Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1236 The poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology

Victor, holding the double-tailed comet pendant tightly, asked a question: "But you still didn't tell me why you asked me to come here."

"I need you to do something... Don't ask what it is. You just need to know that it is far more important than the expedition that seems like a joke at the summit. It concerns the safety of thousands of lives."

"Then why me?"

"I never thought that witch hunters are also people who like to ask trivial questions... You don't need to know now. When the time is right, I will tell you the reason." Imrik didn't say a word about the expedition and motioned Bocachiri to come forward.

"But before that, you need to improve your strength as much as possible... Although I have many ways to turn a mortal into an unrivaled warrior, the heart of a warrior cannot be changed. You need a strong will to complete my mission."

Holding the double-tailed comet pendant tightly, Victor vaguely heard an ancient voice, which was the ancient Logan language.

"Do as he says... the elves are trying to save this endangered world."

Sigma... you finally answered my prayers, but why an elf?!

After much doubt, Victor made up his mind. No matter whether the pendant was real or fake, he could not refuse Imrik's request.

Seeing that Victor was ready to fight, Imrick nodded slightly and made another decision: "I will stay in the empire for a period of time... as short as half a year, or as long as you want.

During this period, any elf or dwarf can serve as your sparring partner. As for the duties of the inner court guard, I believe Carl will understand. "

Before Victor could think, the Phoenix King had already ordered the Flame Knight: "Boca Chiri, start, just don't kill him."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The sword passed across Victor's neck, rubbing against his hair at an incredible speed and leaving a shallow line of blood on his skin.

Boccachiri, who had already drawn his sword, smiled with a relaxed look on his face, and stood in a very relaxed posture: "Let me introduce you again, the Flame Knight Boccachiri, the Chief Swordsman of the Dragon Palace."

The court swordsman's martial arts were among the best in all of Ulthuan. His many years on the battlefield, as well as Imrik's occasional cheats, had allowed Bokachiri's strength to reach a terrifying level.

As soon as Victor drew out his light sword, he was easily suppressed by Boccachiri.

The Flame Knight's impenetrable attack seemed easy to handle, and the alternating rhythm of light and heavy attacks made Victor extremely uncomfortable.

"Light sword... I still don't know what the significance of this weapon is on the battlefield. This is a duel sword that originated in the Southern Kingdom and is designed to adapt to the armorless combat environment in the city.

But do you think this toy can penetrate my armor?"

Victor barely used his heavy sword to block the incoming attack. He did not expect his swordsmanship to be able to resist the Flame Knight. The elves he encountered all had extremely terrifying martial arts skills, but he also had his own unique way.

The biggest advantage of a light sword is that it can be used with one hand, which gives you at least half a body length more than your opponent, and you still have a free hand to do other things.

It was still a pistol, and it was still shot at an incredibly fast speed, but the result was still not as expected.

Bocage easily deflected Victor's thrust, flipping his wrist and cutting the bullet with the blade at an incredible angle. "You should bring a cannon to fight me."

Undoubtedly, this was another crushing game, but what really upset Victor was that after Bokachiri was asked to withdraw by the Phoenix King, another elf with a serious look came.

According to his self-claim, he is the leader of the royal guard, which means... the court swordsman just now is not as good as him.

Exhausted is the best way to describe Victor's current state. He feels weak all over and his arms are shaking from too much fighting.

Imrick was watching the fight between Victor and Creon... It was not correct to call it a fight, it should be called a bullying. The witch hunter had practiced in the Laurent Forest for a while, but obviously he had not yet mastered it, and was just imitating it by muscle memory.

Elvis and Oliveira are both great swordsmen, relying on their unreasonable speed and strength, as well as their impressive martial arts skills to fight, but Victor is obviously not suitable for this style...

Boca Chiri walked silently behind His Majesty and said softly: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that the strength of the witch hunters... will disappoint you."

"Disappointment is not scary, what I worry about is the lack of hope..."

The feeling of loss made the Flame Knights not respond. As the people closest to the monarch, they could deeply feel the urgency hidden in the heart of the Phoenix King. The things he had always been worried about would probably emerge in the near future.

"Go ahead, I hope you won't say some nonsense about humans being idiots."

Although the Flame Knight wanted to say so, he had just clearly heard the communication between His Majesty and humans, and believed that the task assigned to Victor could be better accomplished by giving it to the Dragon Prince.

But Your Majesty must have his own reasons for doing this.

"First of all, it's about physical fitness... Even among humans, Victor is definitely not one with an outstanding physique. I can see that Elvis provided him with a lot of harmless herbs that can improve his physical fitness, but this is far from enough."

"The second is his martial arts. His martial arts are not like the swordsmanship of the Imperial Knights that I remember. It should be a product of a fusion of the dueling swordsmanship of the Southern Kingdom and the swordsmanship of the Imperial nobles. It is suitable for encounters in narrow terrain... I won't comment too much on this aspect. You should be able to see it clearly."

"Finally, it's about experience... Victor's experience seems a little insufficient. A strong will and determination are the foundation, which is a crucial part of a warrior... But when facing some unexpected enemies, lack of countermeasures will quickly put you at a disadvantage."

"Physical fitness..." Imrik thought about it. He had never had this worry before. After the initial Dragon Lord ceremony, his body had turned into a substantial humanoid dragon. A series of subsequent events made his body reach an incredible level.

The quickest solution is to throw Victor into the incubation pool and rely on the court wizard's powerful... forbidden technology to quickly obtain a little golden man.

But the fastest does not mean the best. It would be better to directly confer the title of Asuryan or Sotek’s Chosen One on Victor, so that the improvement will be faster.

If mutation doesn’t work…then let’s rely on technology.

"North, tell the court mage that I need five life-enhancing potions."

North was stunned. Life-enhancing potion? That was a top-secret treasure made from the seeds of the Oak of Ages. Every year, Asrai had to pay tribute to the Phoenix King Court for this.

Making five life-enhancing potions at once means that the thirty years of reserves have been wiped out... (End of this chapter)

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