"Imric, there is an unusual magical fluctuation."

Minasnir, who was fighting with the northern dragon, instantly tore off the two heads of the blue-skinned monster and looked towards the coast with some fear in his eyes.

"Magic fluctuations?"

Imrik, who had been watching the show and occasionally swearing at the Norse fleet, now perked up.

His eyes swept towards the land, and his original alertness turned into speechlessness in an instant.

Master Ma... this thousand-year-old toad finally thought it necessary to go out and did not let Ku Jia lead the team himself.

"It's okay. Master Ma is going to retake Albion Island and will come to the Old World to check out the situation first. Go ahead, don't stop, kill all these monsters with two heads."

Upon hearing that it was Master Ma who was present, Minasnil became cautious. He had borrowed the right to use the Southern Star Pyramid in advance, and he didn't know what changes this operation would bring.

To be on the safe side, the dragon enlarged the portal a little, and located a few familiar auras in Lustria. By extracting some power of the Old Saints from Imrik, it would surely be able to lure some Slann over.

When the red-skinned toad and the blue-skinned toad appeared at the same time, the two Shilan stared at each other with big eyes.

Oddo Harlan, the Lord of the Moon City, was in the observatory racking his brain on how to blow up the evil moon so that it would not stay overhead all day and interfere with divination. After sensing the call of the ancient saints, he responded to the portal without giving it much thought and arrived together.

So, in the center of the fighting Bretonnian and Norscan positions, there suddenly appeared two giant toads that had never been seen before, like monsters, and a terrifying monster that had only been heard of in the rumors of the Empire and Kislev.

The Knight reacted quickly, thinking that this must be the trick of the Norse barbarians. Judging from the size of the monster, if it succeeded in getting close, it would definitely cause a bloody storm.

Arrows and cannons were fired at the Slann and the Devil Lizards, and the Norsemen were not to be outdone. They felt an extremely disgusting aura from these strangely shaped creatures.

Only the war dog Iceeye, who had already begun to shift firepower toward the Norsemen, changed his expression when he saw the two giant toads appear.

The commander of the artillery position kicked away the gunner recruited from the Southern Kingdom, pressed down the iron pipe with his powerful hands, and forcibly changed the trajectory of the artillery shell before it was fired.

He roared at the top of his lungs, speaking to all those who had heard the legend but had never actually seen it.

"Stop shooting! That's Slann, an ally of Caledor!"

Perhaps a long time ago, no Caledor would have thought that human monkeys could also call themselves citizens of the Dragon Kingdom and be proud of it.

But at this moment, Gross's expression was extremely excited. He looked at the back of the giant dragon like a black dot on the sea, and the two Shilan looking at each other in the center of the battlefield, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

An epic war will begin at this moment, and Ice Eye will participate!
The incoming projectiles disappeared in an emerald green barrier. The Ancient Saint's Shield could block any weak damage. Even if Slan's outermost layer of protection was fortunately broken, the terrifying thought was enough to distort reality.

Almost no ranged weapons can cause substantial damage to the Slann, in addition to countless protections, it may also be due to their smooth skin.

The moment he was teleported to the Old World, Ku Jia was ready for battle. When he saw the Chaos believers landing on the coast, he knew what had happened.

Kuimok responded to the call of his thousand-year-old companion, leaned down to avoid a wave of javelins that were blocked by the shield of the ancient saint, then threw Ku Jia on his back, roared and rushed straight towards the servant of chaos.

The Venerable also displayed strange abilities. His body was too huge, and the Ancient Saint Shield could hardly cover his entire body, so he would definitely suffer countless injuries.

But when the javelin and the shell were about to hit him, his body turned into nothingness, passing through the solid projectiles like a ghost. The lizard had little interest in the appearance of Odo Harlan. There was still a lot of time to reminisce about the past, but the killing was indeed the first in thousands of years.

The sound of footsteps that shook the earth made everyone present tremble with fear. When they saw the giant black dragon, they could still comfort themselves by thinking that it was an illusion caused by the great distance.

But when a giant beast with a length of nearly 100 meters from head to tail runs at an extremely fast speed, it is like a mountain range moving.

The ferocity of Kuimok and Ku-Gar was displayed to the fullest. The Lizardman Lord sat on his proud mount and pierced the chest of a giant werewolf with the spear of the gods. He raised his head and the hands of the gods grasped the head that was thirsty for flesh and blood. A golden light flashed, and the upper body turned to ashes.

When the Tyrannosaurus faced the Norse javelin and spear formation, it tensed its legs and suddenly jumped up, more than ten meters high, successfully falling into the enemy's encirclement.

But the ones who were truly surrounded were the Norsemen.

As they tried their best to kill the Tyrannosaurus and Lizardman Lord rampaging on the beach, a huge hand that turned into a covering shadow crushed the earth and turned the flesh into debris.

Just two giant beasts and the lizard lord were enough to interrupt the Norscans' attack. If they let the lizard get close to the sea, according to their ancestors who had returned from their expedition to Lustria, those monsters that could swallow a ship in one gulp could swim...

If the ship sinks, it means failure and even escaping will be a luxury.

The Khorne Bull Rider, blessed by the Blood God, rushed towards the Exalted with endless rage, holding his two axes high. If he could kill this giant beast, he would surely gain endless glory...

A powerful tail strike, like thunder lashing the mountains, shattered the huge rocks.

Even the bronze bull with the body of a demon could not withstand the terrible whipping of the lizard with a force of ten thousand tons, and it was shattered along with Skylin's pride.

As a last resort, Egil had to order the giants to take the field as his trump card. He wanted to use the power of these monsters to break down the city walls and crush the pride of Bretonnia.

But the sudden appearance of a lizard-man monster forced him to make a choice that went against his plan.

The ships carrying giants were approaching, and these attackers were extremely vulnerable to fire suppression. While they were extremely powerful, they also had many limitations.

For Shi Lan, having many restrictions means they can be easily solved...

With a thought in his mind, Master Ma easily turned the brains of several Chaos Wizards into watermelon juice when manipulating the wind of magic. Oddo Harlan was no less impressive. An invisible shadow claw swept out from the sea and swept across, easily crushing the ship carrying the giant, turning the monsters that were not allowed to exist by the Ancient Saints into pieces of meat waiting to die in the sea in an instant.

The blue-skinned toad pondered for a long time, and did not ask the fly eater why he appeared here. In the middle of the chaotic battlefield, he told his brother his decision.

"Mazdamuddi, I want to blow up the Evil Moon."

Mazdamuddi was not surprised by his brother's idea. He nodded slightly, causing his neckless belly to wrinkle.

"Recover Albion Island with me first, and the teacher will decide the fate of Xie Yue."

Odo Harlan nodded to show his respect for Kroka, raised his hand, and a power that was no less than that of Master Ma surged out of his body.

"Very good." (End of this chapter)

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