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Chapter 206 Godhead: The Power of the God of Love

Chapter 206 Godhead: The Power of the God of Love
"Any news about Xiaoyu?"

When Gu Chen received the news from Danzang, it was already approaching night. After hearing Danzang's news about Gu Yu, Gu Chen asked in surprise.

Danzo handed the scroll sent by Gu Yu to Gu Chen, and said:
"According to Miss Yu, she strayed into a strange place in Yuezhou. In this strange place, she met King Bian, Zheng Hong, Liu Yuan and others. According to King Bian, that place should be The Immortal Kingdom of Emperor Qi'an."

"Immortal Kingdom..."

Gu Chen was a little surprised.

I searched for the fairyland to no avail, but unexpectedly, I was bumped into by Gu Yu by mistake.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen quickly asked:

"What else did Xiaoyu find in Immortal Kingdom?"

Danzo shook his head and said:

"I didn't have enough time. I didn't ask any more questions. I just asked Miss Yu to destroy the pillars of the Immortal Kingdom in order to cooperate with us."

"Not enough time?"

Gu Chen frowned and looked at Danzo suspiciously.

Danzo said:

"Didn't His Excellency Hei Si Mou go to the enchantment created by disaster when he was in Ningzhou before? The flow of time inside and outside the enchantment is different, and according to the news from Miss Yu, they have not passed in the fairy country yet. One day, but they have been missing from the outside world for more than half a month...

"I was worried that the transmission of the letter would be too slow, which would delay their actions, so I decided to let Miss Yu go first to destroy the pillars inside, while I stayed outside to cooperate, so I didn't ask Miss Yu further."

It was mentioned in the message from Gu Yu that they had not been in the Immortal Country for a long time, and Danzo deduced that the flow of time inside and outside might be different from this, so he made arrangements on his own without notifying Gu Chen in time.

Facts have proved that Danzo's decision was not wrong. The entrance that allowed the psychic beast to come out disappeared without a trace after less than a quarter of an hour. If Danzo wasted time asking more things, I'm afraid he wouldn't Too late to make other arrangements.

Gu Chen didn't blame Danzo for making decisions without authorization, if it were Gu Chen, he would make the same choice.

After finally finding out where the Immortal Kingdom is, within a limited time, of course, it is necessary to destroy the Immortal Kingdom as soon as possible. As for other things, they are just side effects.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen asked Danzo:

"So, when the Immortal Kingdom is destroyed, it's time for us to act?"

"Yes, but before that, my lord, you'd better go to the Heavenly Mystery Jade Box and ask for a prophecy."

Danzo suggested.

Regardless of whether the Tianji jade box has other purposes, anyway, judging from the current situation, it is indeed on Gu Chen's side.

It is also safer to find the "future" in the jade box of heavenly secrets before taking action.

Gu Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Even if Danzang doesn't say anything, he still has to go to the Tianji Jade Box to confirm the situation. After all, if it is as expected, the duel between him and Emperor Qi'an should be in the next few days.


"If you have something to play, you will retreat if there is nothing."

It was another early morning, and Emperor Qi'an's personal eunuch shouted to the officials below with a sharp voice.

It is rare for Emperor Qi'an to come to court today, and all the major officials in the capital who can come have already come.

Gu Jixiu and Liu Ruqing stood on the side of the civil servants, side by side.

Hearing the eunuch's words, Gu Jixiu's expression remained unchanged.

On the contrary, Liu Ruqing glanced at Gu Jixiu, stepped forward and said:

"The minister has the original play."


Emperor Qi'an's expression was indifferent, his body was filled with the majesty of the emperor, and he allowed Liu Ruqing to speak.

Liu Ruqing turned to look at Gu Jixiu, and said loudly:

"Report to the Holy Majesty, the minister impeached Prime Minister Gu for cultivating private soldiers and forming a party for selfish purposes to rebel. Please also ask the Holy Majesty to adjudicate!"

Hearing Liu Ruqing's words, Gu Jixiu opened his eyes slightly when he kept his eyes closed, and the other courtiers also made noise, looking at Liu Ruqing and Gu Jixiu in surprise.

Although Liu Ruqing and Gu Jixiu have been fighting for so long, and the struggle between the two parties has entered a fierce stage, but even so, the two sides have never used the accusation of 'rebellion' to pour dirty water on each other.

Because if this crime is not handled well, neither the whistleblower nor the whistleblower will be able to please.

The members of the Liu Party looked at Liu Ruqing in confusion. Liu Ruqing didn't inform them of this move. They didn't know whether they should stand up and agree, or stay silent.

The people from Liu Dang didn't speak, but the people from Gu Dang immediately stood up and said:
"Your Majesty! Prime Minister Liu's words are nothing but nonsense!"

"Your Majesty, what Zhang Shangshu said is correct. Prime Minister Gu has a heart for the world, so how could he commit such a chaotic thing as treason! I hope His Majesty will investigate clearly!"

People from Gu Dang stepped forward, and people from Liu Dang had an excuse. They retorted:
"He cares about the world? If Prime Minister Gu really cares about the world, why did he send people into the capital to win over the generals a few days ago?"

"Not only the defenders, I also heard that the relationship between Prime Minister Gu and Pinghu Division is extremely ambiguous, and his nephew Gu Jisheng often goes to Pinghu Division. I don't know what to do."

"Nonsense! Doesn't Prime Minister Liu often send people to visit generals in the army? Could it be that Prime Minister Liu is also trying to win over the defenders of the capital?"

"Damn it, you civil servants are quarreling, what does it have to do with us! Don't drag us in!"

Emperor Qi'an didn't say a word, and the officials below were already in a mess.

Liu Dang criticized Gu Dang, and Gu Dang counterattacked not to be outdone. Civil officials and generals quarreled with each other, making the morning court as lively as a market.

Until Emperor Qi'an said:
"Is it noisy enough?"

Emperor Qi'an's voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears evenly.

The officials present fell silent immediately, no matter whether they were academicians or generals, they all shut their mouths, standing in their positions and not daring to move.

Emperor Qi'an glanced at Gu Jixiu below, and said:
"Prime Minister Gu, do you have anything to say?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, just as Lord Zhang said, Xiang Liu's remarks are purely false, and I have absolutely no intention of plotting against you."

"Liu Xiang, Prime Minister Gu said so, but Liu Xiang still has doubts."

Emperor Qi An said lightly.

The other officials subconsciously looked at Liu Ruqing.

Generally speaking, at this moment, Liu Ruqing should say haha ​​that she made a mistake, and then turn to talk about other problems with Prime Minister Gu, and then the two parties will have a war of words with each other, and the matter will be over.

But what others never expected was that Liu Ruqing seemed determined to confront Gu Jixiu today.

Hearing Emperor Qi'an's words, Liu Ruqing cupped her hands and said:
"My lord, there is evidence that Gu Xiang conspired against me!"

As soon as this remark came out, the courtiers were in an uproar.

Everyone didn't know what Liu Ruqing was doing today, and why he had to hold on to Prime Minister Gu.

Because with Gu Jixiu's power, even if Liu Ruqing really had evidence, he shouldn't show it here, otherwise it would definitely cause chaos in the court.

Liu Ruqing's real approach should be to spread the news secretly, first let the Gu party fall apart, then gradually erode the Gu party's power, and finally use the so-called 'rebellion' evidence to give Gu Jixiu the final blow.

This is the normal fighting routine.

But what Liu Ruqing did today was really unreasonable, and even made the members of the Liu party at a loss.

They had never heard Liu Ruqing mention these things before.

Hearing what Liu Ruqing said, Gu Jixiu couldn't help squinting his eyes. He looked at Liu Ruqing, and then at the expressionless Emperor Qi'an on the dragon chair, and his heart skipped a beat.

Liu Ruqing's actions today are indeed unreasonable, but if it is said... that this matter was ordered by Emperor Qi'an...


Gu Jixiu's heart sank when he thought of the recent judgments from various places, his secret actions, and the approaching ancestor worship ceremony.

It seems that Emperor Qi'an is going to take action against the Gu family, and first erase the restless factors that will hinder the ancestor worship ceremony.

Sure enough, Emperor Qi An was not surprised at all when he heard Liu Ruqing's words. He looked at Liu Ruqing and asked:
"What evidence does Liu Aiqing have?"

Liu Ruqing smiled and said:
"The minister's evidence is in Prime Minister Gu's house. According to the news I got, Prime Minister Gu's house is collecting the so-called 'evidence' of His Majesty. Prime Minister Gu... wants to slander His Majesty!"

Hearing Liu Ruqing's words, Gu Jixiu subconsciously closed his eyes.

He knew what Liu Ruqing said was true, because Gu Jixiu's family really had collected criminal evidence related to Emperor Qi'an.

This is the evidence that Emperor Qi'an caused disasters in the four states for his own selfish desires, and it is also one of the magic weapons for Gu Jixiu to become king in the future.

Originally, Gu Jixiu was thinking that after King Bian entered the city, Gu Jixiu would use these evidences to make Emperor Qi'an lose the hearts of the people and the army, but now...

"Besides, Prime Minister Gu also has so-called 'criminal evidence' of slandering the Holy Majesty in the manor outside the city. Therefore, I implore the Holy Majesty to search the manor outside the city of Gu's family and search Gu's mansion!"

Liu Ruqing was very proud, he stepped forward and stood in front of Gu Jixiu, and said loudly to Emperor Qi'an.

Emperor Qi'an looked at Gu Jixiu who was still unresponsive, nodded and said:
"That's right."

Seeing the monarch and his subjects singing together, Gu Jixiu secretly sighed.

The so-called search will not bring trouble to Gu Jixiu. Gu Jixiu has already made corresponding preparations. If the matter is revealed, the criminal evidence will be 'destroyed'.

But if these criminal evidences were really destroyed, Gu Jixiu would indeed be able to protect his life wisely, but this also meant that King Bian's revolt would have to be delayed for a while.

This was a scene that Gu Jixiu didn't want to see, because he knew what he and others would have to face during the ancestor worship ceremony. If he couldn't raise his troops before the ancestor worship ceremony, everything would be over.

But Gu Jixiu has no other choice at the moment, after all, there is no news about Bian Wang, and the power of Bian Wang in the capital is only Gu Jixiu.

If Gu Jixiu falls, no one will be able to stop Emperor Qi'an.

So... In the end, we can only rely on Bai Ye of Pinghu Division, but I don't know if Bai Ye will stand up at this time.


When Gu Chen came to Pinghu Division, he didn't inform anyone, and there was only one Jiebiao Danxi by his side.

Due to the relationship between the Gu family and Bai Ye, after Gu Chen came to Pinghu Division, he met Bai Ye, the director of Pinghu Division, very smoothly.

After explaining her intentions, Bai Ye shook her head regretfully and said:
"Sorry, I can't let you see the Heavenly Secret Jade Box."


Gu Chen frowned.

A few days ago, Gu Chen could still see the Jade Box of Heavenly Mysteries, and the Gu family could also obtain the prophecy from the Jade Box of Heavenly Secrets, why didn't Bai Ye let Gu Chen see it today?
Bai Ye sighed and said:
"Because the secret jade box...has been destroyed."


Gu Chen was taken aback: "Destroyed?! When did it happen?!"

"Just a few days ago, when I was looking for the Heavenly Mystery Jade Box to obtain the prophecy, I found that its body had cracks, and no matter how I called it, it made no sound.

"Then I sent it to Tiangongfang, hoping to have Tiangong Baichang, the magic weapon of Tiangongfang, repair it, but the result..."


Seeing Bai Ye shaking his head regretfully, Gu Chen asked in surprise.

Bai Ye said: "It's useless, it has been completely destroyed, lost its spirituality, and turned into an ordinary box."

"...I want to take a look."

Although Bai Ye said so, Gu Chen still wanted to go over and take a look.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Bai Ye, it's just that Gu Chen always feels that the jade box of secrets should not be destroyed so easily.

How could it be so easy to destroy a treasure that obviously possesses self-wisdom and spirituality?

Even if it is really destroyed, Gu Chen has to see it with his own eyes before he is reconciled.

Hearing Gu Chen's request, Bai Ye seemed to have already guessed that he would say that, but he did not refuse. He stood up and said to Gu Chen:
"Then come with me."

Gu Chen exchanged glances with Jiebiao Danxi who was behind him, and then followed Bai Ye to Tiangongfang.

There are many strange treasures produced by Tiangongfang, and many of them are in a state of failure and damage. Some of these strange treasures were brought back by Tiangongfang to be rebuilt, and some of them were completely invalid, and they were put together by Tiangongfang. .

The Heavenly Mystery Jade Box is a damaged treasure with no repair value, so naturally it will not be in Pinghu Division's treasure place, but will be thrown in the Tiangong Workshop, waiting to be disassembled and reset later.

Led by Bai Ye, the people in Pinghu Division had no doubts about the arrival of Gu Chen and Jiebiao Danxi. The two came to Tiangong Workshop unimpeded all the way, and saw the secret that was put on a shelf waiting to be processed Jade box.

Just as Bai Ye said, the top of the Tianji jade box is already full of cracks, and the surface that was originally like precious jade is now dull and dull like plastic, losing the texture of jade.

Seeing this, Gu Chen took a deep breath, and his heart was filled with disappointment.

The Heavenly Secret Jade Box has really failed.

"How, Mr. Gu, do you have any questions?"

Seeing the hard-to-disguise disappointment on Gu Chen's face, Bai Ye asked Gu Chen with a chuckle.

Gu Chen shook his head, and was about to leave with Jiebiao Danxi, but suddenly felt something, and turned his head to look at the jade box of tianji.

"...can I touch it?"

As the only treasure in Pinghu Division that can predict the future, the Heavenly Secret Jade Box was never allowed to be touched by outsiders. Last time, Gu Chen never thought about touching it.

But this time, Gu Chen felt a throbbing in his heart. He felt that if he touched the secret jade box, there might be unexpected benefits, so he couldn't help asking Bai Ye.

Bai Ye looked at Gu Chen in surprise, then nodded and said:
"Of course you can, please."

It's just a discarded treasure, if Gu Chen wants to touch it, of course Bai Ye won't stop it.

Gu Chen didn't hesitate either, after getting Bai Ye's permission, he took a step forward and put his hand on the Heavenly Secret Jade Box.

At the beginning, there didn't seem to be any obvious changes, but the moment Gu Chen was about to take his hand off, the summoning circle in his mind, which had been quiet for a long time, suddenly shone brightly!
Rays of light that only Gu Chen could see merged into Gu Chen's body from the heavenly jade box, and merged with the summoning formation in his mind.

Gu Chen saw five light spots in his own consciousness, and there was something connected to each of the five light spots.

The moment Gu Chen saw the light spot, he knew it was his own skill.

At the same time when Gu Chen realized, one message after another flowed through Gu Chen's mind.

——The formation is being completed.

——The formation has been completed.

——Fusionable skills detected, skill fusion in progress, please wait.

Three messages appeared, and Gu Chen watched the three light spots in his mind gradually approaching, and began to fuse as it suggested.

——Skills [increased likes and dislikes], powers [shameless flower marriage], blood succession limit [five senses control], have similar characteristics and are fused.

——Successful integration, has been promoted and sublimated.

- Gain new skills.

——Godhead: Eros.

A series of information did not give Gu Chen time to think about it.

But when everything was over, Gu Chen suddenly found that the few skills he had been using all along had disappeared.

They all turned into another skill, a skill that sounded very high.

-Godhead: the power of Eros.

(End of this chapter)

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