Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1212: Conversation between Teachers and Students

A few hours later, Belannar put down the quill in his hand and looked back at Katerin who was studying seriously.

Normally the old wizard would not disturb the progress of his students, but in the past, he would pay close attention to Katerin and want to see why a human being could have such a high talent.

But now time is running out, so let's keep things simple.

"Katerin, regarding the idea you proposed last time, building a magic wall around Kislev using the earth vein energy as the source, I have been thinking about it for a while..."

"Do you think it's feasible?" Katerin's eyes were filled with uneasiness. This was the first time she had spoken to Belanna about this topic.

A person with a strong sense of self-esteem desires recognition from others, especially when that person is her mentor. This urgency is very strong.

Under the expectant gaze of his students, Belanna sighed helplessly. He didn't want to hit Katerin, but the situation was very bad.

"It's difficult. This is a project no less difficult than the Ulthuan Waystone Network... The most difficult part is the anti-chaos energy material. As far as I know, the only magical creations that can effectively resist chaos corruption and can be mass-produced are Waystones and Obelisks..."

As Belannaar explained, Katerin felt more and more disappointed. Is it really impossible? Her idea was to build a magical wall at the pass of the Norse Mountains and the World's Edge Mountains to resist the invasion of Chaos from the northeast.

There are still many places that can serve as buffer zones between the Troll Kingdom and the Hell Pit, but Praag's location naturally determines that if the tragedy of the Great Holy War is staged again, the entire kingdom will be in crisis.

"But you don't have to be too disappointed. The Dragon Court holds a technology that is more effective in countering Chaos than the Guidestone... Although I know the content of this technology, I cannot explain the principle to you." Belanna took a sip of tea and glanced at Catherine, and found that she was still waiting.

"You are my student... Although it is a bit forced, I hope you can stay on the right track. Normally, during teaching, I will let students focus on the things in front of them, but as the next Tsar, you have a heavy responsibility... on your shoulders.

Ulthuan is a place where all kinds of talented people gather, and there are often some visiting officials in the Dragon Palace... You can think about how to use your status to gain some influence. I don't think Draconir will have any ideas about this matter."

"You mean...I should move around the palace more often?"

"This is my advice... If you believe that magic and knowledge are of primary importance, you can ignore this advice."

Katerin thought for a moment, then nodded and thanked Belannaar.

"I'll consider it, if only for Kislev."


Imrik, who was playing with his grandson in the garden, felt for the first time that the flowerbed that his wife had carefully cultivated was so pleasing to the eye, especially when Menil tied a bunch of red okra in his hair. The Phoenix King could only smile and hug him.

"My lovely child, do you want your grandfather to be laughed at? How can a Phoenix King wear a flower on his head?"

Menil sat on his grandfather's shoulders, inserting flowers into his grandfather's long hair with his tender little hands, and said in a baby voice, "It looks good."

"Well, you are my grandson after all." As the flowers handed over by the maid became more and more colorful, the Phoenix King's crown became more and more unique, until it looked like a peacock.

While the grandfather and grandson were getting along peacefully, a baby dragon, about the size of a large dog, ran out from the flowers, waving its limbs vigorously, as if trying to escape from something.

Imrik bent down and grabbed the dragon cub's tail, making it hang upside down, with a frown on his face: "Palamos, I've said this many times... If you don't want to become a smoked dragon steak, you'd better not hang around in the garden." The dragon cub kept waving its forelimb claws, as if trying to escape the clutches of the dragon lord: "Imrik, you only know how to tease your grandson all day long, and you don't consider the living conditions of us dragon cubs, Mina..."

Before Paramus could finish his roar, Menil jumped off his grandfather's shoulder, hugged the dragon hatchling, and kept stroking its soft scales with his face.

"Play with me."

Imrik loosened his grip, and the dragon cub immediately adjusted its posture, turned over and hugged the elf cub, using its body as a cushion to allow Menil to land safely.

"Do you want to murder me?! I'm a two and a half year old dragon hatchling!"

A breath that was neither painful nor itchy was blew towards Imrik, but unfortunately in his eyes, this seemingly fierce flame was just the breath of a child.

Imrick squatted down and pressed his finger on Paramus' forehead: "Next time, if you dare to continue to destroy the garden, I will throw you into the sea dragon's nest..."

Paramus shuddered and forgot about his game with Menil for a moment. He could only pinch his nose and say, "Yes, I understand."

Imrik was very happy to get a satisfactory answer. He just squatted beside and watched the two kids fighting... until Phyllis arrived.

The maid threw Paramus away, picked up Menil carefully regardless of the sand all over his body, and wiped off the dirt on the child bit by bit. She was furious at what the Phoenix King had done, gnashing her teeth and looking viciously, as if she wanted to eat him.

"He's your grandson, how can he...roll around on the ground like an uneducated peasant child?"

"I said, this is my grandson...so." Imrik stretched out his hand and tried to take away Menil's hug. You are an outsider, why do you always treat Menil as your own child? Isn't this confusing the generations?

"No." Phyllis snorted proudly, turned around and gently hugged Menil, who looked 70% similar to her, and whispered: "Menil, are you tired? Sister will take you back to rest."

"Sister? I'm speechless."

Imrik could only say, you are so shameless, you are an elf who is almost 500 years old, but you still act like a 28-year-old girl.

"Your Majesty the Phoenix King... The War Lord has something important to discuss with you. I hope you will return to Lothern immediately." After Phyllis finished speaking, she happily hugged the child and left. She didn't care about the identity of the chief maid in the royal court, and thought that it was not as important as accompanying Menil.

Eltharion... I guess it's still the same.

Imrick sighed. He probably wouldn't be able to see Menil for a while. He didn't know if he would become more...cute the next time they met.

The Phoenix King, who was supposed to stay, had no choice but to ride his dragon back to Lothern.

But the foresight had allowed the Silver Moon Dragon who brought him to Caledor to immediately flee to the Dragon Spine Mountains under the pretext of returning home to visit relatives when the Phoenix King was teasing his grandson.

At this time, the only way is to find a passing dragon, catch it and use it as a means of transportation.

Unfortunately, when Deathclaw returned to visit his family, he accidentally flew over the edge of the palace, and was then forced by Imrick to fly to Lothern. (End of this chapter)

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