Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 242 Impossible, this is impossible, Wu Yingxiong must have feinted!

Chapter 242 Impossible, this is impossible, Wu Yingxiong must be feinting!

On December 12, the 28th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Xi'an Prefecture.

At this time, this important town in Guanlong was full of excitement just before the arrival of the new year.

Under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, most of the cities where banner troops were stationed, like Beijing, implemented the system of occupying houses and manning the city (banner city) very unscrupulously.It is to occupy all the best parts of the city!

The specific method is to drive out the original residents, forcibly occupy the house and the property in the house, and not give any compensation. It seems that only Geng Jimao gave some compensation in Fuzhou Conscience Discovery.

And these Eight Banners soldiers occupying houses are generally quite dark-hearted, and they usually occupy a large area that they can't use at all. For example, it occupies about 94% of the urban area in Xi'an.Its area includes all of the original Daming Qinwang Mansion and the [-]th Lane of Seventh Street in the northeast corner of Xi'an Fucheng, which was led by Xianning County!

There are five Eight Banners soldiers and less than [-] family members living in such a large area, a total of more than [-] people.

What's more, after these gangs of black-hearted enclave the Eight Banners soldiers occupied the property that they couldn't even live in, they still wanted to separate the Banners--use the city wall to separate them!

Usually, one or more walls were built in the city where they were stationed to separate the places they occupied from the places where Han people lived together.In this way, even if the Han people rebelled, it would not be easy to break into the city.At the same time, segregating the Banners and the Han can also prevent the garrison of the Eight Banners from mixing with the Han people. How can the noble Banner masters mix with the Han people?What should I do if I have learned it well?
Therefore, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, all the banner cities except Beijing looked like sparsely populated ghost towns. There were more empty houses than inhabited ones, and there were no shops on the streets. trip to the city.

Xi'an Banner City is no exception. The originally bustling Seventh Street and Lane 94 have been empty and dilapidated since the arrival of the Eight Banners soldiers.By the time Emperor Kangxi came to Xi'an to "Xishou", less than half of the houses had collapsed or half collapsed.

However, the arrival of Kangxi miraculously reversed the process of "ghost town" and "ruin" in Xi'an, and began to prosper.

At the end of the 12th year of Kangxi, even though the weather in Xi'an was cold, it only snowed heavily.In the seven streets and 94 lanes of Xi'an Mancheng, there are still crowds of people everywhere.The shops along the street that have been closed for an unknown number of years are now mostly leased by Shanxi merchants who came to Xi'an with Emperor Kangxi, and after a careless repair, they are opened for business.Cloth and silk shops, rice noodle shops, dried fruit shops, sauce gardens, furniture shops, grocery stores, restaurants, restaurants, brothels, etc. are all booming businesses.

And those who take care of the business of these stores are a group of men and women who play Beijing movies and spend far more money than those who have lived in Xi'an for a long time and are stationed in the Eight Banners.These men and women who play Beijing movies are of course the Eight Banners children and Eight Banners sisters who followed Emperor Kangxi from Beijing to "Xishunu".

Emperor Kangxi obviously had a very accurate understanding of the difficulty of the "Battle of Xishou". When he announced the imperial conquest, he knew that he would have to spend time with Wu Sangui in Xi'an, and the fight would last for a long time.Then the idea of ​​a quick victory is unrealistic.

And in order for himself and his subordinates to persist in Xi'an, his imperial conquest this time is almost like moving the capital, and half of Beijing has followed!

Kangxi brought his wife, children, court ladies and eunuchs to Xi'an to live a happy life, and the people below are also going to live!Even if the family members and servants were not brought to Shaanxi-Gansu at the beginning, their wives, children and servants in Beijing were escorted to Shaanxi-Gansu by the banners they belonged to one after another in the next few months.

All the family members and servants of the Eight Banners, whether they are the family members of the time-honored Manqi and Mengqi, or the family members of the unreliable Han Eight Banners, or the family members of the original other householders, account holders, and coat slaves who were newly brought up, all It was unified and concentrated in Xi'an Mancheng, and was protected by Emperor Kangxi himself with his guards!

Banner soldiers stationed on the northwest front line will go back to Xi'an for vacation and family reunion in batches, and make small bannermen for the Qing Dynasty.

In other words, the wives and children of the Eight Banners soldiers in the northwest have all been taken to Xi'an by the amiable little Emperor Kangxi. This is 8 to [-] people!

So many people moved to Xi'an Mancheng together, the originally empty Seventh Street and Lane 94 were suddenly crowded with "organized" bannermen.Although in the past two years, as the world has become more and more chaotic, the finances of the Qing Dynasty have also become more and more difficult, and the "harvest" of the bannerman's hard-core crops has been greatly inferior to that of the past, but after all, the harvest has not yet disappeared.

When the end of the new year was approaching, Kangxi gritted his teeth and took out a large sum of money from the increasingly empty treasury, and gave an annual reward to the family members of the bannermen in Xi'an.So that the Eight Banners sisters and the Eight Banners little farts, who had been frightened for half a year, ate, drank and spent flowers before and after the 13th year of Kangxi, and his generosity also made the whole city of Xi'an have a sick feeling at the turn of this year. Prosperity.

The residence of Emperor Kangxi was located in the Ming Dynasty Qin Palace in the southwest corner of the city.This Prince Qin Mansion is said to be a mansion, but it is actually a city, and its area is not small. It has two circles of walls, the outer wall is called the Xiao Wall, and the inner city is called the Brick Wall.And the total area of ​​Prince Qin's Mansion is even twice the size of the Forbidden City in Beijing!Even if only the area within the brick wall of the inner city is counted, it is equivalent to half the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Therefore, after the simplified version of the palace and imperial court brought by Kangxi moved into the Prince Qin's Mansion in Xi'an, it didn't feel crowded at all.

Moreover, the tall and solid city walls of Xi'an and the Xiaoqiang and brick walls in Xi'an, which are no worse than the Xi'an city walls, also gave Emperor Kangxi a great sense of security.Whenever he was worried about the battle situation on the northwest front, he could immediately become confident as long as he climbed up the brick wall of Xi'an and looked at the towering and majestic fortified city under his feet.

Today is the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and the yamen in Xi'an, except for the Ministry of War, have been sealed and no longer open.Kangxi, who had just come down from the brick wall, was walking on a small building in the back garden, holding a high-level banquet, drinking and chatting with several confidant scholars and ministers leading the guards.A warm curtain was set up on the small building, and a charcoal basin was set up.The building is as warm as spring.Several palace maids who were born in Portuguese coats and collars served the emperor and his ministers courteously.

And the snow-covered scene outside the warm curtain, although it is a special scene, but thinking of the scene of the big guys celebrating the Spring Festival in Beijing last year, the ministers present are a little bit depressed.Kangxi, on the other hand, seemed a little lazy, with a pair of triangular eyes always staring at the breasts of a Portuguese-coated and collared court lady, looking quite graceful!

After looking at it for a while, Kangxi may feel that the big guy's mood is a bit low, so he looked away from the "bulging place", took another sip of wine, then squeezed out a little smile, and said with a smile: "It's just this morning. The [-]-mile courier received was sent by Mingzhu from Yangzhou. Zhu Ni and Geng Ni have already agreed to rule the river, and they are ready to hold negotiations with Mingzhu on specific matters in Yangzhou City! It seems that Zhu Ni and Geng Ni Ni has already fallen into my scheme, I really thought that I would let them go!"

Hearing Kangxi's tone of voice quite proudly, Suo'etu smiled in response to the situation: "Your Majesty, you are really planning a strategy and winning thousands of miles away! The rebels in Jiangning must now turn their forces to Taiping Mansion, Chizhou Prefecture, in case Li Zicheng went down the river after Prince Kang withdrew from Jiujiang. This will give Prince An a chance to make a surprise attack on Jiangning during the Spring Festival. Maybe Prince An can directly attack Jiangning City with one blow and make peace for the emperor. The chaos in the southeast. The minister is waiting here to congratulate the emperor."

Although the current Qing Dynasty still maintains a fairly strong armed force, the number of banner troops who have completed the "new militaryization" (in fact, the organization is more reasonable and equipped with more firearms) is about 30, and the new militaryization of the green battalion is almost the same. number.As for the new militarization, there are still as many as [-] million green battalion soldiers on the books who are still very scattered!

In addition, the army of Inner Mongolia, including the Eight Banners of Chahar and the Two Banners of Tumed, can pull out about [-] after Fuquan's rectification!
These miscellaneous troops add up to a total of no less than 50!

Counting the heads is still quite impressive!
It's just that this considerable army is now divided into four main directions: Shaanxi-Gansu, Liangjiang, Fujian and Zhejiang, and the Central Plains. Go to the garrison for defense, so the strength of the troops is actually quite stretched.

If Kangxi can win first in one of the four battlefields that must be deployed, then his troops will immediately become more abundant.

However, if Kangxi wanted to win in Shaanxi-Gansu, he had to defeat the [-] Wu family elites led by Wu Yingqi, Wu Shicong and his son in one fell swoop. This is obviously impossible!

And to relieve the danger facing the Central Plains, the Qing army had to regain Xiangyang. It seems to be quite difficult!

As for the direction of Fujian and Zhejiang, the Qing army is facing Zheng Jing and Geng Jingzhong who stayed behind in Fujian, two major enemies, and Wang Fuchen who may join the battlefield at any time!If you want to maintain it, it is impossible to win quickly.

So now the only chance is Liangjiang!

In order to be able to win quickly in Liangjiang, Kangxi has given up the Huguang battlefield that could still be maintained, strengthened the coefficient of Yue Le's troops to the Jiangdong camp, and also strengthened the strength of the three camps in Jiangbei, Jiangxi, and Jiangnan, making the Liangjiang battlefield The total strength of the Shangqing Army reached [-] to [-].

At the same time, he also paralyzed the third prince Zhu who had just made his debut in Jiangning and reopened Daming with a "Drawing the River to Rule".

Now it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed!

Just when Kangxi thought more and more and felt that he had the chance to win, there was a sudden announcement from Xiao Guizi's father-in-law outside the small building: "Your Majesty, Minister of the Ministry of War Sai Sehei has urgent military affairs to see."

Emergency military affairs?
Kangxi frowned, and only said one word: "Xuan!"

As soon as the words fell, the warm curtain hanging at the door of the small building was lifted up, and the cold wind blew in, which lifted Kangxi's spirits. He turned his eyes to the door, and saw Sai Sehei, who replaced Mingzhu as the Minister of the Ministry of War Holding a wooden box in his pocket, he walked in quickly frowning, then lifted his robe and knelt down towards him.

"Slave Sai Sehei respectfully welcomes the emperor's peace."

"I am safe!" Kangxi replied, "Sai is black, where did you get the urgent military report?"

"Returning to the emperor, there are two urgent military reports, one is from the governor of Henan and the admiral of Henan; the other is from the deputy general of Shangzhou, Shaanxi."

"What? Deputy general of Shangzhou?" Kangxi was stunned, "Give me the military newspaper of Shangzhou first!"

It is normal for the governor of Henan and the admiral of Henan to send military reports to Xi'an. The direction of the Central Plains they are in charge of is also very important. Although it has not yet started, a war may start at any time!
But what military newspaper did Shangzhou's lieutenant general publish?Could it be that Wu Yingxiong will send troops to Wuguan?

"Hey!" Sai Sehei immediately opened the wooden box, took out a military newspaper on top, and handed it to an eunuch serving Kangxi with both hands.

The eunuch took the military newspaper and unfolded it. After making sure that there was no poison in it, he handed it to the Qing emperor.

Kangxi took the military newspaper and read it. After reading a few lines, he exclaimed: "Impossible! This is impossible. Wu Yingxiong must be feinting!"

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Suo'etu saw that Kangxi was messing up again, so he hurriedly asked.

Kangxi put down the military newspaper in his hand, squinted his triangular eyes, had a pockmarked face, and said solemnly: "Wu Yingxiong moved Nanyang and probably lost it! There are still tens of thousands of Wu troops marching to Wuguan on the Shangyu Road! "

"Tens of thousands of Wu troops are coming to Wuguan?" Suo'etu gasped, "Could it be that he wants to raid Xi'an?"

"Impossible, impossible." Kangxi shook his head, "How is it possible? Even if he leads an army of tens of thousands into Wuguan, it is impossible to break Xi'an! Unless..." He suddenly thought of something, and asked again, "Sai Sehei, Is there any news from Fengxiang Mansion and Pingliang Mansion?"

"No." Sai Sehei replied, "Wu Yingqi's army has been resting since the capture of Lanzhou. And the weather in Gansu is even colder than that in Guanzhong! Longxi has many mountains, and the mountain roads may be covered by heavy snow at the moment. Sealed, there is no way to go, even if Wu Yingqi wants to send troops, there is no way to go."

"That's right!" Kangxi nodded, "Even if Wu Sangui wanted to send troops from Hanzhong, he couldn't walk the mountain roads in the Qinling Mountains, right? The Qinling Mountains are all white at the moment!"

It's quite cold these days, and it's still in the Little Ice Age. Although it's much warmer than that of the Chongzhen year, it's still difficult to pass through the northwest mountainous area in the twelfth lunar month.As long as it snows heavily, it will be impossible to leave immediately.

Even if Wu Sangui and Wu Yingqi wanted to send troops to cooperate with Wu Yingxiong, they would have to wait until the spring when the ice and snow melted.

Sai Sehei said: "Your Majesty, do you think there is such a possibility? Is this Wu Yingxiong playing alone?"

"A lone army goes deep? How is this possible? How can he have such courage?" Kangxi shook his head, and then he saw the box in Sai Sehei's hand, "Show me the military reports of Amida and Tong Fengcai."


Sai Sehei immediately handed over the military report jointly sent by the top military and political leaders of Henan Province to Kangxi.

Kangxi took a look at the military newspaper, and it turned out that the fall of Nanyang, which was reporting the fall of Nanyang, was actually planned!
Both Nanyang and Xiangyang belong to the same basin, and Xiangyang has natural dangers to rely on, and it has been a fortified city since ancient times.But Nanyang has no danger to defend. Usually, if Xiangyang is lost, Nanyang will be very difficult to defend. Unless the weak side controlling Xiangyang is unable to go north at all, Nanyang will naturally rest easy.But the old Wu family is not a weak side now, they have the strength to win Nanyang and approach Luoyang and Kaifeng.

However, Wu Yingxiong's approach of the Qing court's opponent is a bit "elastic defense", and Nanyang is ready to give up!Even Ruzhou and Xuzhou are ready to give up.First use Nanyang, Ruzhou, and Xuzhou to buy time and kill the Wu army's spirit, then stick to Luoyang and Kaifeng to wait for reinforcements, and finally the Zhili army goes south. !

Of course, in the eyes of Kangxi and others, Wu Yingxiong's main target should be Jingzhou!
If Wu Yingxiong and Wu Guogui join forces, there will be a hundred thousand troops!An army of [-] attacked from north to south, not to mention Jingzhou, even the more dangerous Yuezhou could not defend it!

Therefore, Wu Yingxiong's attack on Nanyang was originally a feint attack, the purpose of which was to push the Qing army farther away from Xiangyang.In this way, Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi can feel at ease and annoy Li Zicheng.

And now if Wu Yingxiong keeps coming to Xi'an, will he and Li Zicheng fight back?
Could it be that Wu Guogui is going to "cross the river in white clothes" and sneak attack Jingzhou?

"Your Majesty," Sai Sehei reminded, "we don't have many troops in Wuguan. As long as there is only one guard battalion, the entire Shangzhou will only have 500 of our troops. If Wu Yingxiong really sends tens of thousands of troops, then Wuguan is We can't hold it. Let's send reinforcements to Shangzhou as soon as possible!"

Send reinforcements?
Emperor Kangxi was in a bit of a dilemma, sent reinforcements for the Chinese New Year?
And now the Shaanxi-Gansu banner troops come to Xi'an to recuperate in turn. After they return to Xi'an from the front line, they have to reunite with their families and live at home every day.Wait until the holiday is over before going back to the front line again.

But the front line of Gansu and Shanxi fought hard for a while, and many people died in the battle of Qinzhou!The morale of the Banner Army is a bit low. If those who rest in turn are not given a good rest, they will have to go to Wuguan to deploy defenses.
"Your Majesty," Suo'etu said, "Why don't you send the Governor-General of Shaanxi-Gansu stationed in Xi'an to Wuguan?"

"Send the Green Camp?" Kangxi frowned, "Will the Green Camp complain?"

If the green battalion complained, would they defect to Wu Sangui?
To be honest, Kangxi now distrusts Lvying less and less.Even if he wants to use the green battalion now, he will put the green battalion and the banner soldiers together, let the green battalion be cannon fodder, and use the banner soldiers to postpone.

"Look again." Kangxi thought for a while, but still rejected Suo'etu's proposal, "Wu Jun must have feigned an attack. How could they enter the pass? It's impossible!"

He smiled, and said again: "Sai Sehei, you send a soldier card to the Shangzhou Association, let them close Wuguan, cut down more trees to block the road, and don't fight Wu Junlang. I believe it will not be long, Wu Jun will retreat."

(End of this chapter)

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