Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1207: The Mistake of the Demon Swordsman Talarian

"Magic Swordsman Talarion... you made a mistake."

The magic swordsman who was fortune-telling turned around with a little panic and looked at Alfonso who suddenly appeared.

Alfonso was already old. After the civil war ended and the elven pantheon was severely damaged, the power of Hoeth could no longer keep him healthy. He was forced to end his wandering of the world and return to Ulthuan to wait for the end of his life.

"Mr. Alfonso... I don't know why I suddenly said those things. Originally, all this might not have happened..."

Talarion fell to his knees and begged for Aisha's forgiveness.

He raised a question. At the final stage of the divination ceremony, when he saw Ulthuan being invaded by the Skaven and the entire island was plunged into war, as a knowledgeable magic swordsman, he couldn't help but extend his thoughts and consider why the Skaven did this.

In the end, the old woman's staff revealed to him something that should not have been revealed. A rat-like evil god with long horns broke through the barrier of the whirlpool and turned the entire mortal world into a source of power...

Ulthuan was also burned by this power. The magic and honor that it once prided itself on became a pathetic joke in the face of the Chaos God.

This thought, this thought that revealed that the Horned Rat would break through the Great Vortex and absorb the magical winds of the entire world, allowed the prophecy to move forward to the next step.

If Talarion had not seen that scene, the crisis in Ulthuan would have been nothing more than an invasion by the Skaven... But when he saw this scene, the evil god's unknowable concept had already caused the tentacles of the Horned Rat to reach out to the mortal world.

Alfonso slowly walked to Talarion's side, holding the greatsword upright in front of him. The weapon, which was glowing with a cold light, was absorbing the wind of magic, revealing the current situation on the Island of Death.

The fearless rats charged at the War Lord's army with their lives and blood. Submarines that had been shattered into pieces floated on the sea, and there were also sea dragons and abyss sirens whose bodies had been bitten off by the floating rats.

No one knows how many people are hiding in one of the rats' submarines. They are like a tide that infiltrates the entire ocean. No one knows how many submarines the rats have prepared. The once extremely stingy Skuri clan uses a warp stone bullet as the price, showing the warlords the engineers' ability to ruthlessly exploit.

But this time, their precious dimensional stone weapons were piled up like garbage near Death Island.

The elves were very brave, especially the Mistwalkers under Eltharion. They were few in number, but under the banners of the guardians and the loud cries of the stormwings, they displayed amazing fighting power and will.

Spears, swords, bows and arrows... In order to adapt to the development of the battle situation, a siege support team that can sneak and hide in any terrain has become the core force of the new generation of Mist Walkers.

Under Juan's guidance, the artillery charged with energy stones was designed as a small-caliber individual mortar mode, specifically designed to deal with the harsh combat environment of the Mist Walker...

Knight Tar Gawor flew with the dragon on the edge of the maelstrom. Every meter forward carried fatal risks. The never-dispersing fog of his hometown Yvresse was like a children's paradise compared to the Isle of Death.

Looking up at the sky, the violent magical wind seemed to be condensing into an eight-force storm covering an area of ​​several thousand meters. Every time it flew, it was a passage with death.

Blood seeped into the ocean from the coastline of Death Island. It could be the blood of elves or it could be the blood of ratmen. No one cared about it anymore.

They only think about one thing - winning.

"For the Horned Rat! The Council of Thirteen must win!" A white-haired rat wrapped in a steel shell, holding a strange halberd-like dimensional stone weapon, shouted wildly, and a large amount of green dimensional stone flames gushed out of the steel sprinkler-like object in his left hand. "The Moss clan is the greatest! Pointy-eared thing, DIE, DIE!" The warlord in red armor seemed to be stained with blood. With a machete and a chisel, it was actually a storm rat wearing the same scarlet outfit, breaking through the line of the Sea Guard.

"Tyrion! The left wing has been defeated, and a group of red rats have broken through Nadrik's line!"

The adjutant's roar made Tyrion stop observing the Maelstrom. He was a little uneasy just now, feeling that something terrible was going to happen. After the battle broke out, he changed his usual habit of charging first and actually observed the situation of the Maelstrom.

"Flag," Tyrion whispered, his hand already on the Sunsword.

The flags of the rats often represent their fighting style. Based on the analysis of war preparations in the royal court over the years, Tyrion knew very well that if this group of red rats were from the Clan Eshin, he would better let them retreat a distance, free up space, and then strangle them with bows and arrows.

"The messy red triangle mark is the Moss clan."

Clan Mors... a newly rising powerful force. The four original clans of Skaven each symbolize the terrifying side of rats.

The Mordel Corruption are masters of blasphemous flesh, twisting the flesh of their enemies into wretched creatures bathed in the unholy aura of the Horned Rat.

Scully symbolizes the Skaven's bizarre imagination and crazy thinking, the combination of magic and technology, and the creation of machines designed only for killing.

Clan Eshin specializes in assassination, skilled in the most insidious and traditional ways of the rat race, striking the fatal blow from the shadows to the unwary.

Pestilen has been destroyed, but there are still some remaining traces. The ratmen are the cancer of the world, and the Plague Clan is the cancer of the ratmen.

The four major clans have different strengths and weaknesses, and their strengths and weaknesses are very obvious... The Moss clan, which has just replaced Pestilen, is famous for its brave and fearless clan rats. On this basis, it has integrated the characteristics of the four major clans to form a very distinctive warlord force.

"Red rats?" Tyrion thought for a moment and shifted his attention from the Maelstrom to the ground of the Island of the Dead. He seldom came into contact with ratmen, and the most he had seen in his life were the ratman specimens used for research in the White Tower of Hoeth.

But this does not affect the blood of Aenarion, who has the power to crush the ratmen...

A simple conversion formula, Queek Headhunter, the Eight Peaks God of War, who is most praised as the most brave and fearless among the Skaven and has the strongest fighting spirit, wet his pants when facing the Great Demon Skarbrand of Khorne and made a shameful move of running away.

Before Malekith started the War in Heaven, he personally chopped off Skarbrand's head during the Siege of Naggarond.

Tyrion was able to defeat the Witch-King twice by force before he drew the Sword of Khaine...

This means that Quick, who peed his pants in front of Skarbrand, would probably not have a good outcome in front of Tyrion.

Tyrion waved his hand back, signaling the Silver Helmets who had followed him for many years to assemble. He wanted to let the Skaven rats know that Ulthuan could not be violated. (End of this chapter)

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