The noise that broke out on the top floor of the temple attracted a lot of attention in the command post.

Shadow King Aris crossed his arms and squinted his eyes, seeming to be deep in thought about something.

After a long while, he slowly said: "It might be a mistake for you to put him in..."

"Maybe." Imrik did not deny it. He had already felt the gazes of the Chaos Gods coming. Four vague wills, with a look of amusement, all cast towards the Death Island where the whirlpool was located.

At the same time, the four great demons seemed to have passed through some of the aftermath and headed towards the temple at the center of the incident...


"His Majesty."

"3,600 meters northwest of the temple, the ever-changing Lord of Tzeentch, Sasoril Eternal Watch, is your target."

Although he was still in a daze, when he heard that it was a battle, Oliveira already understood what the so-called game of gods was.

The Blade Lord of Edrezer will face a fierce battle.

But Oliveira nodded and accepted the order without any hesitation.

"Your will."

Oliveira left quickly, causing the remaining three to narrow their eyes and wonder if they could win. The best arrangement was naturally to let Tigris fight against the Lord of Change, but Imrik seemed to be preparing for some alternative arrangements.

"Aris, 7,300 meters southeast, Khorne Blood Fist, this is your target."

The Shadow King did not agree immediately. If he wanted to kill a bloodthirsty demon, it would probably take several days or even longer.

Imrick doesn't want to win, he's probably just trying to delay time.

"You think the real focus is on the Island of the Dead?"

"Well, the Horned Rat is very serious about this plan. The Chaos Gods who came to the Dragonspine Mountains...mostly have a gaming mentality. As long as Eltharion can stabilize the situation on the Isle of the Dead, the results will appear."

The Shadow King thought for a moment and slowly nodded in agreement with the idea.

"Masno, go and hold back the great demon of Nurgle."


"His Majesty."

The captain of the Phoenix Guard nodded. He was very surprised to be able to join this battle. The Phoenix Guard was not even told that the third generation of Caledor was about to be born.

Originally, they thought that their generation would be the last Phoenix Guardians, but now it seems that His Majesty still has plans.

"Hil Esk... a twisted creation of a demon and a mortal.

Kazhuoyin, if you can defeat him, I will consider recalling you to the Platinum Flame Temple."

Recall the Platinum Flame Temple...

Kazhuo's body shook violently, his calm eyes filled with surprise. He subconsciously wanted to observe the expression of the Phoenix King, but quickly lowered his head.

This is not a simple promise, but a revelation of the truth that happened a hundred years ago, what exactly happened to Asuryan.

This matter has troubled the Phoenix Guard for too long. Are they protecting Asuryan or the Phoenix King... or Imrik?


"Yes." The four men left, leaving only Imrik and Teclis. When Kadroin walked out excitedly, the Supreme Mage said calmly, "He might lose his fighting spirit because of this."

"Then change someone else. I have never tolerated traitors... even if he has never been loyal to me."

"The correct approach is that Kadroin is a footless bird that follows the sun. He blindly follows the footsteps of Asuryan without a trace of concern or obsession."

Tigris nodded calmly, these arrangements had been considered in advance.

Oliveira's confrontation with Tzeentch was nothing more than trying to make him fully understand that the power of the blade was enough to cut through magic.

Trusting the favor of the gods hidden within him, he controls the power that can turn the tide of battle.

Aris and Khorne... In fact, this is clearly to disgust the Blood God. Why does Khorne particularly like to make trouble for Caledor? Because there are many strong people who are good at hand-to-hand combat in the Dragon Kingdom, and when encountering a strong opponent, he particularly likes champion duels.

This trend cannot be changed in a short time. If we let Imrik set an example, I'm afraid he will be the first to attack.

Compared to archery, Aris is not good at close combat, but his hiding, stealth and dodging skills are already at the top of the world. It is very interesting to think about the Bloody Fist of Khorne getting angry at the stone.

Masno vs. Nurgle, when the temperature stops at extremely low levels, the spread of the plague will be slowed down.

Only Kadroin had the intention of testing him. If his obsession was seen through by Slaanesh, his mind, which should have been flawless under the blessing of Asuryan's power, would have a flaw.

If Hill Esk cannot defeat him, Imrick will end his duties once and for all when he is recalled to the Temple of Platinum Flame.

"Teclis... there is no need to say more between you and me. Since we rushed towards the Great Crusade two hundred years ago, you and I have been steadfast allies."

"What do you want to say? I don't think you are one who likes to talk about friendship." Teclis stared at the Phoenix King. He rarely heard such words from Imrik.

Often when people say things like this, it means the situation is not good.

"If... suppose something happens to me, I hope you can support my child, Drakniel.

He is still young, but he has proven that he has the ability to inherit my throne. Perhaps one day I will not be able to keep my oath..."

"You are saying something nonsense." Teclis interrupted Imrik's strange speech without hesitation: "You are the monarch of the elves. Before his death, Aenarion was still determined that he would rule the elves forever. Malekith did not get the orthodox claim from him until his death...

Don't be as pessimistic as your offspring. "

Perhaps it was a comfort, but perhaps it was also a warning from Teclis. The Supreme Mage did not want to talk about this matter any more. He wiped the table with his hand, and a map of Ulthuan appeared.

"Rather than worrying about who will inherit the throne, you should be thinking about how to stop those cowards from coveting Ulthuan.

Eltharion has blocked the Lothern Strait, but this is far from enough. The power of Amanar alone cannot completely stop the rat submarines from entering the deep sea...

The Abyssal Kraken of the Druzy Tamer... the sea dragons secretly raised by Caledor. It is time to build the first line of defense. "

Those prophecies made Imrik feel pressured, but what Teclis said made sense. He shouldn't think about these trivial things before dying.

Taking a deep breath and stopping the fantasies in his mind, the Phoenix King returned to his usual calm state.

The entire War Council was contacted from the command post consisting of only two people.

"Eltharion, you and Tyrion will immediately go to the Isle of the Dead and blockade the island's coast with your troops.

Arao, send your beast trainers to work with the abyss sirens raised by Druzy to block the bottom of the Strait of Lothern. The beast army raised by the Royal Navy of Caledor will obey your command throughout the process.

Gilgarion... This time, I hope you understand that if Arion remains neutral, I will visit the Pegasus court again.

Have your riders patrol the entire Inner Ring coastline. If a ratman lands in Ulthuan and digs an unsightly hole... Your series of strategic mistakes since the Battle of Finuval Fields have not been without consequences." (End of this chapter)

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