Xiuxian: The lady is a vegetable, I am so happy

Chapter 34 Talking with my sister-in-law under the moon

Chapter 34: The Monthly Conversation with My Sister-in-Law ([-] words)
What Mu Zibai cares about is the passing fruit of enlightenment. As the name suggests, the fruit of enlightenment can help people realize the Tao, improve their cultivation, and increase their understanding.

And its greater role is to help people realize the Dao. The simplest example is that after a person has reached a certain level, if he wants to enter a deeper level, he needs an epiphany.

This is very similar to the deep sleep of monsters, and the Fruit of Enlightenment can help such people quickly realize their enlightenment.

If Wenren Lingmeng is really what the monk Lan Yuan said, then the fruit of enlightenment may help Wenren Lingmeng wake up.

This made Mu Zibai fall into a tangle.

It wasn't heartache for the 20 points. Without Wenren Reimu, he couldn't even collect the points. On a deeper level, he was actually more grateful for Wenren Reimu.

He wanted Wenren Lingmeng to wake up and see Wenren Lingmeng standing in front of him healthy and healthy.

What Muzibai is worried about is that if Wenren Lingmeng wakes up, wouldn't it be difficult for him to have a chance to earn points again, and points are undoubtedly the only way for Muzibai to change his fate against the sky.

Mu Zibai can also choose to continue to collect points, but Mu Zibai's heart is to save Wenren Lingmeng. With the careful care during this period, Mu Zibai can't bear to see her lying on the bed in the blooming season, just like this Live the rest of your life.

How I wish I could have another choice, for example, keep the passed enlightenment fruit in the store, and let Wenren Lingmeng wake up after I earn enough points, so that I don't have to worry about it.

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

Once the store is refreshed, there is no telling when the lost Enlightenment Fruit will be refreshed again.

As for buying the enlightenment fruit?Then wait until you earn enough points before giving it to Wenren Lingmeng?
The reason why the passing enlightenment fruit is called the passing enlightenment fruit is because it is connected with the enlightenment of heaven and earth, so the Tao contained in it will also dissipate with the passage of time.

Mu Zibai couldn't help sighing, is this the system giving him multiple choice questions?

With a bitter smile, he fell into a dilemma.

For Wenren Reimu, she straightened her hair and gently stroked her face with the back of her hand.

Wenren Lingmeng raised his heart, he is touching my face?

The familiar temperature made Wenren Lingmeng have a deer bumping in his heart. Although Mu Zibai took care of him for so long, massaged and bathed, and touched everything that should be touched, Wenren Lingmeng was still a young girl in love.

He is ignorant and ignorant of the matters of men and women.

Looking at Wenren Lingmeng's beautiful face, Muzibai thought, this girl should look even better when she smiles.

Incomparably entangled in his heart, he whispered in Wenren Lingmeng's ear: "You should remember me."

Wenren Lingmeng's nervous heart let go. It turned out that Mu Zibai was not sighing because he disliked him, but because he was worried that he would not remember him when he woke up.

Sneaking inwardly, it turned out that the gentle and considerate husband would worry about this, as if he had discovered Mu Zibai's little secret.

When I wake up, I must take this matter and laugh at him, secretly happy.

At this moment, sweet, as if eating honey, said silently:
'I won't forget you, my silly husband'

'Not only will I not forget my husband, but I will also be with my husband. Hee hee'

With gentle eyes, Muzibai covered Wenren Lingmeng with a quilt and went out. He needed to think about this question calmly, and he had to come up with an answer before the end of the day.

Maybe there are other things that can heal Wenren Reimu, maybe there is none, maybe the passing fruit of enlightenment can no longer be brushed away.

The store is full of everything, from the top of the Tianxuan Zhibao, down to the little grass of one point, I am afraid that some things are missed, and I really can't get them out for a lifetime.



Jiege's glasses, this thing is exactly what Muzibai imagined, just looking at these glasses, the appearance of Jiege comes to Muzibai's mind.

The effect of this thing is that after wearing glasses, it can make men feel inexplicably afraid of you.

The effect made Muzibai think deeply, maybe it has something to do with its origin, but, I'm sorry, Muzibai is not such a person.

Mu Zibai couldn't help thinking, what would be the most effective way to increase the basic touch points between men?Staring at the glasses in his hand, he fell into deep thought.

The drift bottle of the sea of ​​time costs [-] points, it seems that it is not very useful.

The function is that you can put the letter you wrote into the bottle and put it in the sea of ​​time. If someone picks it up, they may reply to your letter, or throw it away as garbage.

Every time you write a letter, you need to consume one point.

This is the same as the penguin's drifting bottle, but the sea of ​​time?what is the place?
Based on Mu Zibai's experience in reading many fantasy novels, it must be a great place to name such a high-end and elegant novel, so he bought it for [-] points.

There was silence for a moment.



I wrote down my thoughts and worries in a tactful manner, and I don't know if anyone will receive it, so I took it as a confession.

By the way, I bought a broken conch fragment and put it inside.

Wandering around in the courtyard, I saw a person sitting outside, who was dressed lightly, and it was late at night, and this little girl was still awake.

Walked over and asked, "Why don't you rest?"

"Aren't you still asleep?" Wen Ren Qingyi glanced at Mu Zibai, hugged his knees, curled up into a ball, puffed out his cheeks, thinking about something.

His attitude towards Mu Zibai is not as resistant as before, but much gentler, maybe he knows that Mu Zibai is not easy to mess with.

"Can't sleep, come out and have a look, how about you?" Mu Zibai sat next to Wenren Qingyi, the naughty little girl here is much more stable today.

Wen Renqing buried his knees under the tip of his nose, and said, "I can't sleep either, that. Thank you."

Mu Zibai: "!"

Suspecting that his ears had heard it wrong, he looked at Wenren Qingyi in astonishment, was this little girl saying thank you to him?
Seeing Mu Zibai's suspicious eyes, Wen Ren Qingyi said angrily: "You bastard, I thank you, don't be shameless."

"Yo, then I'm really flattered, but I don't get rewarded for nothing."

Wen Renqingyi said in a weak voice, "Thank you for saving me today, otherwise, I would have died."

It turned out to be this matter, Mu Zibai said indifferently: "Small things, besides, if it wasn't because of me, you would never encounter such danger."

Wenren Qingyi suddenly realized, it seemed that what Mu Zibai said made sense, but he still felt that he owed Mu Zibai a favor.

In this way, I am the victim!
Immediately put his hands on his hips, and with the unforgiving look again, he said: "So, it's because of you that you caused trouble, huh, you have to make it up to me, in order to save you, my shoes are all broken, and my feet are sore .”

Mu Zibai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this little girl is really... people don't know what to say.

But looking at her muddy feet, and she hasn't changed her shoes yet, for the pampered and spoiled her, she has suffered a lot.

"Hey, hey, in that case, you must run away, and, to save me? When did you care about me so much?" Mu Zibai asked with a smile.

Wen Renqingyi blushed, and said angrily: "What do you mean I care about you? I also want to save myself, but if you die, my sister will become a widow. I care about me. Sister, who cares about you, a big villain."

"How did I become a big villain?" Mu Zibai asked in bewilderment.

"I also said that you are not a big villain. How can you spank someone's ass like that? It still hurts now."

Wen Ren Qingyi rubbed his butt, the pain is not the same as before, but the swelling has not subsided, and now it is still swollen, it hurts even sitting down.

Can only be careful.

Mu Zibai pondered for a moment, then said: "You can't ask me to rub it for you to express your apology, right?"

"Muzibai! You bastard! What are you talking about! My sister will be angry if she finds out!" Wenren Qingyi was angry again, and whispered again.

This brother-in-law has no shape, always gives people the feeling of being a little bitch, no matter how you look at it, he is a bad person.

Moreover, if you still say such things, how can a brother-in-law speak like this, don't you know how to be ashamed?

But thinking of him spanking himself today, it seems that this brother-in-law really doesn't know.

The corners of Muzibai's mouth raised slightly, and he said evilly, "Then what if your sister doesn't know?"

Hearing this, Wenren Qingyi felt flustered, what kind of nonsense Muzibai said, Wenren Qingyi had never experienced this before, moved to the side in fear, and distanced herself from Muzibai.

The look in Muzibai's eyes changed.

"Okay, I'm just joking with you. Your brother-in-law and I have always been the benchmark of justice, and a gentleman is based on me." Mu Zibai said with a smile, pointing his thumb at himself, extremely proud.

"I don't believe it." Wenren Qingyi beat him to death, but he didn't believe that Mu Zibai was an upright gentleman.

Mu Zibai smiled, just now it was just to frighten Wenren Qingyi, this girl really took it seriously.

It's quite interesting to tease this silly little sister-in-law. This is a not-so-bright girl.

Wenren Qingyi was silent for a while, although he was fighting and bickering, but his mood improved a lot, and the knot between his brows was also untied.

Earlier, Wenren Qingyi hadn't come out of the danger yet, and he was a little scared, which lasted for a long time, and Mu Zibai could also see it.

This girl is strong on the surface, but she is a silly girl in her heart. If it were any other girl, she would have been unable to hold back and started crying.

Mu Zibai was not just teasing Wenren Qingyi, but mainly distracted Wenren Qingyi, and happily forgot about it.

What is the most effective way to distract yourself?Of course it is this way.

Seeing that Wenren Qingyi didn't care about the previous danger at all, Mu Zibai smiled slightly and looked at the sky.

I remember that Wenren Qingyi was only 13 years old, still an innocent grade. In Mu Zibai's world, he just entered junior high school at the age of 13, and he was still the age with the highest death penalty for three years.

But in this world, it is the age of marriage.

 From now on, the new book period will have two chapters per day, one chapter with 3 words, and one chapter with [-] words. If you add more, it depends on the situation. Thank you readers for your support_(:[-]」∠)_
  If there are any problems, such as catching bugs, plot problems, rhythm speed, character design problems, etc., you can ask them. Sometimes I can’t find it by myself, and I need the readers’ sharp eyes to help me keep an eye on it, so that I can stop losses in time.

  In addition, it's Tuesday, please follow up!
(End of this chapter)

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