Chapter 410 A Brief Stay
Led by Bernard, the crowd came to a stone house in the small town.

This stone house does not look particularly different from the surrounding ones.

Seeing this room, Baggett, who had been following them, shook his head in disgust: "I'll go first."

Saying that, he turned and left.

All I could hear was the sound of his golden artificial leg hitting the stone, and it gradually drifted away.

"This is the home of the mayor, and it can be regarded as our leader." Bernard said.

Knocked on the door.

Then came a slightly rough and bright voice from inside.

"Berner? Come in."

After the voice fell, the door was opened, and everyone saw the situation inside.

It's no different from a normal room.

Everyone got in, and Pororo squeezed in reluctantly with his waist bent.

The so-called mayor is also a skeleton, but from the size of the skeleton, it can be seen that this skeleton should have been a bit strong during his lifetime.

He was also wearing simple soft armor.

There is a statue of a god in the room, which should be used for prayer.

The clothes on the figure's hood are somewhat tattered, with one hand holding a wound chain, and the other holding a death scythe.

Obviously it doesn't seem like a normal belief.

Looking at the emblem on it, Alka felt familiar. Isn't this the divine emblem of the tomb burial they had just seen before?
"Ah, stranger, I haven't seen you for a long time. Hello, I'm the mayor here, and you can call me Cod.

I hope my people didn't scare you, hahaha. "

The skeleton looked at Alka and the others with a smile.

Although you can't see their facial expressions, you can still roughly judge their emotions by their tone of voice.

"Alka, I don't pay much attention to race and appearance. It's just that I didn't expect such an island to exist." Alka said with a smile.

"Can you tell us if you don't mind?" Lucilia asked while sitting on Alka's shoulder.

She was really curious about the island.

Hearing this, Kord nodded: "Of course, please sit down. This is not something worth hiding."

As everyone sat down, Kod scratched his own skull and said with a little embarrassment, "I'm sorry, there is no tea here, please forgive me."

"Of course, I can understand." Arka waved his hand and said.

Kodd nodded and began to talk: "We woke up about five or six thousand years ago, and there was some confusion at that time. Later, we were told and understood by outsiders. After a long time of adaptation, we accepted our own Identity, knowing the current situation of the whole world.

Of course, it was a chaotic era.

Some of us naturally want to leave, but unfortunately, as you can see, there is obviously something wrong with our state.

Although we were able to leave the island, we couldn't even get out of the vast fog on the sea. "

"Can't get out? No wonder." Alka said, no wonder he hadn't heard of these races outside.

In other words, it is impossible for people like them who are half-lived and half-dead to leave the area filled with white mist.

Of course, it could also be fake.

However, Alka is not easy to judge, so let's believe it is true for now.

"Do I have to die if I go out? Or will I be pulled back?" Lucilia asked curiously.

Bernard next to him said: "It's like being dead and turning into a pile of dry bones, and then it will be dragged back."

Hearing this simple explanation, everyone nodded clearly, it was easy to understand.

That is to say, for thousands of years, they lived like undead, never sleeping, not eating or drinking, and even unable to leave this place.It's not completely crazy yet, and it's wrong to think about it. Although many undeads who have just walked along the way seem to be in good condition, they have various mental problems to some extent.

However, these various problems seem to be understandable.

"I believe you will be able to see along the way that these people of mine have begun to gradually fall into madness under such torture."

Cord said suddenly.

Hearing this, everyone didn't know how to respond.

They don't understand and can't empathize.

Not to mention the words they understand.

"Thousands of years of torture, it seems that Baggett was outside just now? You must have been blocked by him, please forgive him."

Speaking of this, I can feel a little embarrassment from Kord's tone.

"His boat is full of people who have gone completely crazy, or almost crazy.

Not all outsiders are as friendly as you. For thousands of years, we have received many strangers.

Some are as friendly as you, some treat us as monsters, some treat us as experiments, some speak ill of each other, and some try to purify, but these have no other meaning except to make us suffer more .

So those pirate bands of his are out there attacking all ships trying to get to the island, and we the dead acquiesce.

Ships that can be driven away by them can hardly bear our appearance and change our lives. "

Then, the mayor stood up and said: "If you want to buy goods or harvest supplies, forgive us, there is nothing suitable here.

If you are curious about this island and want to take a look around, please don't disturb these suffering people.

There are no secrets on this island, you can wander around as long as you don't disturb the residents. "

As he spoke, he came directly to the statue, and suddenly began to pray.

Seeing this scene, Berner turned his head to look at the crowd and made a hissing gesture.Then he led them out of the room quietly, and closed the door by the way.

"Please forgive his courtesy, he has endured enough pressure for thousands of years, and sometimes he needs to pray to vent.

Memories are not good for him. "

Everyone nodded indifferently. The undead here are indeed more or less mentally abnormal, and they can easily get used to it.

And this can't be called rude at all, on the contrary, these undead are a little too polite.

Jason looked at Bernard who was talking: "What about you, why does it feel like you are the most normal person we have met?"

On the contrary, Berner, who had been leading them around, didn't show too many abnormal behaviors.

"Hahahaha, of course it is this." He said, shaking the fishing rod he had been carrying on his shoulder.Very proud.

"I was obsessed with fishing when I was alive, when I hardly had many friends or even relatives.

Fishing is all about me, I live by fishing.So I was already abnormal when I was alive, what could be more abnormal when I was dead. "

Bernard smiled very freely.

At this time, Simon thought of something very keenly and asked: "Do those undead who were with you before have their own hobbies?"

Hearing this, Bernard stared at him with his skull eyes burning with soul fire: "You are very sharp, that's right. Narisa is obsessed with painting, Saberg is good at sculpture, and Wally is deeply involved in dancing."

"That is to say, if you have an obsessive hobby after death, this hobby can be entrusted to your spirit to keep your emotions in a good state.

compared to others. said Simon.

Berna nodded: "That's right, it's amazing that you guys discovered it so quickly.

Yes, it's a pity, only a few of us have such obsessive hobbies, even after death, we are still addicted to these.

A lot of people have given up on the torture of endless hours, and those who have hobbies are either fine or completely crazy. "

As he spoke, he led a few people and slowly walked in other directions.

While walking, while chatting.

Apparently, Alka and the others, rare outsiders, became the object of the skeleton in front of him.

He really needs some normal people to talk to and ease the mood.

Everyone also needs to understand, not exclusive at all.

"If it weren't for these hobbies, we would have gone crazy and become pirates on a ghost ship.

So sometimes I really admire Baggett and Corder. Although they always quarrel and have different ideas, they rely on their own will to be the most normal. "

"Is Baggett normal?" Jason asked with some uncertainty beside him.

"Of course, he has always been like this, isn't it normal?"

That being said, it seems to be true.

This kind of personality is abnormal from the beginning, and it has not changed much after thousands of years, and it is still abnormal. Doesn't it mean that it is normal instead?

It's weird, but true.

It quickly brought them to an area where there were many houses, but there were very few undead villagers coming and going.

"You can find a few houses here to live, of course, I think you may prefer to live on your own boat.

After all, this is the residence of the undead. Although everyone was once a normal human being, many habits have changed over the millennia. "

"Why are there so many empty houses here?" asked Xia Dai.

And these vacant rooms seem to be gathering together.

"It's all those crazy residents who joined the pirates, and they naturally flowed down."

"By the way, if you need to find me, you can find me at the lighthouse and the port, where I usually fish.

Of course, if you need some supplies, you can also find me.I release most of the fish I catch so you can take it all if you want. "

After chatting for a while, Berner, who had been leading them all the time, left.

Of course, everyone did not enter these houses to rest.After a casual look, it was confirmed that there was indeed no one living in it for a long time, and then they retreated.

"What do we do now? Do we want to draw a map of the island? Or should we leave?"

As Xia Dati spoke, he walked towards the boat on the shore.

Hearing this, Alka couldn't help thinking.He wasn't sure for a while. It must be a strange phenomenon for this place to become like this, but now they have their own things to do.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Then let's draw a picture, anyway, it's here."

Besides, the island is really not big, and it is easy to walk around.

And through the special sight that sees through the secrets, Alka always feels that there is some redness in the sky.

Xia Daiti nodded, and started to hang out with a few people, anyway, there is nothing to do now.

While walking, observing and chatting.

"So why did this island become what it is now?" Jason asked a little strangely.

"The chaos of the environment," Julia said.

Along the way, she has not spoken, and has been relying on her own perception to perceive the special things brought about by the surrounding environment.

At least it felt like something was different.

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, he said while walking: "It's very simple, just like the space in the Shattered Sea Territory was extremely weak and chaotic.

Here, death becomes extremely debilitating, or disappears altogether, in this foggy region.

It is in this area that the concept of death may no longer exist. "

"That is to say, you won't really die here?" Jason asked, frowning.

Is there such an outrageous place?
Julia shook her head: "No, you can't say that, immortality means the immortality of the soul, not the incorruption of the body.

When you die, your soul remains immortal, attached to your body.But your body is dead, so when you leave this fog, you will likely suffer physical death and corruption.

Death doesn't go away forever, he catches you at the right place and grabs you by the throat. "

"In other words, become undead like them?" Lucilia asked.

"I don't know, but there may be this possibility. It is more likely that you will die completely after leaving this area, and maybe you will not come back like they did."

"Don't forget, they didn't wake up until tens of thousands of years after their death." Alka turned his head and reminded.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, ghosts know what has happened to this place.

In other words, they may have to wait for such a long time before they can be revived after death.

So basically dead or dead.

No one would take their own death to try, no point.

"So even if the death here disappears, it won't be like them. They are bound in this area, there must be other reasons." Julia said, then shook her head to indicate that she also know this.

"Compared to what you said, I care more about this thing." Simon said, standing under a big tree and looking at the big tree.

Maybe it's because the area is full of death that can't leave, or maybe it's something else.

The plants on the island are slightly dilapidated and dry, but they are indeed alive.

Just like the big tree in front of them, there are no green leaves on it, and the dry one is like a completely withered tree.

But it is indeed a big tree that is still alive.

"What's wrong with this thing?" Jason leaned over curiously and asked.

"The new life of death." Simon said as he climbed up the big tree, and then saw a sprout growing among a bunch of dry dead wood.

The shoots are about the size of a nail shell.

Seeing this young leaf, Simon has already started to take out various equipment and start to unfold it.

"What do you mean?" Jason was a little confused.

"That's a material we need." Alka said and recalled.

What needs this material is that they are researching a device that can give a doll girl a soul.

One of the materials that they don't know where to look for is very mysterious - the life of death.

Very symbolic stuff.

Simon goes a little deeper than what he's delved into here.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Simon cut the bud and a cut branch below it, and immediately encapsulated it for magic protection.

Then put those devices away and jumped down.

"Following the voyage of fate is really useful, isn't it?" Simon said with a smile, looking at the buds in the sealed bottle in his hand.

Alka looked at the buds in the bottle, his eyes were slightly dazzled, he wanted to see more.

Then he saw the brokenness and resistance of death on the buds.

Life overwhelms death and emerges from death.

Afterwards, his eyes were slightly sore, and Alka closed his eyes to rest for a while.

Seeing some things that he can't see much at this stage, there will be such a situation, which can be regarded as a warning.

"Then this thing..." Alka seemed to think of something, and a leg bone appeared in his hand.

It was the bone that had been taken from the thigh of the undead that had drilled out of the coffin before, and it contained the memory of death.

Thinking that those undead will be resurrected, I wonder if the skeleton will be missing a leg?

"Memories after death?" Alka was a little uncertain.

But he did see something similar in this bone.

Speaking of Alka and Simon, the two looked at each other.

The strange phenomena brought about by this area may really allow them to obtain something.

Thinking of this, Alka said directly: "Maybe there are materials we need on the island, by the way, pay attention and take a look around."

A few people suddenly gained some motivation, and began to follow Xia Daiti to draw the map while observing the surroundings.

Strange areas can naturally produce more scarce materials.


Time flies by.

Alka and the others are doing boring things on the island.

"Are you ready to leave?" Bernard sat on a boulder on the shore, holding a fishing rod in his hand.He looked at the person next to him and asked.

Sitting next to him were Pororo, Jason, and Juanlu.

They are the same look as Bernard.

"That's right, we might be leaving in a while." Jason said.

Then it seemed that there was a fish coming up, and he calmly took the fishing rod and started to pull with the fish, and then exerted a strong force.

A big fish was dragged up by him, and the strength of this fish was about the second stage.

The moment he was dragged up, Jason seized the opportunity to knock the fish unconscious with a punch and threw it into the nearby fish box.

It was a huge box filled with a layer of ice.

It is already covered with dense fishes, all of which they will catch this time.

"It's a pity, I still have a lot of fishing skills that I haven't passed on to you." Bernard said helplessly.

Rare to meet like-minded people.

This period of getting along is enough for him to recall hundreds of years.

"What you have taught us is enough, let us explore the rest." Hu Anlu said solemnly beside him.

"Speaking of which, aren't your other companions..." Bernard pointed to his own skull with obvious consciousness.

This remark and behavior made the three of them a little embarrassed, and they didn't know how to explain it?

"Uh... maybe, maybe they're just curious."

"Really, I haven't seen outsiders for many years, so I don't know much about the situation outside, sorry."

"It's all right, but they do have some brain problems." Jason smiled and said indifferently.

At this time, the drumbeat of music came from the small port in the distance.

Hearing this voice, the three got up.

"Let's take our leave first, maybe we will have a chance to see you later."

"Of course, if you can, think of a way to free us."

(End of this chapter)

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