Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 224 The Qing Dynasty is coming to an end, let's learn Mongolian quickly!

Chapter 224 The Qing Dynasty is coming to an end, let's learn Mongolian quickly! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
"Fuquan, let me ask you, what strategy do you plan to use to defeat Abu Nai and Burni's [-] troops?"

After the old lady Bumbutai praised her grandson, she immediately asked Xiang Fuquan a question.

In fact, it's not that the old lady has no confidence in Fuquan. She is asking questions on behalf of those ministers who stayed in Beijing, especially the Hanchen in the court two days ago. There is a sudden wind of learning Mongolian among the Han officials in Beijing!

Love of learning is of course good!

The Qing Dynasty first focused on Manchuria, followed by Mongolia.Therefore, the "containment" of the Qing Dynasty is not low.The old lady Bumbutai is a Mongolian herself, so there is nothing wrong with Han members learning Mongolian.

But is it really appropriate to learn Mongolian at this time?They don't learn it sooner or later. They have to wait until the [-] Mongolian troops of Abu Nai and Burni have entered Juyongguan. When they are about to arrive in Beijing, they suddenly want to learn Mongolian. What does this mean?
But the old lady can't just clean up the Han officials in Beijing because of this incident, "can speak Mongolian" and not violate the king's law, right?Bumbutai himself will do it too!Moreover, Bumbutai's Chinese is very bad, and it is very inconvenient to communicate with the Hanchens outside by using Lagu Su Ma as an interpreter.

The following Han staff want to learn Mongolian, maybe for the convenience of greeting her, the old queen?

That's why Bumbutai arranged for today's trip, calling Fuquan, Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, Yang Qilong, Luo Dongni, Li Sixing and other generals who led troops to quell the chaos to the Palace of Compassion, and left those The high-ranking Han and banner officials who looked after Kangxi's house in Beijing and acted according to Xi'an Xingzai's instructions were called together.

Let these people who are busy learning Mongolian see how powerful Fuquan and his hands are and how good at fighting they are!

But when Bumbutai saw Fuquan put out all the generals under him, she herself had a little doubt. One is a paralytic, one is a philistine, one is Semu, and the other is Li Dingguo's son, who speaks He always speaks in a Shaanxi accent, always "errrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrable", as if Li Zicheng sent him to be a spy!
Only Zhao Liangdong looks more like a general
Although Bumbutai still trusts her grandson and son, she knows that the Han staff she called here today will probably work harder to learn Mongolian.

So the old lady asked Fuquan a question.

When she thought about it, Fuquan's subordinates looked a little like Zhao Liangdong, but maybe... people can't be judged by their appearance?Maybe the few of them have already helped Fuquan formulate a wonderful strategy to defeat the enemy.

But Fuquan was stunned by Bumbutai's question. Now it is [-] to [-]. The advantage is mine, so what else can I do?Just set aside head-to-head fighting!

But the old lady wanted him to use tricks, so he had no choice but to come up with an impromptu trick.

Fortunately, Fuquan is easy to learn, and he has learned "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" very well. Not to mention, he has learned different versions, including the "novel version", the "storytelling version", and the "Kunqu opera version", "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" He has learned all the art of war in the book.It may not be as good as Zhuge Liang, but it should not be worse than Zhou Yu. If you think about it carefully, you will definitely make a plan.

Sure enough, Fuquan thought for a while, and came up with a plan: "Return to Mama Mama, grandson has already discussed with Admiral Zhang, Zongbing Zhao, Yichang Li, Daoist Yang, and Luo Zuoling a plan to lure the enemy to encircle and annihilate them! "

"Luring the enemy to encircle and wipe out?" Bumbutai nodded, "It sounds pretty powerful, how can I lure the enemy?"

Fu Quandao: "First use a 3000-man grain escort team to pretend to transport grain and grass to Changping City to lure the enemy to rob them, and then use [-] troops to divide into four groups, encircle all [-] Mongolian cavalry, encircle and wipe them out!"

This strategy doesn't sound very clever!
Bumbutai thought to himself: 1 people surrounded the enemy and before 3000 were used to lure the enemy with [-] people, would this encircle the enemy without wrapping it up, and let Burni destroy the enemy's troops first?

Thinking of this, Bumbutai squinted his small eyes and looked around, and found that Wang Xi, Huang Ji, Song Deyi, and Wu Zhengzhi, the Han members who were left by Kangxi to assist the brothers, were frowning and listening to Su Ma Lagu translated Fuquan's strategy into Chinese.

Seeing their frowns getting tighter and tighter, the old queen murmured: I don't know if they are doubting Fuquan's strategy, or are they considering whether to learn Mongolian quickly?They are all from Jinshi background, so they can learn things quickly
But it's not easy for the old lady to interfere with her grandson's command now. After all, fighting a war is not all about strategy. The people below are a little more fierce, and they can still win.

Thinking of this, the old lady nodded, with a look of trust in her grandson: "Good plan, Fuquan, just follow your plan and remember, we must capture as many prisoners as possible. It is best to get Abu Nai and Burni They're all caught!"

"Emperor Mama, don't worry, grandson will surely catch you both Abu Nai and Burni!" Fuquan patted his chest with a smile, full of confidence.

But his current words and the confidence on his face are all for the old lady to see, just to make the old lady happy. He actually doesn't know how to fight this battle, and he plans to go back and talk to the bottom Let the generals discuss it again!

But when he and his brother Longxi accompanied the old lady through lunch and returned to his home in Yuwang Mansion, just when he was about to practice wrestling with his side Fujin Nala Laner for a while, Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, and Yang Qilong under his hands... , Luo Dongni, Li Sixing, and an elderly monk were already waiting there.

The expressions of these people were very rich, Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, and the great monk all looked excited.Both Yang Qilong and Luo Dongni looked worried.And Li Sixing was expressionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking?
"My lord, Changping just sent someone to report that they will be surrounded by the Mongols soon! There are tens of thousands of Mongols under Abu Nai and Burni. If we don't rush to reinforce, we will be afraid of Changping." It was occupied by those Mongols and then looted.

In addition, Abu Nai and Burni did not bring the tribe's family members into the entrance this time, but left them on the grassland outside Zhangbeikou.If they are allowed to break Changping, I am afraid that the coefficient of population, wealth and goods there will be taken out of the mouth, just like what it was back then. "

Yang Qilong was the first to come up to report to Fuquan about the battle situation on the front line just received. Although he is only a fourth-rank customs officer, his official rank is only as big as that of his "foreign slave army leader" Luo Dongni—this Luo Dongni is now But it's amazing, it's the Portuguese collar under the Manchurian banner of the Zhenghuang Banner.But Yang Qilong's sister, Nala Lan'er, is now Fuquan's favorite woman, and now she is also a side Fujin, and the Jinhai Road and Ruiyintang that he manages can save Daqing and Fuquan a lot of money.So now Yang Qilong's status around Fuquan is getting higher and higher, and now he seems to be Cheng Fuquan's number one confidant!

This time, when Fuquan was preparing to clean up Chahar Mongolia, he did not forget to call Yang Qilong, and asked Yang Qilong to bring the Semu army under his command to join the battle, so that he could share more of the credit.

Because Yang Qilong is Fuquan's confidant, and his actions are particularly generous, Zhang Yong and Zhao Liangdong soon became his "little brothers"-they were in officialdom before mainly because there was no one on top, and now they follow the confidant of the prince. wrong!

Li Sixing had also known Yang Qilong for a long time, and now he saw Li Zicheng froze again, his heart itched very much, but he had no strength and no chance, so naturally he didn't have the heart to fight for power with Yang Qilong.

As for the great monk, he was one of the eighteen arhat monks at Qingliang Temple in Wutai Mountain. He was a Mongolian named Tuermenger.
It is said that he was originally the guard of the late emperor, and became a monk with seventeen other guards after the death of the late emperor. He prayed for the late emperor by reciting "Mani mani coax" in Qingliang Mountain, Wutai Mountain.

Later, Li Sixing took a thousand strong men from the right wing of the battalion to Wutai Mountain to "practice", and the great monk brought a few brothers down the mountain to help them train. This is what Aunt Su Mala meant!
After practicing, those strong men who were good at attacking the right wing of the camp became the "disciples" of the eighteen Arhat monks, and Li Sixing also worshiped Tur Menger as his teacher, and learned a lot of knowledge about horseback riding and fighting from him. .

"What, what?" Fuquan heard Yang Qilong hesitating at this time, and frowned, "Didn't you talk about the things that my Qing Heavenly Soldiers entered the pass to burn, kill and loot?"

"My lord, your holy name!" Yang Qilong said, "I'm worried that Abu Nai and Burni will also learn from the heavenly soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. If they want to rob him of a population of 20 million and go to Liaohe Hetao to operate the base area, then the Chahar Department may be able to do so. Cultivate power!"

Fuquan waved his hand: "They have no chance! Guanyinbao has already taken my imperial mama's decree to go to Horqin Grassland to lure people to steal their way! As long as we can repel their father and son this time, then we will be done! , have you thought about Zhe?"

"We think?" Zhang Yong, who was slumped on a chair and didn't get up when he saw Fuquan coming, was taken aback when he heard the words, "My lord, haven't you already made a plan to lure the enemy to encircle and annihilate?"

"My plan. Can it work?"

"Okay! That's great!" Zhang Yong said with a smile, "Let us carry out the master's wonderful plan to secure the world, and the safekeeping is a big win!"

"How to execute it?"

"Simple," Zhang Yong said, "this old man led three thousand soldiers under his command to escort the grain carts to lure the enemy. Zongzhen Zhao and Li Yichang divided into two ways to outflank, and you and Yang Daotai set up an formation under the earthen wall of the capital of Yuan Dynasty in the north of the city to command the overall situation." Divide the [-] troops into four groups, and we can definitely wipe out the [-] Mongolian cavalry in Abu Nai and Burni!"

"Is it really possible?" Fuquan still felt a little unreliable.

"Okay, that's great!" Zhao Liangdong said, "We have great advantages!"

That Tour also nodded fiercely and said: "If you beat them with [-], they can't lose with [-]!"

Zhao Liangdong and Tu Ermeng both looked alike.

Fuquan is quite a good prince who accepts advice and listens to advice. Seeing that the people below said so, he approved the plan, "Okay, then. When can we send troops?"

"Immediately!" Zhang Yong said, "My lord, saving soldiers is like putting out a fire. The Fifth Patrol Battalion can be dispatched at any time now!"

Fuquan thought for a while and said, "Then tomorrow, at noon tomorrow, Admiral Zhang, you will lead the troops out of Deshengmen first! After dark, I will lead the rest of the teams and quietly leave the city!"


On the fifth day of September in the 12th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, there were already many Eight Banners sisters, Eight Banners aunts and Eight Banners old men gathered on both sides of the street in Deshengmen, Beijing.This capital of goodness in the Great Qing Dynasty is now in short supply of young men!
In the past few years, the world of the Qing Dynasty can be said to be precarious. Some of the strong men in Beijing have died, some have been replaced, and then those who have been replaced have left.So the people staying in this city of banner people are mainly a group of old and weak women and children, hoping every day for some good news to come back from the front.

Unfortunately, the reality is always so unsatisfactory.The good news didn't come, the Mongolia invaded, and the bad news came suddenly, which gave everyone a blow.

Now Daming and Dashun seem to have returned!
Da Yuan cheated the corpse again!

Will the Great Song Dynasty and the Great Tang Dynasty also make their debuts next?
This is a good Qing Dynasty, if this continues, it will not be the "Three Kingdoms", but the "Warring States".

Although the Qing Dynasty has already shown signs of evolving into a "post-warring state", these women, children and old people in Beijing, when they heard that they were going to send troops again today, spontaneously gathered at Deshengmen to support another batch of Qing soldiers who went to the front. Everyone is still looking forward to winning the battle, so as not to let the fate of the Qing Dynasty continue to decline.

Moreover, this Dayuan seems to like to slaughter cities very much. If Burni, the rebellious king of Chahar, and his father Abu Nai are allowed to enter Beijing together, I am afraid that the life of the big guy will be lost.

Even if he managed to save his life, he might be plundered as a slave
In addition to these old and weak women and children in the banner, there are still many officials in neat robes and coats here at Deshengmen today, most of them are Han members.Kangxi brought only a capable court to Xi'an, and most of the courtiers stayed in Beijing.

In addition, due to the serious damage of the Eight Banners soldiers, they had to be replenished, so all the writers who were working in various yamen changed their careers to join the army.The vacated positions can only be filled by Han personnel.

Therefore, in the past two years, it has been easier for Han officials to get officials than before. Of course, better ones still have to be bought with money!

And now these Han members who spent money to buy shortages or were admitted to Jinshi with great difficulty, and were selected as Beijing officials, now have to come and have a look. If the Daqing is not going to work, then they have to find a way out quickly!
Should I go to Xiangyang to vote for Wu Yingxiong, should I go to Wuchang to vote for Li Zicheng, or should I quickly learn Mongolian and become a Han official in the Yuan Dynasty?

Finally, I got the news today that those who ran outside Desheng Gate to "watch the excitement" were the secret agents sent by Abu Nai and Burni!
When the green camp soldiers of the brigade guarded one carriage after another and marched along the street to Deshengmen, those people who still had some hope for the Qing Dynasty suddenly felt cold. up.

this one?
Just these green battalion soldiers driving carts?It looked like they were all infantry, not many on horseback.The equipment they hold is also ordinary, only a few small red cannons are worth seeing, and the others are long guns, shotguns, knives, bows and arrows.The most worrying thing is that their number is too small, only a mere [-] people. How can they beat the tens of thousands of Mongolians outside?
Is this Qing Dynasty coming to an end?

A group of Eight Banners uncles and eight banners aunts saw these unreliable green battalion soldiers, so they inquired and communicated with each other.

"Why are there only these few people? How is this enough?"

"Which part do they belong to? How dare they go out of the city to fight tens of thousands of Mongols?"

"They? They are the Green Battalion soldiers patrolling the Fifth Battalion!"

"Patrolling the Fifth Battalion? Can they fight?"

"Who knows? The original third battalion was not allowed, but when Prince Gong went to Shengjing outside the pass, he took more than half of the soldiers of the old third battalion. Most of the current fifth battalion are recruited from Shaanxi and Gansu. Some are veterans who followed Zhang Junmen."

"Zhang Junmen? Which Zhang Junmen?"

"It was the former admiral of Gansu who was transferred to Beijing to help with military training. King Yu promoted him to be the admiral of the Nine Sects after staying behind."

"Is that the paralytic?"

"Not paralyzed, just lame"

"That doesn't work either! How do you fight?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, the real master is here, let someone carry it!"

This old man Zhang Yong was still being carried out of the city to fight this time, and he was still dressed in casual clothes as a scholar, holding a book of poems and studying while marching—he was full of confidence in the current battle!
Three thousand soldiers from Gansu-Shaanxi Green Battalion, 500 of them are veterans who have followed him for many years, equipped with [-] shotguns, [-] bronze cannons, and [-] carts to form a car formation. How can this be lost?
After this battle is over, his name will go down in history!
So the most important thing for him now is to prepare a good poem, and publish it after typing, say, he wrote it when he was full of pride on the battlefield.
And his current appearance of dressing up and love of learning, in the eyes of those who don't know his old man, is absolutely doomed!
The Qing Dynasty sent such an old thing to fight, and the number was so small, how could it be possible to defeat Burni and Abu Nai?
No, I have to learn Mongolian quickly. Most of the Han soldiers watching the dispatch of troops in Deshengmen have already made up their minds and are ready to welcome their "second master"!

However, Burni's meticulous work sent the news that Zhang Yong, a paralyzed man, led 100 infantry and escorted more than [-] carts of grain and grass, and was recklessly leaving Beijing for Changping in the shortest time, to the north bank of the Shahe River. In the Burni and Abu Nai armies outside the city.

After hearing the report from the subordinates, Burni could hardly believe it, and just blurted out: "That's all? That's all Fuquan is capable of?"

Abu Nai laughed loudly and said, "Fuquan knows that we don't have enough food and grass, so he brought us food! The child's first battle this time, let the father fight?"

"Good father, you must be careful!" Burni nodded and agreed to his father's request.

Abu Nai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't die until I see the Mongolian flag flying over the city of Beijing again! The Buddha will definitely bless the descendants of the Mongolian Golden Family!"

(End of this chapter)

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