Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 211 As long as Burni arrives, everything will be fine!

Chapter 211 As long as Burni arrives, everything will be fine!
"Your Majesty, Dingxi General Laita, University Scholars Batai, Suo'etu, Li Yu, Du Lide, Duikana, Feng Pu, Minister of the Household Department Chen Tingjing, Minister of the Ministry of War Mi Sihan, Academician Xiong Cilu, Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu Luo, Governor Jia Hanfu of Shaanxi, Governor A Xixi of Gansu, and Minister Guanyinbao, the chief minister of the New Army, are all here."

Little Guizi's father-in-law's voice rang in Emperor Kangxi's ears again. Kangxi put down the memorial in his hand, smiled and said, "Show them in."


Father-in-law Xiao Guizi bowed down and exited the South Study Room. After a while, the important officials of the Qing Dynasty that he had registered for registration just filed in. Kneel down according to the shift.

Although in the past few months, the situation in the world has undergone tremendous changes one after another, and Huguang and Guangdong are almost in chaos.But from the point of view of Kang Mazi, who lives in Xi'an, everything is still under control.And, as long as Burnie comes, everything will be fine!

He is not blindly confident, but very reasonable self-confidence!
First of all, after Wu Yingxiong made a surprise attack on Yunyang and Xiangyang, and Li Zicheng took Wuchang along the river, the two major events of "Xiong Zhenhuaxia" and "taking Jiangdong along the river" did not happen.

This is of course due to the wise leadership and timely response of Emperor Kangxi himself!
Kangxi transferred Yue Le into Jingzhou to organize the defense, and sent Jie Shu to Jiujiang to guard the Yangtze River's strategy, which was obviously very correct.

After Yue Le Feima entered Jingzhou, the Qing army in Jingzhou, which was originally in chaos, was quickly sorted out.

Yue Le first used a small amount of troops to guard Jingmenzhou, the gateway to the north of Jingzhou, and built forts and pontoon bridges in Shipai City, Neifangshan, and Jiukou in Anlu Prefecture, blocking the waterway of the Han River and blocking Wu Yingxiong's southward waterway. The contact between Jingzhou and Anlu Mansion and De'an Mansion was established.

Later, Yue Le sent troops to the crossings of Haoxuekou, Shashikou, Canggang, Dongshi, and Baiyangshi on the north bank of the Yangtze River in Jingzhou to collect all the ships that could be collected on the Jingjiang River and burn them. The situation of confrontation across the river - Wu Guogui can of course collect ships from the Xiangjiang River, Yuanjiang River, and Dongting Lake, but the mouth of the Dongting River system in Yuezhou into the Yangtze River was blocked by Liu Yihu, a general under Li Zicheng's command.Therefore, Wu Guogui has "no way to enter the river" for the time being.

At the same time, Yue Le sent an envoy to Jiugong Mountain to express to Li Zicheng his willingness to live in harmony. County), Yunmeng, and Yingcheng withdrew.

Although Li Zicheng didn't agree to anything, he tacitly ordered Liu Yihu not to harass the Qing army in Jingzhou again.

After reaching a de facto harmony with Li Zicheng, the situation of the Qing army in Jingzhou changed greatly, and there was also a scene of peaceful coexistence on the southern Huguang line-the Qing, Wu, and Shun parties did not invade each other, as if there was no conflict at all. It's like there's no war.

And once the Jingzhou Qing army stabilized, Wu Yingxiong in Xiangyang would not be able to overcome any big waves. His little courage was exhausted when he rushed to Yunyang and Xiangyang.Now being sandwiched between the Qing army in Nanyang and the Qing army in Jingzhou and Jingmen, it is not bad to be able to stabilize the situation.

Therefore, under the wise and decisive decision of Emperor Kangxi, Huguang has temporarily stabilized!

Secondly, the situation on the front line of Guanlong, where Kangxi personally sits in charge, is fairly stable.

Wu Sangui's "one step out of Qishan" used a method of fighting step by step, plowing and fighting.It was more than a year since Qishan had been out before Wu Jun arrived at the foot of Qishan Fort in Xihe County.

Of course, Qishan is not a natural danger, Qishan Fort is just a small town built on a mountain, it can't stop Wu Yingqi's army at all.What really stopped Wu Yingqi was the army's supplies!
According to Yue Le's previous deployment, when the Qing army abandoned Liangdang and Hui counties in Jiezhou and Qinzhou, as well as Xihe County belonging to Gongchang Prefecture, they did everything possible to destroy and relocate the population.

Therefore, it was difficult for Wu Yingqi's army to supply supplies on the spot, and it was impossible to transfer from the rear because of the ruins of Sichuan.

However, Wu Yingqi still found a way to overcome the difficulties, which is to manage a piece of land when he occupies a piece of land-the poor mountains and bad waters in Longxi, and the terrain is complicated, this folk custom is of course very fierce.Therefore, the only people Yue Le can move away are the residents living in the small flat land near the county seat, he cannot move the people in the mountains.

After Wu Yingqi occupied those territories, he tried every means to invite the people from the mountains, and then distributed the fields on the flat land to them, and even recruited the elite among them into the army, and promised them the fertile soil of the Sichuan Basin as a post-war reward.

Although the progress of Wu Yingqi's method is very slow, it is progressing very steadily, and he can make progress step by step, advancing and encroaching bit by bit.And once enough soldiers, horses, food and grass are saved, Wu Jun's progress can be greatly accelerated.

And Xihe County, which was occupied by Wu Yingqi after the spring of this year, is likely to become the key point for the Wu army to speed up its progress!

Because this Xihe County, which is located south of Qishanbao, is also a barren land, but because it is located in a low-lying area, it is much stronger than other surrounding places. The terrain is not so steep, and it is easy to collect water sources.Therefore, it has always been a grain-producing county, and a large number of terraced fields and slopes have been opened up. Wu Yingqi raided Xihe before the start of sowing in the 12th year of Kangxi.Then immediately organize personnel to put into production, and sow a large amount of spring wheat and millet.

Once these crops are mature, they will be enough to support an army of tens of thousands across Qishan Mountain and march north into Qinzhou!
In other words, if the weather in Xihe area is good this year, after the autumn harvest, there will be a big battle in Qinzhou!
"Lita, here are the reinforcements you want!"

Kangxi took the memorial that Burni handed over to Xi'an, and said with a smile: "There are five thousand Mongolian cavalrymen in Chahar alone. Eight banners) and the [-] cavalry of Tumet, all of which were handed over to Burni, Prince Chahar, to command!
In addition, with Prince Chahar taking the lead, those Mongolian princes in Ordos and Alashan Arut must not dare to rely on not sending troops.Even Qinghai Heshuote will send troops to help us. I estimate that [-] to [-] Mongolian cavalry will rush to the Shaanxi-Gansu front line soon.Now we are not short of troops, are we? "

"It's not missing, it's not missing." Mudulu Laita, who is old but still looks strong and mighty, laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth when he heard Kangxi say that.

Kangxi nodded, and asked again: "I heard that these Mongols are not very good at fighting, can they be used to deal with Wu Sangui's elite soldiers?"

Laita said with a smile: "They can't deal with elite soldiers, but as long as they can go around Wu Yingqi's back to burn, kill and loot when the elite soldiers on both sides of the front line are facing each other, that's enough!
Because of the lack of food and population in Longxi, Wu Yingqi can only fight us with the ancient method of combining soldiers and farmers, and fighting and farming.The advantage of this method is that all the people are soldiers, and there is no mistake in farming and fighting. One person can use two or three.This is the trick for him to rely on just five or six small mountainous counties to support an army of tens of thousands!
However, the weakness of this method of combining soldiers and farmers is also very prominent. One is that it cannot delay the farming time, and the other is that it is easy to ignore the head and ignore the back. Once all the elite soldiers have reached the front line, the rear will be empty.As for the area south of Qishan Mountain, although the terrain is dangerous and the ravines are vertical and horizontal, many mountain roads and trails have been opened up after being opened up in 2000.Wu Yingqi's soldiers were too small to block them at all, and after the peasants and soldiers in Jiezhou, Xihe and other places were conscripted, only some old and weak women and children were left, so they could only be bullied by the Mongols!

Once these old and weak women and children and the villages they were guarding were all plundered by the Mongols, it would be impossible for Wu Yingqi not to retreat!And as soon as he retreats, our chance to chase him down will come! "

Kangxi waited for Laita to finish speaking, then glanced at the civil servants and military generals present, and said with a smile: "Do you think General Dingxi's method is good?"

Laita's solution is of course good. Just look at Kangxi's facial expression!
Otherwise, can he smile from ear to ear?
However, some of the important ministers of the Qing Dynasty who were present felt that it was not good, namely Wang Jizhen's father-in-law Jia Hanfu and the Guanyin Baoguan brother who was kicked by Wang Zhongxiao and later became a good brother.

"Your Majesty, I feel that letting the Mongols rob the people of Longxi is still a good thing. It will damage your majesty's sanctity. After all, the people of Longxi are also the people of the Qing Dynasty!"

Jia Han Fu Mr. Jia is good in everything, but two shortcomings, one is not filial to his father - I don't know how to be more corrupt for his children and grandchildren; Believe in the saying that "the ruler is less important than the people".

"Your Majesty," said Guanyin Baoye, who was stunned by the Buddha's chanting, "the slaves are also Mongols, and they are very aware of the problems of these Mongolian cavalry. They are not paid as soldiers, and the income from sending troops to fight depends on looting. Of course, Your Majesty They will definitely be paid. But they have become accustomed to robbing, and if they are not strictly restrained, they will be encouraged to rob, I am afraid that they will not be restrained and the people in the court area will also be harmed."

After hearing the words of these two people, Kangxi's expression became a little ugly.

Can the people of Longxi be considered as the people of the Qing Dynasty?All soldiers and peasants joined together to help Wu Sangui conquer the world!

Who else said that Kangxi was going to pay the Mongols?
Thirty to forty thousand Mongolian cavalry!

Just paying two horse soldiers in the green battalion according to the standard of double pay in wartime, you will get 10,000+ taels of silver a month!

Moreover, the Battle of Longxi was a protracted war, and if it lasted for another year or two, he would have to spend hundreds of millions?
The current imperial court has no money!
If it weren't for the good market for selling officials, it would have been unsustainable for a long time!

Thinking of this, Kangxi replied to Jia Han: "The law of war says that kindness does not command soldiers. You are getting older and more and more merciful, and you are not suitable for leading troops in Shaanxi. Mingzhu sent someone to send it to me with eight hundred li flying Wang Fuchen, Wang Jizhen, Wang Zhongxiao, Kong Jiqing, Wang Jiyong, Liu Jinzhong and the others asked for the inscriptions of Jiedushi, Nanyang Minister and Tiannan Zhenfu Minister. I plan to grant it, and you will be an imperial envoy and feudal minister. Go away Let’s go to Guangdong and Guangxi!”

Of course, Kangxi didn't want to seal so many Jiedu envoys. When he just received the test book, he almost flipped the table.

But the situation is pressing!
What Wang Fuchen, Wang Zhongxiao, and Wang Jizhen have done now can be regarded as loyal ministers.

If Kangxi is shameless, then he should be slapped in the face later!

Moreover, Wang Fuchen and his masters are far away in Guangdong and Guangxi, and it is basically impossible to participate in the struggle of the world, which is the future of the Southern Han Dynasty.

Jia Han sighed again, with a reluctant expression on his face: "The slave is leading the order."

His face was reluctance, but in his heart he sighed that his life was saved!
I will retire in Guangdong in the future!

Kangxi glanced at him coldly, thinking: This guy Wang Fuchen is short-sighted, he divided up the family for his sons early on, and even distributed the best Guangzhou mansion in Guangdong and Guangxi to his second son Wang Zhongxiao. This is the way to create chaos!

You old guy just happened to be assisting your son-in-law Wang Jizhen, and also gave the Wang family a prince to seize the heir. It would be best to make it the same as Yuan Shao's family in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"!
After cursing the old Wang's family in his heart, Kangxi said to Guanyinbao again: "Guanyinbao, what you said is also reasonable, then I will appoint you as an imperial envoy to lead the Mongolian troops and horses together with Burni."

"Your Majesty," the scholar Suo'etu heard what Kangxi said, and quickly interjected, "You said you want Burni and Guanyinbao to command the troops of all Mongolian troops?"

"Is there something wrong?" Kangxi asked, "Isn't Burni the Prince of Chahar? Isn't Chahar the central household of Mongolia? The Qing Dynasty, which was led by him to lead all the Mongolian ministries, belonged to the Manchu and Mongolian peoples. The Qing Dynasty also has Mongols. Now I want to fight Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng together with Burni! When the world is settled, I will reward Burni heavily!"

Hearing what Kangxi said, the ministers present were speechless.

The Manchu family was originally one of the foundations of the Manchu rule of the world. When the world is unstable, the Manchu family is needed. When the world is stable, the Manchurians will eat more and occupy more, and they have to guard against Mongolia.

And now, it's time for the Mongols to contribute!
"Slave accepts the edict!" Guanyinbao had no choice but to accept Kangxi's edict.

Kangxi laughed and said, "Guanyinbao, then hurry up and get on your way. Burni is visiting him, Ama Abunai, in Beijing these days, so hurry up and meet him. Tell him what I mean!"

The descendant of Genghis Khan, the direct descendant of Kublai Khan, the head of the Golden Family, Borjijin Burni, is leading a group of Mongolian cavalry at this time, and he is not yet loyal to the house that haunts him. Outside the Anding Gate of his "metropolis" city.

He came here once last year, and he also came to see his father in the name of paying tribute.

He is a filial son of Mongolia!Unlike those Dai Xiaozi who wanted to inherit the family business early, he really wanted to take his father Abu Nai, who was under house arrest by the Qing court, back to the grassland to take power together.

However, his filial piety made the heads of the Qing court, which ruled the world with filial piety, unable to understand.

Anyway, Fuquan and the old queen mother Bumubutai who stayed in Beijing couldn't understand it. If the Qing court hadn't detained Abu Nai, when would Burni become a prince?This Abu Nai's body is very good, if you really let him go back, he might live to be seventy years old, what kind of prince are you, Burni?I can't enjoy it anymore when I'm on it.

So even though Burni repeatedly stated that he wanted to take his father back, Fuquan and Bumbutai thought he was "pretending to be a filial son". Since he is pretending to be a filial son, the Qing court should cooperate with him in acting!
Isn't that just being a villain?I understand everything, just reject Burni's request!

But Burni's thinking is not like this, he is a true filial son!

Seeing the majestic and majestic Beijing city, he hated it!
"My lord, look, that's Lord Yu! Lord Yu has come out of the city to welcome you in person!"

The person who was talking to Burni was an old man dressed as a scholar and sitting on a slider. He was not a civil servant, but Zhang Yong, the newly appointed admiral of the Nine Gates and the commander of the Fifth Battalion!

It is the leader of the famous Hexi Four Han generals in history!

This old man is a bit like that Jia Hanfu, they both like the tone of a warlord pretending to be a scholar.Moreover, his leg was seriously injured in the past wars, and he limped so badly that he couldn't ride a horse, and even had trouble standing up, so he always dressed up as an old scholar and marched in a sedan chair. write poetry!
Just such a person, now he is the top leader of Beijing city defense!

I can't even look at it!

Burni glanced at the old man, and then looked at another general, Zhao Liangdong, who was sent by Fuquan to meet Burni. This man looked handsome and seemed to be a good general, but he didn't have any serious errands. He was some kind of military training minister. There are not many soldiers to practice, so they can only practice casually with a group of slaves in the prince's mansion and the mansion in Beijing.

The current Beijing city is very empty, only the fifth battalion green battalion commanded by the paralyzed general and a group of servants commanded by Zhao Liangdong. This opportunity must not be missed, and it will never come again!

(End of this chapter)

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