Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 626 Dignity and Love

Chapter 626 Dignity and Love

Vlad clenched his palms. His pale fingers still had traces of the past. He still remembered that the blood ring he wore on his fingers had been kissed by his beloved wife.

He later learned of Isabella's strong will to commit suicide rather than live alone in the world.

The count desperately longs for his wife to be by his side. Only her presence can make him let go of his desire for power, just like a beast that has shed its civilized decorations and finds the final prey he seeks throughout his life.

In the world of souls, the flexibility of his thinking expanded without limit, and an indescribable sadness emerged in his heart.

This road is too tortuous and there is no possibility in sight. The elf wants to get a puppet to control the undead. Before he obtains the power of Nagash, he cannot successfully resist.

The inevitable loss of dignity or the only chance of love, these two colliding choices echoed fiercely in Vlad's mind.

It seems that those gentle blue eyes can still be seen yesterday, and the dance solo for one person in the hall is so sad now...

"I refuse. Von Carstein will never give in to anyone."

The earl said these words firmly, even though his heart seemed to be bleeding, he still chose dignity.

He didn't want Isabella to see him in such a miserable state, like a dog being dominated by an elf.

Imric was not surprised by Vlad's answer, and was even a little happy. If the head of the family was someone who would give in easily, he would not be able to gain the reputation of being a benchmark for vampire morality and integrity.

Overall, it's quite in line with expectations.

He waved his hand to indicate to Vlad to calm down and stated more precise conditions.
"I will not control you. On the contrary, I can provide you with some support. Of course, the premise is that you don't touch the corpses of dragons and elves."

"You have a better choice..." Vlad didn't think Imric's words came from the sincerity. He always felt that the elves coveted the power of the Lord of the Dead and wanted to plunge the desert into a bigger melee. Profit.

"No, no, no, I know what you are thinking in your heart. It is nothing more than using you to steal Nagash's power, but the undead are an insignificant thing to me, but letting them do stupid things will be very troublesome. For example, when your sons Manfred and Arkhan are planning to resurrect the Lord of the Dead, my daughter may have their idea in mind."

"The Eternal Queen..."

Snapping his fingers to show that Vlad was right, Imrik looked up at the clouds that were rushing again in the sky, feeling that it was all nonsense.

Vlad's son was trying his best to cheat on his father, and he was trying his best to prevent his family from getting hurt. The conflict between the races turned out to be so dramatic.

"Yes, there are only two undead forces now, Nehekhara controlled by Settra, and vampires and Arkhan who like to cause trouble. Your identity is enough to lead the vampires, and you also have the power to inherit Nagash in name. Qualifications."

Vlad raised the corners of his mouth, and he immediately understood what Imrik was thinking, which was simply to let him rule the undead vampires who liked to cause trouble in the world.

But then he frowned. A unified vampire force would not be easy to solve. Aren't they afraid of raising tigers?

"Normally speaking, I don't have any other purpose, but with your ability, you don't have to worry about vampires at all. Even if there is a lot of interference in the old world, the island where the elves are is enough." "An obvious threat, sooner or later one day You will understand that even the undead cannot stay away. I am just making preparations for its arrival. Before explaining this, if you want to leave from here, you must understand a few things."

"Please say."

His mind turned a little, and Imrik pondered for a moment. Vlad's intrusion was an unexpected situation. Manfred should have been burned to ashes when he stepped into the protective circle of flames on the outer layer of his soul.

But after realizing that Vlad's soul seemed to be bound in the blood ring, the strategic thinking also changed slightly.

What the Earl wants is nothing more than the throne of the empire. He seems to be a man with endless ambition, but he also understands where the edge of his ability is. Otherwise, as a collateral member of the Khemri royal family, he will have to compete with Settra. A fight to the death.

Assessing the situation is a good characteristic, and his methods are much brighter than other vampires. When the enemy of Chaos is in front of him, it is impossible to get entangled in this weak desire for power.

Now that Magnus is not dead and the empire is still united, there will definitely be no way to attack the empire in just a few decades.

If he remains dormant for a while, the end will soon come, and the power of the dead may also be of some use.

After sorting out some thoughts, Imric told what he said.

"First of all, Magnus, with your brain, you definitely don't want to get close to Gael Maraz. Until the death of the pious man, Sylvania will fall under the jurisdiction of the empire."

Understanding that Imrik was negotiating conditions at this time, Vlad thought for a while and agreed.

There are many ways to pursue power, but the one thing he wants to do most now is to find Isabella instead of doing stupid things with the Empire.

After receiving the agreement, Imrik explained the second thing,
"Arkhan." Speaking of Arkhan, Imric glanced at the movement outside and found that the Lich King drove away in the hearse after sensing that something was wrong. He secretly cursed what an old scheming person he was. Compare.

"I need his specific location. This loyal servant of Nagash cannot live forever, at least not with his current thinking. If you can find a way to use him, then he will only have a hundred years of life left, and then I will take it down myself. His life."

"You are very hostile to him." Vlad seemed to be aware of Imrik's focus, and felt that he would make a fuss about this matter to prevent the initiative from being in the hands of the elves.

"I don't deny this reality." Imrik rubbed his brows with his hands, feeling a headache. He killed Manfred in exchange for Vlad, and then let Arkhan go. I really don't know what happened. Loss is gain, but as long as the earl in front of him is better than his son, there may not be any accidents.

"But before his remaining value is used up, there is still some time to live. Now it's your turn. I believe you must be full of doubts, but don't expect me to answer perfectly."

"What is your purpose? Why did you choose me? Why do you know the connection between More and Ursulian? How can I trust that you will not do anything here to make me subconsciously trust your actions."

"You have so many questions, but since the battle is over and there is still plenty of time, I will reluctantly give you some answers, but it is up to you to judge whether you believe them or not."

(End of this chapter)

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