Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1259: Krypton Gold or Krypton Life

"Can you tell me how to solve the problem of the rune enchantment losing vitality?"

This question only made Imrick shake his head and said bluntly: "Espeth, as a mentor of Amethyst Academy, you should have studied the differences between elven and dwarven runes... Can't you see the difference between them?"

"It's impossible to tell." Elspeth only wanted to get an accurate answer from the Phoenix King, rather than some groundless speculation.

"Well...it seems that I, a magic idiot, have to teach you a lesson. Although Juan's actions can be regarded as treason, this world has to make many compromises."

After pondering the records about rune magic, Imrick was not ready to reveal some important things. The people of Wissen had been pondering for so long and still had no substantial progress, which meant that Juan's manuscript might be an entry-level reading material... Maybe everyone in Val Anvil had a copy, and it was a lousy thing with a sulfur smell that was not worth using even for wiping one's butt.

"The essence of rune enchantment lies in the use of the wind of magic. Objects are different from living things. A qualified magician can use various means to adjust the use of the wind of magic to avoid overload and backlash.

But the objects to which runes are attached are inanimate objects, and the flow of the wind of magic must be kept within a controllable range... but this is a paradox in itself. The empire should also understand that the wind of magic is mixed with chaotic energy. How to turn uncontrollable chaotic energy into a benign effect is a technical problem.

Let’s first talk about the dwarves who have a tradition of forging rune weapons... Dwarves naturally have a strong aversion to magic, which can effectively suppress the activity of chaotic energy, and rune blacksmiths strictly abide by the rune engraving rules passed down in Valaya, but what really allows them to use runes as a source of pride is the rune anvil forged by Granni himself.

As you can clearly see, Dwarven runes are highly reliable and useful, but in many ways inferior to Elven runes... but our technology did not come without a price.

The traditional rune forging process of Caledor requires the priest to blind his eyes to prevent his keen vision from being eroded by the chaotic energy, and to use his tongue to sense the temperature of the furnace... But there are still some problems, how to engrave the runes on the objects. "

Elspeth lowered her head. She was finally sure that although the things Juan left behind were useful, they were definitely not good stuff.


Imrick snapped his fingers, agreeing with the Amethyst Mage.

"Yes, vitality. Only the purest and blooming life can make a weapon shine. The life span of a Vaal priest is far lower than the average Asur. Even the elves have to pay such a price. If humans want to explore the way of runes through this path... it will not be easy."

One option is to spend money, relying on his serious nature and strong magic-averse physique to inherit runes; the other option is to spend his life, using his vitality to forge magical weapons. No matter which option he chooses, Elspeth cannot go on.

The Amethyst Mage's eyes began to flicker, thinking that since the Phoenix King was willing to tell these things instead of holding Wissen Lord accountable for secretly studying the runes, he obviously wanted to do something.

"Excuse me for being frank, but Wissen Territory is planning to build an elite force armed with magic based on the Amethyst Academy. It is difficult for mortals to coexist with the Wind of Shaxu. Priest Juan may be able to solve this problem for us.

I wonder if the Phoenix King can..." Elspeth considered his words and said, "Take into account past relationships and provide some help to Wissen Territory and the Liebowitz family."

"So after you secretly learned Caledo's technology, you still wanted to ask the real owner for after-sales service?" Imrick laughed sarcastically. This was indeed not a fair thing to do. He could charge Juan with treason and then ask Lord Wissen for a large amount of compensation.

As if she had guessed what the Phoenix King was going to say, Countess Emmanuelle hurriedly spoke.

"We can provide compensation..." "Okay, let's put the issue of compensation aside for now... I'm talking to you." Pointing at the Amethyst Mage on the other side of the mirror, Imrik supported his chin with his hand, looking very amused.

"Teacher Elspeth, I am very interested. If you want to gain my support, bring your scarlet dragon and the rune data researched by Wissen Lord to the Gray Mountains. I will consider your suggestion and send a priest who is no less capable than Juan to provide important assistance to Wissen Lord."

"Your Majesty, the Crimson Dragon is not a zombie dragon, and Elspeth has nothing to do with necromancy."

The Countess emphasized this, and Imrick almost rolled his eyes to express his helplessness.

"Countess, I have studied dragons far more than everyone in the empire combined. I don't need you to remind me what a scarlet dragon is... But seeing such a rare dragon, I do want to meet it."

Elspeth and Emmanuel looked at each other and agreed that this was indeed a good trip to go. While fulfilling Marshal Kurt's orders, they could also ask the Phoenix King for food, thus having the best of both worlds.

The time when Elspeth appeared at the edge of the Gray Mountains was far beyond Imrick's expectations. In just a few hours, the Amethyst Mage who was still in the City of Nuln appeared in front of him with the Scarlet Dragon.

What made the elves feel relieved was that the Crimson Dragon had already glided towards the ground to lower its altitude when it was far away, and walked over to the right place, instead of stepping over the head of the Phoenix King to show its power.

Even as a dragon lord, Imrik was seeing the extremely rare scarlet dragon for the first time. Just as described in the rumors, this giant beast, which was dark red and purple in color, radiated a mysterious glow all over its body. The crown-like horns on its head looked like white bones standing upside down, and it looked charming and ferocious from a distance.

When the scarlet dragon saw the elf that was like an ant, it instantly lowered its head to show respect.

"I salute you, the dragon lord of the ancient volcanic kingdom, the incarnation of our ancestors..."

"In the same way, I salute you, the rare dragon that exists in the world... It is my honor to see a race influenced by the wind of Shaxu still exist in the world."

The scarlet dragon lowered its head even more. After Imrik said this, the Flame Knights beside him touched their chests to show their respect to the noble creature.

It does not belong to the fire dragon family, but it is still a noble creature.

After greeting each other and completely ignoring the Amethyst Mage, Imrick asked the Scarlet Dragon a question.

"She is your chosen ally?"

"Yes, she guards the world of the dead and calms the restless wind of Shash..."

After a brief exchange, Imrick understood the Scarlet Dragon's idea. The Dragon Lord comforted the dragon. Isn't this what he should do? Although he initially wanted to trick them away, after thinking carefully, the elves didn't face many undead chaos, so he decided to let the two Shaxu Winds stay together. (End of this chapter)

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