
Chapter 141

Chapter 141
Located in a bright and spacious office on the top floor, Zhao Ye leaned on a chair and kept answering the phone. Almost all business partners invited him out to "sit and sit" without discussing business first.

I still remember that before the time travel, Zhao Ye used to be very envious of those big bosses, to be exact, the kind of life of feasting and feasting, he thought it must be very exciting at the time.

It's just that now it's him himself, but he finds that his life is really boring. He's either bragging or farting at the wine table, or lingering among a bunch of birds and swallows.

After a long time, there is an indescribable sense of emptiness in people's hearts.

Therefore, after persisting for more than two years, Zhao Ye decided to continue to hide behind the scenes and be a hands-off shopkeeper.

The company in the Special Economic Zone is easy to manage. There are two people in charge of the self-flowing water and the excavator Peng Xinsheng, so nothing can go wrong.

But Jichun's side is a bit difficult. It's not that Zhao Ye has no talents, on the contrary, there are more than one capable ones, but he still can't make up his mind.

This is not Zhao Ye's alarmist talk, but anyone who has understood the situation during this period knows that, unlike the SAR, in the early days of the reform and opening up in the Mainland, many things would be difficult to do without a solid background.

To give the most straightforward example, nowadays there are many so-called second-generation businessmen, and they basically run trading companies specializing in raw materials. Why?
The reason is very simple. The dual-track system is troublesome to solve. After all, people can not only get the materials, but also influence the pricing through contacts. Everyone can make up for the profits of this input and output by themselves, so I won’t go into details here.

Closer to home, just when Zhao Ye was having a headache because of the information of several people in his hand, the phone rang again untimely. Zhao Ye picked up the receiver impatiently. Secretary He Jie told him that a lady named Wu Guifang was looking for him .

Hearing that it was Wu Guifang, Zhao Ye's first reaction was that something happened to Tu Zhiqiang's grandson, and he hurriedly asked someone to connect the line.

Sure enough, after speaking with Zhao Ye, Wu Guifang immediately told him the bad news. Tu Zhiqiang had beaten someone in the central hospital, and he has been detained by the hospital security personnel, waiting for the police to deal with it.

Wu Guifang is a typical rural woman who has never seen such a battle in her life, so she had no choice but to ask Zhao Ye for help.

After hearing the general idea of ​​the matter, Zhao Ye hurriedly told Wu Guifang that if the police came, let her find a way to drag him away, and everything will be discussed after she goes.

After hanging up the phone, he didn't dare to delay, and drove to the central hospital at the fastest speed.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the third floor and found Wu Guifang, he was surprised to find that Hao Dongmei and Zheng Juan were also there, comforting Wu Guifang from left to right, which made him very puzzled.

Fortunately, Hao Dongmei explained the ins and outs to Zhao Ye afterwards. How can I put it this way, this is a dispute caused by a medical dispute, and it has nothing to do with Tu Zhiqiang at all. To a certain extent, this kid is still acting bravely.

The details of the matter are as follows. Half a month ago, the Central Hospital received a pregnant woman who was about to give birth. As a result, during the delivery process, the pregnant woman showed symptoms of dystocia.

Hao Dongmei, a gynecologist, asked the woman's husband at that time, and suggested a caesarean section. Unexpectedly, the man named Wang Chude disagreed fiercely and insisted on his wife giving birth naturally.

Then there was a tragedy, the child was saved, but the woman died on the delivery table due to excessive blood loss.

According to normal people's thinking, in this medical accident, Hao Dongmei has already fulfilled her duties as a doctor, and the current situation is all caused by the stubbornness of the family members.

However, that guy named Wang Chude blamed all of this on Hao Dongmei afterwards. He insisted that Hao Dongmei killed his wife, so he came to the hospital every now and then to make trouble.

Hao Dongmei kept avoiding Wang Chude all the time with the idea of ​​calming down the matter.

First, Zheng Juan came to Hao Dongmei suddenly, while the sisters-in-law were talking in the office, and Tu Zhiqiang brought his wife to see a doctor. The two sides joined together, so that Hao Dongmei was blocked by Wang Chude, who was impartial.

That guy not only uttered obscenities, but also beat Hao Dongmei when he got excited. Seeing this, Zheng Juan hurried forward to try to break up the fight in order to protect her sister-in-law.

If it's just Hao Dongmei, Tu Zhiqiang feels that he has no friendship with Zhou Bingyi, so he can only persuade him a few words at most, but Zheng Juan is different. Let's not talk about the relationship between the two in the past, and he will take Zhou Bingkun's face, and he can't sit idly by. ignore.

As a matter of course, Tu Zhiqiang went up to meddle in it. He showed his old social demeanor, saying that the buddy gave me face, and that's all.

Wang Chude was not unreasonable at all, and he didn't know who Tu Zhiqiang was. Of course, he wouldn't give him face.

Who is Tu Zhiqiang? At the beginning, he was a well-known hooligan in Tongle District, but now he has become a big boss. He didn't want to lose face in front of his wife and Zheng Juan, so he beat him up.

Fortunately, Tu Zhiqiang now has a family and a business, and he knows how to start. According to Hao Dongmei's judgment, Wang Chude looks serious, but almost all of them are skin trauma.

After learning about the situation, Zhao Ye finally heaved a sigh of relief, and complained to Wu Guifang speechlessly: "Tell me about you, it's just such a trivial matter, as for the seriousness, I thought Qiangzi killed someone, what happened? That's half a day."

Then, he didn't forget to tease Hao Dongmei: "Besides, you don't use your brain. With the mayor's wife supporting you, can you still let Qiangzi be taken away?"

At this time, Wu Guifang already knew what she had done before, and she was really a little surprised. When Zhao Ye said this, she immediately showed an embarrassed expression, and she didn't know how to explain.

But Hao Dongmei didn't have these scruples anymore. While wiping her nosebleed with toilet paper, she said angrily:
"Hey, I said Xiao Ye, what are you doing here? You don't come here to see my sister's jokes, do you?"

"No, am I that kind of person? If you don't believe me, ask Juan'er and see what she says!"

Zheng Juan waved her hands and smiled without saying a word, Hao Dongmei said again:
"Hmph, you know people, you know your face, but you don't know your heart. You have the nerve to say that you are not that kind of person, so why didn't you see that I was hurt?"

Zhao Ye didn't expect Hao Dongmei to speak eloquently after seeing her for so many days. Surprised, she also felt a touch of kindness. She smiled and raised her hand to express her surrender, and went forward to check her wound.

"Fortunately for you, the bridge of the nose is not broken, just find some ice cubes and apply some cold compresses, and then take some anti-inflammatory drugs."

While speaking, Zhao Ye caught a glimpse of Wu Guifang who was hesitant to speak out of the corner of his eye. Then he thought of the purpose of his visit, and hurriedly asked Tu Zhiqiang's whereabouts.

Hao Dongmei replied that she was in the security room, and took the initiative to lead the way for a few people. When she got there, she happened to run into a middle-aged man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, leading three police officers in. The two sides met on such a narrow road.

The middle-aged man was naturally Wang Chude. He thought he had the chance to win, and he was about to say a few harsh words when he saw the leader of the police greet him.

"Hey, there are a few of you here, so it seems right. I heard Qiangzi's name in the bureau just now, and I wondered if it was the same name."

Seeing that it was Gong Weize who came, even Zhao Ye couldn't help feeling that it was really a coincidence that the neighbors in the optical film got together and bumped into each other this time.

(End of this chapter)

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