Eltharion is still in command. During the hundred years as a war lord, his job is to analyze the possible enemies he may encounter.

It is the duty of every Asur to protect Ulthuan... but it is the duty of every Elf to strengthen the Empire.

His authority was high enough to borrow 98 percent of the ratmen's combat records from the Dragon Palace. He analyzed all the intelligence about the ratmen, from the Snake-Rat Holy War, the Badlands, the Withered Swamp...

Of course, the remaining 2% caused some omissions in his analysis. For example, the huge meteorite symbolizing the end of the Snake and Rat Holy War and the information about how Lord Pestilen died were absolute secrets kept in the Dragon Palace and kept by Draconian himself. Any snooping on this information might cause negative effects.

In summary, Eltharion believes that to deal with the ratmen, one must have the advantage with absolute faith and will. They can easily flee, but before that, how to resist the endless rats is a problem that needs to be considered.

Apart from their numerical advantage and weird magical mechanical technology, Eltharion believed that the rats had no advantage over the elves... provided that it did not involve tunnel warfare. Even Caledor, who had fought with ratmen and greenskins for a long time, had made little achievement in tunnel warfare.

Several rat trolls were wreaking havoc on the battlefield, so Eltharion dispatched several Tar Ghevor knights to snipe them. The weapons squad of the Skryre clan had fierce firepower and mixed in with the storm rats to shoot. He then ordered the Mage Corps to carry out saturation bombing.

The Storm Rats' line was extremely tenacious, and the meat grinder battle on the front line was extremely intense... Regarding this, Eltharion really had no better solution, and could only send a team of Hoeth Swordmasters to act as meat grinders to let the rats know what the art of combat was.

Overall, the intensity of the battle did not exceed the war lord's expectations.

At least half of the ratmen's submarines were broken into pieces and drifted in the Lothern Strait...

He felt very strange as he looked at the gradually decreasing number of ratmen, their increasingly red eyes, and their fearless fighting courage.

This is different from the racial habits of the ratmen. Even though this grassroots soldier is a storm rat assault force and is elite, they still fight tenaciously despite suffering one-third of casualties...

Eltharion looked up at the huge vortex connecting the sky, feeling a little uneasy...

I am the War Lord, and matters concerning the Maelstrom should be handled by professionals...

He is a mage, and therefore more sensitive to the flow of magical winds than Tyrion. The key point is definitely not the battle on the land of Dead Island, but the huge whirlpool above the sky.

But Saphire's delay in taking action made the War Lord feel more and more nervous. He handed over the command to Cavill temporarily, and Eltharion contacted Teclis in the Dragonspine Mountains.

"Teclis, the situation in the Maelstrom... You should know the response measures of the White Tower of Hoeth."

Teclis, who was standing on the top of the mountain, seemed to be able to see the chaotic whirlpool of the Isla de Muerta through the obstruction of the Annulli Mountains.

The Supreme Sorcerer spoke indifferently, as if this matter of vital importance to the world was just a irrelevant matter to him.

"Mr. Alfonso, we are already handling it..."

"Alfonso? You and your teacher are both in Caledor?" Eltharion didn't know what to say for a moment. Before the war, he thought that at least one of Belannaar and Teclis would stay in Saphiri.

If this is the case, then what happened in Caledor is probably more important to the Phoenix King than the crisis on the Isle of the Dead. Teclis did not respond directly. The problem of the Skaven invasion was not difficult to solve. After a hundred years of recuperation, and... by constantly plundering resources from all over the world to feed back to Ulthuan, the elves have vaguely returned to their former strength.

The real problem is how to cut off the sharp claws of the horned evil god extending to the mortal world. Imrik does not want to do something like ordering a magic swordsman to sacrifice voluntarily, and prepares to confront the giant horned rat head-on.

But after some discussion, the three Saphri, Teclis, Belannaar and Alfonso, made the difficult decision to let Talarion accompany Caledor Dragontamer. As long as the last elf who witnessed the appearance of the horned evil god in Ulthuan disappeared, the prophecy would end.

This is also an attempt. Today, the White Tower of Hos is trying to extract something from the whirlpool.

Caledor Dragontamer, according to Imrik's description, appeared to the descendants many times.

In the Maelstrom, besides Caledor the Dragon Tamer, there is another will...

Of course, the White Tower of Hoeth was not thinking of saving the big golden guy stuck in the toilet. They were just very interested in the knowledge possessed by Caledor Dragon Tamer. If Talarion could enter the Maelstrom alive and appear in the mortal world in some way after a period of adaptation, the White Tower of Hoeth would organize more experiments.

"Talarion has headed for the Isle of the Dead. He must defeat the Skaven army as quickly as possible. The Council of Archmages will hold a ceremony to send him and the Old Woman's Staff into the Maelstrom."

Eltharion tried to ask for details, but was quickly cut off by Teclis.

For the first time, the Watcher shook his head helplessly. He was called the cold and handsome eagle, but the heart of the eagle was sincere and passionate. Teclis...except for his brother Tyrion, he was rarely seen to show emotion about anything.

Carvel turned around and asked Eltharion: "What is the response of the Supreme Mage... I don't think that defeating the ratmen army means that the crisis is over."

Eltharion shook his head without giving any explanation. "Our duty is to defeat the Skaven army. The rest will be handled by the White Tower of Hoeth... Where are the Phoenix Guard? I need them to deliver the final blow to the Skaven."

"We can let the Mist Walkers..." Cavill reminded that the appearance of the Phoenix Guard was purely to make up the numbers. There were more than 200 people urgently transferred from the Platinum Flame Temple.

In fact, the Mist Walker is fully capable of doing this job, but the War Lord has a slightly different opinion. He is a more traditional elf and thinks that Kadroin may have made some mistakes, but the sacred Phoenix Guard should not be neglected.

When the blessed guards fight in important battles and defeat the enemies invading Ulthuan, I believe it will change the Phoenix King's attitude towards them.

"Let the Phoenix Guard attack...Kavill, we are part of the elves. We should not do irrational things for a little selfish desire."

Cavill turned sideways, with his back to Eltharion, and couldn't stop sighing.

You are a war lord, but you are the Phoenix King. How to decide the Phoenix Guard is not your turn as Prince Yvresse to care. It's all a game of divine power...

"Well, let's hurry up... The White Tower of Hos will definitely hold a ceremony, and we need to clean up the dimensional stone energy of Death Island as soon as possible." (End of this chapter)

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