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Chapter 129 Discussing the Arguments

Chapter 129 Discussing the Arguments

The main house of the Gu family.

Gu Jiangwen, who had already tidied up, was kneeling on the ground at the moment, with the decision-making members of the Gu family beside him.

There are some clan elders who chose to stay in the Gu family who did not become officials in the dynasty, and there are also some young people who have been in contact with the affairs of the Gu family, including Gu Chen who sits at the end.

This situation seems to make people feel quite oppressive. A good interrogation, like three trials, made Gu Jiangwen, who was kneeling there, couldn't help but tremble.

Gu Chen sat at the end, staring at the scene in front of him without saying a word.

Gu Chengliang, who was sitting on the main seat, glanced at Gu Chen, frowned and asked Gu Jiangwen:
"Do you know that your behavior today almost made the Gu family look ugly in front of outsiders?"

"Xingqi... Xingqi knows his mistake..."

"Know your mistake!? The Gu family made such a big joke in front of others today, can you solve it just by knowing your mistake!"

A clan elder slammed the table and pointed at Gu Jiangwen angrily.

Another clan elder sitting opposite him, the old god was drinking tea and said calmly:
"Second brother, calm down. No matter what you say, Xingqi is just a child. Children, there are always times when mistakes are made. Xingqi, please tell me, who called you back from the capital, you tell me , we can help you more or less.”

The clan elder's tone was kind, as if he was helping Gu Jiangwen speak.

But in fact, he wanted to know who made Gu Jiangwen do this.

Gu Jiangwen looked up at the elders of the Gu family, and said with trembling lips:
"Yes...someone told me that something happened to my family, and the family chose not to report it, and even...even had something to do with it...something to do with it..."

When Gu Jiangwen said this, he looked back at Gu Chen who was sitting at the end, gritted his teeth and said:
"... Ning Shun, who is related to this matter, was also protected by the elders from Pinghu Division's investigation. Xingqi didn't think about it for a while, so he came back."

"Then just kneel at the door and ask us to 'justify'? Hehe, Shuming really taught a good son! Compared with Ning Shun, I really wonder if the two of you hugged each other wrongly, and Ning Shun is Shu Ming's." Son, you are the illegitimate son!"

The elder of the second clan who spoke before said in a strange way again.

The clan elder who sang the red face also said in a timely manner:
"Hey, second brother, I've said that, whether it's the legitimate son or the illegitimate son, they are all children of our Gu family. After all, we are young, so it's normal to be deceived by others."

"Young? Is he as young as Ning Shun? He has already passed the crown, but he still acts impulsively like a child!"

The elders of the two clans said extremely dissatisfied.

Every time he said a word, he had to compare Gu Chen with Gu Jiangwen, which made Gu Jiangwen feel very humiliated.

Gu Chen felt that it was almost done, so he found a chance to say:
"Second uncle, third uncle, I think brother Xingqi should already know his mistake. What we need to do most now is not to reprimand brother Xingqi for what he did, but to find out who made him do this."

Gu Chengliang also said at this time:
"Ning Shun is right, Xingqi, you said someone told you about this, so who is that person?"

"Yes... it's my classmate and friend in the capital..."

"You have a good relationship?"

"It can't be said that the relationship is very good, but we also go out to drink together on weekdays. He made a slip of the tongue and told me about it after drinking, saying that his family didn't let him talk about it."

Gu Jiangwen told all these things in detail.

From this point of view, this incident seems to be just a coincidence.

There are so many officials in the court, and the Gu family is a big family, so anyone who cares can know clearly what happened to the Dan'an Gu family.

It is reasonable to say it to the nephew at home by accident when I go home, and then the nephew accidentally tells it to the only surviving son of Dan'an Gu's family.

The only problem was the person who told Gu Jiangwen about it.

"what is his name?"

Gu Chengliang asked.

Gu Jiangwen thought for a while and said, "He...his name is Liuhe..."


As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Liu He, whose surname is Liu, should be a member of the Liu Party who is hostile to Gu Dang, if nothing else.


After being quiet for a while, the most irritable elder of the second clan slapped the table and said:

"You've been in the capital for so long! Don't you know that the surname Liu is the common surname in the capital? Don't you know that the members of the Liu party are the enemies of my Gu family! You still believe what they say!"

"Liu...Brother Liu is not from the Liu family, he...he just has the same surname..."

"If you say this, you will believe it or not! Tell me, you will believe it or not!"

The old man of the second clan stood up, pointed at Gu Jiangwen's nose and cursed.

In the capital city, who would believe it if they were able to enter the academies established by the imperial court?And in this academy, there is a person surnamed Liu, who would believe him when he said that he has nothing to do with the Liu family?

In the eyes of the elders of the second clan, Gu Jiangwen is just stupid in reading, and he would even believe such a lie that can be recognized at a glance.

Gu Jiangwen lowered his head and let the elders of the second clan scold him. Gu Chen was about to speak for him, but at this moment, a servant ran over in a hurry. After seeing many decision-makers of the Gu family in the hall, he glanced around, His eyes fell on Gu Chen.

"Master, Master Ningshun! It's bad! Something happened to the waterway!!"


Gu Chen was startled, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Some refugees gathered to make trouble, saying that their villages were all flooded, and they wanted the Gu family to give them an explanation!"

The servant said hurriedly.

Before Gu Chen could speak, Gu Chengliang couldn't help but said angrily:

"Nonsense! Their village was flooded, so it has nothing to do with our Gu family! They don't go to the magistrate, they go to the supervisor, what are they going to do with our Gu family!"

"They...they said that the inspectors were the ones who opened the gates to release the was our Gu family who said that the owner of the grievance and the owner of the debt, that's why..."

The servant said tremblingly.

Supervisors, whose full name is River Channel Supervisors, specialize in monitoring the water sources near rivers, repairing water conservancy and opening gates to release water.

From a fifth-rank official position, at the same level as the local prefect, it stands to reason that he should not be influenced by anyone's opinion, unless the prefect speaks out.

But Ningzhou is the voice of the Gu family. Even though there are not many members of the Gu family who are officials in Ningzhou, there are few officials who refuse the request of the Gu family.

Ningzhou has been raining for days, and the rivers in Ningzhou City have accumulated a lot of water, and the roads on both sides of the road have been flooded. It is actually a normal thing for the supervisor to choose to release water, and it is within the scope of his duties.

But how much to put and when to put it, this question is extremely critical.

According to the normal route, the inspectors should release the water slowly, and at the same time inform the downstream towns and villages to make corresponding evacuation preparations, instead of releasing all the water at once.

But Gu Chengliang couldn't wait that long.

The waterway is an important route for the Gu family. If the waterway cannot be released for a long time, the Gu family will lose a lot of silver every day. Seeing that the rain is endless, Gu Chengliang decided to ask the inspector to release the waterway in advance.

When the waterway is released, the water will also be released, but at this time the downstream is not ready, causing many towns and villages to be flooded.

Originally, these people were flooded as well. The rain lasted for so many days, and the floods in the downstream were not all the fault of Ningzhou City. The people of Ningzhou City had to be alive. Don't drain the water.

But who would have thought that this group of people would be organized and go to the Gu family's dock to make trouble.

Seeing that the matter was getting bigger and bigger, the subordinates had no choice but to break into the lobby and inform Gu Chen of the matter.

After all, Gu Chen is in charge of the current waterway.

Gu Chengliang was very angry, just about to speak, Gu Chen stood up in time and said to Gu Chengliang:

"Uncle, since I am in charge of the waterway, let me handle this matter."

"Ning Shun...are you alright?"

Gu Chengliang asked worriedly.

Gu Chen smiled and said:
"Uncle, don't worry, I have studied with brother Ziyi for a long time in Dan'an City, and I know how to deal with this matter. Uncle will just wait for my news."

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll leave this matter to you."

Gu Chengliang exhaled and said seriously.

Seeing Gu Chen's reaction, the other elders also nodded in satisfaction.

Then he went to look at Gu Jiangwen who was kneeling on the ground, staring and shaking his head.

Compared with Gu Chen who is decent and dares to do things, Gu Jiangwen, Gu Chen's half-brother, is much, much worse.


Gu Chen followed the servants all the way to the dock.

Sure enough, as the following people said, many refugees from outside the city have gathered here.

They were dressed in rags and didn't even have coir raincoats to keep them out of the rain. They just stood in the rain and confronted the guards of the Gu family.

Among them, a few strong men stood there with the weapons in the hands of the guards of the Gu family and shouted:

"The Gu family give us an explanation!!"

"Yes!! Let the Gu family give us an explanation!"

"Why let the water go! Why ignore us!"

"Yeah, why!! The Gu family come out!!"

The crowd shouted loudly, and the guards of the Gu family didn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary under the watchful eyes of other people around them.

Don't look at the Gu family covering the sky with one hand in Ningzhou, but this must be within the scope allowed by the rules.

If it was night, if there was no one around, even if the guards killed this group of people, it would be fine. At worst, they would say it was a mob attack the next day. They did it out of self-protection.

But not now, it's daytime, and there are many eyeliners gathered around. Once the Gu family doesn't handle it properly, the Gu family will be busy next time.

When Gu Chen got off the carriage, it was so nice to see this group of people shouting.

Seeing this, Gu Chen couldn't help frowning, and got off the carriage.

Liu'er held an umbrella next to Gu Chen to protect him from the rain, Gu Chen walked slowly to the side of the group of people, took off the mask on his face without hesitation, and handed it to Liu'er beside him.

Then he walked in front of everyone, glanced over everyone's faces, and said word by word:

"I'm the head of the Gu Family Waterway. My name is Gu Qianchen. Now that I'm out, what do you want to say to me?"

As soon as Gu Chen said these words, the noisy crowd just now fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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