Ome Quartet of Snow Country

Chapter 292 Ring Throwing and the Haunted House

Chapter 292 Ring Throwing and the Haunted House
After taking a bite of the steaming octopus balls, Hai Xing narrowed his eyes and hummed happily.

" tastes good——"

Takikawa Hikari poked a ball with a toothpick and put it in his mouth.

"The taste is really good, and the taste is better than the takoyaki I have eaten before."


The two squeezed inside and ate half of the portion, only to think of the other three people outside.

"Let Chunhai and the others try it too."

Just squeezed out of the crowd, but the three companions disappeared.

"over there."

Hai Xing saw the panda puppet on the bench at a glance, and then saw the three people standing or sitting next to him.

"Ah, Harumi also bought takoyaki... Did you buy it at another stall?"

The two leaned over and found that Morimi was also holding a toothpick in his hand, and he was chewing something in his mouth.

Hikaru Takikawa smiled slightly, without saying much, and handed the takoyaki in his hand to her again.

Morimi shook his head, "One is enough."

"My taste is better."

"Even if you say so..."

"Come on, come on."

She looked at her, but still picked up an octopus ball and put it in her mouth.

"How about it?"

"its not bad, right."

Naruse looked over, "Did you buy it at the stall opposite?"


"No wonder I didn't see you."

"Is there any more?" Takikawa asked.



Naruse held out the paper box in his hand, "There are two more."

"Then let's exchange."

Hikaru Takikawa poked him a octopus ball, then poked another one from his takoyaki and put it directly in his mouth.

"Well... as expected, the one from my side is more delicious."

"There's no difference."

Naruse also ate her takoyaki, and handed the last one to Naoko.

After a short break, several people continued to walk forward.

"Ah, there's a ring stall over there."

There were a lot of small things on the booth, and Hikari Takikawa was not interested in anything else, and he immediately took a fancy to the model of the iron tower in the middle, which was obviously much more exquisite than the other things next to it.

"This is Tokyo Tower, right?"

Naruse looked, "No, it's the Eiffel Tower."


"Look at the base."

She glanced at it twice, and still felt like the Tokyo Tower.

"Can I take it out of the suit?"

"Except for this iron tower, other things can be taken away." The stall owner said.

"Hey, is this Tokyo Tower just a decoration?"

"This is the Eiffel Tower... you have to hit two rings in a row before you can take it."

"Did you get caught twice in a's not a big problem."

The price starts at ten circles here, and Hikari Takikawa asked for ten circles, while Naruse and the others stood by and watched.

She swished two laps and failed, but she didn't care.


She weighed the plastic ring in her hand, aimed at the iron tower, and threw it again.


Starfish cheered, happier than her.

Hikaru Takikawa smiled and cast another circle.

The flying plastic circle landed on the iron tower impartially, turned a few times, swayed down, and stopped on the other plastic circle thrown just now.

"Ahh, I hit it again!"


Seeing the jumping starfish, Tan Zhang opened his mouth.

"Can I take it?" Takikawa asked.


Taking over the iron tower from the stall owner, Hikari Takikawa handed over the remaining plastic rings to Haixing.

"Just play whatever you want."

"I can't get it..."

"So just play around."

Starfish took the plastic ring, hesitated a little, and threw out the first one.

Sure enough, he missed.

But she seemed to have let go of her burden, and started tossing around casually, and ended up hitting two in a row.


Although the prizes were all cheap-looking keychains, she was still very happy.

Throwing out all the plastic rings, taking the key chain from the stall owner, Hai Xing gave one of them to Hikari Takikawa.

"Thank you~"

Hikaru Takikawa looked at the other three, "Do you want to play?"

Both Naruse and Shangko shook their heads, and Morimi was holding a bunch of things, expressing that he couldn't spare.

"I'll get it for you."

"No... I'm actually more interested in the activities over there."

Hikaru Takikawa turned his head to look, and what he saw were stalls one after another.

"I'm talking about the innermost haunted house."


She turned her head, "Let's go play together."

As happy as Hai Xing was just now, she can shake her head as fast as she is now.

"I'm not going...I can't handle that kind of place."

"It's okay, let's go in together, we won't be separated."

"No, no, no, no—"

"I will always hold Starfish's hand." Takikawa Hikaru said.

"That's not OK……"

"The starfish should stay outside and look at things." Naruse said suddenly, "Otherwise it would be very troublesome to bring these things in."

"Yeah!" She nodded immediately.


Hikaru Takikawa didn't force it.

Passing through the crowded crowd, to the outside of the haunted house, there were bursts of terrifying sound effects like ghost crying, mixed with real screams, which could be heard clearly outside.

"It's really good, it has a sense of atmosphere." Takikawa Hikaru was very satisfied.

Senjian walked to the side and looked around, "The venue here is quite big, and the investment is not small."

"So the fee doesn't seem cheap." Naruse said looking at the sign standing at the door.

"Wow, it's actually five hundred yen..."

Put puppets, iron towers and other things on the bench, and starfish sat on the sidelines and watched.

"Go in," she said, looking at them.


Takikawa Hikari's tone suddenly became heavy, "If we fail to come out in the end, you can go back by yourself."


"Don't scare her."

Morimi pushed Takikawa Hikaru, then looked at Hai Xing again, "You just stay well, just don't run away with others."

"……It will not."

Glancing at Naruse again, Morimi pushed Takikawa Hikari forward, "Then go in."

"Hey, why do you want me to go ahead..."

"Light grows taller."

"Aren't there higher ones?"


Standing at the entrance of the haunted house, Naruse turned his head, looked at the three people shrunk behind him, and handed out a [-] yen bill to the conductor at the door.

"four people."

After accepting the change, he lifted the curtain and walked in first.

Fear comes from the unknown, so the main thing in the haunted house is a black light, and nothing can be seen clearly.

The vision is like this, and the auditory stimulation also does not fall, and the ghost cries intermittently, which is very sad.

In the passage, the cool wind keeps blowing, and all you can see is a faint green light on the ground, so that people will not bump into the wall while walking.

"Let's go."

The three of them didn't speak, and pushed him behind.


Naruse glanced back, after the curtain was lowered, the light outside was also blocked, and he couldn't see anything.

He started to walk forward, and the three girls quickly followed, each pulling different places behind him.

"Don't pull my pants..."

The hand on his trousers was quickly released, but none of the three admitted it.

"Don't stop." Senjian pushed him in the dark.

"I'm walking."

Naruse felt like a locomotive, not only had to control the direction, but also had to provide power to pull the three people behind him.

He was more worried about his uniform jacket than he was.


After walking for a short distance, the lingering throat suddenly became clearer, as if someone was crying in the darkness in front of him.


The drag from behind also suddenly became heavier.

"I said you... the uniforms are really going to be torn."

The force in one direction immediately became smaller.

He stretched out his hand in that direction and touched a touch of smoothness, "Shangzi."


Shangzi's voice sounded from the other side.

Did you guess wrong...


The hand that was stretched out behind was suddenly grasped.

"Do you want Shangzi to go ahead?" Morimi's voice came from the darkness.

"Hey..." Shangzi hesitated, "Okay."

"If Harumi is afraid, let me go ahead." Takikawa Hikaru also said.

"What do you say?"

The right hand that was stretched behind him was tightly held, and he twitched twice, but he didn't take it out.

Is it light...

Before Naruse had time to think about it, another hand came up to him.

Holds his ankle.


A chill instantly crawled from the heels to the ears, and at the same time, the screams of Shangzi and Morimi rang out.

"On the ground ah ah!"


Ghost cries sounded from all directions at the same time, as if ghosts from hell were pouring out of the wall.

In the dark, Naruse held Shangko's hand, and at the same time clenched the other hand that hadn't let go, and ran forward.

"Mori also follows, let's run forward!"

The four of them ran non-stop, and the dark road was like a maze.


"Not here!"

Difficult to distinguish the direction, they keep bumping into the wall, and keep bumping into the cold and silky curtains, the sight, hearing and touch, the fear and stimulation are constantly escalating, turning into excitement.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Running, Hikaru Takikawa suddenly laughed, but he was panting continuously during the running, laughing like crying, which shocked them again.

At a certain moment, Naruse tripped suddenly.


Before he had time to adjust his figure, the three people behind him had already bumped into each other.


People bumped into people, tripped, and all four fell down in the dark passage.


Being crushed by three people, Naruse crawled forward and turned over with difficulty.

Just as he was about to say something, a hand followed the sound just now, tentatively approaching, pressed his chest, touched his neck, and finally touched his face.

"I'm still alive... um!"

A touch of warmth in the darkness, roughly plugged his lips, then bit down hard, and then pushed him away.

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(End of this chapter)

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