Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 239 Kang Mazi, Xiong is coming to Guanzhong to bet his life on you! (Ask for a subscription,

Chapter 239 Kang Mazi, Xiong is coming to Guanzhong to bet his life on you! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Wu Sangui took over the copy of the Qing court newspaper that Liu Xuanchu brought to Wu Yingxiong from Nanyang, read it at a glance, and frowned: "Jiangnan Proclamation Envoy? Kangxi wants to."

"Father, Kangxi probably wants to follow the old things in the Northern Jin and Southern Song Dynasties, turn the third prince Zhu into Zhao Gou, and set up a plan to rule the river?"

Wu Sangui snorted: "This little pockmark treats Third Prince Zhu as Zhao Gou, so could it be possible that he still wants to treat the old man as Yue Wumu?"

Wu Yingxiong was almost not amused when he heard what Lao Tzu said.Where does his father Wu Sangui look like Yue Wumu?Before he was forced to raise troops this time, he was worse than Shi Jingtang!After Shi Jingtang lured the wolf into the house, he somehow became an emperor.But Wu Sangui only got a king of Pingxi, and he was sent to Yunnan by the Manchurians to guard the southern wasteland.

Are you still comparing yourself to Yue Wumu?
But Wu Yingxiong didn't dare to tell Wu Sangui this, otherwise Wu Yingqi would lie down and win.

"Father," Wu Yingxiong said seriously, "You can't learn from Yue Wumu, we can't return to the teacher no matter how many gold medals the Third Prince Zhu has won!"

Wu Sangui's face darkened, "Boss, you still don't understand where Yue Wumu died? Do you think Zhao Gou will have nothing to do with him if he doesn't return to his teacher? After all, Zhao Gou is the emperor, and Yue Wumu is a minister after all. If the emperor wants to kill a loyal minister, are you afraid that he will not be recruited? If Yue Wumu wants to succeed, he has to learn from Liu Jinu and Zhu Chongba!"

"Father," Wu Yingxiong said with a frown, "But Third Prince Zhu is far away in Jinling. Even if you want to learn from Song Gaozu and Ming Taizu, it's hard to get him!"

Wu Sangui smiled, "It's enough! We can't reach it, and Kangxi will help us enough! Do you think that kid really wants to treat Third Prince Zhu as Zhao Gou? He really wants to fight against Third Prince Zhu, so he just Yue Le will not be allowed to abandon Jingzhou and go to Jiangdong.

He is now paralyzing the third prince Zhu and Geng Jingzhong. Once the third prince Zhu and Geng Jingzhong are fooled, Yue Le will mobilize the troops of the Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Jiangxi, and Jiangnan four battalions to besiege Nanjing! "

"When the time comes, shall we go east to rescue him?"

"Rescue?" Wu Sangui sneered, "Li Zicheng will let us go down to the south of the Yangtze River? Isn't he afraid that we will take the opportunity to surround his Wuchang? Are we not afraid that he will set up ambushes on both sides of the Yangtze River?"

"Father," Wu Yingxiong's eyes lit up, and he finally understood, "I understand, you want to enter Li Zicheng's territory in the name of saving Nanjing. If Li Zicheng sends troops to resist, then we will attack him in the name of Li Zicheng's betrayal of the country. If we are allowed to go in, then we will take the opportunity to surround Jingzhou and Yuezhou, and at the same time charge him with trying to ambush Master Wang!"

"It's almost there," Wu Sangui smiled, "but it's still close, Ying Xiong, do you know where the difference is?"

"It's still time for my army to make a northern expedition to the Central Plains!" Wu Yingxiong said, "Only when we send troops to the Northern Expedition will Yue Le, Geng Jingzhong, and Li Zicheng be able to do their respective important things with confidence!"

Wu Sangui nodded with a smile, this "bear kid" is making progress a bit, and will soon catch up with his son Shifan.

Thinking of this, Wu Sangui lowered his voice: "Boss, since you know what to do, then go and do a big job. Xiangyang, Jingmen, and Yichang will be guarded by your father, and you will be safe! You bring the six Wei, plus one guard from Shifan, two guards from Zu Zeqing, and one guard from Yang Laijia, a total of ten guards, march north to Nanyang!
Remember, fight hard!Although this Northern Expedition to the Central Plains is just a feint attack, it must also play the momentum of Megatron Huaxia! "

"Father, how should the child be beaten?" Wu Yingxiong asked again, "Father please tell me clearly."

"Boss," Wu Sangui said with a smile, "you can hit you however you want, but you only have three months. Now it is December 46 of Chongzhen, plus January and February of 47, until March 47th of [-] , except for one guard who can stay in Nanyang, the other nine guards have to go back to Fancheng!"

"Yes, father, my son takes the order!" Wu Yingxiong took a deep breath and quickly accepted the old man's order.

Wu Yingxiong received Wu Sangui's decree, and without delay, he left Xiangyang City with his staff and soldiers that day, and then entered Fancheng, a small city on the north bank of Han River, across the water from Xiangyang through a pontoon bridge erected on the Han River.

As early as when Wu Yingxiong captured Xiangyang, Fancheng, located at the forefront of the north bank of the Han River, became a military city.The civilians who originally lived in Fancheng all moved to a relatively safe place on the other side of the Han River because they were afraid that Fancheng would be besieged or even slaughtered by the Qing army.And the entire vacated castle became a big stronghold for Wu Yingxiong to garrison troops for the Northern Expedition.

After the autumn harvest in Chongzhen's 46th year ended, Wu Yingxiong's preparations for the Northern Expedition were further accelerated.

Countless grains, ships, mules, vehicles, and servants gathered in Fancheng from Xiangyang and Yunyang prefectures controlled by Wu Yingxiong, as well as parts of Anlu and De'an areas.And as Yue Le's army gradually abandoned the territory they controlled and retreated to Jingzhou City, more grain and grass were transported from Jingzhou Prefecture, which is rich in rice, to Xiangyang through Jingmen.

By December of the 46th year of Chongzhen, enough food and grass had been accumulated in Fancheng for an army of [-] to consume for two years!
All these war preparations are all open and transparent, almost open and transparent!

After Qinzhou was captured by Wu Yingqi, as long as you read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and know the content of "Longzhong Dui", you can probably guess what Wu Sangui will do next?

There are quite a few people who have read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" on the other side of the Qing Dynasty, including Emperor Kangxi of course.So from the autumn of the 13th year of Kangxi (46th year of Chongzhen), the defense of Henan began to be deployed.

Because Henan is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, it is quite far away from Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng's territory from the map, so it has not been the focus of deployment, and its troops are relatively empty.Fortunately, the Qing army in Jingzhou restrained him and Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui restrained each other, so Kangxi only had these few months of preparation time.

However, because Kangxi's troops are also very tight, there is a shortage of major generals everywhere.Therefore, he couldn't squeeze out many people to support Henan, so he had to send a Manchurian deputy capital of the Zhengbai Banner, named Tara Amida, as the admiral of Henan, and took these thousand Manchurian soldiers to Henan to take up the post.At the same time, Tong Fengcai, the governor of Henan who took office only last year, was ordered to recruit [-] troops in Henan to strengthen the defense.

In addition, Kangxi also transferred Yang Laijia from the Zheng family, and Cai Lu, who seemed unreliable, was transferred from the very important position of the chief soldier of Henan Hebei Town to the first-line position of the chief soldier of Henan Nanyang Town ——Nanyang and Xiangyang are located in the same basin.Once Xiangyang and Fancheng are lost, the enemies from the south in the Nanyang Basin will have no danger to defend.

Moreover, Nanyang is the land of the Ming Tang Dynasty. There are too many descendants of the Tang Dynasty inside and outside the city!If you add the descendants of the princess and county masters of the Tang Dynasty, there are relatives of Zhu Yuanzhang everywhere inside and outside Nanyang City, how can this be guarded?
Is it really necessary to pile up the main force of the Qing army in Henan Province in Nanyang, and when Wu Yingxiong's tens of thousands of troops arrive, these descendants of the Tang Dynasty will cooperate with Wu Yingxiong, why not send them all away?

So Amida and Tong Fengcai decided on a front and back, and put Cai Lu, the Fujian soldier, and his unreliable [-] Fujian soldiers (he had [-] town marks under his command, but Tong Fengcai detained him for a while) Qian, just let him take his "military book" to Nanyang) and put it in Nanyang County as cannon fodder - as for whether they are cannon fodder or surrender, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, it is better for them to surrender in Nanyang than to defect in the Hebei area of ​​Henan. The Qing army in Henan will have no way out!

The "back weight" of Amida and Tong Fengcai is actually not too heavy. It is just three thousand for the admiral of Henan, two thousand for the governor of Henan, one thousand Manchurian cavalry brought by Amida, and new recruits for Tong Fengcai. Five thousand, and there are a few general soldiers stationed in Henan, and green battalion soldiers under the deputy general's command.

Of course, Wu Yingxiong had inquired clearly about the deployment of Qing troops in Henan.Not counting the small groups of troops stationed in flood defenses in various places, only [-] can be gathered to fight in the field. The "nodding" [-] Fujian soldiers all secretly took refuge in the old Wu's family.

So this battle is [-] to [-]. The advantage lies in Wu!
Excitedly, Wu Yingxiong came to Fancheng Daying Zhongjun Yamen and stood in front of the map table, looking at the deployment of the Henan Qing army marked with villains and small houses, and looking at Fancheng. Good guy, ten The strength of the guards!

In addition, Xiangyang, south of Fancheng, actually hides the five guards brought by Wu Sangui!
That is, a total of fifteen guards, a total of 5000 people!

With Wu Yingxiong's "card table strategy", there are so many big cards, you should bet on the big ones!
Thinking of this, Wu Yingxiong looked at the advisers and generals who surrounded him, and said in a calm voice: "My father and king have already issued an order. Let's raise troops in the near future. What suggestions do you guys have for going north to the Central Plains?"

"The son of the world is so precious and fast!"

The first one to speak was Liu Xuanchu. He had just returned from Cai Lu, the commander-in-chief of Nanyang, and he was responsible for the deployment of the Qing army in Henan.

He said: "Now the Qing army in Henan is empty, Cai Lu, the guard of Nanyang, has joined us again, and there are many descendants of the Tang clan and Tang clan's guards inside and outside Nanyang City. Once our soldiers arrive, Nanyang will be able to change flags immediately!
After taking Nanyang, we will divide into two groups, go all the way to Yuzhou, Yexian, Xiangcheng, Xuzhou, and then enter Kaifeng Prefecture, seeking a decisive battle with the Qing army in Henan!Go all the way through Luyang Pass and enter Ruzhou, then cross Songshan Mountain and enter Luoyang, and also find a decisive battle with the Qing army!
In this way, Luoyang, Kaifeng, and Kangxi will either lose one or lose both!And as long as we can win one of Luoyang and Kaifeng, then Kangxi can only abandon Chang'an and go east. At that time, Henan, Shaanxi, and Gansu will all belong to the king and the son.this world"

Liu Xuanchu didn't say anything, but everyone already knows who the world belongs to?
The generals and counselors present are all gearing up, what a joy!

The Qing Dynasty is coming to an end!

What?Wu Sangui was only allowed to play for three months?
Wu Yingxiong didn't say anything, and the people below were happy to pretend to be confused.

When the time comes to conquer Henan, Shaanxi, and even march into Beizhili, can Wu Sangui pull people back?
It's too late to be an emperor. Who has the time to care about Li Zicheng's life?

"Shifan, what do you think?" Wu Yingxiong was also excited when he saw his son Wu Shifan, and it seemed that he was eager to become a grandson.

"Father," Wu Shifan glanced at Liu Xuanchu, "I think Mr. Liu's method is not very good."

"Not good?" Liu Xuanchu was not angry, but asked with a smile, "What good strategy does the grandson have?"

"Mr. Liu," Wu Shifan said, "after we captured Nanyang, we immediately turned back to the west, dispatched at least nine guards to Zhenping, Neixiang, Xixiakou, and Xiping Towns, and then entered Shangzhou, broke through Wuguan, and rushed to Xi'an! "

"Kill to Xi'an?"

"Shisun. Is this going to kill Kangxi?"

"Grandson, there are many Qing soldiers in Xi'an, and our nine guards with 5000 people may not be sure that we will win."

The generals and counselors present were a little uncertain for a while.

Wu Yingxiong understood his son's thoughts a little bit - he was going to find Kangxi to ask for his mother!

Dutiful son!
At this time, Wu Shifan said again: "Everyone is right, we are not sure of victory, but what if we add the [-] troops in my grandfather's hands? The fourteen guards have a total of [-] elite soldiers. Now we have Got it?"

Wu Yingxiong frowned: "But can the five guards in your grandfather's hand come?"

Wu Shifan smiled and said: "It will definitely be possible unless he wants to watch us defeat Wuguan Dao!"

Ah, this grandson wants to "kidnap" grandpa!
"Okay!" Wu Yingxiong slapped the table and made up his mind, "Send troops to Nanyang. Then go to Guanzhong. Let's make a big bet with Kangxi!"

Nanjing, Waijinchuanmen Wharf.

Geng Jingzhong, Lu Sanhao, Wang Zhongxiao, Chen Yonghua, Li Guangdi, Chen Menglei, and others all arrived at this pier, which is used as a "domestic VIP" pier, to greet guests early this morning.

Today is Nalan Mingzhu, the envoy of Jiangnan Xuanyu and Governor of Water Transport of the Qing Dynasty!

But in Nanjing, no one now recognizes Mingzhu's status as an "envoy"—in the eyes of people in Nanjing, Mingzhu is only a representative of the Qing Dynasty who came to participate in the "Anti-Qing and Restoring the Ming Dynasty".

Well, the anti-Qing and restoration of the Ming Dynasty has something to do with the Qing Dynasty. As the party involved, there is nothing wrong with sending representatives to defend itself, right?

And once again, the pearl on the land of "Jiangning Mansion" is full of famous quotes from Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty in his mind-the carved railings and jade brickwork should still be there, but the red face has changed!
"Teacher, you came just in time!"

The few people who came to greet Mingzhu, except for Wang Zhongxiao, seemed a little indifferent, including the two "alternate Qin Hui", no one went up to salute Mingzhu, only Wang Zhongxiao was the most polite, and still went up to salute as a teacher and student .

"Just right?" Mingzhu was nervous, "How do you say that?"

He has already been a prisoner twice, and he has been psychologically shadowed. I am afraid that he will just catch up with the good news of beheading and offering sacrifices to the flag.
"Teacher, don't be nervous." Wang Zhongxiao comforted Mingzhu with a smile. The matter of Zhu Guozhi will be judged in the hall."

"Who will be judged?"

"Trial Zhu Guozhi!" Wang Zhongxiao said with a smile, "Teacher, you don't know that the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River hate Zhu Baidi to death. When they heard that he was going to be tried, they all generously donated money and bought him to be hacked into pieces. They have collected tens of thousands of taels of silver."

"What? Are you going to kill Zhu Guozhi?" Mingzhu was so frightened that his hair turned white, "Have you persuaded him to surrender?"

Before killing, shouldn't you ask if you are willing to surrender?

"No," Wang Zhongxiao shook his head, "He has enemies everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River. Why do we bother to recruit him? Teacher, don't be afraid. You have many good friends and few enemies, so you'll be fine after being arrested twice. Even if there is a third The first time, the fourth time, it will definitely be able to turn the crisis into safety."

For the third and fourth times, Mingzhu thought: You don’t want me to order, okay?
Thinking of this, Mingzhu glared at Wang Zhongxiao, then opened her throat and said, "I came to the south of the Yangtze River to appease you with the emperor's imperial decree. If the third prince Zhu is willing to pay tribute to the Qing Dynasty, then the emperor's benevolence can seal him as an official." An emperor in the south of the Yangtze River will rule the rivers in the future, the Southern Ming Dynasty and the Northern Qing Dynasty. Otherwise, there will be a great army in the future, and the city of Nanjing will be wiped out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people on the pier burst into laughter.

Geng Jingzhong said: "Mingzhu, don't talk nonsense here. Your Qing Dynasty wants to rule the river temporarily, and both sides can take a breath. We can consider it. As for the Jiangnan emperor, His Royal Highness Dingwang will not agree. "

"That's right! Your Majesty will not agree! Mingzhu, you should give up your heart as soon as possible!"

"That is, in today's world, the Ming is strong and the Qing is weak, even if someone wants to be the emperor, it should be Kangxi, and we will make the king our father!"

After hearing these people's words, Mingzhu frowned deeply—it's impossible for Kangxi to be a son, and King Ding to be a father. Zhu Cijiong himself is a bunch of fathers!If Kangxi became his son-in-law, wouldn't there be six more grandpas from Huang Taiji's generation?
However, it is a good idea to draw the river for the time being and let both sides take a breather.
(End of this chapter)

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