Of course, there are the never-ending family disputes, administrative management, and personnel transfers..."

“Yes, Atila took over the job you hated. Since you got married, she has smoothly become the mistress of the dragon’s court... But Draknir is perfect, so perfect that he would not be disgusted by any job.

Many people understand that Atila does not belong to Caledor. She is the prince of Terenlock. Because of this sense of distance, they respect and love her, but Gladys... this little girl, do you think she will feel a sense of belonging to Caledor? Her only bond in the Dragon Kingdom is her husband.

And her husband's perfection made her only able to..." Minasnil paused for a moment and said a word that was not too euphemistic: "Become a vassal."

Imrick looked thoughtful, raised his head and looked at Lao Mi and said:
"You think she is unwilling..."

"It's not that she's unwilling, but she seems to want to do something for her husband... As a mother, not just a descendant of the Caledor family, Gladys." (End of this chapter)

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