Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 255 What a living Lu Bu, you have 1 share of 4 points in the world!

Chapter 255 What a living Lu Bu, you have a part in the four parts of the world!
"boom blah blah"

Another salvo of rifled guns!

Another 150% hit rate from [-] steps away!
And the time between this round of salvo and the previous round of salvo is still very short!

In other words, after the first round of volley, the Wang family's "sharpshooters" completed a reload in a very short time, and their reloading speed was so fast that it even exceeded the reloading speed when using ordinary smoothbore guns.

But Wu Sangui, Li Zicheng and others who saw this scene with binoculars from a distance all changed their faces drastically.

They all know muskets, so they naturally know that the disadvantages of muskets are slow reloading and poor accuracy.If you get closer, for example, you can hit more accurately at a distance of twenty or thirty steps.And a hundred paces away, only an extremely good sharpshooter can hit a little bit accurately.

It is not surprising that there are one or two talented sharpshooters with an 150% hit rate from [-] paces, but it is incredible to pull out three hundred such sharpshooters all at once.

How do these people practice?Who taught it?Could it be that Wang Fuchen, a living Lu Bu, still has some "firearm secret skills" that he can hand over to the flintlock soldiers below?If he could really teach hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of such sharpshooters, where would he go in the world?
Usually only big guys like artillery or bed crossbows can be accurate at 150 paces away, but such big guys are very cumbersome, and it is very troublesome to pull them around on the battlefield, and they cannot be compared with individual soldiers carrying flintlock guns.If these fusiliers could still ride horses (which is not too difficult), they could move quickly in groups on the battlefield, avoiding enemy artillery and firing long range at the enemy's formation.

If a volley of three hundred Musketeers can kill and injure two hundred enemies from 150 paces away, then who can stand it?

"boom blah blah"

The performance of the three hundred sharpshooters is still going on!

The row of wooden targets placed 150 paces away from them was hit again and again by lead bullets, and soon it was full of holes.

Suddenly, Wang Fuchen let out another roar like thunder: "Stop!"

Only then did the three hundred musketeers stop their "fighting performance", while Wang Fuchen galloped towards Wu Sangui's Wang Banner alone.He ran until he was about ten steps away from Wu Sangui before reining in a tall "Macau Ocean Horse" under his crotch, and then cupped his hands towards Wu Sangui on the horse's back, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, Mr. Li Be polite!"


Wu Sangui was taken aback, and Wang Shirong, who was by his side, quickly reminded: "My lord, His Royal Highness Nanwang was originally named Li, but he changed his surname to Wang because he recognized Wang Jinchao, the deputy general of Datong in the former Ming Dynasty, as his father."

"Oh," Wu Sangui nodded, and also turned to Wang Fuchen, no, Li Fuchen clasped his fists together, "Nan Wang, the old man remembered, you are also an eighteen son!"

Li Fuchen laughed: "His Royal Highness, the surname is Li, so I don't dare to think about the Eighteen Sons. Don't misunderstand me."

"Misunderstanding?" Wu Sangui laughed, "I did misunderstand before, thinking that the world is divided into three points, but I didn't expect that the world is not divided into three points at all, but four points in this world, and you, King Nan, are also one point!"

Li Fuchen waved his hands again and again: "Don't dare, dare not, a king in the barren land of Guangdong, how dare he want to divide the world? I will be satisfied with the future of Zhao Tuo, the king of Nanyue!"

"The future of Nanyue King Zhao Tuo?" Wu Sangui smiled lightly, "Could it be that Nanyue King, you still want to enter Annan?"

"Yes!" Wang Fuchen nodded, "That's a must! Annan was originally my Ming dynasty's inner vassal. If I remember correctly, at the end of the 19th year of Jiajing, Annan King Mo Dengyong asked Eda Ming Dynasty to be included. Emperor Sejong Then he issued an edict to demote Annan Kingdom to the Annan Metropolitan Commissioner, and changed the Annan Thirteen Roads to the Thirteen Xuanfu Divisions, each with Xuanfu, Tongzhi, Deputy Envoy, and Qianshi, all subject to the control of the capital.

Now that Guangdong and Guangxi have been restored, most of Annan is still occupied by the traitors Zheng, Ruan, and Li. As the Southern King of Ming Dynasty, of course he must send troops to wipe out the traitors and support the Annan Metropolitan Commander.Therefore, after going north this time to relieve the struggle, they will immediately march into Annan. "

He paused, and then said: "Xi Wang, why don't you transfer Lianzhou's fourth master Wu back to the north, so that the soldiers and horses in his forehead can use Lianzhou's mansion as a base, advance by land and water, and restore Annan!"

Li Fuchen's words. Wu Sangui believed half of them.

Li Fuchen said that he didn't want to be "a quarter", but Wu Sangui didn't believe it.

But when Li Fuchen said that he was going to enter Annan, Wu Sangui believed it.Because Wu Sanwei reported to him a few days ago that when Li Fuchen was attacking Guangxi, he met Mo Yuanqing, the patriarch of the Gaoping Mo clan in Taiping Mansion.The latter gave him the gift of his ministers, and also presented the golden seal of the Annan Metropolitan Envoy-this is tantamount to transferring the position of Annan Metropolitan Envoy to Li Fuchen!
And Li Fuchen immediately awarded Mo Yuanqing the deputy envoy of Annan Dutong and "granted" the land of the twelve prefectures and five prefectures (Zhili prefecture) out of the fifteen prefectures and five prefectures (Zhili prefecture) under the jurisdiction of the original address Mo Yuanqing was hereditary, and he only took the three prefectures of Ngee An, Hue, and Xinping.

However, Gaoping Mo's current actual ruling area is only the four prefectures close to Daming (actually worse than the counties of Daming), and the land of fifteen prefectures and five prefectures is just a map for fun.

As for the Ngee An, Hue, and Xinping prefectures that Li Fuchen wants to get in his hands, they are all in the territory of Lord Ruan of Annan, and Lord Zheng is still separated from the land when he fights there!
So what Li Fuchen got from Mo Yuanqing was just a claim, and it was still a thousand miles away from coming true!
But since the claims are made, Li Fuchen must do something!

And as far as Wu Sangui knows, Li Fuchen's claim to Annan was not his own idea, but local rich and wealthy businessmen in Guangdong who wanted to get their hands on Annan Ruan's territory—there was a Hoi An port on Annan Ruan's territory. , is a trade hub comparable to Macau, and also a place where maritime merchants from Guangdong and Fujian live together.

Those Guangdong wealthy businessmen who cooperated with Li Fuchen and his son certainly wanted to take this trading base into their own hands!
Because getting this stronghold can not only control the foreign trade of the entire Annan, but also can be used as a foothold for Chinese merchant ships going to Nanyang, and can also be used to crowd out Western merchant ships such as Portugal, the Netherlands, and Spain.

It can be described as a feat!
For Li Fuchen, winning the territory of the Annan Metropolitan Commander can change the provinces he controls from two to three.

Moreover, Annan is also rich in rice. At the same time, Annan's rice can be transported to the troubled times along the southeast coast of China through merchant ships from Guangfu, Chaozhou, and Fujian. Whoever has sufficient food in his hands can occupy a very favorable position. .

Therefore, Li Fuchen took Annan in order to form a four-point structure in the world!

And he went north to "relieve the fight", it seems that he was also trying to pull Li Zicheng, so that Li Zicheng could also secure a "quarter".Then Li Fuchen, Li Zicheng, two quarters, and maybe one more Zheng Jing, will join hands to carve up Liangjiang and Zhejiang
After trying to understand Li Fuchen's thoughts, Wu Sangui replied with a smile: "Nan Wang, I have never thought of destroying Li Zicheng. But Jingzhou and Yuezhou, I have made up my mind! In exchange, I can let the German The northern part of Anfu and the territory of Anlu Mansion east of Hanshui River. You can also transfer my fourth son from Lianzhou Mansion and hand over Lianzhou Mansion to you, King Nan."

Li Fuchen also knew that Wu Sangui must take the two mansions of Jingzhou Mansion and Yuezhou Mansion just along the Yangtze River to split Wu Sangui's territory in the two lakes into two.If these two mansions were not taken down, Wu Yingxiong's territory would have been under the double-team of Beiqing and Nanshun, and he was very passive.If you don't pay attention, you have to take Guan Yunchang's script!
Therefore, if Li Zicheng insisted on standing in these two mansions, then a bloody battle would be inevitable.

"Okay!" Li Fuchen nodded and said with a smile, "Xi Wang, how about leaving the territory of Jiangxi to my younger brother and King Li Zhong in the future?"

"Okay!" Wu Sangui nodded, "Not only the land in Jiangxi will be given to you and King Li Zhong, but also the land in Liangjiang, Zhejiang, and Fujian will be divided between you two and King Dong, King North, and King Yi. I don't care about it. "

What Wu Sangui handed over was not only Liangjiang, Fujian, and Zhejiang, which he couldn't get at all, but also the third prince Zhu!
And those who have the chance to win all these are the four big tigers Li Fuchen, Li Zicheng, Zheng Jing, and Geng Jingzhong!

This mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, let alone four tigers competing for food?
"Okay, okay," Li Fuchen nodded repeatedly, looking very satisfied, "Then I will go discuss it with King Li Zhong."

As he spoke, he cupped his hands and bid farewell to Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui also saluted back: "Please go ahead!"

Li Fuchen immediately pulled the reins and galloped towards the pier in Xincheng Town. At this time, the big ship Li Zicheng was riding on had already docked at the pier.Li Fuchen got off the horse and boarded the ship quickly, and saw Li Zicheng in the cabin of the big ship, who was dressed as a king, and then he clasped his fists and saluted: "Brother, younger brother, you are polite!"

When Li Zicheng saw the living Lu Bu, he smiled as if he was seeing his relatives. He quickly stepped forward to return the gift, then reached out and grabbed Li Fuchen's wrist, and invited him into the cabin.

Nanwang and Chuangwang took their seats respectively, and Li Jizhen stood behind her father with a smile. Seeing that both of them were seated, she smiled and said, "Father, I have agreed with King Chuang. Wait for Wu Sangui to sit down." The soldiers have retreated, and our two families, together with King Zheng Yi's soldiers, will march into Liangjiang together and be loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty together!"

Li Zicheng laughed and said: "Brother Fuchen, let's talk about it first, I don't want to be a loyal minister of Ming Dynasty, this loyal minister will let my grandson come and go!"

Li Fuchen nodded: "Okay, okay, in the future, there will be five kings of South, East, Yi, North, and Zhong to rule together. How about forming a three-part world together?"

"Why are five kings co-ruling?" Li Zicheng smiled, "There is one more king, your brother must not forget."

Li Fuchen waved his hand: "Wu Sangui and the others are not on the same road. When Xi'an is captured, he will become the emperor himself!"

Li Zicheng laughed and said, "You mean your son Li Zhongshan! The great cause of anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty has come to this point, he has made great contributions. Shouldn't he be crowned king?"

"He also wants to be crowned king?"

Li Zicheng nodded: "Make a king who is equal to us!"

Li Jizhen also had the expression of a good brother, and said to his father with a smile: "Father, the second child will definitely sit in Nanjing for a long time in the future. If there is only one middle hall, how can he sit on an equal footing with King Geng Dong and King Liu Bei? He also has to Seal the king and open the mansion!"

Li Fuchen frowned, thinking: The second child is going to be crowned king and open a mansion, will your boy's son of the Southern King be safe?But your father wants him to be the successor, you and the third child can't compare him at all, he is Li Er now!

"Let's talk about this matter after taking Jiangxi and opening the road to Nanjing!" Li Fuchen slightly changed the topic, and said, "Brother, you have agreed with Wu Sangui, you give up the territory of Jingzhou and Yuezhou , he withdrew from De'an and Anlu, and only retained the Qianjiang River in Anlu and the west part of the Hanshui River in Zhongxiang County. Do you think this is okay?"

Li Zicheng smiled and said: "Okay! Uh, I never thought about occupying Jingzhou and Yuezhou forever. The agreement reached with Wu Yingxiong before is also like this, but that old boy Wu Sangui is not trustworthy!"

In fact, Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui are just as dishonest. One of them wants to attack Jingzhou and Yuezhou, and the other wants to attack Xiangyang.It's just that the two old foxes are stealing other people's homes while keeping a close eye on their own.

So neither side is stealing, so it can only be resolved peacefully.

But Li Zicheng was stuck in Jingzhou and Yuezhou, and at the same time he couldn't get most of the land in Anlu and De'an. From the map, he was "squeezed" into a fried dough stick. Although his navy is not weak, it can still be maintained.But if the plain areas of Jingzhou, Yuezhou, Hanyang, De'an and other prefectures controlled by Li Zicheng are always attacked by Wu Sangui's troops, he will not be able to live a life.

Therefore, Jingzhou and Yuezhou were exchanged for De'an, Dahong Mountain and Tongbai Mountain in the north of Anlu, and Suizhou was blocked.It is more beneficial to Li Zicheng to include the large plain north of the Yangtze River, east of the Han River, and south of Tongbai Mountain, Dahong Mountain, and Dabie Mountain to form a safe hinterland.

In addition, although giving up Jingzhou and Yuezhou will increase the risk of Hanyang and Wuchang being attacked by Wu Sangui, these two prefectures are actually not easy to attack. Hanyang’s territory on the Jianghan Plain is completely covered by water networks. In the case of water, it is extremely difficult to attack.

Not to mention Wuchang, with the protection of the Han River and the Yangtze River, Wuchang is a natural danger!
From Yuezhou to Wuchang, the road is full of mountains and rivers, and every city has dangers to defend.In history, after Wu Sangui won Yuezhou, he couldn't get past it for so many years, which also shows the problem-if he can get Wuchang, then there is no choice to pass the river.Taking Yuezhou, Wuchang, Jingzhou, and Hanyang sections of the Yangtze River is tantamount to complete control. Isn't crossing the river casual?

However, after giving up Yuezhou and Jingzhou, Li Zicheng's ability to control the middle reaches of the Yangtze River must have declined, and he must be compensated.

"Brother," Li Zicheng said to Li Fuchen, "I have a condition. In fact, it is also good for us to take all Liangjiang and Zhejiang. You must agree."

Li Fuchen nodded with a smile: "Brother, you don't need to say anything, you already know. Do you want a cannon in red?"

Li Zicheng slapped his thigh with a smile: "Yes, yes, the red-clothed cannons are needed to block the river! We must block the Yangtze River!"

"But how did you bring it here?" Li Fuchen said, "Most of Jiangxi is still in Jieshu's hands. If Jiujiang is not captured, it will not be easy to take Jiangxi. And Hunan. That is Wu Guogui's territory! Er's in-laws, after all, are Wu Sangui adopted son."

The terrain of Jiangxi is similar to a bottle, surrounded by mountains, with many basins and valleys in it, and the north opening is Jiujiang and Poyang Lake.As long as Jiujiang is taken, the navy enters Poyang Lake, and then goes all the way south along the Ganjiang River, it will sweep Jiangxi, and it can be done in a few months.

But if you can't take down Jiujiang, you will be "stuck" if you want to eat Jiangxi. Everywhere is dangerous and you have to attack, and the logistics are inconvenient. Soldiers must be deployed everywhere, and there must be no shortage of soldiers.Otherwise, Jie Shu can mobilize heavy troops to defeat it for you!
Therefore, Li Fuchen and Li Zicheng worked together for a long time without taking much ground.

Li Zicheng smiled, and stared at Li Fuchen with a single eye that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, "My brother, there must be a master craftsman in your army who can forge red cannons? There are plenty of copper in Wuchang. Why don't you cast one in Wuchang?" Hundreds of red cannons, right? When your cannons are cast, you will order people to hand over Jingzhou and Yuezhou to Wu Sangui, and then we will march into Jiujiang together. From the navy, you from the army, we will take down Jiujiang together How is the government?"

This Li Zicheng really didn't see the rabbits and didn't cast the eagles, and he didn't want the cannons and didn't withdraw his troops.

And he guessed it!
Li Fuchen did bring a group of gunsmiths hired from Foshan, Guangdong, and the leader was Dai Zi. According to his plan, after the "fight" between Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui was resolved, he would pull Li Zicheng to conquer Jiujiang and divide Jiangxi equally. Jiujiang cannot do without on-site cannon casting.

Now in order to achieve a draw, they can only start work ahead of schedule.

Thinking of this, Li Fuchen nodded: "Okay, it's a deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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