Chapter 37
Not long ago, on the outskirts of Yecheng.

Zhang Jiao was covered in green blood, he frowned, tore off the blood-stained Taoist robe, and threw it on the ground.

The surrounding yellow turban warriors were similar, especially the hatchet and pitchfork in their hands. Even if the talisman attached to it by Zhang Jiao's spell, it still couldn't cover up the green blood on it.

But fortunately, the source of these bloods finally fell on this barren beach.

It was a monster that looked slightly like a cow, with only one vertical eye in the forehead, and the horns on its head sprouted countless barbs like thorns, and its tail slapped the ground weakly, covered with scales like a snake.

After Zhang Jiao abandoned his robe, he asked the other yellow scarf fighters to do the same. After throwing all the blood-stained clothes together, he raised a red talisman in the air, and a spark of fire appeared immediately, igniting the clothes.

In the blazing flames, Na Fei suddenly said: "Wu that yellow thief...why do you want to put me to death?"

Zhang Jiao said coldly: "If I don't kill you, when will the world's great epidemic end?"

Fei hehe laughed strangely, but there was a spear stuck in his throat, and the sharp pain from the tearing wound interrupted it, so he could only say hoarsely: "Zhu Yan is a good meat, the battlefield is full of residual limbs, and you can find them everywhere." Food. People don't think that the lord will go to war for self-interest, but if he resents him, he will fight."

"Changyou likes to eat fish, and he is good at listening to the waves. If he hears a flood, he will go first. People don't think about building dams to control rivers, but if they complain, they will flood."

"Jihook is not afraid of poison, but regards insects as delicacies. Why can't they eat maggots due to rotting corpses? People don't think about curing diseases and saving lives, but resentment will lead to great epidemics!"

These are all strange beasts in the Book of Mountains and Seas, Zhang Jiao has naturally heard of them, frowned and shouted: "Nonsense! Even if what the above three people said is true, what excuse do you have?!"

Fei snorted disdainfully, looked at the Yellow Turban soldiers who still had a little blood on their skin, and finally exhaled: "Let's see, did you get sick first, or... died of fighting first?"

After saying that, he finally closed the vertical pupil in his forehead, and his head fell heavily on the ground.

Zhang Jiao looked at Fei's corpse and was speechless for a long time.

After Fei died, there was finally movement behind him. Li Cheng, the prefect of Yecheng who had agreed to discuss Fei together, finally arrived with his horse. When he saw the huge corpse on the ground, he took a breath and did not dare to approach him. Clasping hands: "Great virtuous teacher! Good news! Good news!"

Zhang Jiao took a long breath, no matter what, Fei has already been killed, this plague that has been going on for several years should finally come to an end, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little happy, and he didn't care about the hypocritical attitude of the prefect of Ye City, he bowed his hands and said back from a long distance: "It's a serious word...but Fei is dead, and the people do have a little chance to breathe."

Li Cheng was taken aback, and then quickly said: "Yes, yes, this is also a joy! Double happiness is coming, double happiness is coming!"

Zhang Jiao frowned, only then did he understand that what the two parties said was not the same thing, so he put down his hands and asked, "What else is there to celebrate?"

Prefect Li Cheng stroked his beard and said with a chuckle, "Great virtuous teacher, your deeds have already been heard in the heavens!"

"Your Majesty announces you to enter the palace to listen!"


The ruling and opposition parties have not been so elated for a long time.

Flowers are falling from the sky, and golden lotuses are gushing from the ground, which is undoubtedly a sign that the saint is about to emerge.

In the past, there were only a handful of people from a hundred schools of thought who had similar visions, and there were records of the death of immortals, but it was only one place, and there were no more than dozens of witnesses.

Going forward, there is only a little correspondence in the myths and legends of the Five Emperors.

And now?Anywhere in the world, as long as you raise your head, you can see that wonderful scene!

Such astonishing auspicious omens swept away the haze of constant natural and man-made disasters in Zhongping for several years after the emperor ascended the throne.

At least on the surface.

Although many people can't understand why the emperor is still raking in money, eunuchs are still in charge of cholera, foreign relatives are still interfering in the regime, the war in Xiqiang has not eased, the natural disasters have not ended, and the people are still displaced. The sky is full of flowers, and the ground is full of golden lotus auspicious signs?
But at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when an official was either 'to be filial and honest', or to 'buy an official into a noble' legally, there was absolutely no 'childish fool' in the court who was willing to spoil the atmosphere and talk about these things.

Even the daily affairs of the government have added a new link: everyone uses this magical auspicious omen to congratulate His Majesty on his ability to govern the country from various angles, and the destiny is in the Han Dynasty.

The current emperor, who will be posthumously titled Lingdi in the future, is so happy that he feels a little better, and his appetite is no longer so poor.

In such an atmosphere, Zhang Jiao's deeds of summoning thousands of kilometers of grain from the sky outside Yecheng City finally spread to Luoyang City.

Although Zhang Jiao called for food first and the hype fell behind, it took time for the news to spread.As a result, due to the time difference, when people were wondering about the specific source of this auspicious omen, Zhang Jiao's shocking performance almost made everyone have a specific guess in their hearts.

Isn't this... a contemporary sage like Confucius and Mencius?
Because before Qin Shihuang, there was no such a long unified dynasty, even if there was such a thing as Wang Mang usurping the Han Dynasty, but because of Liu Xiu's feat of continuing the Han Dynasty, the deep-rooted concept of the Liu family world was strengthened. Few people really have a dynasty in their minds The idea of ​​replacement.

Although everyone hates the current government, what they look forward to the most is the emergence of a new master of ZTE like Liu Xiu.

Therefore, none of the ruling and opposition parties felt that the sage who could cause the golden lotus to fall from the sky was a threat, but they were heartened.

Coupled with Zhang Jiao's status as a great sage and mentor of Taiping Dao, is it possible that the Han Dynasty really wants to thrive with the help of sages?
To be honest, this idea is not only for people in court, even Zhang Jiao was in a trance for a moment.

He was sitting in an incomparably luxurious sedan chair. This sedan chair was like an expensive mansion. Not only was it spacious, it could accommodate people lying on their sides. There were luxurious gold and silver artifacts, pearls and jade inside, and the corners were even more beautiful. One who can name it.

Seeing this, Zhang Jiao's mind only flashed: "If it is replaced by food, how many people will be enough to eat" the thought disappeared in a flash.

He was more thinking, should he take this opportunity and continue to play the role of 'great virtuous teacher'?
In fact, "Taiping Jing" is not an anti-book, and it contains a lot of content that assists Han and Han.There is even a special article called "Xing Emperor", which is in the form of a question and an answer, describing how a real person can help the emperor in the world to rejuvenate the country and prosper his heirs by asking the gods for advice.

In the early years, there was also a man named Gong Chong who wanted to dedicate the "Taiping Jing" to Emperor Shun of the Han Dynasty.

And Zhang Jiao has always called himself a "great virtuous teacher" since he started his career, and he has similar thoughts.

He raised the car curtain slightly, looked up at the tall palace, and a gleam of hope rose in his heart.

If the emperor can be persuaded to collect less taxes and build more buildings, and provide more relief to the people and the people to rest... then why is there any need for rebellion?

He just raised his head, looking hopefully at Zhang Jiao of Weiyang Palace from afar, but didn't see the thin faces, dark faces, strenuous expressions and sweat on the foreheads of the bearers and servants carrying the sedan chairs nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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