
Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Time passed by in a flash, and it was [-] in a blink of an eye. In just a few years, with the continuous deepening of the reform and opening, there have been rapid changes in all parts of the country.

Take Jichun as an example. When I went to the street and looked up, all I could see were some small state-owned shops and fly restaurants. There were either trams or bicycles on the road, and passers-by were always in a hurry, looking like they were running for their livelihood. look.

But looking at it now, all kinds of shops on both sides of the road have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.Although bicycles are still the mainstream of vehicles on the road, cars and motorcycles are not uncommon.

In addition, many small vendors are also displayed grandiosely, attracting pedestrians to stop and stay from time to time.

This situation, a few years ago, people would not have dared to imagine.

In the best private room of Nanhu Hotel in Jichun, Tu Zhiqiang, dressed in a neat suit, sighed to Zhao Ye while looking left and right: "I never thought that I would have such a day, and I could come here for dinner."

Zhao Ye laughed and said, "It's not like you haven't been to a high-end hotel in the special zone, so why make such a fuss?"

Tu Zhiqiang shook his head, and retorted plausibly: "That's different, no matter how good the hotel is in the special zone, as long as you have money, you can go there, but Nanhu Hotel is different, who used to entertain here?

Speaking of it, Brother Zhao, you are not afraid of your jokes. When I was fooling around in those years, every time I heard those high-G kids talk about this place, I felt so envious. "

"Then you came today, how do you feel?"

Tu Zhiqiang thought about it for a while, and then he said in disappointment: "Hey, don't you think it's strange? Before I came here, I was quite excited. But after I came here, I feel the same. The food tastes good, and the decoration is quite ordinary. of."

"You, this is delicacies from mountains and seas, and you have become too greedy, and you can't look down on simple food."

Tu Zhiqiang, who had been exposed for his small thoughts, smiled embarrassedly, and quickly changed the subject: "Brother Zhao, can we do something about the north?"

Zhao Ye filled the glasses of the two of them unhurriedly, motioned for Tu Zhiqiang to drink a glass, and then said, "Be safe and don't be impatient. I've found a helper for you. When you arrive in Jichun, you can start immediately." .”

After finishing speaking, thinking of the special relationship between Shui Ziliu and Tu Zhiqiang, he couldn't help asking curiously: "By the way, what did Brother Shui say, didn't he object to your taking risks?"

Tu Zhiqiang smiled wryly and said, "Brother Shui is so focused on the MP you mentioned, he has no time to talk to me."

"It's MPEG. I was about to ask you. Is the person Brother Shui found reliable to go to the United States? What I want is a full set of patent licenses for this technology, so don't be fooled."

MPEG, also known as image decoding technology, was invented by a scientific research team in the United States in 1.The innovations such as MPEG-2, MPEG-3, and MPEG-[-] derived on this basis later can be said to have formulated the future digital video specification standard.

If possible, Zhao Ye would of course want to hold this egg-laying golden rooster in his hands, but the Yankees are not stupid, even if they don't see the money for MPEG, they don't want to sell it easily.

Unless it is a sky-high price that no one can refuse, it is a pity that Zhao Ye has limited financial resources and cannot afford this price.And he is also worried about the integrity of the Yingjiang government. Who can guarantee that Yingjiang will not issue a treaty to restrict it after he makes a fortune in the future.

Doesn't Yingjiang do this kind of thing too often?
In view of this, Zhao Ye could only take a step back and came up with the idea of ​​patent licensing. His plan was to try to buy a license with the longest term of 20 years at a time.

With this time frame, it is enough for him to grab a huge amount of wealth from VCDs and DVDs.

Thanks to many Hong Kong entertainment novels, Zhao Ye also deliberately learned about the invention process of VCD in his previous life.How should I put it, many people have a misunderstanding, thinking that the main reason why Wanyan VCD has not become bigger and stronger is that it has not applied for a patent in time.

This is actually right and wrong.That's right, after Jiang Wanmeng and Sun Yansheng invented the world's first VCD, they did not apply for patent protection, but hurriedly produced a thousand units and put them on the market. As a result, they were soon cracked and made wedding dresses for others. .

No, because even if they apply for patent protection, it is not very useful. In the final analysis, it is because the technical content of VCD is too low.

To put it bluntly, a VCD machine is just an optical drive + decoding chip + playback circuit, which is not very technical at all!
Really count on this thing to engage in monopoly, isn't that a joke?Unless you have the ability to hold all the ownership of the three most important parts in your hands, otherwise, it is not certain who is stuck!

Then someone may ask, since there is no way to monopolize, why did Zhao Ye buy the MPEG patent license? Isn't this superfluous?

In fact, Zhao Ye's idea is to invent the VCD player first and register an international patent, so as to make a quick buck while outsiders find ways to bypass the patent.

In this way, it is very necessary to have the EPEG license in hand, so that we will not be afraid of future infringement lawsuits.

Tu Zhiqiang naturally didn't know that in a short while, Zhao Ye had already thought so much in his mind, and he only cared about talking for the water to flow by itself:

"Don't worry, the person Brother Shui sent to the United States this time was a Hong Kong escapee a few years ago. Not only did that person have business contacts with us, the most important thing is that he also has family members living in China. Forgive him Don’t even dare to play tricks!”

"That's good!" Zhao Ye just asked a lot, and he was relieved that the water would flow by itself.

Next, the two inevitably talked about the changes in Jichun. What Tu Zhiqiang was still thinking about was when he could set up a factory in Jichun so that he could show off.

Zhao Ye could only comfort him and said, "What are you in a hurry for? Didn't everyone send people to inspect the North Metal Factory? How about this, I assure you that I will at least leave you the position of deputy factory director in the future, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, so satisfied! Brother Zhao, you don't know. When I talked about this with Huzi yesterday, that kid still laughed at me for bragging."

Suddenly hearing Tu Zhiqiang mention the cheap son, Zhao Ye's curiosity was instantly aroused, and he joked with a smile: "Hey, from the tone of your words, your father and son get along well, don't you?"

"That child is very close to me. After getting along for a long time, I also regard him as my own son."

Seeing that Tu Zhiqiang was resigned to his fate, Zhao Ye did not forget to remind him again: "Don't just think about your son, and forget who this child is today!"

"I can't forget it! I told Guifang that if she wanted to remarry, I would not only stop her, but I would also give her a generous dowry. What's the fuss, as long as I don't dislike her, she will be the daughter-in-law of our old Tu family for the rest of my life."

Speaking of this, Tu Zhiqiang, who has always been cold-hearted to women, seemed to be moved, and he continued: "Brother Zhao, since Guifang was mentioned, I just have two things to ask you, I hope You must help your brother!"

"Just to be honest, there is no need for politeness between us brothers, as long as I can do it, there must be no second words."

With Zhao Ye's promise, Tu Zhiqiang said: "That's the thing, Guifang has a younger sister in the country, and it's time to get married now, but you also know that life in the countryside is not easy, so Guifang Fang just wanted to find her a husband's house in the city."

As soon as Tu Zhiqiang finished speaking, Zhao Ye guessed his intention: "You don't want me to be a matchmaker, do you?"

Tu Zhiqiang nodded: "Didn't I think that you are familiar with Bingkun's brother-in-law, so I want to ask you to be a middleman to talk and make peace."

(End of this chapter)

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