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Chapter 72 I want to avenge Sister Xiaotao

Chapter 72 I want to avenge Sister Xiaotao
At the north gate of Dan'an City, Liu Yuan and Gu Chen stood side by side, and Gu Chen's maid Liu Er held up an umbrella for Gu Chen.

It wasn't blocking the sun, it was raining.

The rain was not heavy, and there was little patter of rain. Few of the passersby held umbrellas. As a warrior, Liu Yuan was not afraid of the drizzle.

But Gu Chen's body is weak, at least on the surface, even if it's light rain, it's easy for him to catch the wind and cold, so he asked Liu'er to help hold the umbrella.

Looking at it this way, Gu Chen looks more like the young master of a big family.

"I didn't expect that Patriarch Tao would actually allow you to bring Jianghu warriors into Tao's house."

Looking at the passers-by at the door, Liu Yuan said with a sigh.

Gu Chen smiled and said: "Although Uncle Tao doesn't have a good face towards me on weekdays, he is actually quite nice to me, and he can satisfy me with some not-too-excessive demands."

"That's good. It's much better than what you were treated in the Gu family before."

"It's too strong."

Gu Chen was also emotional.

Gu Chen wanted Jiebiao Danxi to be his bodyguard, but of course it was impossible for her to go directly to Gu's residence to apply for the job, so even if the application was successful, Jiebiao Danxi would have a greater chance of being Tao Qianqian's bodyguard instead of Tao Qianqian. Gu Chen.

Besides, it would take a lot of time to go through the normal way, so Gu Chen found another way and asked Liu Yuan for help.

Liu Yuan knew that Gu Chen had martial arts, and also knew that Gu Chen didn't want others to know that he had martial arts, so Gu Chen wanted to find a guard to cover him, which also made sense on Liu Yuan's side.

And if Gu Chen said that he had a senior sister who was coming to protect him, then Liu Yuan would not say anything.

This is the case now, Gu Chen said that his senior sister decided to come to Dan'an City to protect Gu Chen after learning about the Gu family, but he was unable to reveal his senior sister's identity and could not enter the Tao family through normal channels, so Liu Yuan was required to explain his identity.

Gu Chen's request was not too much, and the so-called 'senior sister' also had the identity certificate of Pinghu Sikai. This is a person with a serious identity, of course Liu Yuan would not refuse.

"When will she arrive?"

Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, Liu Yuan asked.

Gu Chen was startled, glanced at Liu'er at the side, coughed dryly and said:

"Brother Liu, the person you are looking for, why do you ask me? How do I know when she will arrive?"

Liu Yuan was stunned, and also glanced at Liu'er, then slapped his forehead and said, "That's right, I'm looking for the person, alas... I don't know when she will arrive."

"Liu'er, the rain should have stopped. Put your umbrella away and help me buy some pastries. Liu Tutou and I will eat while we wait."

Gu Chen stretched out his hand from under the umbrella to test outside, and then said to Liu Er.

Liu'er put away the umbrella obediently, and said in response: "Good young master, I'll go right away."

"Remember, I want red bean stuffing."


After walking a few steps, Liu'er responded from a distance, and when she went to the stall to buy pastries in the distance, Gu Chen cast a helpless glance at Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan said with a smile: "Don't look at me, how do I know that you are hiding even your personal maid."

"I even hid it from Miss Xiaotao, let alone she is not Miss Xiaotao."

"Brother Gu values ​​love and righteousness, which is admirable, but sometimes, there must be one or two people around me who can talk to each other."

"Yeah, that's why I asked my senior sister to come and look for me, otherwise... I wouldn't have asked my senior sister to come. My martial arts are not bad, and I'm not a child, so why did I come all the way to protect me?"

Gu Chen complained softly, saying that he was no longer a child, but the way he spoke seemed to be no different from that of a child.

Seeing that it was interesting, Liu Yuan said, "Your senior sister also cares about you."

Gu Chen rolled his eyes and did not respond, Liu Yuan smiled and suddenly asked with some doubts: "Speaking of which, I have never asked who your master is, and who did you learn martial arts from."

"Catcher Liu is trying to check on me?"

"What are you thinking? Just ask casually. Since I promised you not to tell the matter, I will never break my promise. I am just curious. If Brother Gu doesn't want to answer, I just don't ask."

Liu Yuan waved his hands and said, he really didn't mean anything else when he asked this question, he was just curious.

After staring at Liu Yuan carefully for a while, and confirming that he was indeed just curious, Gu Chen said reluctantly:

"My master didn't let me tell, and he left with my senior sister after he taught me martial arts. I haven't seen him for a year."

"That's kind of a mystery."

"Well, it's quite mysterious."

After Gu Chen finished speaking, he stopped talking. Liu Yuan was also thinking about something, but also didn't speak, and the two of them suddenly fell silent.

But before Liu'er came back with the cakes, Gu Chen suddenly said:
"Brother Liu, there is actually one thing I've always wanted to ask you."

When Gu Chen said this, he didn't turn his head to look at Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan looked at Gu Chen's side face, vaguely guessed something in his heart, and his tone became a little serious, and said:
"What do you want to ask, you ask."

"I know martial arts, Brother Liu."

Gu Chen paused.

Liu Yuan was silent for a moment before replying:

"I know."

Gu Chen turned his head to face Liu Yuan, and continued:
"And my martial arts are very powerful. If you don't care about the physical explosion, the grand master is not my opponent."

"…I know."

"But ever since you knew I knew martial arts, you never asked me why I was stabbed to the ground without any power to fight back when the Gu family was wiped out that day."


Liu Yuan was silent, he and Gu Chen looked at each other, opened their mouths, and said after a long time: "I know that you are not the one who killed the Gu family, that's enough."

"But you know who the murderer is." Gu Chen said softly, "From the day you knew I had martial arts, you should know that there are not many people in this world who can seriously injure me without me being aware of it. But you never asked me that question."

"That's because I trust you..."

"It was like this at the beginning." Gu Chen interrupted Liu Yuan: "But not now, when the patrol officer of the Pinghu Division came, you must know who the murderer is, but you will not treat me explain."

Liu Yuan lowered his head, let out a long sigh, and said:

"Brother Gu, in fact... I don't know who it is as a brother. I only know that he is very strong. He is very strong. He is an existence that you and I, including all the warriors in Dan'an City today, cannot fight against. So I really don't know who it is. will tell you..."

Liu Yuan was afraid that Gu Chen would lose his mind and seek revenge on the existence above the master.

Gu Chen took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He raised his head to look at the sky covered with dark clouds, and said softly to Liu Yuan:
"Brother Liu, the Gu family... didn't treat me well, father, aunt, the steward of the cashier, the nanny in the laundry room, everyone bullied me, so I'm not sad that they died.

"But Sister Xiaotao is different. As far back as I can remember, the only person by my side is Sister Xiaotao. She takes care of me, washes my clothes, and hides delicious things for me...

"Brother Liu, do you know? One winter, the servants in the mansion bullied me and refused to wash my clothes. The smell on my body made even dogs dislike me. It was Miss Xiaotao who, regardless of the winter cold, took care of me one by one. Wash it for me, and my hands are frostbitten at the end, I will always remember this."

Gu Chen's eyes were slightly red when he said this, and he looked up at the sky a little bit more.

"...Sister Xiaotao is the best person in this world to me, so I will never let the person who killed her go, even if you don't tell me, brother Liu, I will use my own method to find that person and take revenge !"

These words were spoken so loudly that Gu Chen's eyes were red as if he was about to cry in the next second.

But Gu Chen didn't cry in the end, because Liu Er had already bought pastries and returned to him.

"Master, I bought it back... eh!? What's wrong with you, Master?! You..."

Liu'er, who came back from buying the cakes, saw Gu Chen's eyes flushed and had eaten a lot, she hurried over and asked anxiously, while looking at Liu Yuan with a little vigilance.

She thought Liu Yuan bullied Gu Chen.

Gu Chen sniffled, patted Liu'er's arm and said with a smile: "It's okay, Liu'er, it's just that the wind and sand just now were a bit heavy, and the dust got into my eyes accidentally..."

"That's right, young master, let me brag to you..."

"No need, no need, it's ready, hey, brother Liu, look at that over there... is that the person you mentioned?"

Gu Chen comforted Liu'er, then looked at the gate of the city as if he had suddenly discovered something, pointed to a girl with long red hair and a long black skirt inside, and asked Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan seemed to have just recovered, looked into the distance and nodded casually:

"Yes, it's her."

Although Liu Yuan has never met Jiebiao Danxi, since Gu Chen said so, the girl in the distance must be the one Gu Chen said.

That should be the senior sister Gu Chen was talking about, Tan Xi'er.

There is nothing to say about the encounter with Jiebiao Danxi. After Liu Yuan confirmed Jiebiao Danxi's identity, he sent several of them back home.

When Jiebiao Danxi officially moved into Tao's house as 'Tan Xi'er', Gu Chen finally felt at ease.

But when Gu Chen went back to his room to rest, he suddenly heard Hei Si Mou ask:
"Is what you said just now true?"


Gu Chen was puzzled, and Hei Si Mou said, "Tell me, the maid from before helped you do the laundry..."

The weather was gloomy today, so there was no need to worry about the sun appearing. Hei Si Mou hid not far from Gu Chen to protect him, so he naturally heard what Gu Chen said.

"Oh, fake." Gu Chen said very flatly: "Who washes clothes outside in winter, even if they do it, they have to put a brazier beside them. Although the Gu family abused me, they wouldn't even have a brazier in winter Not to me."

Hei Si Mou nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Gu Chen continued: "Liu Yuan is a good person with a strong ability to empathize. Such a person is the easiest to have sympathy for others. If I don't move things a little bit, how can he help me?"

The Jinlong Temple extermination case came to an end, and the Gu family extermination case also made Pinghu Division turn his attention to Heishimu.

Gu Chen didn't pay much attention to him now, and Zheng Hong, who was in Husi at the end, didn't contact him. The only contact Gu Chen had with Pinghu Division was Liu Yuan.

Therefore, Gu Chen had to maintain his relationship with Liu Yuan, and he had better be the kind of person who inspired Liu Yuan.

Gu Chen could see that there was something hidden in Liu Yuan's heart, and what he had to do was to use his own method to stimulate the hidden things in Liu Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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