Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 261 Northern Expedition!we are coming!

Chapter 261 Northern Expedition!we are coming! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"King Jian Guo Ding has just issued an order to the Headquarters for the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and the recovery of the northern capital. My Ming Dynasty is definitely not the Southern Song Dynasty. I will never be partial to the south of the Yangtze River, and I will never share the world with Hu Qing!"

Outside the Xiaolingwei camp outside the city of Nanjing, on the school grounds, there are all martial arts students wearing brand-new red gowns with narrow sleeves and round collars, and red scarves wrapped around their heads.All the martial arts school students stood upright, motionless, and could only hear their heavy panting. Everyone looked excited, and a little nervous in the excitement, and the muscles on their faces twitched.

Li Zhongshan was also in full military uniform, with a waist knife and pistol hanging from his belt, his right hand resting on the handle of the knife, and his left hand held a yellow leather scroll, which should be the so-called Northern Expedition Order.He stood in front of the queue, and beside him stood Lu Sanhao and Chen Yonghua, two Zhongtangs who were equal to him in Nanjing.In front of him are hundreds of students from the third period of the "short training class" who have not yet graduated from the Jiangwu Hall.

Although the "short training class" has not been completed, and the military education they have received is still quite superficial, this does not prevent them from having a common background and background-the third period of the Jiangwu Department, the disciple of the Sanzhongtang (Li Zhongtang is the Jiangwu Tangtang) Lord, Lu and Chen Erzhongtang are the deputy hall masters)!

With a common background, you can form a group, you can rank seniority, and you can trust each other, and you can form a system where seniors command juniors and students obey the principal (vice principal).

Moreover, when Li Zhongshan selected students for the third phase of the martial arts department, he was particularly inclined to the children of Jiangbei, Lianghuai.As long as the Lianghuai students who are proficient in literature and ink are willing to participate in the third session of the lecture hall, Li Dazhongtang will not refuse!
Therefore, most of the students in the third phase of the martial arts department of the Yingtian branch of the martial arts hall (there are also three phases in the main hall in Guangzhou) are from Lianghuai. What they have learned is not only basic military knowledge, but also "The World Is Public" and "The World Is Public". The main principle above in "The Tianchao Farm System" is how to pull people's heads to run a group training.

For this reason, Li Zhongshan also invited Lu Zhongtang, who did a good job in organizing regiment training in Yingtianfu, to give lectures to these Huaixi and Huaidong students—teaching them how to mobilize the clan and township party to serve as soldiers and organize regiment training in their hometowns!

In addition to teaching in the classroom, Lu Sanhao also selected a group of small army leaders with practical experience from his Yingtianfu regiment training to join the third phase of the lecture hall, and let them serve as the backbone. When they arrive in Jiangbei, they will be able to teach them by hand. Why is my good classmate pulling people's heads?

In addition, Chen Yonghua and Chen Zhongtang also played a role in the third phase of Lecture Hall.He used to have a confidante Chang Mingyue Chang Xiangu, and now Xiangu has become a dignified Mrs. Chen, so Chen Yonghua, a Fujian native, is bound to the Chang family in Jiangdu——Chang Yuchun’s descendants live in Changmao and Changsheng. After the bad thing happened, he moved to Jiangdu County, Yangzhou Prefecture, and produced many descendants. After Chang Xuanzhen continued to be the Marquis of Huaiyuan, he became stronger. Although the dynasty has changed, he is still a big family in Jiangbei.

So Chen Yonghua stuffed in dozens of people surnamed Chang through this relationship. With these people surnamed Chang and the contacts of the Chang family in Yangzhou Prefecture, when Li Dazhongtang led the troops to Jiangbei, these dozens of regimental training seeds would have If the soil is soiled, just pour some silver on it, and it will take root and sprout immediately!
In addition to learning to pull people's heads, Li Dazhongtang also led them to participate in several battles to repel the Qing army's tentative attacks.Although they are all battles that are won by lying down, these rookies on the battlefield can be regarded as having smelled gunpowder smoke, seen dead people and bloodshed.

Slightly brushed up some experience points, and at the same time eliminated the fear of clearing soldiers.Now, they are full of expectations for the future of themselves and Xin Daming!
Everyone's eyes were focused on Li Zhongshan's face, and Li Dazhongtang's expression was as steel at this moment.As he grew older, Li Zhongshan's appearance became more and more majestic. The originally soft and delicate face lines have now become well-defined, with deep eyes, and coupled with a newly grown beard, he is full of beauty. It's a murderous spirit, carved out of the same mold as Huo Lu Bu and Li Fuchen.

If Grand Master Dong crossed over, maybe he would cry "My son will serve you first" with tears in his eyes!

A red battle flag fluttered right behind Li Zhongshan. The more than 200 officers he brought from Guangdong all stood in the most standard military posture in the lecture hall.Above the head is the blue sky, and behind him is the Zijin Mountain where the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty rests forever.The [-] heavily armed Huai Army and the Yingtian Regiment are already training for the army, and they are just waiting for the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains!
Looking at this tiger ben that he built by himself, Li Zhongshan, who was going to make a generous statement, was at a loss for words, and it took a long time before he said: "Although China is big, we only have one city in the southern capital, and now a strong enemy is approaching!" , We have no way to retreat! And it is not advisable to defend an isolated city. Since ancient times, an isolated city cannot be defended, nor can it be sustained. So we only have to attack, and offense is the best defense! We have to cross the Yangtze River, the Huai River, and the Cross the Yellow River, kill the enemy's heartland, and point the front of the soldiers at the city of Beijing, which was stolen by the Tartar Emperor!

Now the army of Tartars is either pressing towards the southern capital, or confronting the Wu family in Guanzhong, or guarding Beijing and their old nests outside the pass, Jiangbei is empty, Huaibei and Central Plains are even more empty.So I have a lot to do!
Ladies and gentlemen, would you like to follow me across the river to the north, drive out the Tartars, restore the land, recruit strong men, and open up new foundations? "

"Yes! I am willing to follow the Zhongtang Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and go straight to the Yellow Dragon!"

The students below, as well as the surrounding officers and soldiers, all roared together!

This time Li Zhongshan did not intend to conceal his strategic intentions at all. In fact, when the first day of the third term of the Nandu Lecture Hall started, this strategic intention had already been clearly laid out there.

And Li Zhongshan called the army he pulled out of Nandu the "Huai Army", and he was telling everyone clearly that Lianghuai is his next goal!
This is playing the bright card and engaging in conspiracy!
In fact, Yue Le and Jie Shu's east and west are also a clear card for advancing and pressing towards the south. Anyone who knows the military knows that it is impossible for them to attack a strong city with 10,000 elite soldiers and [-]+ guards.

And in the face of the Qing army who liked to slaughter the city so much, the defenders in Nanjing will inevitably fight to the end.

Although those militiamen had only "rudimentary" equipment such as long spears, hatchets, crossbows, cloth armor and shields, and not many firearms, Ying Tiantuanlian and Geng Jingzhong's Dongwang Army had a lot of firearms, from shotguns to cannons. Both!
Facing such a fortified city, even if Yue Le and Jie Shu followed Kangxi's instructions and recruited 100 million militia groups by force, and drove them all into battle, they would only give away their heads.

So encircling Nanjing is the only feasible option!

In view of the number of defenders and their determination to fight against the Qing Dynasty to the end, the only means of encirclement that Yue Le and Jie Shu can adopt is to form a stronghold and fight inactively.Build forts and strongholds one by one on the outskirts of Nanjing City until the east, south, and west of Nanjing are surrounded and the north faces the river section, which can be blocked by the navy trained by Shi Lang and the navy of Jiangxi Daying.

And the only way to break this step-by-step encirclement tactic is to jump to the outside line to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

So when Yue Le in the Qixia Mountain camp heard from Li Guangdi, the "Alternate Qin Hui" of Ming Dynasty, that Li Zhongtang was going to lead the Huai army to attack the Central Plains, he didn't seem too surprised.

"My lord, don't underestimate this Wang Zhongxiao. He's going to do something. He created more than half of the rebels in the city of Jiangning!" Li Guangdi, who was dressed as a Taoist priest, was sitting in Qixia Chan Report to Yue Le in the hall of the Chinese army in Yue Le in the temple!
Although he and Chen Menglei look very similar to Qin Hui, but there is really no Zhao Gou in Nanjing, and there is no Yue Fei. There are only people like Geng Dongwang, Li Zhongtang, Lu Zhongtang, and Chen Zhongtang.

Not to mention the alternate Qin Hui, even if the real Qin Hui crossed over, he would have to call the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains along with him!
Why don't you come and try a southerner returning to the south, and a northerner returning to the north?Try it and die!
So Li Guangdi and Chen Menglei, the "confidantes of King Ding" and "alternate Qin Hui", are now very active. They both teach in the Reform School and talk to people about the "Northern Expedition" every day, how Zhu Yuanzhang made the Northern Expedition, and how Liu Yu did the Northern Expedition. Yes, how Zhuge Kongming made the Northern Expedition, and why the Northern Expedition of the Southern Song Dynasty did not work.And where are the favorable conditions for the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains?

In short, both of them are now Northern Expedition experts!

Even, the mentality of these two candidates Qin Hui has changed.

That Chen Menglei felt that the Northern Expedition seemed to have a high probability of success!In addition, he is Chen Yimen, the same clan as Chen Yonghua and Chen Zhongtang, and also a Fujian township party member, so he has become very close to Chen Yonghua recently, and advised Li Guangdi not to be Qin Hui, but to form a party with Chen Zhongtang for personal gain!
Although Li Guangdi was tempted, he still felt that the "Xiao Ming" in Nanjing had little hope. Wu Sangui was more likely to succeed, so he wanted to find a way to join Wu Sangui.

In order to vote for Wu Sangui, he has to perform well!Only then did he have the opportunity to switch to Kangxi to be Qin Hui. This was Kangxi himself who asked him to be Qin Hui!
Having made up his mind to vote for Wu, Li Guangdi then said to Yue Le: "Your Majesty, there is still a lot of food and grass in Nanjing City, and it will not be a problem for a year or so. But how much food is there in Beijing? If Wang Zhongxiao's Northern Expedition Army cut off the water transportation , Can the city of Beijing persist?

If Wang Zhongxiao and Wu Shifan join forces in Henan and join the Northern Expedition together, can Beijing hold it? "

Nalan Mingzhu was also in Qixia Temple. Hearing that this good student of hers might team up with Wu Shifan, she felt a little strange: "Didn't he participate in the forced killing of Wu Shifan's eldest brother Wu Shilin? Wu Shifan can join forces with him?"

Li Guang said: "Ming Cao Shuai didn't know something. The students heard from many people in Nanjing that Wu Shifan was fished out of the princess mansion in Beijing's Shihu Hutong by Wang Zhongxiao at a great risk. I have stayed in Guangdong with Wang Zhongxiao for a long time, and under Wang Zhongxiao's arrangement, I went to the Lecture Hall and the Reform Hall to study, and I feel like brothers with Wang Zhongxiao. Therefore, Wang Zhongxiao supports Wu Shifan and Prince Zhu, and there will be a prince in the future!"

Isn't this too confusing?
Mingzhuxin said: I thought I was very clever on the way to become an official, but compared with this Wang Datou, I can't do it at all!
"Duan Fan," Yue Le said to Mingzhu at this time, "Now there is a lot of rice in Huai'an. You are the governor of Cao Cao, so you can personally escort them to Beijing!"

"Okay!" Mingzhu nodded heavily, "My lord, don't worry, I promise to transport all the rice and grain in Huai'an to Beijing for the regent!"

Yue Le nodded in satisfaction, and said to Ma Hu, the governor of Jiangsu, who was also in Daying Jiangdong: "Ma Futai, you should go back to Suzhou right away, escort all the silk cloth in Suzhou weaving to Huai'an, and hand it over to the governor as well." Fan. By the way, when you pass by Yangzhou, remember to bring the inventory of Yangzhou weaving, and bring as much Huai salt as possible."

"Hey!" Ma Hu also got up quickly to take orders.

He knew that this was Yue Le showing his favor to Prince Regent Fuquan!

Yue Le is now the Prince Regent's man!
However, he couldn't stop Yue Le, so he had to deal with it first, and at the same time, he gave a secret report to Kangxi, who was far away in Xi'an.
"My lord," Li Guangdi reminded Yue Ledao, who also had the same heart for Kangxi, "Even if there is enough food for a year in Beijing, it may not be able to hold the lower officials. If you want to hold Beijing, you have to return to the emperor!"

What about Fuquan when Kangxi returned to his master?
Can Fu Quancan fight Kangxi?As long as he is a regent with a bad name and bad words, why should he fight against the real emperor?

Yue Le, Ming Zhu, and Ma Hu all had expressionless faces and said nothing.

Yue Le and Mingzhu are obviously part of Fuquan's party, so of course they don't want Kangxi to return to Beijing.

But Ma Hu secretly loyal to Kangxi and had to deal with Yue Le and Mingzhu on the surface.

After an unknown amount of time, Ma Hu said carelessly: "Jin Qing, why don't you go to Xi'an yourself!"

Li Guangdi naturally couldn't ask for it, but he didn't dare to agree immediately, but turned his attention to Yue Le and Mingzhu.

Mingzhu nodded and said, "Then let Jinqing go for a walk, be careful on the way."

What he meant was not to go so fast that the regent would have enough time to figure out how to trick Kangxi!
Yue Le also nodded, this matter must be told to Kangxi after all. Moreover, it is very necessary for Kangxi and Fuquan to have a king against king in Beijing!

After all, the Qing Dynasty can't always have two kings side by side, can it?
What's the matter, who should I listen to?

When Li Guangdi, a loyal minister who was determined to be Qin Hui, was slowly heading towards Xi'an to find his "Zhao Gou", the Northern Expedition army on the Nanjing side was progressing rapidly!
On the day after Li Zhongshan announced the decision of the Northern Expedition to his subordinates, the troops originally stationed in Xiaolingwei handed over the defense area to Lu Sanhao's regiment training, and then the whole army moved to Nanjing Xicheng (the area between the two rivers entering the Qinhuai River. ), and started to take merchant ships the next day, under the protection of the warships of the Yingtian Navy commanded by Jiang Sheng (sent by Zheng Jing), they crossed the Yangtze River in batches.

And Liu Jinzhong's troops stationed on the north bank of the Yangtze River are also ready to move at any time-their position is the front line, and the whole army is on high alert!

When Li Zhongshan appeared near Puzikou Wharf on a merchant ship with Yang Xiaohuan in military uniform under the protection of his personal guards, Liu Jinzhong had already led a group of neatly dressed personal soldiers and his wife Shang Shuying. Been waiting on the pier for a long time.

Shang Shuying's face was a little ugly, she was very unwilling to be transferred to Li Zhongshan's subordinates - although she could charge forward and have a team of female soldiers by her side, it was impossible for Li Zhongshan to use her as a general, right?She is only useful for Li Zhongshan's subordinates, as a hostage!
With her in custody under Li Zhongshan, Liu Jinzhong didn't dare to mess around, and the people in Xushun's mansion didn't dare to be too disobedient. Shang Zhixin and other Shang family members in Nanjing City would also have scruples.

If it wasn't because of the hatred of killing her father and her family, Shang Shuying actually didn't care about being mortgaged to Li Zhongshan, then she was a small job Lu Bu!

But the problem is that the two sides are too deep, and Li Zhongshan still has a Shang Fang sword in his hand that can be cut first and played later!Will you find a reason to kill her?

"Big head Wang is here!"

Just when Shang Shuying was uneasy, Liu Jinzhong said in a low voice, "You bitch, you have to be careful when you are under his command. He wants to kill you, but I can't help it!"

"Am I your wife?" Shang Shuying almost cried out of anger at these words, and turned her head to look at Liu Jinzhong viciously, "You don't care if he wants to kill me?"

Liu Jinzhong shook his head and said: "Don't do it yourself, he won't kill you, you are mine after all!
Even if your brother and Geng Dongwang want to do something in Nanjing, you will be fine.I bet you to him, but it's actually for your own good!otherwise"

"Is this for my own good?" Shang Shuying was so angry that she almost vomited blood.This man obviously handed himself over as a hostage!
At this moment, the wooden boat that Li Zhongshan was riding on had already docked at the pier, and then someone shouted: "Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Jiangbei Governor, and Guangdong Navy Jiedushi. Li Zhongtang is here!"

The furious Shang Shuying was standing side by side with Liu Jinzhong. Hearing the shout, without saying a word, she lifted up her shirt and trotted forward, leading Liu Jinzhong and the generals of the Xushun government system to the pier together. Next, he took the lead and knelt down, and said loudly: "The last general, Shang Shuying, sees the supervisor of the cabinet! The last general is willing to listen to the command of the supervisor. I wish to respect the orders of the supervisor!"

(End of this chapter)

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