Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 248 There are indigenous people in Yingtian, holding sharp knives, fighting bravely, and win

Chapter 248 There are indigenous people in Yingtian, holding sharp knives, fighting bravely, and winning! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

When I woke up, I found that the Qing soldiers who loved to slaughter the city the most had already arrived outside Nanjing, not only the third prince Zhu and the monk Geng Jingzhong.

About half of the people in Nanjing City were awakened by the sound of cannons used by the Qing army to scare the training soldiers of the Yingtian Regiment at Shence Gate, Jinchuan Gate, and Zhongfu Gate.In fact, the people in Nanjing knew on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year that the Qing Heavenly Soldiers led by Yue Le had launched a major counterattack!

However, when they first heard the news of the Qing army's counterattack, everyone said they were not in a hurry.The current Qing Dynasty is no longer the Qing Dynasty of more than 20 years ago. At that time, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were more brutal than each other, and the current Qing Dynasty Lord is weak and treacherous. .How did this Nanjing get lost?How did Nanjing Mancheng be defeated by Geng Jingzhong's men?You guys have seen it with your own eyes!
Seeing is always believing, right?

As for the news heard by the ears, it is too good to be true. It really has everything to say, and some say that the Western King Wu Sangui has divided his troops into two groups according to the method of "Longzhong Dui". Go out of Qishan, enter Guanzhong, and now you have reached Wuzhangyuan!If this old boy Wu Sangui hadn't died of illness in Wuzhangyuan, then the Emperor Xiaomazi of the Qing Dynasty would be in danger.

Others said that Wu Yingxiong, the son of Wu Sangui, had already led his troops out of Xiangyang, Xiangwan, Luo, and now Wan, that is, Nanyang Mansion, had been captured by Wu Yingxiong.Luo, that is, Luoyang is about to be surnamed Wu!This time, Wu Yingxiong was Xiong Zhenhuaxia. The officials of the Qing government in various prefectures in Henan abandoned their posts and fled one after another. Even the bannermen in Beijing also migrated outside the customs in groups.

If half of these rumors are credible, then the Qing Dynasty is now a "pockmarked tail" and can't grow any longer!

Since the current Qing Dynasty doesn't look good, and it doesn't sound good, why are the people in Nanjing panicking?It's time to eat, drink, and wait for the good news from the front line.

But no one thought that this Da Qing, who didn't look very good but was almost finished, was actually a little bit good!The Qing army who counterattacked from Zhenjiang first occupied Xiashu Town, then Dongyang Town, and Longtan Port, and then advanced to Qixia Mountain. After two days of camping and resting in Qixia Mountain, they crossed the Jiuxiang River. Started to advance towards Shihui Mountain and Jubao Mountain, and within two days came the news that the Qing army had set up camp in Shihui Mountain and Jubao Mountain!
Now the people in Nanjing City are a little nervous, why are the Qing soldiers so fierce?The third prince Zhu, Geng Jingzhong, Lu Zhongtang, Li Zhongtang, and Chen Zhongtang in Nanjing can do it right?

If not, who seemed to have slaughtered the entire city of Jiangning before!

If the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty entered Nanjing, they must not be slaughtered?
And just when all the people in Nanjing felt that something was wrong, early this morning, the sound of cannons came from the northeast corner of Nanjing!

The extremely brutal Qing soldiers have already fought outside Nanjing. Isn't this coming too fast?

While the rumbling guns kept ringing, all kinds of terrible rumors spread among the people in Nanjing.

"It's not good. The Tartar soldiers slaughtered Xiashu Town. All the living people in the town were slaughtered. Not even a chicken or dog was left! How did I know? I was in Xiashu Town at the time! I had aid. The official photo of Suppressing Water Division, of course they will not kill me. But you Nanjing people, be careful! Prince An of the Tartars said that if you take down Nanjing City, you must follow Jiangyin's method to slaughter, and only the slaughter will seal the sword!"

"Longtan Port was also slaughtered. Except for the people on the passing navy merchant ships and the tank boats transporting grain to the Tartar capital, no one on the shore was left. Those who were killed were all thrown into the Yangtze River. It's miserable!"

"Ah, it turns out that the floating corpses I saw on the Yangtze River two days ago were all people from Longtan Port!"

"I heard that Dongyang Town was also slaughtered. In Dongyang Town, Qian Juren and Mr. Zha took the lead in shaving their heads and surrendering to the Qing Dynasty, but they didn't survive. Their heads were cut off and hung on the flagpole beside the official road! I saw it when I was passing somewhere!"

"The area around Qixia Mountain was also killed and corpses were scattered all over the place. Even the monks of Qixia Temple will not be spared. Amitabha, I am an honest monk. He came to Nanjing to place an order from Putian South Shaolin in Fujian Province. He never lied. The day before yesterday If I hadn't escaped over the wall by accident, I would have seen the West Heaven Buddha now!"

Of course, the above-mentioned legends about the massacre are all rumors, except that "the city of Nanjing was captured and the sword was sealed by Tu Guang". As a big reward to motivate soldiers.The so-called "slaughter" is actually robbery and murder!Except for a small number of Eight Banners soldiers and Green Battalion soldiers whose family members died in the city of Jiangning, who wanted to vent their anger, the others were actually asking for money.If Yue Le let them burn, kill and loot all the way there, I am afraid that some of the troops will have already plundered enough before they reach Nanjing.

Then Xiashu Town, Dongyang Town, and Longtan Port are all quite rich.If some of the generals are allowed to rob enough, Nanjing will not be attractive to them for the time being.

In addition, it is difficult to maintain discipline when the troops let go of looting, and an army that loses discipline is easily defeated.

To the south of Xiashu Town, Dongyang Town, and Longtan Port, there are continuous hills. There are Baohua Mountain, Dahua Mountain, Ge Mountain, and Wuqi Mountain. These hills are not controlled by Yue Le's soldiers.

Moreover, there are many Zhuangzi in these hills, and many of the Lianyong recruited by the Jiangning Regiment Training Center with a lot of money are from the mountainous areas in this area (the mountain people are poor, and they are willing to serve as soldiers). Many of them are in their hometowns. Chinese New Year!

If Yue Le were to plunder, maybe the regiment who hid in the mountain would rush out to attack
But soldiers never tire of cheating!The three Zhongtangs, Li Zhongtang, Lu Zhongtang, and Chen Zhongtang, are not good people in the first place. If they want to "cheat", they will not let their own fathers off (of course Chen Yonghua would not do this, because his father died long ago), not to mention Ordinary people in Nanjing city?
You have to use nonsense to coerce all these unscrupulous people!

And these nonsense, the unruly people in Nanjing City believe it very much-who in the south of the Yangtze River doesn't know the virtues of the heavenly soldiers of the Qing Dynasty?Ten days in Yangzhou, three massacres in Jiading, and the massacre in Jiangyin have not been many years in the past!

And no matter how good Yangzhou, Jiading, Jiangyin and other places are, the Eight Banners soldiers and their families have never been slaughtered!

Yangzhou people were slaughtered basically without doing anything, and Jiading people were slaughtered three times because they refused to shave their hair!But Jiangyin resisted for 81 days, and finally the whole city was slaughtered with only dozens of people left!
Therefore, if Yue Le breaks Nanjing, he must slaughter the city. Most of them will be slaughtered according to Jiangyin's standards!
Now the people in Nanjing City panicked, and some of the more clever ones hurried home to pack up their belongings, planning to run away before Nanjing City was surrounded by Qing soldiers.However, after arriving at Yifeng Gate, Dinghuai Gate, Jiangdong Gate, and Jubao Gate, which opened to the west and south, they found that the gates had already been closed, and there were still heavily armed Yingtian regiments guarding there. , No one is allowed to leave Nanjing City!
And their "prohibition" is still very reasonable!

"You can't go out, there are already Tartar cavalry outside!"

"The Tartar cavalry kill people everywhere, if you go out and meet them, you will die"

"Going out is death, you can't go out of the city!"

As if to prove that Huai Yong, who seemed honest and honest, spoke with a Jiangbei accent, they were not lying, and there were "cracking" gunshots outside the city as if appropriate!

The gunshot sounds like firecrackers, but it must not be firecrackers, but the murderous Tartars shooting the people outside the city!
It seems that escaping from Nanjing City is also a dead end, and he will die faster!

Thinking that hiding in the city of Nanjing is waiting for death, and escaping is waiting for death, and it is a death anyway, some timid people in Nanjing couldn't help crying.


"I can't run anymore, I have to wait to die."

"Whoa Whoah"


On the Jiangdongmen side, when a group of people who wanted to escape were crying sadly, someone suddenly escaped with a flintlock pistol shot into the sky, which shocked everyone—the sound of the gunshot was comparable to that of the people outside the city. The sound of gunfire is much crisper!
Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of the gunshots, wanting to see if the Eight Banners Celestial Soldiers had entered the city, but they were all at a loss.It turned out that the one who was holding a pistol to the sky was a Confucian scholar in Taoist robes with a scarf. The trace is the excitement that cannot be concealed, so excited that it is a bit hideous!In addition to holding a musket, there is also a long sword hanging from his belt. The hilt and scabbard have signs of wear and tear. It looks very old and is obviously used frequently.

Seeing that everyone stopped crying and looked at him, the scholar shouted loudly: "I am Lu Liangliu, a commoner in Nanyang, who was invited by the prison country to discuss the affairs of the country with Tian Fu and the heroes of the world! What is wrong with you all? Why are you weeping inside the Jiangdong Gate? If there is a grievance that cannot be redressed, Lu is not talented, and I would like to lead everyone to the Jianguo Mansion to petition!"



A group of ordinary people who want to run away but can't get away, even if they have a grievance at this moment, they don't want to redress their grievances, and it's too late to escape.

Just when the big guys didn't know what to say, someone suddenly spoke their "heartfelt voice" for them.

"Mr. Lu, we just want to fight against the Qing!"

"Yes! The whole city of Nanjing has been slaughtered now, and the Tartars will not let us Nanjingers go. If we want to survive, we have to fight with the Tartars! Mr. Lu, can you lead us to petition the Lord Priest?"

"Mr. Lu, please lead us to petition against the Qing Dynasty! We are at the mercy of the Tartars!"

"Yes, kill the Tartars and protect Yingtian!"

The people in Jiangdongmen were a little stunned. They just wanted to run for their lives, so why are they desperate now?

"Kill the Tartars! Bao Yingtian!"

"Yes! Fight with Tartar!"

"Nanjing City is so strong, as long as we fight hard, how can we not hold it?"

When the common people were in a daze, a few trustees... no, not trustees, but a very brave Yingtian man roared and drew out his long sword at the same time!

The old Confucianist named Lu Liangliu nodded heavily at this moment, and roared: "Okay! The son of Yingtian is indeed the descendant of the Ming Dynasty who founded the country and strengthened the army. I will take you to the Jianguo Mansion to petition!"

"Let's go! Go to the Jian Guo Mansion to petition!"

"A petition to go!"

Those Yingtian men brandished their swords, all of them were vicious. The common people who wanted to run saw it, but reluctantly followed.If you don't go, you might get beaten!

And when these people who tried to escape from Nanjing City from Dongjiangmen were brought to the open school grounds outside Jianguoding Palace by "Nanyang commoner" Lu Liangliu and a group of good men with sharp knives, the place was already crowded with people. At least [-] to [-] Jinling people who tried to leave the dangerous city but failed, gathered outside the Jianguo Mansion for the same reason.

They were led by a dozen "big Confucians" who had come to participate in the Fuming Conference. At this time, they were already standing outside the gate of Jian Guo Ding Wang's Mansion together with the disciples and the good man Ying Tian who was holding a sharp knife.

Lu Liuliang also passed through the crowd and squeezed to those "big Confucians", a young Confucian scholar who looked a bit like him immediately bowed to him: "My lord, just now the people from the Supervisory Mansion came out to spread the word that His Highness will meet with the Eastern King immediately. Li Zhongtang, Chen Zhongtang, and Lu Zhongtang came out to meet us together."

Lu Liangliu nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "Baozhong, it seems that His Highness and several Zhongtang are still willing to listen to the public's opinions at this moment. This is the way for the prosperity of the country!"

This young Confucian student was named Lu Baozhong, one of Huang Zongxi's disciples, and had previously traveled south with Huang Zongxi to Guangdong.Because he was relatively young and his knowledge was not deep enough, he entered the Restoration School. Under the guidance of Huang Zongxi, Luo Wenzao, Dai Zi and others, he read books for two full years and made great progress. Now he has a bit of Chinese and Western knowledge. Meaning.

This time, he came to Nanjing as an aide of Li Zhongtang, and of course he was also one of the masterminds behind this petition against the Qing Dynasty.

Hearing his father's words, he immediately smiled and said: "The country will prosper, listen to the people! Now that Jian Guo and everyone in Zhongtang are willing to listen to the people, it is of course a sign of the country's prosperity. But the people who can shoulder the rise and fall of the world, They are not ordinary people, but 'original people'. I don't know if Yingtian's people are the original people who are matched with Yuan Jun and Yuan Chen?"

Of course, the original people are the principles developed on the basis of the original king, the original minister, and the original law.

The light of a country is that the ruler and ministers know that "the people are the foundation and the ruler is the light", and it is not enough to know that "the world is the master and the ruler is the guest", but the scholars and the people under the ruler and ministers must also know!

And it's useless to know the principles, you have to know how to implement them, and you should have the means and courage to implement them!
According to the principles of "New Confucianism", one of the most basic conditions that "original scholars" and "original people" must have is to have martial arts!
The so-called Wude is to pick up a weapon (hold a sharp blade), go into battle (brave fighting), and win (war must win)!

If they can’t do this, they are not real original scholars and original people, and without original scholars and original people, the original monarch, original minister, and original law are all rootless weeds. Even if they can exist for a period of time, they will inevitably become corrupted in the end. .

To achieve these three points is easier said than done!
But just like Yuanjun, Yuanchen, and Yuanfa, it is not necessary to achieve full marks, and it is better to do something if it can be done, than to do nothing at all.

Or in other words, as much as you can do, you can have as much as you can.

For example, now, the rulers, ministers, scholars, and people in Yingtian City have limited abilities, and it is impossible to expect them to transform into violent men, chasing and beating the Qing soldiers outside the city.Moreover, Yingtian is not Foshan, it is a textile industry center, it cannot produce large quantities of arms, so it is impossible to arm so many people.

But be sure to start doing it!

From this time when Yingtian was besieged and in danger!
If the people of Yingtian are still unwilling to take up arms and participate in the battle at this moment when the city is about to be massacred, then they are not worthy of being the original people, and then the original scholars, original ministers, original monarchs, and original laws will not be able to continue. .

If they have to rely on the protection of a small number of military nobles with strong military virtues to survive, then they can only be obedient citizens!

However, what Lu Baozhong told Lu Liangliu was different. At this time, in the lobby of Jianguoding Palace, a debate about whether to activate and arm Yingtian's "original people" was going on in front of the hall.

"My lord, now the school grounds are full of people and gentry who are willing to protect Yingtian and fight against the Tartars, and Yingtian can protect them!"

"Wang Shikai, are you joking? You want the people of Yingtian Mansion to fight the Eight Banners soldiers? Aren't you letting them die?"

"Why do you want to die? Sanhao, how many people are there in Yingtianfu City? How many strong men can be mobilized?"

"how many?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, if you don't count the outside of Yingtianfu City, but just talk about the inner city and the outer city in the Qinhuai River West area, we have a total of more than 60 registered households in Yingtian City, with a population of 70 million! If you include temporary residence and coming The merchants and scholars who have traveled to Yingtianfu now have a population of [-], more than Beijing! Yingtian is the largest city in the world!

And the number of strong men out of a population of 60 is 10,000+! "

"If 10,000+ people are all armed, is there any need to be afraid of the Qing army? How many people does Yue Le have? Thirty thousand? Fifty thousand? We are five times as big as him. What will he use to fight against the sky?"

Wang Zhongxiao just opened his mouth and said that he would arm all the 10,000+ strong men in Yingtianfu City. The people in the lobby were stunned. Even Lu Sanhao and Chen Yonghua, who had always supported him, did not expect his heart to be so big.

"Shikai, I'm afraid we don't have that many equipment!" Chen Yonghua reminded, "Most of the muskets, cannons, and even swords stored in Yingtianfu City have already been distributed, and the remaining ones can only be used to supplement the battle damage. "

"Then build a batch of long spears. You can also make strong crossbows! Nanjing can always make crossbows, right? There are many craftsmen who make textile machines here, and there are enough wood and silk threads!" Wang Zhongxiao said with a smile, "As long as With [-] strong crossbows and [-] long spears, why are you afraid of Yue Le?"

"But we don't have that much money to pay for it!" The third prince Zhu shook his head and said, "The former emperor also recruited the people of Beijing to join the army to defend the city, but because he had no money, that's why..."

"If you don't have money, you can give it to IOUs," Wang Zhongxiao said. "Land, official positions... oh, and fame as a scholar, right? Let's award more talents with crossbows and guns!"

(End of this chapter)

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