Your universe is so fragile

Chapter 90 High Dimensional Maliciousness

Chapter 90 High Dimensional Maliciousness
Zhang Zicheng didn't take their things, and left after a brief farewell.

On the way, he began to think about why he also acted in a low-dimensional environment. It would be boring to attack others, but at least there would be some emotional ups and downs in helping others.

In the end, Zhang Zicheng felt that the reason why he was bored with the former might be because he had done it too many times in the game...

In most games, NPCs and enemies cannot set AI that can think and act independently.If you put aside the phenomenon of the model and look at the essence, the only interaction between those game enemies and the control character is to be counter-killed during the attack.

Because this is an extremely simple interaction, and it will not increase the confusion and the amount of information. At most one corpse will be added on the ground, and it will be refreshed in order to take into account the performance of the computer.

The thing that helps others is to increase the amount of information in the overall system, so the world will record this behavior and produce tiny variables.

But when Zhang Zicheng thought of this, he laughed at himself: "Is it fun to help low-dimensional people? But I can make all low-dimensional people eat and drink with one thought. Is it too hypocritical to talk about helping? Really want to help others , there are a lot of people in need in reality, wouldn’t it be more meaningful to directly use the power of will to meet all the necessities of survival of all low-dimensional people, and then make money in high-dimensional through low-dimensional knowledge?”

However, Zhang Zicheng has indeed done this matter, but because he has done it, he does not intend to continue to do it until he sees the final impact on the future of the entire ancient society.

He wants to know whether the whole society will become better or worse in the new game after satisfying the lowest survival needs of ordinary people Freud.

Because of this, Zhang Zicheng did not look at the process from the Three Kingdoms universe to the "future" for the time being, because if he really went to check what happened in the Three Kingdoms universe now, it is very likely that he could only see the appearance, and the society has not yet formed. The real game result.

If the final result is really bad, of course Zhang Zicheng cannot use the same method in other low-dimensional worlds.

But at the same time, Zhang Zicheng was also surrounded by a sense of meaninglessness.

In fact, he has long discovered the embarrassment of his originally envisioned life—he wants to obtain pleasure and fun beyond reality through low-dimensional knowledge in the process of learning low-dimensional knowledge and obtaining immortality.

But the problem is, if the game itself is to provide players with problems, and then let the players overcome the problems through their own efforts, thereby generating pleasure.For Zhang Zicheng, all low-dimensional problems do not exist.

hunger?war?plague?After obtaining the wish power, these are just a matter of effort.Natural and man-made disasters, alien invasion, and the destruction of the universe can all be resolved with one thought.

Even after a disaster has occurred, you can use the power of will to reverse time, which is a more in-depth, specific and omnipotent power than the modifier in reality.

To the lower dimensions, he is a god in the true sense.But because of this, for Zhang Zicheng, who has no desire for such emotions as belief and worship, he really wants to play low-dimensional as a game, but it is extremely boring.

But speaking of this, Zhang Zicheng suddenly realized that his wish power didn't seem to be too much.

The wish power I got from Lu Youpeng at the beginning is almost squandered now. The other party is recovering well now, and I didn't really go to the hospital to take care of the other party. Naturally, there is no follow-up supply.

So now I have to start to solve the problem of lack of willingness?
"Tilulu." Zhang Zicheng called out.

Tilulu on the horseback immediately raised her head, blinked her eyes and said, "What's wrong, Father God?"

"Are there still two evil gods in this universe?" Zhang Zicheng asked.

Ti Lulu nodded and said, "Yes, there are also fear and laziness..."

Having said that, she shook her head: "No, there is also the arrogance of the end of time, it should also exist, right?"

Zhang Zicheng nodded, and said softly: "Then you go and warn these two evil gods... Although they have been very quiet before, I'm not sure how long their peace can last, whether they are spontaneous or restrained. All in all, you tell them not to interfere with the humans of Earth, and that's it."

This can be regarded as a small help to the world.

Tilulu nodded, for her, such an order is naturally a trivial matter.

She was about to turn around and leave, but under Zhang Zicheng's order, she dismounted and found a small alley, and then disappeared.

Then, Zhang Zicheng began to walk to the Chinese gathering area in the city.

Before finding the traversers, he also wanted to see if he could let the aborigines go directly. Although they couldn't guarantee their ideological level, at least the first step was to overthrow the Manchu rule and resist future Japanese invasion.

At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that they cannot rely on the golden fingers they have given, and play the role of agent of the gods. It is best to just be a patriotic businessman on the surface...

Zhang Zicheng was riding on the horse, thinking about what he had and what not, and when he was thinking about where he should start to get some wish power, suddenly a whistle sounded beside him.

"Hey, yellow monkey."

Zhang Zicheng frowned and looked at the entrance of the alley next to him.

I saw two underage boys leaning against the wall, looking at themselves with playful smiles.

It seemed that it was because of the direction that they realized that this man might be an Asian from the East, so they suddenly found an insulting word and shouted it out.


Deep in the alley, among a group of minors, there are one or two adults mixed in. They are all holding revolvers, waiting for their prey to be provoked and then hooked.

They hid behind the corner, in the yard of this residential house, and waited for the man to come to the alley, and then ate him up.

However, there was still a little boy who asked in a low voice with some hesitation: "Are we really going to attack this man? You have heard all the rumors in the city today, right? They all say that this man has witchcraft!"

"Oh, witchcraft?" A bearded adult sneered: "Do you believe in such deceptive tricks?"

"Yes." Another tall and thin minor immediately agreed, and said with a sneer: "Believe it or not, he will perform in the theater in Annis City next time? At that time, the ticket price will be 80 cents per person. In the past few days, the cost he used to hype has been recovered."

Hearing these remarks, the little boy who was hesitant at first asked curiously, "How do you know?"

The tall and thin young man shook his head, and obviously sneered at such mysterious events: "When I was in my hometown, a group of gypsies once came, and they made messy things like crystal ball predictions, tarot cards, astrology, curses, etc. It even made it into the local newspaper!"

As he spoke, he raised the revolver in his hand, and said with a chuckle, "Those idiots are being tricked around, and many people even think that an old gypsy in it is capable of witchcraft! He even managed to knock a little bastard who didn't respect him into a coma." for a week."

These words immediately aroused the interest of the people around, and someone next to him whispered in surprise: "Ah? Then how did he do it?"

At the beginning, the unshaven adult felt that this was not the time to talk about it, but seeing that these boys might be bluffed by the rumors of the past two days, he let his assistant calm people down through the story.

And the tall and thin young man smiled coldly: "That little bastard once bullied me. I plan to go to his house to kill him while he is unconscious, and then steal his money. A cursed person dies, Everyone would think it was the gypsies who did it... Well..."

"What happened in the end? You said it."

In this age when entertainment is not abundant, a story told by a witness can still arouse their curiosity, and they can't wait to ask.

The tall and thin young man held his head up and laughed: "What else? Of course that little bastard sat there with the gypsy and split the money! He spent money to find someone to cooperate with the acting, and even made a scene in the newspapers, but it didn't take a week. , this group of gypsies made back their money by selling transshipment accessories."

The unshaven adult nodded and said, "I've seen a similar one... an old Indian man, but I shot him to pieces, and his mask was completely useless against bullets."

As he said that, he looked at the crowd and said disdainfully: "What era is it? The railways have been rushed, cameras have appeared, civilization has begun to be enlightened, this is an era of science! Anyone who believes in those ghost tricks will only be condemned in this life." Fool."

Seeing that the morale of all the teenagers was finally mobilized, and the shrinking expression on their faces disappeared, the adult finally nodded in satisfaction.

"What's more, when the time comes to sell this man's horse, everyone can make a lot of money..."

He paused, but still revealed a bit of information to everyone: "I have already found a buyer. The reason why I didn't make a move yesterday was because I was negotiating with the big boss."

As he said that, greed flashed in the man's eyes: "The big boss said that he is willing to pay 1500 US dollars for this horse!"


These kids who have never even seen $10, have they ever heard of such a large amount?All of a sudden, their blood was racing, and they wanted to rush out and rob them in the street.

Seeing the fanaticism and greed in everyone's eyes, the man nodded in satisfaction.

Actually...he kind of believed the rumors.

But the boss offered a high price of 3000 US dollars, such a large amount, even if it was a deadly deal, it would take a vote!
If you really succeed, you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life!
That being the case, draw two cakes with these little brats, and they will put in more effort later, so I can hide behind for a while...

The wishful thinking in the man's heart was clinking, but for some reason, he felt his legs tremble.

He looked around in astonishment, only to realize that it wasn't his legs that were trembling, but the entire ground!
What followed was the screams of the two baits at the entrance of the alley.



Time goes back to half a minute ago.

"What are you looking at? Don't you think that people won't be able to see you as a monkey if you wear an adult appearance? Where's your braid? Did your master cut it off and whip you? Hahaha~"

When the two boys saw that the other was attracted by themselves, they immediately made their expressions look even more contemptuous, and their mouths became dirty with laughter.

As they spoke, they also pushed up the corners of their eyes, making a very classic discriminatory gesture.

Zhang Zicheng looked at them and frowned slightly.

Seeing that the other party was sitting on the horse, and seemed to ignore the provocations of themselves and others, the two minors were suddenly a little anxious.

If he came after him directly, whether he was riding or dismounting, the two of them would hide in the alley, and naturally there would be companions to take care of him.

But if the time drags on for a long time and there are more witnesses, they will not feel too good.Normally, he would add a provocation like a coward, and then die down.

But this time, the possible benefits were too great, and they couldn't help but continue to provoke.

"What are you looking at? Look again and I'll dig out your eyes!" One of the boys bared his teeth and threatened.

The other was very angry: "What's the matter? Coward, don't you dare to talk back when you are scolded? Your yellow monkeys are really servile. The black people are liberated, but you are still building the railway under the whip~"

Zhang Zicheng sighed, and said helplessly, "Sure enough, I'm not a saint. I can't avoid being punished for my words."

Bear kids are full of obscenities, in reality, it is naturally not a crime.Not even critical education if their parents are jerks too.

However, in low dimensions, one's own humanity has no moral and legal constraints.

Zhang Zicheng raised his hand, wanting to teach them a profound lesson...

For example, the mouth disappears, leaving only a hole for drinking liquid food through a straw, and I can no longer use these two cheap mouths to swear in this life.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

Zhang Zicheng was taken aback, wondering if it was an earthquake?

As his attention shifted, the shaking tended to ease.

However, the two brats obviously didn't care about such things. The slight shaking of the ground failed to scare the two teenagers who had not been trained in earthquake response. Instead, they became more impatient and provocative as time passed.

"What's the matter? What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you hurry back and work in your brothel?"

"That's right, maybe the guests will ask you to push, hahaha!"

Zhang Zicheng's eyes instantly became serious.

While he was watching, the two little ghosts seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder in an instant, and they crawled to the ground with a bang, and there was a clear cracking sound from the kneecaps that hit the ground.


Their screams seemed so insignificant amid the re-expanded tremors on the ground.

Stimulated by the sudden severe pain, both of them burst into tears and snot in an instant.The heavy pressure on their bodies made them feel that every bone in their bodies was slowly being broken in the hydraulic machine, and it was as if countless needles were pierced into the bones, and the pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

It was difficult for Zhang Zicheng to suppress the anger in his heart.

No one could have imagined that a kid in an 18th-century city could have such a dirty mouth.

The purpose of these two little devils has been achieved, and the other party has indeed been successfully provoked.


The ground of the entire street cracked rapidly, and amidst the shaking of the ground and the screams of countless people, a bottomless black abyss appeared.

Although Zhang Zicheng was still angry, he didn't intend to vent his anger on innocent people. Seeing this, he was a little confused, so he asked, "System, what's going on? Did the city have an earthquake just when I was angry?"

When he asked the question, he had some guesses in his heart.

Sure enough, the system confirmed Zhang Zicheng's conjecture.

System: [No, this is purely from high-dimensional malice. 】

 Tomorrow's update from yesterday... I'm sorry TAT, I feel like my brain has been eaten by zombies recently.

(End of this chapter)

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