Elvis had a bad dream. Many years ago, there was a human boy in a city in the New World, carrying two large wooden barrels on his shoulders and walking to the temporary recruitment point of the giant horned viper.

He still remembered the human boy's slightly puzzled inquiry, "Can I have enough food if I join you?"

"Don't you have food to eat while working in the city?" Elvis asked in return, only to receive a contemptuous look.

Without hesitation, the human boy put the barrel on his shoulder on the ground and said, "I want to eat good food, preferably meat every day, wine to drink, and fight every now and then.

Qingyan Port is too strictly managed. I heard from my father that if I were in Kislev, with my physique and abilities, I would have made a name for myself at the docks long ago, and would not have had to rely on hard labor for a living.

Alas, my luck is really bad. The port defense forces require cultural thresholds and some connections, and mercenaries do not recruit locals. "

After a series of complaints and metaphors, the Grand Master quickly became interested in this human boy, and they worked together for a long time.

From a human boy who only wanted to eat a few bites of meat and wine every day and expressed his awe to the God with his mouth, he later showed an amazing talent in knowing words and translated the obscure Lizardman language of Chakua word for word in order to consolidate the faith of the Knights.

In the end... the human boy became the backbone of the Knights Templar, his eyes were blessed by the gods, he enjoyed a long life, and spent a long time serving the Grand Master.

All those past years appeared in his dreams one by one, which made Elvis feel a tightness in his chest, and a premonition that was definitely not a good one emerged in his heart.

After suddenly waking up, the Grand Master immediately went to the location of the Priests. The obsidian masks worn by the high-level priests all came from the ancient saint technology. While they can ensure that they are not affected by chaos, they can also serve as a trump card to provide a large amount of magic wind for the wearer.

One of the less noticeable functions is the backup mask placed at the altar. Once the mask of a high-level priest is destroyed, the backup mask will bleed, proving that a person favored by Sotek has returned to the arms of the god.

When Elvis walked into the group of priests, he felt a little suffocated in his chest because the backup mask symbolizing Nikonov had been stained red with blood.

The priest, who was also covered by a mask, nodded with a somewhat sad tone.

"Grand Master, Priest Nikonov has returned to the arms of the Lord... Before he died, he left one last clue for the Knights."

The priest took out a copper plate. The comet symbol engraved on the surface was so eye-catching that Elvis felt it was a bit ironic.

"A double-tailed comet..."

After knowing the reason, the Grand Master sighed helplessly and shook his head. Nikonov must have encountered a rat man to fight so hard.

Something big must have happened on the front line. The Phoenix King's rat extermination team is not far from the Gray Mountains, so I think orders will come soon.

The Grand Master chose to mourn in silence with the priests to commemorate the first generation member who contributed a hundred years to the Knights Templar. Perhaps people will die eventually, but their thoughts and memories can live on in the spirits of those who come after them.

A piece of news soon came, the mark of the flaming phoenix was so eye-catching and dazzling.

The dispatch order did not require the Giant Horned Viper to dispatch a certain number of people, it only stated that they encountered ratmen in the Gray Mountains and needed to be handled by professionals.

For the honor of the Phoenix King... and also for revenge for Nikonov, Elvis did not hesitate and, as Grand Master, issued a call to the Knights who were dealing with the Beastmen riots in Duncanwald Forest.

"Within three days, if you wish to avenge Nikonov, pay respect to the Lord's favored one and come to Lauren Loren."

There were only a hundred Red Scale Knights and three hundred and sixty-two Giant Serpent Guards... Sixteen Dragon Princes who had served in the Tar Wind Howling City Legion and were formerly Giant Horned Viper Knights, joined the revenge operation. In order to transport the personnel as quickly as possible, Elvis personally led the team and organized a two-day beastman hunting operation to please the God with the blood of these twisted chaos creatures.

The blood sacrifice started again. The rat extermination team, which was supposed to arrive half a month later, reached the front line as quickly as possible in anger.

Elvis shook off Rick's guards who were blocking his way. His eyes, which had not been closed for several days, were bloodshot. He came to the emperor in anger.

The emperor was seen supporting the sand table with both hands, analyzing the current situation with Kurt and Bayershazer, and he looked a little tired.

On the basis of his reputation, Karl has done his best in the process of rescuing Karak Dreadnought. He always travels with Deathclaw through various mountain trails and smashes the greenskins' heads with the emperor's prestige.

But the number of greenskins was too large, and the mountain terrain was extremely rugged. The knights who could lead the provincial soldiers to break the situation could only move slowly on their legs, and their proud artillery could hardly play a role.

The situation on the High King's side was similar. Their individual soldiers were absolutely top-notch, and they were unstoppable under the leadership of Agrim, but their numerical disadvantage could not be made up.

The assault tactic is effective, but if you can't find the leader, it will be a waste of effort.

As soon as Elvis broke in, Ludwig had already put his hand on the sword, with a cold and unfriendly look on his face.

"Elf, you are trespassing into the military restricted area and the emperor's residence. Are you provoking the empire?"

"Heh." Elvis's contempt only made Ludwig a little angry, and the elf's words made him even more angry.

"I have seen countless warriors who were stronger than you in martial arts, but most of them died... The reason is simple. They were doing unnecessary things at the wrong occasions."

The experienced Marshal Kurt held Ludwig's arm and spoke on behalf of the emperor, asking Elvis.

"Elvis, I don't ask why you are here. We all know that the elves are very slow in this war..."

"What are you implying? Questioning the Phoenix King's decision?"

Kurt did not respond, but stared deeply at a corner of the map, which obviously revealed the current location of the Elf Monarch.

There was no response, so Elvis thought Kurt was talking nonsense. He walked to the sand table map and faced Emperor Karl, not hiding his anger at all.

“Don’t misunderstand why I came here. It’s definitely not to clean up the mess for the Empire and the Dwarves… Nikonov, a subordinate who served me for a long time and a priest who believed in God for a hundred years, died at the hands of the Skaven.

I swore a blood oath that for every elf a rat-man kills, I will kill a thousand rat-men, and for every Horned Viper member I kill, I will kill ten thousand more.

The emperor was a little tired, rubbing his eyebrows with his big hands: "Victory is not achieved by exciting words, but also by persistent blood oaths. The appearance of ratmen forced the attack to be delayed. King Agrim is leading the guards to check the surrounding tunnels of the gray area, but the effect is very general.

My promise is that as long as the Horned Viper can eliminate the Skaven threat, no Greenskins will stand in the way of your vengeance."

Pragmatism is the characteristic of Karl's administration. He may be better at politics than winning people's hearts in the name of religion, but he can still unite a large number of knowledgeable people.

Compared to a preacher who talks a lot of nonsense, he is more like a practical politician. (End of this chapter)

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