Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1251 Teammates are Heretics

Leaping, landing, spinning, blood and flesh flying everywhere, this is how Gragrim treats the greenskins. The new generation of dwarves is in no less bad a situation than their ancestors, and under the command of the High King, they launch an unprecedented era of revenge and reckoning.

If the crown is watered in blood, Karak Kadrin is the mountain that stands at the top, an iron peak made of rage and sacrifice.

Victor wanted to help, but the dwarves were moving so quickly between the greenskins that it was difficult to draw his musket, and he was afraid of accidentally injuring friendly forces.

He turned his head and looked back at the priest, and found that the Sotek believers who had originally shown great fighting spirit were now very calm. They wore masks and watched the dwarves fight, and they were just short of holding a small stool and becoming spectators.

“We should help.”

Victor's firm tone made the priest chuckle. He pointed at the dwarf whose figure was difficult to distinguish among the greenskins and said, "Victor, you have to get used to one thing... Since you have been chosen by the Phoenix King, it means that you are different from ordinary people. If you continue to use the previous thinking, it will appear too narrow-minded."

“We are teammates!”

"Because you are a teammate, you should have some trust in your companions... Let me ask you, what was Gragrim's position in the Mountain Kingdom before he joined your team."

"The Warbreaker of Karak Kadrin, a warrior who shared honor and disgrace with the Butcher King."

A strange smile appeared on the priest's face. "Yes, Warbreaker, this title is usually held by the sons of the Dragonbeard Clan. Watch the battle of the future Butcher King carefully... This world is far more vast than you think."

Shadow Walker, who had been listening throughout the process, walked towards the mountains without saying a word. He needed some time to scout the route to Karak Dreadnought.

Many experiences in the badlands have shown that sometimes dwarves are not absolutely reliable. There is a very small chance that the route they solemnly guarantee is correct and they will fall into the encirclement of the greenskins.

The butchers were fighting, the priests were slacking off, and the scouts were walking alone. The witch hunters felt that they could not lead this team any further... or perhaps, the imperial man with the least experience had not yet earned the respect of the other three and was only forced to join this makeshift team under orders.

While Gragrim was killing people, Victor searched for the map in his bag. Although it was a bit crude,...

"Don't look at it. This map is the result of a fool who failed to find a griffin, smeared his snot on the parchment, and said he found a secret path to Karak Dreadnought, and sold it to you fools for a high price."

Holding up the old sheepskin map, Victor said angrily: "This is a map drawn by the royal hunter of Altdorf. There is no way it can be wrong!"

"Really? You'll know soon."

The worshipper who was fishing opened the ceramic bottles and jars he carried with him, and two thin gray snakes crawled out, spitting out their tongues and entwining themselves around the back of the believer's hand.

The priest imitated the sound of a snake spitting out its tongue and told Sotek's relatives in a hoarse voice that there was something to be done.

The snake's body crawled out of the bottle intact and slowly fell to the ground. What made Victor feel a little creepy was that the tails of the two white snakes were entangled together, twisted into a twisted shape, making it difficult to tell their source.

One white snake pounced towards the ground, while the other coiled around the priest's neck. The two tails separated as the snakes moved, as if there had never been any entanglement.

“That’s a bit heretical.”

"According to the evaluation standards of the Church of Sigmar, all members of the Horned Viper are heretics. We believe in a giant snake with the same double-tailed comet symbol as you, and we also believe that this is destruction and rebirth..." The priest put away the bottles and jars. Victor suppressed his curiosity and did not look into the deep darkness inside. There was no need to think too much, there must be a large group of colorful and terrifying snakes inside.

"But I have never seen anything like yours in the Laurentlauren Forest."

“The Grand Master is unwilling to promote the teachings of the God in the Laurentolun Forest… Most of the people you meet in Laurentolun are members of the Armed Order, and most of the priests are located in Karak Budar.

Roughly speaking, the difference is like that between a church knight and a combat priest...but what they go through is far more terrible than you can imagine."

"Then tell me about the white snake you sent out."

"Ouroboros to the Ancient Saints... Maybe the people of the Empire don't quite understand the meaning of this term. You just need to know that this is a group of ancient creatures that have a far-reaching impact on the world.

The ancient saints believed that the Ouroboros represented cycles and immortality, as well as life and healing... The priests used this to train a group of relatives for reconnaissance. Even if a blood relative on the front line died, the information would be passed on to the brain of another identical brother. "

The priest was quite affectionate as he stroked the white snake on his shoulder with his fingers while speaking. His expression under the mask must have been very easygoing...

Heresy... This was Victor's first reaction. From the priest's words, it was not difficult for the witch hunter to judge that the Ouroboros must have some connection, perhaps two snakes born from the same egg.

This is like Tzeentch's body-transforming sorcery, not the actions of a righteous god!
Perhaps the priest hidden under the mask is no longer a human face, but a terrifying, cold-blooded, scaly creature with a grin and bared teeth.

"But I have to remind you that the Grand Master has never allowed us to use some of the secret techniques on ourselves. Except for the Red Scale Knight whose body has been adjusted due to years of exposure to the energy of the dimensional stone, we are all ordinary people..."

"If Sigmar permits." Victor shook his head in disappointment. This sounded like a self-confession and was really hard to believe. No wonder Sotek's teachings were effectively spread in the Old World.

The two silent people confirmed a point of view, that pagans could not understand each other, so there was no deep hatred between them. What people really hated was the heresy of correction, distortion and reversal.

"What did I miss?" The butcher, covered in blood, came over with the head of a huge orc. His ugly appearance seemed to be announcing the noisy waagh to the world.

"Nothing, did you hear any useful information?" The priest responded casually. Although the butchers fight to the death... Although most of the butchers are like this, Gragrim is different. He was trained according to the king's standards and he must be able to detect the opponent's clues from the battle.

Gragrim raised the orc's head in his hand. His dark skin looked like steel in the sunlight, but as the blood seeped out, the black egg-like color slowly faded from his cheeks and gradually returned to its normal dark green color.

"I heard a few words, Big Belly King Gollum, Old Blackfang, Crucible, and... Dwarf Meat."

Dwarf meat?
The priest was puzzled. One very strange thing for the greenskins was that neither orcs nor goblins would eat human creatures.

In the old world, there are rumors that greenskins eat people, most of which are caused by rats, and the rest are blamed on beastmen.

"They... started eating humanoids?"

"Maybe, but if they eat a piece of dwarf meat, I will ask them to pay with ten thousand heads!" (End of this chapter)

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