Chapter 109

After the heavy rain, it will be light rain. There is only one word for driving outside in this rainy day, suffering.

When Shi Hongsheng was on his way, he was thinking about why he ran out to suffer this crime. He could just stay in Dan'an City with his apprentices, but he couldn't think about leaving Dan'an City and going back.

It turned out to be a good thing now, they lost their way in the woods, they couldn't get out, and they were exposed to the wind and rain.

Shi Hongsheng's originally irritable mood became even more irritable.

"Damn it, I wouldn't have run out if I had known earlier!"

Under a certain rock found in the woods, Shi Hongsheng lit a fire and basked beside him with a sullen expression on his face.

The two apprentices next to them also sat by the fire with bad expressions. They each held a branch, drove off the moisture on it with their inner breath, and then threw the branch into the fire in front of them, repeating this action.

The young apprentice was halfway through, and said to Shi Hongsheng with a sigh:

"...There is no way, something will happen to the two swords. If we don't leave, we may be suspected by Pinghu Division."

"Damn it, if you doubt it, you doubt it! We didn't do anything! We just drank some wine and exchanged something with the second boss, why should we doubt us!"

"This alone is enough to make people in Pinghu Division suspicious."

The young apprentice sighed again.

Regardless of whether Shi Hongsheng understood the deal with the Double Swords Club this time, the young man didn't understand it at all anyway.

After Shi Hongsheng met Luo Shaoyun, he said a few polite words as usual, and then proceeded to make a deal.

Shi Hongsheng gave Luo Shaoyun some secret exercises brought from Liuguangmen, and Luo Shaoyun gave Shi Hongsheng a small square box.

This seems to be the purpose of Liu Guangmen's visit to Dan'an City this time.

Judging from Luo Shaoyun's tone and attitude, he didn't know what this small square box was, and after handing the box to Shi Hongsheng, he didn't even mention it.

Shi Hongsheng also seemed to have forgotten about the box, the two just drank and ate meat, and then the host and guest left happily.

The young man originally thought that this transaction was over, and the next few people would eat and play in Dan'an City, and then just bring the box back to Liuguang Gate.

Unexpectedly, before playing for a few days, something happened to the three major families, and something happened to the Double Swords Club.

At that time, Shi Hongsheng and others knew that Dan'an City couldn't stay any longer, they would have contact with Shuangdao, and if Pinghu Division came to someone who was not good at handling the case, if they were caught out to take the blame, then they would all be ruined!
No wonder Shi Hongsheng and others think so. As people from the Jianghu, they naturally dislike the Pinghu Division who targets the Jianghu people. Many Jianghu people who were arrested by the Pinghu Division are treated as torture, so they know that the Pinghu Division is coming soon. At that time, what Shi Hongsheng wanted was not to cooperate, but to leave immediately.

As a result, when they left Dan'an City and walked towards Ningzhou City, they found that the road was cut off by the flood. They had to go into the nearby woods and try to go around the mountain.

But who would have thought that they lost their way after entering the woods. It had been two days since they hadn't gone out, and they were still exposed to wind and rain every day.

If it weren't for the fact that several of them were warriors, they would all have contracted a cold and fell to the ground by now.

"Go to the fucking Pinghu Division! Go to the fucking Double Swords Club!"

Shi Hongsheng cursed, he stretched out his hand to pick up the package, opened it to check the condition of the box he took from Luo Shaoyun.

But as soon as he opened it, he was taken aback for a moment, because he found that the box had been opened, and the inside was now empty, with nothing in it.

"... When was this box opened?"

Shi Hongsheng stared at the box with wide eyes and asked.

The young apprentice was also taken aback, and said:

"Master, didn't you keep this thing? If you don't know it, I don't even know it."

"It's over..." Shi Hongsheng suddenly slumped on the ground, his whole body softened, looking at the empty box, he muttered to himself:
"It's all over..."

Seeing Shi Hongsheng's appearance, the young apprentice also became uneasy, and he asked:
"Master...Master...? What do you mean? What's wrong with you?"

Shi Hongsheng didn't answer, he just looked at the box in his hand and fell into an inexplicable state of despair. After a while, Shi Hongsheng stood up suddenly and said:
"Go! Let's go now!"

"Go? Master, we don't even know how to get out now..."

The young apprentice frowned. They had lost their way in the woods, but now that it was raining heavily outside, it was even more difficult to find the way. How could it be so easy to get out from here.

Shi Hongsheng was about to scold the young man, but suddenly remembered something, looked behind the young man and asked:
"No, wait, where's your junior sister?"

Originally, there was a girl behind the young man who was helping to dry the branches and throw them into the fire, but at this moment, there was nothing behind them, and the girl disappeared at some point.

Shi Hongsheng asked his apprentice, but the apprentice asked Shi Hongsheng with a surprised face at this time:

"Junior Sister? What Junior Sister? Master, haven't you always been my only apprentice? Where did I come from?"


Hearing what the young apprentice said, Shi Hongsheng's pupils suddenly dilated, and he opened his mouth to look at his apprentice. At this moment, Shi Hongsheng felt a chill in his body.

That wasn't the chill brought by the heavy rain cooling down, that chill came from the bottom of my heart, from the thing that was released from the box.


The convoy was moving slowly through the woods, while Gu Chen was drowsy in the Yongye House.

The journey was boring, and the low air pressure caused by the rain made people feel tired. Gu Chen was not in the mood to read books and practice martial arts, so he could only stay in the room and take a nap.

Gu Yu was playing with the silk thread at the side, and the silk thread in her hand was turned into a flower rope by her, and she was so happy to play with it over and over again.

Hei Si Mou still sat there with his eyes closed and meditating, with his saber on his lap, as if he was also practicing a kind of cultivation.

He was usually like this, he didn't speak or make any requests, except for obeying Gu Chen's orders, most of the time he sat here with his eyes closed and meditated, as if he was thinking about his sword skills.

Gu Chen didn't bother him when there were no major matters, and a special tacit understanding was formed between the two.

With his eyes closed, Gu Chen dozed off on the bed for a while, and suddenly an inexplicable throbbing made Gu Chen open his eyes.

After opening his eyes, Gu Chen found that Hei Simou and Gu Yu also stopped their movements at the same time, only Jiebiao Danxi was lying on the bench not far away, sleeping soundly, without any reaction.

"You feel it too?"

Without going to wake up Jiebiao Danxi, Gu Chen asked the two of them.

Gu Yu replied: "There is an uncomfortable feeling...but I don't know what it is."

Hei Si Mou looked at Gu Chen and said, "Something is wrong, the number of people outside seems to have decreased, and... I feel the danger."

"...Maybe something went wrong, Hei Si Mou, you go out with me and have a look."

Gu Chen didn't dare to be careless, and came to Jiebiao Danxi to wake her up, and they returned to the carriage together.

Back in the carriage, the team outside the carriage continued to move forward, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Chen opened the window and opened the curtains, summoned the guards beside him and asked:
"Is there something different?"

"Master, the trip went smoothly, nothing unusual."

The guard replied, Gu Chen frowned and continued:
"Count the number of people."


The guards were ordered to go down to check the number of personnel, and came back shortly to report to Gu Chenhui:
"Master, the number is correct, no one is left behind."

"Are you sure."

Gu Chen asked.


"...I see, you go down."

Waving for the guards to go down, Gu Chen silently looked at Heishimou.

Sensing the human aura in the team, Hei Si Mou said:
"Three people are missing."

"But the guards said no one was missing... Is this weird?"


"...Why are there so many weird things around Dan'an City recently?"

Encountering such weird things, it must be weird in this world, but what Gu Chen doesn't understand is why there are so many weird things in Dan'an City recently?

It's okay to say that the weirdness Luo Shaoyun got was given by others, but what about the weirdness in the woods?

Was it also done by the people behind Luo Shaoyun?
What are the people of the imperial court doing with so many weird things here?
Rubbing his aching forehead, Gu Chen said to Heishimou:
"We have to find a way to get out as soon as possible."

"How to do?"

"...I don't know, let Tao Qianqian and the others come over first, knock them out and stuff them into the Yongye Room to avoid accidents."

Gu Chen still doesn't know how to leave the forest quickly, if he continues to walk, he doesn't know how long it will take, and if he turns around and goes back home, he doesn't know if he can go back smoothly.

So before that, protect Tao Qianqian and the others first.

Tao Qianqian was indeed very kind to Gu Chen, and it was impossible for Gu Chen to watch something happen to her.

As for the others... Gu Chen is not that familiar with them, if he can save them easily, he will save them, if he can't... then he can only ask for blessings.

Asking the convoy to stop and stop briefly on the road, Gu Chen called Tao Qianqian and the others to his carriage, and said:

"Sister Qianqian, I'm a little bored sitting here, please stay here with me."

"Is this... a bit crowded?"

Tao Qianqian looked at the few people present, except for Hei Simou who had already escaped and hid, there are now a total of five people in the carriage, Gu Chen, Jie Biao Danxi, the two maids beside Tao Qianqian, Liu Er and Xiao He .

When there are too many people, the carriage becomes a bit crowded.

Tao Qianqian didn't really care about being with Gu Chen, it's just that... Gu Chen let so many people squeeze into his carriage, and all of them were women, if this matter got out, it might affect Gu Chen's reputation.

Gu Chen smiled lightly and said:
"Just chat with me for a while, okay?"

"Okay... okay..."

Seeing Gu Chen's smile, Tao Qianqian's original firmness disappeared instantly, and she agreed to Gu Chen's request.

But just after Tao Qianqian nodded, Gu Chen made a sudden move and pointed his fingers on the necks of several people at a very fast speed.

In an instant, Tao Qianqian and the others fell into a coma.

Gu Chen sent them into the Yongye room one by one, and asked Gu Yu to watch over them so that they would not wake up before getting out of the carriage.

And took off the mask on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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