Start by summoning Black Death Mou

Chapter 144 Disaster Elimination, Rain Falls

Chapter 144 Disaster Elimination, Rain Falls

Zhou Weiming brought Gu Chen and his party to the general's mansion.

At this moment, the lights in the General's Mansion are brightly lit, and the General's Mansion can't stay out of it when such a big incident happened in Shuzhou City. Zhou Weiming went out to help, and the people in the General's Mansion were also waiting for his signal.

It's just that none of them thought that Zhou Weiming would be defeated so quickly, let alone that Zhou Weiming became a leader at this moment and brought the enemy to his home.

But no matter what these people thought, the moment they saw Gu Chen, everyone's opinions became surprisingly unanimous.

They dare not go against Gu Chen's will.

Following Zhou Weiming to the deepest part of the General's Mansion, looking at the black air column rising up to reach the sky, Gu Chen could guess that this should be the core without Zhou Weiming's reminder.

"right here?"

However, in order to ensure that there were no accidents, Gu Chen still asked.

Zhou Weiming nodded and said:

"Yes, it is here."

"Heh, you still have the courage to put 'disaster' in your own home."

Looking at the 'disaster' connected to the sky, Gu Chen said to Zhou Weiming in admiration or mockery.

Zhou Weiming explained:

"The ones that are really dangerous are the other three places. As the core of the 'disaster', this place is the most harmless, and because the core is in the most prosperous place in a state, it must be here."

"So that's the case...well, what do we do next?"

Gu Chen asked Wu Peng.

Since the disaster can be sealed or released, there should be a way to eliminate it.

Gu Chen remembered that Yue He of Tianjian Pavilion used the activated Heavenly Sword to wipe out one calamity, and scared the other calamity to turn around and run away. Then Pinghu Division should have a similar method.

"Pinghu Division has a Grade A rare treasure, using the power of the Grade A rare treasure, it can seal the [disaster]."

After Gu Chen raised his favorability to the peak, Wu Peng knew everything about Gu Chen and talked endlessly.

"Just a seal?"

"It can also be need to use the real power of the strange treasure. The Bushou Pill from Pinghu Division in Shuzhou...may not be enough."

"It doesn't matter, um, by the way, Zhou Weiming, you are a master, right?"

Gu Chen asked Zhou Weiming.

Zhou Weiming nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, wait for you to pass on the skills to Hei Si Mou."

Gu Chen pointed to Hei Si Mou.


Zhou Weiming was very resistant to wanting to pass on his inner breath that he had cultivated for many years to another person, but this was Gu Chen's request, and Zhou Weiming couldn't refuse.

He didn't want to reject Gu Chen.

Then Gu Chen said to Ying hidden in the shadow:

"You followed Wu Peng to Pinghu Division."


"If necessary, you can kill everyone who stops you. You don't have to hold back this time."


Shadow's voice was obviously a little excited.

Last time when he was in Dan'an City, in order not to cause trouble for himself, Gu Chen asked Ying to hold back his hands not to kill when he was going to block Bai Lingqiao, but Ying was hanged and beaten by Bai Lingqiao.

Now that Gu Chen finally told Ying not to hold back his hands to do it with all his strength, Ying's heart was naturally excited.

After Gu Chen finished his instructions, he looked up at the sky again:
"Try to hurry up, it's almost dawn."

After a night of trouble, there are already some white edges today, even if it is autumn, Gu Chen reckons that the sun will come out in a short time.

If Ying has not resolved the battle before the sun rises, then Gu Chen and the others will fall into a passive position.

Although with Gu Chen's ability, it's not impossible to solve the problem, but if Gu Chen is really going to do it himself, Ying is not qualified as a subordinate.

Hearing the meaning of Gu Chen's words, he immediately left the General's Mansion with Wu Peng and went straight to Pinghu Division without any hesitation.

Jie Biao Danxi, who was yawning all the time beside Gu Chen, thought of Zi Tong who was bound on the street, and couldn't help asking:

"Don't worry about that wolf girl? If the sun rises, she will die."

"Death is her life."

Gu Chen said lightly.

He obviously has the power of a master, and was endowed with the power of a ghost by Gu Chen, and at the same time can use blood ghosts.

Normally speaking, Zitong fights in a half-wolf, half-human form, and should be invincible in the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. Even if the opponent uses strange treasures, Zitong should not be defeated so quickly at least.

But she chose the stupidest way.

Turned into a giant wolf.

Indeed, the strength and speed of this state are greatly improved, but the huge body also makes the target more obvious. If there is no strange treasure, it is okay to say, but knowing that there is a strange treasure and doing this is no different from courting death .

Since she wanted to die, and she wanted to die, then Gu Chen made it possible for her.

After all, Gu Chen is a good boss who cares about his subordinates.

Yawning, Jie Biao Danxi saw what Gu Chen was thinking, and didn't ask any more questions, just half-closed her eyes and dozed off.

Jiebiao Danxi spent a lot of brainpower and energy last night on the road all night, plus later to bring the laziness back, and now she is really sleepy.

If it wasn't for Gu Chen's safety, Jie Biao Danxi would have gone back to Yongye House to sleep long ago.

"Hold on a little longer, and you can go back to sleep."

Seeing Jie Biao's sleepiness, Gu Chen comforted him.

Ying went with Wu Peng very quickly, and came back very quickly. Ying is the number one assassin master in the world without being restricted, and he doesn't need to attack directly. The responses were resolved by him one by one.

Including another patrol with the same name as Wu Peng.

Under Wu Peng's instructions, Ying also left some people from Wu Peng's side to serve as the foundation for the future Pinghu Division of Shuzhou City, just like when he was at Liuguangmen.

After all these were resolved, Ying returned to Gu Chen's side smoothly before the sun rose.

"Young master, luckily you did not disgrace your life!"

Back to Gu Chen, Ying held a square seal in both hands and presented it to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen took a look at the seal in his hand and asked:
"How does this work?"

Wu Peng explained aside:

"A Grade A strange treasure [Zhenshan Seal] has the ability to suppress most of the weirdness and all the strange treasures except Grade A. It is used in a similar way to other strange treasures. It can be activated with internal breath."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Gu Chen nodded, and threw the Zhenshan seal backhand to Heishimou.

At this moment, Hei Si Mou has accepted Zhou Weiming's transmission of skills, and he is burdened with a master-level internal energy skill, so he can use the strange treasure.

After receiving Gu Chen's order, Hei Si Mou did not hesitate, and directly expended his vitality to activate the mountain seal of Yibao Town.

Ghosts have a lifespan, although I don’t know how much, but in the original book, Wu Mi was poisoned by Zhu Shi and lost tens of thousands of years of life in an instant. was extremely weak.

This proves that ghosts also have a limited lifespan.

But compared to the long lifespan of at least ten thousand years, the lifespan of tens of hundreds of years becomes nothing to mention.

Therefore, even if Hei Si Mou tried his best to activate Zhen Shan Yin, he didn't have to worry about his lifespan passing quickly.

The fact is exactly the same, Hei Si Mou's appearance has not changed at all, and Zhen Shan Yin has already been activated with all his power.

It turned into a virtual huge seal in front of Gu Chen, easily breaking the black air covering the sky, revealing the true appearance of the [disaster] that released the black air in it.

It was a black dog, at least from the outside, it looked like a dog, its fur was black and smooth, and its vertical pupils were like Zhu Yu's.

When he showed his appearance, the black dog bared his teeth, and the black energy on his body surged again, trying to continue to cover the sky, but under the seal controlled by Hei Si Mou, the black dog almost didn't even whimper, and was completely suppressed by the seal of the mountain. Repression.

"It doesn't seem to be dead yet."

When suppressing the black dog under the seal, Heishi Mou said so, and then pressed forward lightly with his right hand.

There was a very slight sound of something exploding, and at the same time, Gu Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

"very good."

Noticing the energy progress of the summoning formation, Gu Chen nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that Gu Chen's guess is correct, whether it's weird or [disaster], it can replenish energy for Gu Chen's formation, and the quality of [disaster] is higher, and it can replenish more energy for Gu Chen.

According to this progress, Gu Chen estimates that if he eliminates one more [disaster], he will be able to perform the fourth summoning.

"In Shuzhou, there are three [disasters]? In other places?"

Thinking of this, Gu Chen asked Zhou Weiming who was lying weak on the ground.

Because Zhou Weiming didn't even have the strength to stand up because he taught Hei Si Mou, he could only lie on the ground and reply intermittently:
"...Once the destroyed, the other disasters will disappear, because...the the body of the [disaster], and the others are just appendages."

"It's really regrettable."

Gu Chen sighed and expressed regret.

He originally thought that he would be able to quickly replenish his energy and summon again to replenish his combat power, but he didn't expect to go to another state for a trip.

At least Ningzhou must go back, Ningzhou also has a [disaster], and the continuous heavy rain is probably due to the [disaster], wiped out the [disaster] in Ningzhou, Gu Chen will probably be able to summon again.

Just thinking about this, Gu Chen suddenly felt something wet dripping on his face.

Raising his eyebrows, Gu Chen raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds, and in an instant, heavy rain poured down.

Between lightning and thunder, the entire Shuzhou was shrouded in rain clouds. This Shuzhou, which had been drought for the entire seven months, rained at the moment the [disaster] disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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