Start by summoning Black Death Mou

Chapter 60 [Coordinate Movement] Jiebiao Danxi

Chapter 60 [Coordinate Movement] Jiebiao Danxi

It was still a dazzling white light, and it was still the rapid consumption of the energy of the summoning formation in his mind.

A gust of energy swirled in the small room, and the formation in the room became brighter and brighter, until it was so bright that it was almost impossible to open their eyes, Gu Chen and Heishi Moucai closed their eyes at the same time and stopped looking.

After all the rays of light dissipated, Gu Chen and Heixin Mou opened their eyes and looked towards the center of the formation.

"Yo, are you my employer?"

Unlike the last time Hei Si Mou was summoned, the character summoned this time actually greeted Gu Chen proactively.

But Gu Chen, who heard the voice, couldn't help frowning.

It was a girl's voice, it sounded like a very flamboyant and proud girl's voice...

At the same time as he heard the voice, Gu Chen looked at the center of the formation again, then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the deep disappointment in his eyes was not concealed.

In the center of the formation, stood a girl with red hair and twin ponytails.

The girl doesn't look tall, just a head taller than Gu Chen. Her body is extremely revealing, she wears a school uniform jacket from an unknown school, and her lower body wears a miniskirt that seems to reveal her panties when she moves.

And under the jacket, the features that are more plump than those of the same age are wrapped in circles of bandages. It can be clearly seen that there should be nothing behind the bandages.

In the end, it was a military flashlight in the girl's hand that allowed Gu Chen to completely confirm the girl's identity.

The military flashlight is very long, and it is no problem to use it as a baton. At this moment, the military flashlight is held in the girl's hand, holding it like a weapon.

This is a young girl from modern society, which can be seen from her clothes and the technological supplies in her hands.

At the same time, Gu Chen also confirmed the identity of the girl.

The character in the "Magic Forbidden Book Catalogue" and "A Certain Science" series, a LV4 capable person with the ability to move coordinates, Jiebiao Danxi.

" could it be you."

Looking at Jiebiao Danxi who was standing in the center of the formation, Gu Chen couldn't help but hold his forehead, with a disappointed expression on his face.

The summoned Jiebiao Danxi twitched the corner of her mouth and asked:

"Aren't you satisfied? I don't meet your standards?"

"No... it fits well..."

Jiebiao Danxi has space ability, and it is still comparable to LV5 superpowers.

Her ability allows her to transfer a maximum weight of 800 kilograms, and the transfer distance exceeds [-] meters. With her own ability, Jiebiao Danxi can transfer any object to where she wants to transfer.

including the human body.

Similar to transferring daggers and steel needles into people's bodies to attack, it is the most common attack method used by people with space abilities like Yubiao Danxi.

His own combat power is not bad, but that's all. If he doesn't have space ability, Jiebiao Danxi can fight slightly better than ordinary people.

But combined with the spatial ability, it is not an exaggeration to say that Jiebiao Danxi is the strongest on Gu Chen's side in terms of strength alone.

Because she can transfer several tons of things to another person's head at any time, and she can also teleport a person to another place at any time.

If you are against Hei Si Mou, if Hei Si Mou doesn't know Jiebiao Danxi's ability, he will be teleported to the sky above the sun in broad daylight, which is better than Hei Si Mou will be burned to death by the sun.

What's more, Jiebiao Danxi can directly transfer some objects to the head of the creature. If she has a light in her hand, she can transfer the light to Hei Shimou's body and detonate it, so as to achieve the effect of instantly killing Hei Simou .

From this point of view, the characters summoned by Gu Chen at present, compared with the data strength, are undoubtedly the strongest in Jiebiao Danxi.

However... if it is a real sword, Gu Chen can guarantee that in less than three seconds, Hei Si Mou will be able to chop off her head with a speed that Jie Biao Danxi can't even react at all!
Of course, if that was the case, Gu Chen wouldn't be so disappointed.

The real reason for Gu Chen's disappointment was because Jie Biao Danxi had a very serious mental illness.

Because of the mistake of Jiebiao Danxi's previous experiment, she made a teleportation error and stuck her leg in the wall. Since then, Jiebiao Danxi has had a serious psychological shadow. Whenever she teleports herself, she will have serious problems. tension and fear.

More than four times, she'd vomit, become delirious, and be unable to teleport herself at all.

Of course, the transmission of other items is not included in this list.

If there is no mental illness, Jiebiao Danxi is undoubtedly a very powerful helper, but unfortunately now...

Sighing, since everyone has been summoned and the contract has been signed, it doesn't make sense for Gu Chen to regret it now, he simply asked:

"...have you overcome your mental illness?"

"Ah? You said that."

But to Gu Chen's surprise, Jie Biao Danxi said indifferently:
"That has nothing to do with it for a long time... I know, are you disappointed in me because of my mental illness?"

"Oh? Overcome?"

Gu Chen was a little surprised.

Gu Chen didn't pay attention to the plot of "Magical Forbidden Book Catalogue" after watching the two anime, so he didn't know anything about it except that Yubi Danxi added Anbu in the original work.

It seems that something happened afterwards, which made Jiebiao Danxi overcome her psychological barrier.

But then again, Gu Chen was suddenly curious about one thing.

"Do you remember what happened before you were teleported here?"

Gu Chen didn't inquire into these before, and Hei Si Mou looked like no one should enter, so Gu Chen didn't ask him either.

Now that Jiebiao Danxi was summoned, Gu Chen wanted to know, did the characters he summoned know what happened in the original book, or didn't they?

When they were summoned, was it before the plot started, or after the plot started?Or is it because the plot is over, they died and then they were summoned?

Like a Heroic Spirit?
Gu Chen wanted to know this very much now.

But to Gu Chen's surprise, Jiebiao Danxi tilted her head and thought for a while, then said:
"Can not remember."


"It's just... I don't remember most of the previous world, but I think I was summoned by you after I died, um... I should have died, right?"

"...In other words, you and Hei Si Mou are both in a state similar to that of a 'heroic spirit'?"

"What is a heroic spirit?"

"No, it's all right."

Judging from Jiebiao's attitude, she was not lying. Gu Chen looked at Hei Simou again and asked:

"Are you also summoned after death?"

"Well, I'm different from her. I still remember... the scene of those pillars from the Ghost Slayer Squad slashing at me with knives, but that's all."

Black Death Mou replied.

Different from Jiebiao Danxi's daze, Hei Si Mou clearly remembers how he died, at most he forgot some details before his death.

Nodding his head, Gu Chen probably understood the working principle of the summoning formation.

It does not summon living plot characters, but summons dead characters from an unknown world.

Just like Heroic Spirits.

The people who are summoned, if there is a clear time of death in the original book, then they will have the memory of the time of death, and if there is no clear time and method of death in the original book, they will forget what happened in the original book just like Yuba Danxi. Most of the things, vaguely have the impression of death.

So it can be concluded here that the summoning formation can be regarded as a variant of "Heroic Spirit Summoning", and the characters summoned are all dead people.

Heishimu is like this, Jiebiao Danxi... let's treat it like this for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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