The shuttle-shaped starship gradually took on its proper outline on the plain land, and its thick black metal shell was full of calm texture.

Every day, countless convoys come in and out of this completely blocked plain area. Almost all of the alliance cities that have managed to come from troubled times to such a unified situation have abandoned the human nature of infighting.

There was no major disturbance during the entire construction process from beginning to end.

Everyone is waiting for the day when it really takes off!
It was almost a year after the start of the starship project. As the doctor responsible for all human body modification technology, he once again found Bai E.

The construction progress of the starship is visible to everyone. Before the actual departure is expected in the near future, the doctor, in accordance with his duties, conducted a final physical examination on all personnel participating in this first interstellar voyage.

Only those individuals who are within the normal threshold range, both physically and mentally, can obtain the final qualification to board the ship.

In fact, this kind of inspection is not just the latest one. In the past year, the doctor has paid attention to the physical condition of each batch of transformers countless times.

What the doctor came to report now is the follow-up observation of the physical characteristics of all the surgically modified soldiers.

After all, once Bai E takes people off to the stars, it may not be possible to say whether there is still a possibility of meeting in the future... or the timing of the next meeting.

Before Bai E actually left, he felt that he needed to let Bai E understand all his knowledge -

Technology continues to advance, and the various shortcomings displayed by the soldiers who underwent surgical transformation in the early stage are gradually being discovered and improved.

For example, almost all people who undergo surgical transformation will completely lose their fertility.

Reproducing offspring and continuing the race is a natural requirement that many human beings have for themselves after coming into this world.

If you don't reproduce, I won't reproduce. Sooner or later, human beings will fall into the only ending of extinction.

This is also the core reason why humans are destined to be unable to perform transformation surgeries for all humans. Putting aside the high cost of creating a storm warrior, it is every human being's wish to completely lose the ability to reproduce in order to pursue combat capabilities. A development we don’t want to see.

Under this premise, those few individuals who still retain the necessary conditions for reproduction during transformation are a matter worthy of considerable attention.

There are only about a dozen special cases of this kind of individuals, regardless of whether they are natives or players.

The special cases among the players are a bit coincidental. Kuang Xin, Gong Yan, Dai Lian, Gu Lan, Xu Ruoguang, there are exactly five.

Bai E also knows a lot of special cases among the aborigines: Stone, Rose, Zero, Murphy, and Ares.

Except for two other aboriginal individuals that Bai E had never seen before, there were a total of twelve special cases, of which Bai E knew ten of them.

I don’t know why the small Blackwater City has so many outstanding people.

These twelve special cases are regarded as treasures by the doctor.

After all, most of the current transformation technologies are still derived from the basic technologies developed by the doctor himself, so some of the problems he faced at the beginning have never been overcome——

For example, the body of a transformed warrior is actually unstable. Only by regularly obtaining the body's stabilizing repair fluid can the physical body be kept stable.

And every transformer who has undergone surgery has a certain probability of generating a seed called the "Golden Seed" in his body. That seed is the result of the coordination between the transformed organ and the transformer's original genes. If you accept that "golden seed" When a person with a "seed" implanted undergoes the transformation surgeries that the transformer who provided the "seed" originally underwent, there will no longer be rejection reactions, and they will no longer be restricted by the stable repair fluid.

The yield rate of golden seeds is pitifully low, not much different from the probability of a human being suitable for modifying the physique among ordinary people.

Only one human being suitable for all surgeries will appear among 10,000 ordinary people, and one individual who can produce golden seeds may appear among 10,000 transformers.

Coincidentally, these twelve special cases not only have the ability to reproduce offspring, but also all generate their own "golden seeds".

However, time has been limited so far. The doctor has only collected the first golden seed produced by these individuals. He also found signs that the second golden seed is condensing, but he does not know whether it is a resource that can be continuously generated, or whether it has How many coins are generated before stopping?

As of now, the doctor has only had time to plant the golden seeds generated by these twelve individuals into the bodies of the next batch of transformers. He has not yet observed whether the next batch of transformers can inherit their characteristics and have the ability to reproduce and continue to give birth. The ability of the golden seed.

If possible... then using these first twelve special cases, maybe we can create a truly fully mature Stormtroopers Chapter with stable and sustainable development.

The reason why the doctor took advantage of Bai E's departure to find Bai E was because he wanted him to pay more attention to those special individuals.

Except for Ares, the God of War, all other special cases are full of interest in Bai E's trip.

They all want to join this great voyage, and even Ares himself, if it were not for the idea of ​​protecting the original home of mankind, he would definitely follow Bai E's footsteps.

"I understand, doctor." After listening to the doctor's narration, Bai E nodded in agreement, "I will focus on observing them in the future... After we leave, the development of the Storm Troops on the planet will be entirely left to you, doctor. ”

The doctor smiled heartily, "Of course!"

It is his greatest wish in this life to create a group of mortal angels for mankind that can conquer all directions!
Shortly after the doctor left, Helen, the chief designer of the entire starship project, also came over.

The passage of time and the responsibilities shouldered by her have given this beautiful and charming woman a bit more of a tough and vicissitudes of life.

Her eyes were full of fatigue from the long-term effort, but when she saw Bai E, she couldn't help but burst out with a bright smile, "Bai E, it's time to set sail."

In order to fulfill her promise to Bai E, she has been completely devoted to the starship for almost a year.

Continuous review and testing, every detail is required to be perfect.

Just for this light announcement today.

When he heard that this day had finally arrived, Bai E was also startled. He looked at the other party and smiled gently, "These two years... I have worked hard for you."

"Is it hard?" Helen's eyes were filled with rare heat. "You are about to leave. Can I make my first and last request to you?"



Helen never forgot her Primarch's plans.

Especially after the doctor's transformation surgery became more and more mature.

She had also heard about the twelve special cases.

However... can these special cases from ordinary people compare to Bai E's quality?

Bai E himself has never undergone any surgical modification, and no one has done a detailed examination of his body to see if he is suitable for those surgeries.

As an absolutely powerful human being who has reached the top without relying on modification at all, no one would ask him to use those surgical methods to strengthen himself. But will the warriors built with his body genes as the core become a truly extraordinary and invincible army for mankind?
Faced with Helen's request, Bai E, who had never thought about this, his face froze, "Seeds? I can give you whatever you want, but I don't know what seeds you want?"

Helen's cheeks were red and her eyelids were slightly sunken. "The method is relatively primitive..."

Bai E never expected that this female academician, who was bright and cool on the outside, would already have such a plan in her mind from the first time she saw him?


The time for the departure of the first interstellar exploration team to explore the universe has been determined.

On the day of departure, almost all core personnel from all cities around the world came to the scene to witness with their own eyes this first human attempt to explore the universe.

This is a day that is destined to go down in the annals of human history. No human being in this era is willing to miss this scene.

And those players and aborigines who were not qualified to travel but came here because of the reputation even surrounded the outside of the entire plain three times inside and three times outside.

In the past two years, Bai E and countless human armies have swept back and forth almost all threats on the land.

Except for the deep sea and the underground that are difficult to explore, it can be said that there is no crisis on the ground that can threaten mankind.

Humanity has once again returned to its position as planetary hegemon.

The gradually restored transportation capacity has also made countless ordinary people willing to come to the scene to witness another major milestone of their humanity.

Waiting for the starship to take off, the plain was filled with a buzzing movement.

"I really envy them..."

"I don't know when the next interstellar voyage will be? I must sign up then!"

"Is it useful for you to sign up? I heard that people are basically looking for characters like 'sons of devil' and 'fanatics'. Without those kind of characters' incredible learning ability, you also want to join the interstellar navigation team? There is something , I’m not born with it, I just don’t have it.”

"But I also heard that ordinary people entered it? One of the students brought by the teacher of my cousin's second aunt's neighbor joined the first batch of interstellar navigation teams."

"Those are more important crew members, and the selection requirements are more stringent than those of the 'fanatics'. There are billions of people in the world, but there are only a few dozen crew members in this first batch of flights? You, don't think about it."

"If a person has no dreams, what is the difference between him and a salted fish?"


"why are you laughing?"

"I laughed so hard that I might not even be able to search for the next starship, let alone sign up to be selected."

"What did brother say?"

"As far as I know, the construction of this starship alone required almost all of our global efforts. If it weren't for the push of a legendary figure like Lord Bai'e, it feels like it would be an impossible feat. Think about it again. Next time, it’s unlikely…”

"Unless they find something outside that humans can't refuse, or something dangerous..."

Under everyone's attention, the dark starship finally made some movement.

With the help of the anti-gravity module, the huge starship slowly and steadily rose from the ground to the sky.

The shadow that blocks out the sky and the sun covers an extremely vast land on the earth.

Helen, Ares and others in the tower watched the starship gradually rise. Before losing the network signal, they finally sent their final blessings to the starship -

"I wish you good luck in martial arts."

The starship gradually rose into the sky until everything on the earth became a distant black dot.

Amid slight vibrations, the starship flew through the atmosphere and arrived smoothly into the dark space of space.

The hot solar wind swept brutally from a distance, and the coating on the starship's surface isolated all harmful effects.

As a rare individual player among the starship crew, Zhou Wenjie frowned and paid attention to all the self-test indicators of the starship and the physical condition of the personnel inside the starship.

Being cautious by nature, he will pay great attention to any sudden change in value.

This is the major human action in which he has participated to the highest degree!
Interstellar navigation, that is a great feat that has not even been accomplished in the real world!
Not to mention that a lot of the professional knowledge involved in this game is, in his opinion, traceable and worth learning from.

So much so that at this moment, he didn't feel like he was playing a game at all, but really regarded himself as a crew chief who was responsible for the safety of all members of the ship and was performing his job seriously.

The deep space of the universe is silent.

The black shuttle-shaped starship is like a ghostly ghost, traveling towards the unknown distance.

The direction the starship is flying to is a galaxy that has been judged through long-term observations of the universe to have a high probability of having traces of man-made changes.

Although the objective distance from the original star from which they set out is at least two hundred light years, at the speed of the starship's curvature navigation, the actual arrival time would not consume everyone's lives.

The ship is full of modified humans who have undergone surgical transformation, and their long lives are at least better than those of biochemical warriors who have clung to the remains of the root server for more than four hundred years.

Everyone is full of confidence in this interstellar voyage!
After the starship sailed a certain distance away from the original planet, many people said that they heard some strange noises coming from inside the cabin.



It seemed like there were countless tearing movements happening at the same time, which made people feel uneasy.

The crew responded immediately, but could not see a real fatal threat from the self-checking system.

"It may be that some high-energy particle flow penetrated the surface coating and caused some damage to some structures. However, our starship materials use highly active self-healing Yuan series alloys, so this damage is nothing. ”

After carefully inspecting all the indicators of the starship, the chief of the crew has absolute confidence in this starship built with the efforts of all mankind, "Let everyone rest assured that everything is within control."

Among the crew members, only Wenjie, who did not belong to this world, felt uneasy. (End of chapter)

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