Start by summoning Black Death Mou

Chapter 231 The Wall of No Return

Chapter 231 The Wall of No Return
The team continued to set off, heading for the place of no return.

There are countless strange things in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. After encountering the corpse of the advance team, Gu Chen also encountered many strange things.

If it weren't for Gu Chen's chopping knife Shi Jie being able to restrain even the weirdness, I am afraid that only a few people in Gu Chen's entire team could survive in the end.

Even so, at the end when they were about to reach the Wall of No Return, there were only a dozen of the original thousand people left.

Most of them are ghosts.

"The front is the wall of no return."

Standing in front of Gu Chen, Ying pointed to the black mountain that was connected to the sky and said.

Just far away from Gu Chen, there is a big mountain connected to the dark clouds above.

From a distance, it looks like a big mountain, but if you distinguish carefully, you can find out what kind of mountain it is.

That is clearly the black fog wall connected to the sky!

The black fog wall is so tall and so long that it can't be seen at a glance to the left and right, as if it divides the whole world into two.

Looking at the fog wall, Gu Chen was shocked, but this fog wall cannot be arranged by manpower, no matter it is weird or calamity, it is impossible to create such a tall fog wall.

"The Wall of No Return?"

Looking at the foggy wall, Gu Chen muttered to himself.

This Wall of No Return really has the meaning of a barrier between heaven and earth, no wonder it is called the Wall of No Return.

"Yes, there is the Wall of No Return in front of us, but we estimate that we still have to walk for a day."

Shadow continued.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs away to a dead horse. The Wall of No Return seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is thousands of miles away.

There are countless mountain peaks before the Wall of No Return, and it is necessary to cross these peaks to reach the Wall of No Return.

"The road ahead should be easier?"

Gu Chen asked Ying.

Ying has read a lot of classics in Pinghu Division, and has some understanding of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Hearing Gu Chen's question, Ying nodded and said:
"Almost, from here to the Blood Jade Forest, there shouldn't be any accidents."

"Blood Jade Forest..."

Gu Chen read this noun.

He knew about this blood jade forest. Before the Wall of No Return, there was a forest made of blood jade.

Those blood jade trees are said to be only a little taller than ordinary people, and the tallest is no more than three meters. Every blood jade seems to be made of human flesh and blood, which looks very terrifying.

Only when you get close to the Blood Jade Forest can you truly reach the Wall of No Return.

The group set off again, and it didn't take long before they saw the blood jade forest in front of the Wall of No Return.

Gu Chen looked around, his eyes serious.

This piece of Blood Jade Forest is not that big, but it is scattered scattered around the wall of no return.

The number of blood jade trees is not very large, and the blood jade forest in Gu Chen's area is probably only a few dozen. The further you look at the distance, the fewer the number of blood jade trees.

And the appearance of this blood jade tree is extremely strange, the branches on their body and the trunk standing below are all like human limbs.

On the trunk in the middle, there are faces that are very similar to human facial features.

Gruesome and terrifying.

Gu Chen looked at these blood jade forests without making a sound, Ying swallowed and said to Gu Chen:

"It is said...every blood tree here used to be a living person..."

"Pinghu Division's classics are recorded, but no one has seen them..." Gu Chen recalled the Pinghu Division's classics, muttered to himself, then turned his head and said to a ghost:

"You, tie the rope and go look inside the Wall of No Return."


The ghost nodded without hesitation, then took the hemp rope from the others, tied it around his waist, and entered the wall of no return.

The Wall of No Return is really a wall of fog, there is no obstacle for people to enter it, and they got in very smoothly.

The hemp rope was exploring the inside of the Wall of No Return little by little. After about half an hour, the hemp rope was walking back, and then the ghost who had just gone in to explore came out.

"Your Majesty, inside... you can't see anything clearly, and it's all blood jade... Er..."

Only halfway through the words, the appearance of the ghost changed.

There seemed to be something leaking from his skin, and he knelt on the ground with a pained look on his face.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty——! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The ghost stretched out its hand to Gu Chen who was standing in front of him, and asked Gu Chen for help with a face full of pain.

But before Gu Chen could say anything, he began to howl.

Beads of blood dripped from his body, and these blood beads condensed and grew rapidly on his body, becoming branches made of blood jade!

The blood jade began to wrap around the ghost, making the ghost in front of him invisible even in human form.

In just a few breaths, the ghost in front of him disappeared, replaced by a blood jade tree standing in front of Gu Chen!

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen widened his eyes.

He finally knew how the blood jade tree outside came from, and the Wall of No Return really deserved its reputation, as long as it entered it, even if it could walk out, it would turn into something like this blood jade.

"He's still alive."

Hei Si Mou, who was on the other side of Gu Chen, said suddenly.

The connection with the ghost told him that the ghost in front of him was still alive.

His flesh and blood were still inside the blood jade, but for some reason the whole body had turned into blood crystals.

Of course, Gu Chen could also feel that the ghost's life hadn't dissipated, but even if he was alive, this kind of life was almost as good as death.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Gu Chen said to Hei Simou:

"Can it be saved?"

"Try it."

Heishimu took a step forward, the light of the knife turned into moonlight and cut off the excess branches on the ghost.

In just a moment, a ghost with a bare appearance and lost limbs and skin broke free from the blood jade tree.

The bones on his body have been completely shattered, but under the tenacious vitality of the ghost, those shattered bones are slowly recovering, including the lost flesh and limbs on his body, and they are also gradually recovering.

It's just that his injuries are too serious, even with the vitality of a ghost, if he can't replenish energy in time, he probably won't be able to survive.


Seeing this, Gu Chen ordered to Ying.

Ying immediately took out a psychic scroll, and psychic out a vessel wrapped in flesh and blood.

He smashed the vessel, took out the flesh and blood inside and put it into the mouth of the ghost in front of him.


Uncomfortable chewing and swallowing sounds came one after another, and after a while, the ghost in front of him regained his skin, and his limbs were slowly growing out.

The ghost who had just recovered immediately knelt down towards Gu Chen and said loudly:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for saving my life!"

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, what did you see inside?"

Gu Chen asked softly.

The ghost said with lingering fear:
"I didn't see much, except for the black mist inside, there are blood jade trees just like the outside, and I heard weird laughter inside the black mist.

"Because I couldn't see anything, I was worried that I couldn't find the way back, so I walked back along the direction of the rope, but as soon as I came out..."

There was a bit of fear on that ghost's face.

He never thought that he would experience such a thing after leaving the Wall of No Return.

You must know that the ghosts and people who can travel with Gu Chen are either grand masters, or masters of the blood ghost technique, who are only under the twelve ghost months.

The resilience possessed by such an oni is self-evident.

But even so, he almost died outside the Wall of No Return. If he hadn't been replenished with flesh and blood, he might really have died here.

Even ghosts with strong recovery ability will do this. Presumably, even a strong person in the inhuman realm, as long as they are not proficient in recovery and lifespan, they probably cannot leave the Wall of No Return.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Chen understood why the Wall of No Return was called the Wall of No Return.

His face was gloomy, Gu Chen thought for a while, and took out a white gauze.

This is something that Zi Tong's mother left her. She said that she can freely enter and exit the Wall of No Return by holding this thing. Gu Chen thought for a while, then handed the white gauze in his hand to another ghost, and said:
"Put it on your body, tie a hemp rope and go in and walk around before coming out."


Even with the lessons learned from the past, the ghost did not hesitate at all after receiving the order.

He put the gauze on his body, and then walked into the wall of no return with the hemp rope.

This time the time was faster, that is, in two quarters of an hour, the ghost came out.

Then everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, observing the change of this person.

One breath, two breaths...

Tens of breaths of time have passed, but there has been no change in this person's body.

"it works!"

Gu Chen's eyes lit up.

Although I don't know what the white veil is, it is indeed useful for entering the Wall of No Return!

However, Gu Chen was not completely at ease. In order to ensure that the white gauze was indeed useful, Gu Chen conducted two more experiments with humans and ghosts.

After making sure that all the people wearing the veil are okay, Gu Chen put the veil on himself, and said to everyone:
"Everyone, enter the Wall of No Return."


The crowd responded in unison.

Gu Chen did not let the ordinary people who followed the team leave the team.

The inside of Shiwan Dashan is complicated, even if you know the way back, you will encounter many dangers along the way, without Gu Chen and others, even if the remaining ordinary people go back, they will almost die.

It would be better to follow them into the Wall of No Return, and perhaps find a glimmer of life.

Moreover, Gu Chen is the emperor now, and most of the people around him are dead soldiers, no one will resist Gu Chen's order, let alone think about living alone.

So without any hesitation, everyone followed Gu Chen into the wall of no return after Gu Chen gave the order.

The inside of the Wall of No Return is the same as what the ghost who came in to explore earlier said.

Looking far away inside, there is an endless black mist, and looking back, it is also an endless black mist.

Gu Chen tried to make people retreat, but he couldn't leave the wall of no return, and remained in the black mist.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be no way to go back without something like a hemp rope."

The ghost who explored before said aloud.

Gu Chen nodded: "Then let's move on."

Since there is no going back, and there is no way to retreat, the last thing we can do is to move on.

Everyone gathered together, followed Gu Chen, and walked into the depths of the black mist until the black mist submerged their figures.

never see again.


dong dong.

There was a knock on the door of the room, and then a ten-year-old girl jumped up from the bed, opened the door, and dragged the knocker in without even looking at it.

"What are you knocking on the door for? Are you afraid that others won't wake up!"

The black-haired girl with short hair and already wearing a small trench coat with buttons looked dissatisfied at the little boy who was dragged in by herself.

The little boy chuckled, glanced at the other people who were still sleeping in the dormitory, and whispered to the little girl:
"Don't worry, except for you, I have put sleeping incense on everyone else. They won't get up until the sun is out."

"Good guy, let me tell you why they slept so soundly tonight."

The little girl had an expression of "you did it beautifully", and then excitedly ran to the cabinet next to her bed, and took out a frog-like thing from it.

The boy stood next to the girl, looking at the thing in the girl's hand in surprise:
"Pathfinder Frog! You really got it! If the teachers find out about this..."

"It doesn't matter even if we find it, we are going out of the city today, once we can find the relic, we can immediately be promoted to Pathfinder, even the teacher will not dare to scold us!"

The little girl said excitedly.

The little boy hesitated and said:

"...Xiaoxue, I think we should wait another two years until we become adults..."

"Coward Xiaobai! Aren't you afraid? If you are afraid, stay here and don't drag me down! I'll go out by myself!"

After taking the pathfinding frog back, the girl named Xiaoxue rolled her eyes and ran to the window.

The boy named Xiaobai quickly chased after him and said:
"No, no, I just think that we are still young, and we don't even have a relic on us. When we grow up, the teachers will organize to go out to find the way. At least we can get some low-level relics..."

"Who said we have no relics?"

Xiaoxue grinned, and in front of the little boy, she stretched out her hand and opened her collar, looking for something inside.

Seeing this, the little boy blushed, subconsciously looked aside, and then heard Xiaoxue's voice:

"Look, Relic."

The little boy immediately looked and saw a big ring hanging on Xiaoxue's neck.

That ring was worn by adults, and Xiaoxue couldn't wear it with any of her fingers, so she turned it into a part of the necklace.

At this moment, the ring was shining with a glimmer of light, and the incomprehensible characters on it were still flowing slowly.

"This is……!?"

"My father left me a first-class relic. I have tested the ability to slow down time. With this relic, we can escape even if we encounter danger when we go out!"

"It's amazing! Your father gave you such a good thing before he left!"

The little boy said in amazement.

The little girl snorted softly and said, "Of course, he is going to the Wall of No Return, and he will never come back again. Can't he leave me something good?"

The little girl's voice fell, and before the little boy could speak, another man's voice suddenly came from the room:

"Mr. Tong left you a legacy just to let you go out to die now?"

After the words fell, the bodies of the boy and the girl froze suddenly. The two of them stared blankly at the direction of the window. A black figure was sitting on a chair under the window.

Afterwards, the lights in the room turned on, and the scorching bulbs emitted an orange-yellow light, illuminating the person sitting under the window brightly.

It was a young man with short black hair, wearing a windbreaker, and a scar on his face.

He stared at the two little bean dings in the room expressionlessly, exuding a calm and prestige.

Seeing this person, the two little bean dings immediately collapsed to the ground, and the little boy even muttered to himself:
"'s Teacher Huo...we...we're finished..."

(End of this chapter)

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