Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1226 Destiny Line

After a while, Kazhuoin came before His Majesty with the Phoenix Guard.

This made Imrik very confused. I ordered you to come here, not the Phoenix Guard.

His Majesty waved his hand, signaling the guards to disperse immediately.

Kazhuoyin remained silent, his eyes dull.

When Menil was born, he was ordered to stop the Chaos Demon. Although the process was a bit tragic, the result was still satisfactory.

He got the chance to return to the Platinum Flame Temple, to pay homage to the Sun Temple that symbolizes eternity, and to witness the wall of destiny.

Asuryan fell silent. This was the truth. What remained in the Platinum Flame Temple was the power that Imrik had been unable to absorb until now. Unless His Majesty completely got rid of his mortal body and turned into an energy life form, that flame would exist forever.

The so-called will of Asuryan has now completely transformed into the will of the Phoenix King.

He is Asuryan, but at the same time he is definitely not Asuryan. This contradictory state caused Kadroin to think about it for a long time, causing a slight mental breakdown.

The end result is that the current Phoenix Guard Captain has completely killed any remaining emotions in his mind, and his pride in being the Chosen of Asuryan has been transformed into absolute obedience.

I do not need to consider who it is, I only need to consider obedience. This is the price of Asuryan's choice.

This thought made Kadroin completely lifeless, like a cold machine walking in the world. Anyone who looked at him could completely feel Asuryan's cold and ruthless heat.

This result made Imrik very satisfied. Perhaps one day Kadroin would understand the reason and abandon Asuryan's will to be a normal person, but perhaps one day he would disappear forever with Asuryan's curse. But all this was not important, because the elves now had only one master.

Imrik waved his hand, hiding Kadroin and himself, leaving two illusions created by divine power in place, and walked slowly towards the place mentioned by the herald.

As for not being familiar with Altdorf, you might not be able to find Gunter Hogan Manor?
The Phoenix King didn't care about this at all. Asuryan's divine power was not simply strong. It had a strong control over chaos. The god who arranged and witnessed fate had already found the Sand of Destiny in the endless timeline.

But it is precisely because he has witnessed too many fates that his heart has become indifferent, indifferent to everything. Imagine if a person saw familiar people die countless times, the living environment turned into ruins, and the world annihilated into tiny dust in the vast universe, he would also feel despair.

Imrick didn't want to tinker with the power of fate, but as long as he whispered the name of Gaunt Hogan Manor in his mind, the timeline would reveal the location of this place to him.

Everything has its destiny. An image of a peaceful manor flashed before his eyes. He saw Lawn and a group of Holy Grail Knights roaring and making noise, that this manor had only been maintained by a few servants for a long time, and that a layer of autumn leaves covered the roof.

Thick green mold and thick juice corroded the entire manor into ruins...

Such is fate... the fate of the Autumn of Altdorf.

The cold fire of divine power disappeared from Imrick's eyes, and following the guidance of the timeline, he arrived at Gaunt Hogan Manor as promised, and met Lawn Leocornwall... and a group of dukes, including the rebels who obeyed Eud Capet's will.

"I thought... you were still at war, knights of Bretonnia. What is the purpose of this secret meeting?"

Laun held the lion shield tightly, and the seriousness in his eyes was like a thousand-pound mountain: "The truth, the truth about Bretonnia." (End of this chapter)

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