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Chapter 20 Zheng Hong's Guess

Chapter 20 Zheng Hong's Guess

Dan'an City, Yamen Study Room.

Zheng Hong sat here alone, flipping through the past criminal files, approving them seemingly absent-mindedly.

After Dan'ancheng County Cheng reported that he couldn't get sick, the entire yamen seemed to be Zheng Hong's private office, and the study room became Zheng Hong's usual office.

Of course, Zheng Hong had no intention of managing the Yamen, he was just looking for something with the power of the Yamen.

dong dong.

While Zheng Hong was reviewing the files, someone knocked on the door of the study room. Zheng Hong didn't even look up, and calmly said to the outside:

With a creak, the unlocked door was pushed open, and two young men in ordinary clothes who looked like martial artists walked in side by side.

Both of the two youths had sabers pinned to their waists, one had a hulking back and a beard, and the other had a smooth face that looked very young. When the two youths came in, they saw Zheng Hong sitting behind the desk, and bowed down to salute at the same time:
"Silver medal catcher Wu Chai."

"Silver medal headhunter Xiong Chenggang!"

"I've seen Zheng Xunbu!"

Xiong Chenggang, who is five big and three rough, and Wu Chai, who is handsome, are both head arresters of Pinghu Division. They came here specially to assist Zheng Hong in investigating the case of killing the Gu family, but they didn't expect that the real culprits of the case had already been brought to justice, so they rushed over.

"Two silver medals." Hearing the self-introduction of the two, Zheng Hong stopped his movements, looked at the two people opposite him with slight eyes, and asked, "You should be led by gold medals, what about the others? "

"Reporting to my lord, Zhang Butou encountered something strange on his way, and he died heroically."

Wu Chai clasped his hands and answered truthfully.

Zheng Hong's expression was serious: "Weird? It seems that something happened on your way. Let's hear what happened."

Wu Chai and Xiong Chenggang looked at each other, then Wu Chai took a step forward and explained:
"Reporting to Mr. Zheng, after receiving the letter from Mr. Zheng, Lao Xiong and I reported it to Zhang Tou. Zhang Tou immediately took me, Lao Xiong, and six of our arrests from Ningzhou City. Danan.

"At first, the journey went smoothly, but when we reached the small forest outside Dan'an City, we ran into trouble."

Zheng Hong frowned and asked:
"What's the trouble?"

"We met the Gu family."

Wu Chai replied.

"The Gu family? The Gu family who came from Ningzhou?"

"Yes, the Gu family's convoy, and part of the Tao family's convoy, seem to be trapped in the woods, including us who came in later."


On the way from Ningzhou City to Dan'an City, and close to Dan'an City in the middle, there is a section that passes through a small grove.

Originally, there was a straight road leading to Dan'an City in the middle of the woods, and ordinary pedestrians would never get lost if they passed this road.

Even if you take a step back and say that some pedestrians will go into the woods to do something, it is impossible to get lost in the woods. After all, the woods are not big, and even if they are in the fog for a while, they can find them out.

But on those two days, the motorcades of the Gu family and the Tao family were trapped in the woods.

The road is still the same road, the woods are still the same woods, but no matter how you walk, you can't leave the woods, including Zhang Tutou, Wu Chai and Xiong Chenggang later.

"Old Xiong, you send someone to ask what's going on, it's not right here."

Chief Zhang's name is Zhang Peng, he is the gold medal headhunter of Pinghu Division, and his status is only under the patrol. This time he went to Dan'an City for support, and he led the team with two silver medals. Six ordinary policemen supported him together. Zheng Hong.

Passing through the woods outside Dan'an City, he found that he couldn't get out anyway, and met the motorcade of the Gu family and the Tao family, so he sent people to ask about the situation.

Xiong Chenggang is a man of five and three, but he is the most orderly in the team. Hearing Zhang Peng's words, he immediately took two policemen to the Gu family motorcade to inquire about the situation. After about half an hour, Xiong Chenggang came back.

"Zhangtou, this forest is not right. The leader of the Gu family said that they have been stuck here for two days."

"Two days?"

Zhang Peng immediately realized that something was wrong. Although he had never been to Dan'an City, he had investigated the general situation of Dan'an City before coming, so he naturally knew that it was impossible for people to get lost in this forest.

But now people have been trapped here for two days...

Zhang Peng felt that something was wrong, he thought about it, and said to his subordinates:
"Go, let's go back first."

The group immediately turned around and returned, but stopped after walking a few steps, because the route behind them seemed a little different from before.

That's not the way they came.

"It's weird!"

As a gold medal headhunter, Zhang Peng immediately guessed that there might be something weird here. He first asked Wu Chai and Xiong Chenggang to take out the [Cunguang] used for lighting, then looked at the darkening sky, and said to the two of them. :
"Be careful, there may be weird existences here."


"Is it really weird?"

Hearing this, Zheng Hong frowned even tighter.

Wu Chai and Xiong Chenggang nodded at the same time, and Xiong Chenggang said: "It's really weird. Zhang Tou found that some trees in the woods were in wrong positions and colors. He tried it with his magic knife, and he found a strange thing. It was a tree that could control trees. weird."

"Control the trees... his body is a tree?"

Zheng Hong asked again.

Wu Chai and Xiong Chenggang paused for a moment, then Wu Chai shook his head and said, "No, he is more like a human being. He can speak and has wisdom, but... he can control the trees and vines in the forest."

Xiong Chenggang continued: "Zhangtou found that this guy didn't look like an ordinary monster, so he said a few words to him, but before he could say a few words, another monster appeared from the woods."


"Yes, one is as skinny as a tree trunk, and the other is tall with muscles all over his body, looking like a little giant. When he opened his head, he was caught off guard by the weird one behind him, and then..."

Xiong Cheng just said this, but didn't continue. His eyes were a little red, and the fingertips of his fists turned white.

Zhang Peng was crushed to death in front of the two of them, which caused a strong psychological impact on the two of them, and the officers of the Pinghu Division, who witnessed the tragic scene, were also furious and wanted to eliminate the two suddenly Appeared weird.

But the final result was that the team brought by the two was almost completely wiped out. If Wuchai hadn't managed to burst out the light of [Cunguang] in the end and seriously injured one of them, they probably wouldn't have come back alive.

"Are they afraid of [Storage Light]?"

"Is it, or is it afraid of the...sunlight stored in [Storing Light]?"

Wu Chai recalled it for a while, and truthfully reported the details to Zheng Hong.

This detail made Zheng Hong immediately think of Liu Dashi who he dealt with back then.

At the same time, in different places, the same type of weirdness appeared, which made Zheng Hongsheng have a bad feeling.

Originally, he thought that there was something strange about the case of the Gu family exterminating the family. Liu Dashi inexplicably became a "weird" and didn't want to escape but stayed in Dan'an City. .

If it was said that these two incidents had nothing to do with each other, Zheng Hong would definitely not believe it.

"Could it be that……"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zheng Hong's head, and he thought of a guess that even he himself could not believe.

What if Liu Dashi was not the murderer who killed the Gu family, but a scapegoat who was pushed out as a target?
What if... the real culprit of the Gu family extermination case is someone else?

Zheng Hong had actually thought about this kind of thing before, but he couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to think about it.

Because if there is such a murderer, it means that someone has mastered a way to turn people into weird... or something like weird.

And this news is definitely not good news.

(End of this chapter)

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