Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1268 Escape and Sacrifice

When the third iron chain was cut, the priest's eyes were already extremely dim. He could not get the guidance of the God here, nor did he have any familiar colleagues to help him...

When fighting against the Grey Prophets led by Tsanquiro, it will be necessary to give some help to the Witch Hunters and Butchers from time to time.

The obsidian mask that contained a hint of magic had been burned to half by the priest, revealing a cheek with bulging veins.

His face was like that of a devil, but he knew very well in his heart that the ratmen must be doing something big here. It was possible that the siege of Karak Dreadnought was carried out by the greenskins who were induced by the Rat Council.

The priest was not afraid of death. According to the human lifespan, he should have died long ago.

He should have died in the trials of the Sacrificial Pit, in the environment of dancing with snakes in Lustria, or in the ice and snow of the north...

But dying in the midst of destroying the rat people's conspiracy seemed like a good ending.

With the last bit of rationality, he cast his gaze towards the shadow walker on the slope. There was no need for much verbal communication; just a glance was enough to understand each other's determination.

Someone has to get out alive... but it can't be him and Shadow Walker. Victor is someone the Phoenix King values, and Gragrim is the son of Barag. They both have reasons to survive.

Looking back at the ratman assassin who was rushing towards him, Shadow Walker calmly raised the Philosopher's Stone and told Victor and Gragrim about the final arrangements.

"Go 300 meters to the right. There is a secret cave in the rock wall that leads to the last iron rope."

Victor felt hesitant, but when he saw Gragrim, who had escaped from the encirclement of black-haired rats under the protection of the priest, he felt even happier.

No one will die this time. As long as the last iron chain is cut and the shrieking bell falls, counterattacking the Grey Prophet's magic, the four of them can slowly fight a war of attrition with the ratmen.

The butcher was covered in blood, like a god of death, his body was covered with scars, but this still did not allow him to die gloriously.

Gragrim's face was solemn: "I feel something is wrong. Don't you think it's going too smoothly?"

"This must be Sigma's guidance."

Fuck Sigma Guidance!
Gragrim was a little angry. So far, the dimensional stone warehouse that Shadow Walker mentioned had not exploded. The Butcher saw it clearly. Although the broken iron chain caused the Screaming Bell to shake a little, it was still firmly fixed on the top of the hole.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to turn around and rush back to die gloriously with his comrades, but as soon as he turned around, he saw the priest's deathly gaze.

That look said it clearly...Don't let the sacrifice become meaningless.

Gragrim bit his lips until they bled and growled, "Go!"

When the dwarves took the humans away, the priest's desire to kill, which he had suppressed for so long, was finally released.

He stared at the Grey Prophet in the center, holding his staff high, looking triumphant, and reciting his last words in Skaven with a snake-like emphasis.

"Rat...you are careless."

Doubts...all kinds of question marks emerged in Chuan Kuiro's mind. Those iron chains were just a trick to confuse the eyes. With the joint efforts of Scully and the Grey Prophet, the ratmen had long abandoned the outdated technology of the past and could fix the magnetic death knell without external assistance.

Could it be that……

Chuan Kui Luo turned his head and stared in disbelief at the elf fighting with a group of assassins.

The shadow walker used his long sword to repel a black-faced assassin, then picked up the longbow at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, pulled the bowstring and shot the sharp arrow into an open area. The arrow was very fast, and the priest was also very fast. He pulled off his mask, slashed his neck with the obsidian blade, and shouted the name of the god.

The giant rock snake was dyed blood red all over, and it raised its head and roared in place. The sound was like the echo of an ancient beast, which made all the ratmen feel terrified and unable to move at all.

But Chuan Kuiro is faster, and his magical talent must be the best among the long-horned ratmen in the past hundred years. Even when the magic wind is in an abnormally chaotic state, he still has the strength to use dimensional stone lightning to shoot down arrows flying in the air.

But he made the most suitable choice for a ratman. He crushed the high-concentration dimensional stone hidden between his teeth and escaped with the help of a teleportation spell in less than a second.

The arrow, acting as a fuse, ignited the explosive unit hidden in advance by the Shadow Walker, successfully triggering the dimensional stone warehouse that was powerful enough to flatten the entire city.

The Shadow Walker said nothing, watching silently as the black-faced assassin's blade slashed across his throat, and then pierced the attacker's chest with the sharp blade.

The priest laughed wildly, calling for the honor of the god, as if the shrieking death knell that was about to fall on his body was nothing but a bubble.

After a long time, the sound of the mountain collapsing gradually subsided, and Victor, who was huddled in the corner with Gragrim, finally couldn't help but speak.

"You... have already guessed what they are thinking."

"Damned elves and Sotek believers, they keep secrets about everything, as if they are the only smart people in this world!" The butcher cursed endlessly, completely ignoring the witch hunter's somewhat sad expression.

"If you ask me, I should find a ranger and a battle mage. We can die together instead of waiting like rats! And their Phoenix King is also..."

Gragrim stopped talking abruptly, frowning for a moment, as if he sensed the intentions of the Shadow Walker and the Priest.

The butcher suddenly woke up and patted the witch hunter on the shoulder to cheer him up.

"Return the same way now."

"Where's the bonfire? Two people died and the mission was not completed. This will only make Sigma..."

"Fuck that idiot Sigma Herohammer! If he is really guiding you, why can't you do the same as the priests and block the Gray Prophet and the mutant monsters of the Skaven?!"

"I..." Victor was speechless. The situation in the cave was far beyond the ability of a witch hunter. If it were not for the emergency training in recent days, he might have been dismembered by assassins and black-haired rats after just a few steps.

Knowing that he was a little angry, Gragrim took a few deep breaths and said, “Listen, their deaths have nothing to do with you. I believe that under the same circumstances, you would make the same decision.

But now, we cannot be obsessed with the completion of the mission. Karak Dreadnought Fort is important, and lighting a bonfire may provide some help to our compatriots trapped in the fortress, but it cannot solve the real problem.

Think about the landslide we just experienced. There are at least six similar mines near Karak Dreadnought Fort. If the ratmen make the same deployment.

After we lit the bonfire, your emperor, the Phoenix King of the Elves, and His Majesty the High King went out to fight against the greenskins, and there was an explosion at the right time..."

This shocking analysis only made Victor wake up. Someone must spread the news. The person most likely to leave is actually the Shadow Walker... The priest must also have a way to escape from the rat's nest.

But they left the chance of survival to him and Gragrim...

Hatred and guilt filled the witch hunter's chest. He pressed his fingers against the rock wall, and his nails bled from the friction.

"We will make the ratmen pay the price... Brother Dwarf." (End of this chapter)

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