Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 100 The Great Qing Suppression Army's advantage lies in hemp!

Chapter 100 The Great Qing Suppression Army's advantage lies in hemp! (A 5000-word chapter is for your first order!)

On the third day after Tuhai hung up decently, Wang Zhongxiao was officially called for the first time to the South Study Room, which had become the power center of the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, he was not the so-called "walking in the South Study Room", but just temporarily attended the South Study Room meeting with his father - it would be nice to be able to attend!

After all, Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao are still known as "Living Lu Bu" and "Little Lu Bu", and they are neither from the imperial examination, nor are they from Manchuria, but they were promoted by the Zhengbaiqi-coated Han army. There is a place to stand in a few corners of the south study, and you can already have fun secretly.

But their goal is not Nanshufang either, they don't want to be a scholar, nor do they want to be a minister of the guards. The loyal ministers of the Qing Dynasty should aim at the Quartet!

In addition to Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao, the father and son of the final ministers, Kangxi also called Jin Batai, Wei Yijie, Duikana, Suo'etu, Du Lide, Mingzhu, Jiang Hede, and Li Yu, eight academicians from the Third Academy of the Inner Academy. , as well as Gabula, Muzhan, and Duolong, three high-ranking ministers of the guards, as well as Prince Yu Fuquan, Prince An Yuele, Prince Jian Desai, King Xin Eza, Prince Kang Jieshu, and Prince Xian Fushou, Prince Zhuang Boguoduo, and Prince Shuncheng Leerjin are all high-ranking and powerful, and everyone is a pillar of the Qing Dynasty!
Now that Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao can stand with these people, it has already shown their position in the ranks of loyal officials in the Qing Dynasty.

There was also a large table in the room that was made up of several tables of the Eight Immortals, and on the table was a very distorted "Huangyu Panlan Map"—it was the national map, not the one that became famous later on. Yes, the "Kangxi Imperial Yu Panorama Map" drawn with the help of Western missionaries is a national map based on the maps left by the Ming Dynasty.

There are also Kangxi's imperial pens on this map, and "Pingxi Fan", "Ding Fan", "Ping Fan", "Jing Fan" and "Hai Fan" were written in Yungui, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan and Jiangnan respectively. Thief", "Zhu San" and other titles.Also wrote the words "Heavenly Soldiers" in the blank spaces of Sichuan, Huguang and Guangdong!

Obviously, Emperor Xiaomazi is making a big plan to encircle and suppress Yunnan and Guizhou these days!
Moreover, the little emperor put on a posture of "fighting against the outside world", and also expressed that the "Annei" aimed at attacking Oboi's henchmen had come to an end with Tuhai's "decentness", and the big guy could be an official with peace of mind.

There were no chairs beside the map table, and the table was relatively high, and it would be impossible to read it if you were kneeling, so Kangxi asked the few people who came in with him to stand there and read the map together.But everyone's standing posture is different, except for Kangxi himself, Fuquan, and Wang Zhongxiao who are standing proudly, the others are all bent over, and they are very respectful at first glance.

In addition, there are two guards outside the South Study Room.One is Cao Yin, and the other is Kangxi's confidant eunuch Xiao Guizi.

It seems that Emperor Kangxi still pays attention to secrecy, and this also means that the matter of "Ping San Francisco" has to be pushed forward secretly.The court and Wu Sangui had to maintain a superficial harmony.

Emperor Xiao Mazi folded his arms, looking as if he really understood military affairs, staring at the map, full of confidence, eager to try!
He is now a young hero, with great power in his hands, omnipotent, so he is not afraid of Wu Sangui and Oboi!

After a while, Kangxi finally said slowly: "Wu Sangui and Aobai are far away in Yunnan and Guizhou, and according to Li Tianyu's report, it seems that the third prince Zhu may sneak to the south of the Yangtze River and add a Zheng Hai thief. It seems that Wu Sangui The wishful thinking with Oboi is that it is right to raise troops in Yunnan and Guizhou, and it is strange to raise troops in Jiangnan with Zheng Haizui and the third prince Zhu! Just like that time in Shunzhi 16 years!"

"Your majesty is wise!" Wang Zhongxiao immediately offered flattery, and then put on a show, frowning and said, "Your majesty, it seems that Wu Sangui, Obai, and Zheng Jing have colluded together and want to do another Shunzhi 16-year-old The northern criminals are no more than Wu Sangui, and Oboi is not comparable to Li Dingguo and Zheng Yanping after all. Wu Sangui's strength is far stronger than Li Dingguo's, and there are [-] warriors under his command alone! There are too many. What's more troublesome is that there are still many Wu Sangui's old troops in Guangdong and Fujian. , coupled with the call of the Third Prince Zhu, Jiang Ning may be taken down in one go!"

"Fortunately, we now have an insight into Wu Sangui and Oboi's plans. As long as we make arrangements in advance, we won't be afraid that the two rivers will be lost!" Kangxi looked at the map and said confidently, "I just need to strengthen Jiangning, Zhenjiang, and Hangzhou. With the strength of the banner battalion, it should be safe to set up a new naval town at the mouth of the Yangtze River, and vigorously rectify the land division naval forces in Fujian and Guangdong, and at the same time hunt down the henchmen of the third prince Zhu in the two rivers."

"The emperor is holy!" Fudi Mo Fuquan was praising his emperor's younger brother, with an expression of admiration on his face, what a virtuous king of the Qing Dynasty.

"According to the emperor's method, Wu Sangui, Obai, and Zheng Haizui will definitely not be able to get their hands on Jiangnan!" Wang Fuchen said flattering words, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about?
"As long as the land of wealth in the south of the Yangtze River is safe, the chaos in Yunnan and Guizhou will be settled sooner or later." Suo'etu pointed out the key point in one sentence, and it really is "heinous crime"!

Mingzhu, who has already become a bachelor of the Neihong Academy of Arts, also rarely echoed Suo Etu, "Suo Zhongtang is right, as long as the imperial court has money in hand, the Ping, Ding, and Jing San Francisco can be appeased. The Green Battalion can also be used by the emperor, at worst, they will fight a protracted war with Wu Sangui. Wu Sangui and Obai are almost 60 years old, how many years can they last?"

Kangxi nodded, looking more confident.Compared with cost, compared with life span, and compared with cleverness, all advantages lie in numbness!This battle cannot be lost!
"Your Majesty," Duolong looked at the two rivers on the picture with piercing eyes, with a look of loyalty on his face, "I am willing to go to the south of the Yangtze River to guard the land of wealth for the emperor. Even if I am smashed to pieces, I will not let the rebels touch an inch of Liangjiang!"

This is not bad!
When Wang Zhongxiao heard what Duolong said, he was immediately overjoyed—his father couldn't get the governor of Liangjiang, and his master could win the governor of Liangjiang!Although Duolong must be very capable of corruption and accepting bribes, he does not need his help.But this is not smuggling!Silk, tea, porcelain, sugar, cotton cloth, etc. produced in Liangjiang are all high-profile products in the international market.

Thinking of this, he immediately helped his master to speak: "Your Majesty, I feel that the full cooperation of the local government is still indispensable if we want to capture the Third Prince Zhu on the ground of Liangjiang."

Nalan Mingzhu is also very close to Duolong now, and now he naturally wants to give him a hand and sell favors, so he echoed: "Your Majesty, the two rivers are close to the East China Sea, and there are often pirates, and if the third prince Zhu hides in the south of the Yangtze River? , There must also be contact with pirates.

Moreover, since Wu Sangui married his daughter to this person who is suspected to be the third prince Zhu, he will definitely send strong servants to protect him. If it is not good, it will cause chaos! "

Kangxi smiled and nodded, and said: "Mingzhu, Shikai, you two are right, if I want to go to war with Wu Sangui and Aobai, the land of the two rivers must be in the hands of reliable people. Duolong, you are my You are my confidant, and I am a hero in Manchuria, and a hero who chased Obai, I am assured that the post of Governor of Liangjiang will be entrusted to you."

Governor of Liangjiang!
Duolong just wanted to be deceived before, but he did not expect to be deceived by the governor of Liangjiang. He knelt down to Kangxi immediately, and kowtowed twice: "I thank the master Long En, the slave must do my best, and I will die for the emperor. Guard the money bag and rice vat of Liangjiang!"

Kangxi nodded: "Duolong, work hard, I will not treat the heroes badly!"

After saying this, Kangxi turned his head to look at Wang Fuchen who had been expecting for a long time—Kangxi still owed him a governor!
"Wang Fuchen!" Kangxi shouted.

"The slave is here!"

Hearing Kangxi's voice calling him, Wang Fuchen knew that something good was coming, so he quickly knelt down to Kang Mazi.

"Stand up." Kangxi greeted, "Wang Fuchen, you are a talented general, and you have served under Wu Sangui for many years. You know the truth of Wu's army. I heard that you also helped Wu Sangui train soldiers?"

Wang Fuchen, who just got up from the ground, heard this, his knees softened and knelt down to Kangxi again: "Your Majesty, this servant has indeed helped Wu Sangui train soldiers, but that is the responsibility of this servant. If this servant does not help Wu Sangui train soldiers, it is a violation of military law. The slave will be killed by Wu Sangui, and he will not be able to help the emperor chase Oboi."

"Get up, get up," Kangxi waved his hand indifferently, "I don't mean to blame you. Wu Sangui has been in the army for decades, can he still train himself? Even if you disobey, he will practice by himself, and you will only be in vain. life."

"Your majesty is wise," Wang Fuchen knew that Kangxi was beating him, but he still pretended to be relieved, "To tell you the truth, most of my slave's military training skills are learned from Wu Sangui."

Kangxi nodded: "Wu Sangui is good at training soldiers?"

"Of course," Wang Fuchen said, "Wu Sangui not only knows how to train soldiers, but also educates generals. Not only did the slave learn a lot from him, but the slave's son, Wang Zhongxiao, also learned a lot in the Pingxi Fan's school. "

"Big head," Kangxi glanced at Wang Zhongxiao, "tell me, what have you learned?"

"Reporting to the emperor," Wang Zhongxiao said, "the slaves learned the martial arts of horse and horse in the Yunnan school, and also learned to command a battalion of cavalry for training, stationing, marching, scouting, arraying, charging, and chasing the enemy. , The ability to retreat."

The skills he said are true, but they were not taught by Wu Sangui's Yunnan School, but by Wang Fuchen, the father, who taught them very solidly. If Wang Zhongxiao doesn't study hard, he will definitely be beaten!
Kangxi nodded: "Wang Fuchen and Wang Datou, so both of you are good at training soldiers?"

Is this asking us to help with military training?

Wang Zhongxiao immediately understood that Kangxi was disturbed by the escape of Oboi, and felt that the Eight Banners soldiers and the Green Battalion soldiers seemed unreliable. Although he refrained from carrying out a big cleanup, it did not mean that he could rest assured up.

Since Kang Mazi is worried, it's time to start the script of the "Great Qing Army"!
However, unlike Wang Zhongxiao's previous suggestion to go directly to Guangdong, Guangxi, Huguang, and Shaanxi-Gansu to train troops, Kangxi seems to mean to train troops in Zhili.After training the soldiers, go to Guangdong, Guangxi, Huguang, Shaanxi and Gansu.

"Your Majesty, both slaves and dogs can train soldiers, but they are not very good at training." Wang Fuchen said modestly, of course he was unwilling to help Kangxi train soldiers in Zhili.How boring is military training?How could it be as happy as going to Guangdong and Guangxi with Kong Sizhen?
"Your Majesty," Wang Zhongxiao asked, "You want the slave and the slave's Ama to help the court train soldiers?"

Kangxi nodded and said, "Of course we must have elite soldiers to wipe out Wu Sangui, but in the past few years, Oboi's political chaos, the Eight Banners, and the Green Camp are a bit slack. If we don't practice well, how will we fight this battle?"

"Emperor Shengming!"

The ministers in the South Study room gave Kangxi flattery together.

Kangxi saw that everyone supported him unanimously, nodded with satisfaction, and said to Wang Fuchen: "Wang Fuchen, Dingnan Gege entered the palace and told the Empress Dowager that she wanted to set off to return to the Guilin feudal land a few years ago, but she was worried about Wu Sangui's rebellious invasion. Guangxi wants a general who can recruit and fight well to be the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. I know that you and Dingnan Gege are old enough to fight. So the governor of these two Guangxis must be you.

But if you run to Guangdong and Guangxi empty-handed, you can't control the scene, and you can't command the green battalion soldiers and fan troops in Guangdong and Guangxi.So I think twice, you and Dingnan Gege should postpone going south. You first help me train a new green army.

When the military training is completed, when will you lead the troops to escort Dingnan Gege and Pingnan Wang Shangzhixin to the south, and serve as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and command the green camps and vassal troops in Guangdong and Guangxi to attack Yunnan and Guizhou! "

"Your Majesty is wise, this servant must train soldiers for His Majesty!"

Wang Fuchen had no choice but to honestly agree to help Kangxi train troops.

Kangxi nodded and said, "Okay! It really is my thigh, and I appointed you as the Minister of Military Training of the President of the New Army of the Green Camp!"

This is when I become the president. I still need to train the new army!
Such a familiar script!It's just why this script was given to Wang Fuchen?Shouldn't this be given to "Big Head" and "Shikai"?
Wang Fuchen is still not doing well, Wang Zhongxiao is already too excited - his father can be the president, he can be the young president!
Kangxi didn't pay attention to the excited expression on the face of his loyal minister Wang Datou, and continued to say, "But a good man needs three helpers. I want Zhang Yong, Shi Lang, and Zhao Liangdong to receive a thousand each. Benbiao elites are here to help you, as Minister of Military Training. Wang Fuchen, what do you think?"

Well, the three "Ao Dang and Wu Dang" Zhang Yong, Shi Lang, and Zhao Liangdong are going to be in trouble!
Wang Zhongxiao immediately understood what this insidious little pockmarked Kangxi wanted to do!

This is to continue the military training, trick the three of them into Beijing, and then they may be decent!
In addition, this Kang Mazi was probably worried that the party members of the three people would cause trouble in the local area, so he asked them each to bring a thousand elite soldiers to Beijing.

At that time, the three of them should be decent, and they should be old-age.Their elite soldiers were taken over by Wang Fuchen, and they were purged when they should be purged, and bought if they should be bought.

This thing is done cleanly!
I have to say that this Kangxi's wrist is quite powerful and he is still a child now!
How about growing up in the future?

Wang Fuchen immediately replied loudly: "Your majesty is wise, the slave must train together with Zhang Yong, Shi Lang, and Zhao Liangdong for the emperor. An elite soldier!"

Kangxi stretched out three fingers and said: "[-]! I order you to train the elite soldiers of the green camp with [-] and give you a maximum of two years."

"The slave must train soldiers for the emperor, and it will not take two years."

Kang Mazi nodded, and said again: "The [-] recruits are divided into three towns on the left, middle and right. You will take one of the towns to Guangdong as the basis for the two camps in the future. The remaining two towns will go to Huguang, and the other will go to Guangdong. Sichuan serves as the foundation of the Huguang camp and the Sichuan camp respectively. As long as these three camps can defend Sichuan, Huguang, and Guangdong, the world of the Qing Dynasty will not be chaotic."

"Emperor Shengming!"

Kangxi became holy once again. He really deserves to be a sage. Every day, a large group of people call him "Shengming", and even those who are not sages call him a holy name.

Kangxi's pockmarked face was full of color, and after a while he said: "However, [-] Green Battalion new troops are not enough to calm the chaos in Yungui. The Eight Banners soldiers also have to practice. Prince An!"

"The slave is here."

Prince An Yue Le quickly knelt down to Kangxi.

Kangxi glanced at him, sighed and said, "You are the prince who is the best at leading soldiers in the clan today."

This thing is really a sigh!
How many princes could fight in the Aixinjueluo family back then?Now it's all gone, only Yue Le is left. Otherwise, where would Wu Sangui and Aobai be arrogant?

Kangxi said: "I order you to be the Presidential Training Minister of the Eight Banners New Army, together with Fuquan, Jieshu, Fushou, Bo Guoduo, Leerjin, Desai, and Eza, and train the Three Towns and Eight Banners New Army for me too! "

The New Army of Green Battalion of Three Towns, the New Army of Eight Banners of Three Towns. Adding them together is the New Army of Six Towns!
Are the six towns new troops going to add Beiyang's name?

When Wang Zhongxiao was thinking wildly, several princes present also knelt down to Kangxi together, and shouted "The slaves lead the decree" together.

Kangxi waited for these princes to receive the decree, then nodded and said: "You princes and Wang Fuchen should think about it carefully when they go back, and come up with a military training regulations first."

Then he turned his attention to Wang Zhongxiao who was standing next to Wang Fuchen, "Jieshu, Wang Datou!"

"The slave is here!"

Wang Danuai and Prince Kang Jieshu hurriedly fell half short again—they lay there and waited for Emperor Kangxi to give an order.

Kangxi said: "The King of Jingnan, Geng Jimao, has been ill for some time, and he probably won't get better. So I plan to send his son Geng Jingzhong to the south to take charge of the vassal government for him, and at the same time take him to the north for treatment. The two of you will escort Geng Jingzhong Let's go! Jie Shu, you will be the imperial envoy. Wang Datou, you are responsible for guarding Prince Kang and Geng Jingzhong. In addition, take the doctor Le, who has been cured of the disease, to take good care of Geng Jimao."

"The slave leads the order!"

A large group of people quickly knelt down to receive the order.

Kangxi said again: "Wang Datou stay here, others kneel down!"

 The 5000-word chapter is here. In the future, there will be two updates a day, one around the morning, and one around 12 noon, and updates will be added from time to time!Luo Luo worked hard to code words, please reward a few more monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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