Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1277 I have an idea

"I hate drilling holes. Yes, I hate it as always. Compared to this dark, dry, and smelly environment, the strong wind and dark clouds are the battlefield for the Dragon Prince."

Kunnier, who couldn't stop complaining, covered his dragon helmet with a mask with a filtering effect, but he could still smell the disgusting stench and wished he could cover it with three more layers.

“I like your remarks, they always make me happy.

I remember that the court issued a decree, called the prince and the ministers go together, maybe you can ask His Majesty or the prince to come to the cave for a walk... or bring His Highness Menil?"

"If I take His Highness Menil into the cave that stinks of ratmen, the next day I'll be..." Kunnier was full of fear, feeling that continuing to speak would only make him a laughing stock of Elvis.

"Let's talk about the plan. I don't want a cave-in on my head while I'm digging a hole, especially after leaving the tunnel dug by the dwarves..." Kunnier pressed his fingers against the uneven wall. Rats dig holes very quickly. Their claws and fangs are useful tools, and they can often create amazing effects in a very short time.

But what comes with it is the hidden danger of "unstable" engineering. Except for rats, no one wants to walk through the tunnels dug by rodents.

"You should be thankful that the Corrupted Clan is involved this time, otherwise you would have to crawl in the cave on your stomach." Pausing, Elvis raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop. In order to create a surprise for the ratmen this time, he had assembled all the elite members of the Giant Horned Viper, and also borrowed some battle mages from the Legion of Tal Wind Howling City.

There are many mines in the Gray Mountains. Greenskins, Skavens, and Dwarfs all like to dig holes. Even the Grand Master, who has fought underground wars with Skavens for more than a hundred years, finds it difficult to accurately determine whether there are Skavens or Greenskins inside the mountain.

The Grand Master looked at it for a moment, but did not smell the stench left by the ratmen in the stuffy environment, so he could only place his hope on an elf next to him.

"Nazaire, did you find anything?"

The elf wearing the magic swordsman armor is very young. It is very difficult to judge the age of an elf by appearance. There will be no obvious changes in appearance at least before the age of four hundred.

The only thing that can be used to judge age is temperament. The magic swordsman has a calm temperament, and the scholar who walks among the bookshelves all year round has a lingering temperament, but a hint of immaturity cannot be erased.

"Uncle Elvis..." Nazer immediately changed his words because of the wrong address, and forced himself to swallow the inappropriate title: "I noticed a trace of chaotic energy, but I can't tell whether it is the remnant of the dimensional stone excavated by the dwarves in the mountains, or the magic used by the ratmen to cover up the breath. To make an accurate judgment, we need to at least look deeper for more clues."

"Useless brat." Kunnier muttered. Why did he go to Safri to be a magic swordsman when there were so many other things to do? I really don't know how old man Edgar could agree to let his great-grandson do such a thing.

Elvis glared at his old friend and said, "He is still young. When we were his age, we would just follow our elders and charge forward with spears in hand. We had no opinions of our own."

Being a chatterbox may be one of the reasons why Kunnier is unpopular. He pointed out Elvis's misleading nature without mercy.

"When you were his age, you were already fighting on the front lines against Druzy, but look at him, how many decent opponents' blood has he stained his hands with?"

Speaking of this matter, Elvis also became furious. He often asked the nobles of Caledo for people. If the tradition continued, the young nobles would have at least several decades of idleness. It would be a waste of resources to do chores in the family. It would be better for them to come to the old world to hone their skills.

But damn... forgive the Grand Master for using foul language, a bunch of old men thought that the dragons had already awakened, and there was no need to let their offspring go into holes, so they did a perfunctory training that failed to meet the standards. In addition, when Orthea resigned, he took a group of people with him, so now 96% of the giant horned vipers are humans.

The key is that the old guys take the resources and don’t give way to the younger ones. There are not so many honors waiting for you. Just practice martial arts in the manor.

"I should have suggested to the prince to reduce the number of standing troops and let those brats you don't like charge at the front with lances." Kunnier almost pinched his nose and said perfunctorily: "Then go ahead. Anyway, you can sit at the table of the Noble Council and your nagging can be taken seriously."

"You two, you two, can you please stop quarreling..." Nazer said with a lack of confidence. He really didn't dare to provoke the two of them. He came to the Empire in the name of the Supreme Mage's follower and had routine exchanges with the Aldolf School of Magic. Now that he was involved in the war, he had to see some blood and sharpen the greatsword that integrated the technology of the Anvil of Vaal and the White Tower of Hoeth.

"Let's get back to the point. What are the results of the analysis?" Kunnier waved his hand, thinking that there was no point in arguing. He was so angry that he wanted to find a few ratmen to vent his anger.

Nazer seemed a little anxious as he fiddled with the device in his hand. The Horned Viper had already made contact with the Supreme Mage. After conducting a detailed investigation of the flow of the magical wind in the mountain, he would analyze whether there were any clues through the hands of Teclis.

But... I sent the message for such a long time but didn't see any response. At least you should say it was received.

The magic swordsman who came from the Dragon Prince's family was a little anxious. This was one of the few opportunities to show his abilities. He didn't want to go back to Savri and see Teacher Ogsger's sour face every day.

"Perhaps Your Excellency the Supreme Mage needs a little time."

"Time, time again..." Kunniel was a little distressed. After the last turmoil, the ratmen must have hidden deeper, and then the war in Karak Dreadnought attracted attention.

It is also possible that the Skaven and the Greenskins reached some kind of deal. At least during the Battle of Karak Eight Peaks, the Greenskins apparently joined forces with the Skaven to carry out an ambush.

Maybe greenskins hate ratmen, but they hate short guys with pointy ears even more.

He looked at the knights and attendants who were waiting seriously behind him, and a bad idea flashed through his mind.

"Elvis, you should bring the snake nest here, right?"

"You mean..."

There are many types of snake nests, but all of them require blood sacrifice to activate. Elvis originally wanted to use this as a trump card. After all, summoning the rat demon is simpler than summoning the four chaos evil gods, and the lives of the gray prophets and slave rats are not valuable, so it would be very effective to keep some countermeasures.

"Although the Lord didn't say to kill the greenskins, he didn't say we couldn't kill them, right? Let the magic swordsmen prepare a medium-scale teleportation ceremony, pull a batch of small reptiles from Qingyan Port, and sneak into the underground with the blessing of the Snake Nest. We will definitely find some traces of ratmen.

As long as we figure out the route of the shallow tunnels, we can lure the greenskins deeper underground to see if the ratmen are hiding there."

"It's a good plan..."

Elvis thought about it and decided that the search could only proceed at the speed of the surface army. If they easily set foot in the greenskin-controlled area, no one would be able to resist the endless greenskin attacks unless His Majesty brought the guards to rescue.

Lure the greenskins into the tunnels. If you can defeat them, drive them deeper into the tunnels and look for the traces of the ratmen. If you can't defeat them, return to the surface. As long as the greenskins dare to show their heads, they will face saturation fire attacks. (End of this chapter)

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