The Shadow Walker walked out of the darkness carrying a goblin leader. Judging from the fact that it was missing two pointed ears, this goblin, one of the three goblins, did not receive any sympathy.

"We have learned that the Big Belly King Gulu is using all kinds of... strange foods to strengthen his army. The poisonous colored glaze ore is an important seasoning."

Humans and dwarves looked at each other, thinking this was unbelievable. Eating stones with poisonous properties?
In order to put this possibility into practice, the priest used brute force to skim off a small piece of glaze ore and stuffed it into the goblin's mouth, wanting to see if the greenskin was more absurd than he had imagined.

Fortunately, the amount that was enough to poison the ogres did have a certain effect on the goblins. The green-skinned boy, whose legs were broken, was foaming at the mouth and rolling his eyes, as if he was in a psychedelic dream, shouting wildly.

"Brother Mao, I am the greatest. I am definitely stronger and fatter than Gollum... Give me food, give me something to eat. I want mushroom soup and Squig meat!"

The butcher gave the goblin a quick death, chopping the enamel ore in the priest's hand into powder, and puffed his beard angrily: "By Grimnir, this goblin must be a madman!"

"Sigma, can you please notice where this place is? It's a narrow mine cave, lacking in fresh air!" Victor covered his mouth and nose, trying his best not to breathe in the yellow dust in the air.

When going out, normal humans must learn to protect themselves. The priest is directly immune to toxins and drinks the venom prepared by the goblin boy as if it were wine. The butcher is strong and has no burden when inhaling some highly toxic substances. The shadow walker is also not a normal person. Victor rarely heard his breathing along the way.

Gragrim patted his chest and thought Victor was a woman: "Didn't Sigmar say that we should face all challenges bravely?"

"Facing it bravely does not mean seeking death."

"I'm pretty reckless in fighting, but I'm a little afraid of death."

The argument left the priest speechless. He turned around and asked the shadow walker in Elvish: "You haven't finished what you want to say."

The Shadow Walker did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned his head to stare into the endless darkness of the tunnel he had come from, as if he could see something in the silence.

"The goblins said they saw traces of ratmen, and from time to time there were frightening noises coming from the bottom of the mine... but I have found the way to the bonfire."

"If we light the bonfire first to complete the Phoenix King's mission, we will lose the opportunity to find out what the ratmen at the bottom of the mine are doing...

But you and I both know that lighting the bonfire is actually useless for the battle, it just gives Karak Dreadnought a little confidence... but the dwarves will never lack confidence when defending their homes. "

"Your Majesty's orders come first to me, not analyzing the impact of the results of the actions."

The Shadow Walker was impartial and before setting off he had been told that he only needed to complete his duties and do his job as a scout, and that he did not need to interfere in the decision-making of the operation.

But compared to the ratmen who were doing unknown things in the pit, he thought it was better to complete the task, which was why he did not tell Victor and Gragrim about it.

The priest smiled. This was consistent with the impression Nagaryath gave him. Don't ask about the origin, just the result.

"Then ask the captain for his opinion. I hope he can make the right choice."

“I have no objection to that.”

The priest interrupted the mumbling and quarreling to find out who was the greater and more steadfast ally between Sigmar and Grimnir.

“There are traces of ratmen at the bottom of the mine, but the shadow walkers haven’t found a convenient passage... We have two choices: go to the surface and light a bonfire, or hide from the greenskins.

Or maybe spend some time underground and deal with the ratmen first before thinking about the bonfire."

"We should definitely light a bonfire first. If a mine is destroyed, we can dig another one. But if Karak Dreadnought Fort is destroyed, many dwarves will be lost!" Gragrim made the judgment without hesitation. Between resources and compatriots, the future Butcher King would choose the latter no matter how many times.

Victor thought more about this. Why did the ratmen appear here? It should be noted that there are very few ratmen activities in the Gray Mountains near Athel Loren. When it comes to the ability to dig burrows, Asrai with the help of the Oak of Ages is not inferior to rodents.

"What is the Rat Man's purpose?"

"I don't know yet, but it's definitely not a good thing."

After some consideration, Victor wanted to listen to the advice of his dwarf brothers, ignore the rats' affairs, and directly light a bonfire to support Karak Dreadnought.

But the heat emerging from both palms at the same time made the witch hunter hesitate. His right hand was branded with an ancient sacred text of unknown effect, reminding him that he should go find the rat man.

If it were just this, the witch hunters would never change their minds and think that it was the bewitching power of pagan gods.

Only the inexplicable trembling of the black gauntlet made the witch hunter think that solving the problem of the ratmen might be more important than lighting a bonfire.

"Let's deal with the threat of the ratmen first. Once the bonfire is lit, we won't have a chance to return to the mine."

"Perhaps it is a wise choice... The God agrees with this." The priest took a step back and focused his mind on looking for the unique stinky smell of rats. When it comes to fighting greenskins, he may not be as professional as a butcher, but when it comes to killing rats, we are all rat killing experts bestowed by the prophet.

Gragrim looked back at the silent Shadow Walker. When he was arguing with Victor just now, he noticed the conversation between the priest and the elf.

Speaking of which, he was quite proud. He did not know Elvish, which was completely different from his father who could taunt people in Elvish slang.

"It must be a conspiracy of the elves." The butcher muttered, and according to the custom of the Mountain Kingdom, he blamed the elves for the change of plan.

Although they were eager to light a bonfire, the ratmen at the bottom of the mine must also be explored. Who knows if a group of black-haired rats would appear during the fight.

The rest time was short, and a few bites of dried meat and beer were the satisfying enjoyment for the witch hunters and butchers after the battle.

And these few minutes were enough for the priest to smell the stench. He pressed his hands on the ground, his eyes flashing red under the mask. He slowly raised his head, and his fangs made of obsidian seemed to ooze blood.

"Found it. Black-haired rats, dimensional stone machines, flesh-mutated monsters, twisted magic... Maybe we found something more important than lighting a bonfire."

"Don't speak in code. I hate the nagging and crazy look of you Sotek sect members. You are obviously a group of humans, but your speech is as hard to understand as that of lizardmen."

The dwarf complained without disguising, causing the priest to withdraw his hands, stand up straight and say: "Master Dwarf, don't be impatient. Fighting with ratmen is not like fighting with greenskins. Any mistake will be gnawed into bones."

The priest took out a scale and threw it to the watching elf. Seeing that he did not move for a long time, he asked.

"Shadow Walker?"

The Shadow Walker was slightly disgusted, lifted a corner of the face towel and stuffed the scales into his mouth. The spell to transform information magic into an item did not actually require much, but the giant horned viper preferred to use snake scales.

"Let's go." (End of chapter)

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