Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 270 For Qing's sake, let's get a brother!

Chapter 270 For Qing's sake, give me a hand! (Seeking a monthly pass, asking for a subscription)
Huaibei, Fu Liji.

The sound of gunshots and hooves of horses resounded all over the field when the sky just dawned in the early morning.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes made by the Manchurian iron cavalry charged, swept out from Fuliji City to the west, and the sharp arrows thrown by the cavalry rained like rain, all hitting the Huaixi Regiment's formation of chariots, and arrowheads were inserted into the wooden boards everywhere the sound of.

The Huaixi Regiment Lian, who relied on chariots to fight, counterattacked with shotguns and crossbows, and also fired a rain of bullets and arrows. The Manchurian cavalry who fought bravely and charged unexpectedly suffered heavy casualties.

Before the Huai army's chariot formation, there were dead people and dead horses everywhere
Li Zhongshan rode a horse and stood behind the chariot formation west of Fuliji, staring intently at the battlefield in front of him, surrounded by elite soldiers from the Shanzi Battalion, eager to get out of the chariot formation and enter the enemy group , Cut off ten or eight heads of him first to repay the credit!

However, the two thousand mountain battalions in Li Zhongshan's hands should not be thrown into the battlefield lightly-they are the backbone of the entire army, they are used to supervise the formation and to plug gaps. If they fail to win, they still have to be the army!

There were 1 Huai troops who followed Li Zhongshan to the north, and there were another 600 Yingtian regiments borrowed from Lu Sanhao.However, because the situation in Huaibei was gratifying, and Yingtian Mansion was a little tight, so Lu Sanhao sent someone across the river to ask Li Zhongshan for the five thousand Yingtian regiment exercises a while ago.Therefore, Li Zhongshan only had [-] Huai troops left on hand. Apart from the two thousand "Huai Yong" who spoke Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew and Northwest accents, there were about [-] "Huai Yong" who had a very high "Huai content". Huai Yong.One of the battalions, that is, [-] people guarded the old camp in Suzhou, and the remaining four battalions were split into "military bases" and scattered among the "group armies" in various places in Huaixi to serve as pillars.

By the way, there are of course some practices in Li Dazhongtang's Huai army, but it is not a fundamental rule.In each battalion below the Huai Army, there is a 200-man team of the old Huai Army.

And the old Huai army of this team practiced a set of simple and practical "car fort tactics" before crossing the north - that is, to use a cart to mount a wooden shield and then match it with a carbine gun and a straw bag (filled with soil) , Quickly build a simple fortress on the battlefield to protect yourself from being defeated by the enemy.

Although this style of play is very inflexible, and it cannot be compared with the tall and tall "long gun plus queue to shoot", it is easy to crash.Those Huaixi new battalion leaders who had just joined the group could not grasp the cooperation of musketeers, pikemen, artillery, and cavalry at all, and they would easily collapse if they encountered an assault from the Eight Banners cavalry.And using this kind of vehicle fortification tactic, at least the hard fortress can be repaired under the nose of the enemy.

And in this battle of Fuliji, the car base tactics came in handy.

The battlefield for Fuliji was chosen by Luo Dawei for the Huaibei local leader, and it was naturally not conducive to the movement of the Manchurian cavalry—Fuliji was just sandwiched between the two rivers of Sui River, and it was a long and narrow river plain.

The Huai army of the Ming Dynasty can first rely on the south river channel for defense, and after the Qing army has concentrated around Fuliji, then dispatch a temporary navy army to march along the middle river channel of Sui River (there is another north channel to the north of the middle channel) to cut off the traffic on the middle channel. The pontoon bridge formed a north-south pincer attack on the Qing army in Fuliji.

Then, according to the plan formulated by Luo Dawei, the Huai army marching along the middle river should deploy defenses between the middle and north rivers.On the other hand, Huaiyong, who came from the direction of Suzhou, had to wade through several shoals on the South River in the evening of the same day. Know.

After completing the wading, the Huai army's double-team attack on Fuliji changed from a north-south attack to a four-sided encirclement-these shoals for fording were located on the east and west sides of Fuliji.

This time Gestai was a little impatient. Forget the north-south attack, anyway, there are two rivers blocked. If he really can't bear it, he can still go upstream along the river, that is, escape toward the south of the river.

But that Wang Datou is too vicious, not only blocking back and forth, but also blocking left and right. Don't give a way!How about you come to Wei San Que Yi anyway?Why are the southeast and northwest surrounded?
So as soon as it was light the next day, Gestai bit his back molars and sent cavalry to launch a counterattack against the Huai army west of Fuliji. The reason why he bit his back molars was because he was confused for a while. , I regret not launching a breakout battle last night!
Because in just one night, the Ming Huai army built two deadly car forts on the east and west sides of Fu Liji!

With the car base in one block, it will be a bit difficult for Gerstai's [-] and Eight Banners cavalry to stand out.

But up to now, it is useless to regret, only to meet on a narrow road and the brave wins.So from the early morning of this day, the west side of Fuliji became a battlefield for cavalry against chariots.

However, in the first round of attack organized by Gerstai, he bumped into the opponent's "granite defense" and directly suffered a bloodbath.

Although the car barrier looks quite thin, it seems that it is not difficult to break through.But when the Eight Banners soldiers of a battalion (participant leader) rushed up, they knew how powerful it was.The archers, crossbowmen, and musketeers of the Huai Army are hiding behind the car base, and when the Eight Banners soldiers approach, they will shoot random arrows and guns!Although the shooting is not very accurate, and the lethality of the bow and crossbow is limited, it is difficult to bring down an Eight Banners soldier at once.But the arrows that can't stand it are raining like rain!Besides, the rain of arrows was mixed with bullets, and they were all the kind of bullets that were shot accurately!The Eight Banners vest, which ran along the car base while shooting arrows, and at the same time looked for the weak points of the Huai army's defense, suffered heavy casualties. People kept falling off their horses and fell heavily to the ground, and some of them were even hooved by the horses running up from behind. With a few violent steps, one injury will be added to the other, and there will be death.

However, the current Eight Banners soldiers are much stronger than when they were violently beaten by Wu Sangui in southern Sichuan two years ago. Although they were killed and injured by the enemy's arrows and bullets, they still insisted on running in front of the Huai army. After going back and forth, I even found the weak point of the Huai army's car base-this weak point is located near the river in Suishui. There is no shield on the car, just pile a few straw bags to deal with it, and the horse can even jump over it!

A leader of the Eight Banners soldiers who led the team felt that the opportunity had come, pointed the waist knife in his hand to that place, and shouted: "Fighting Banners warriors, go for me!"

"Come on!"

The Eight Banners soldiers who followed closely behind him also roared, they were all full of anger!

Ever since the majesty of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers was defeated by that old traitor Wu Sangui in Sichuan, these Eight Banners soldiers are really aggrieved. They used to walk sideways everywhere, the Heavenly Soldiers are invincible!
Now when they are stationed in Jingzhou, there is "Xiong" in Xiangyang in the north who shakes the world, Wuchang in the east has "Chuang" who dominates the three rivers, and Wu Guogui in the south is so fierce and abnormal, they can't beat any of them!
Later, when I arrived in Jiangnan, I thought I could bully Jiangnan people, but I didn't expect that the bullying Jiangnan people hadn't rebelled yet, and the rebellious Jiangnan people occupied Jinling, and they were also not easy to provoke.Although they were not allowed to smash their heads against the city walls of Jinling, they felt uncomfortable watching their friendly troops fall under the artillery fire, bullet rain, and arrowheads of the rebels every day!
Now that Huaibei's opponents have been replaced by peasant soldiers from Huaisi, they can always chop melons and vegetables, right?Who knew that this group of Huaisi local buns not only had a large number, but also had a huge cart formation!However, Gestai, the governor of their capital, was in a hurry to hurry, so he left behind the artillery team dedicated to destroying the car formation and did not bring it to Fuliji. up!
And the north and south of Fuliji were blocked by those Huaisi farmers relying on the river!

This... This is the rhythm of being surrounded and hungry!

This time they came with light soldiers and no food!Of course, it’s not that there are none at all, but that they don’t bring much, which is enough for people to eat horse chews for a few days.Once these few days pass, they will have to kill horses for food.

And once the cavalry has no horses, they can only wait for the rear infantry led by Mu Zhan to rescue Mu Zhan. He is the direct descendant of Jin Taiji's eldest family!

The descendants of Jin Taiji's long-term descendants look at Nurhachi's face to help the Qing Dynasty?
It's unreliable to think about it, you have to rely on yourself!

Because they knew that Mu Zhan was unreliable, this gang of Eight Banners in Beijing had no choice but to save themselves, cursing and charging at the dancer's spears one by one!

"Wang Datou, you are a family slave with three surnames, my master will fight with you!"

"Big head Wang, bring the big head!"

"Wang Datou, if you have the guts, come and fight the young master for [-] rounds!"

"Wang Datou, fuck your grandma."

Not to mention, scolding Wang Datou can indeed improve a little spirit, not only the spirit of people, but also the spirit of horses. They really jumped over the dozen or so short grain trucks one after another. In a short while, two or three hundred riders jumped over the low grain cart and rushed into the Huai army's position!

"It's been scored, it's great to finally be scored!" Gerstai seemed to be crying with joy when he saw this scene.

"Dutong, hurry up and let the second battalion of forwards press up!" A leader of Ghoshha hurriedly came up to make a suggestion.

"Okay! Beat the drums and march." Gestai waved his arms vigorously, "Bring me a drum, and I want to beat the drums myself!"


Before the snare drum could be brought over to Gerstai, a leader watching the battle screamed: "No, there is an ambush. There are pikemen behind the chariot formation!"

It turned out that this hole was deliberately arranged by Luo Dawei, the head of the Luojiaji Dazi Camp. He had people draw a curtain behind the low grain cart, and many banners were planted in front of the curtain. A ten-column formation formed by a hundred spearmen.Moreover, a row of horse-repelling guns was placed to prevent the Eight Banners cavalry from rolling to the side of the car base.

When the vests of the Eight Banners soldiers jumped over the grain carts and rushed into the formation, all the banners and curtains that had been erected were lowered, revealing rows of spear heads emitting a cold glow under the rising sun.

And behind these spearmen, there are hundreds of simple swordsmen brought by Luo Dawei, the patriarch of the Luo family, and his brother Luo Youwei.

The two brothers of the Luo family put a big leather drum in front of them, and they both held drum hammers in their hands. When the curtain was lowered, Luo Dawei yelled: "Pull the tartars to death! The glory and wealth depend on the present!" "

His brother Luo Youwei also drank: "If you want to be rich, you must fight for it!"

After the two brothers yelled, they threw off their arms and started hammering drums!

The two of them are well-known in Luojiaji, and the ones who stand in front of them today are the children of Luojiaji who are really father and son soldiers, fighting brothers, and the patriarch behind them.And there is glory and wealth ahead!
And Patriarch Luo and Patriarch Luo Er both said that if anyone takes half a step back, cutting off his head will not count, and he will be expelled from the family tree!

All the disciples of the Luo family could only grit their teeth and hold their spears, as if roots were growing under their feet without moving.

But the Eight Banners soldiers who found out that they had been fooled had no choice. They could no longer stop their horses, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and slammed into the gun array with mournful faces. !
There was only a frightening sound of "bang bang bang", and the horses, cavalry, lances, spears, and spearmen all crashed into a ball!
Someone was stabbed through the body, someone was knocked out by the huge momentum, someone was thrown off the back of the wounded horse, someone died on the spot, and someone was seriously injured and let out a miserable scream.There are also people who are lucky enough to just fall from the dying horse, and can draw out their waist knives and slash wildly.The cavalry in front and their horses suffered heavy casualties, while the cavalry in the back continued to overturn the grain carts and plunge into the battlefield like a meat grinder.However, because there were too many fallen horses and warriors in front, they were all crowded together layer upon layer, and the cavalry who rushed up from behind had no way to charge, so they could only wave their spears, or slap, or stab the Luo family gunmen below.The cavalry assault gun battle quickly turned into a bloody hand-to-hand fight!

Because most of the sons of the Luo family were not wearing armor, they didn't have an advantage in hand-to-hand combat, but the market towns around Huaixi often clashed with each other.Therefore, their martial arts and strength are not inferior to those of the Eight Banners masters. In addition, they have an advantage in number, and they fight side by side.People on both sides are constantly falling down. At this time, it depends on whose will is stronger, who is more willing to bear the loss, and who has the energy to keep filling people in.

"There are too many of them, right?" Gerstai's voice trembling in the distance.

Although he is a veteran with Dorgon, he has never seen a battle in which a large number of his family members fell in a pool of blood. And the opponents are just some unarmored spearmen and simple swordsmen!
"Dutong, should we call back the troops and let our brothers retreat first to catch their breath?"

"Dutong, it's too late, the cavalry behind can't rush in anymore!"

"Get out."

Gerstal was full of defeatist remarks, and he knew it was wrong!

What he has under his hand is the Eight Banners vest, which can be regarded as an elite soldier among the Eight Banners soldiers.If you want to change to the generation of vest soldiers who entered the customs back then, all of them are warriors with high martial arts skills. How could they fight a group of Huaixi Han farmers. Oh, it seems that they are being suppressed and beaten by the enemy, and they are still retreating steadily?

This shows that the military power of the Eight Banners soldiers has declined to the point where they can only practice shoulder to shoulder with the Han regiment, or even slightly inferior. This battle is still fighting like this?

Not only did Fu Liji not have to fight, but the entire "Second Ming-Qing War" didn't have to be fought
Thinking of this, he looked rather sluggish, and said hoarsely to the people around him: "Ming Jin. Ming Jin retreats! Let everyone withdraw and stop fighting today!"

"No more fights? How can we break through if we don't fight?" One of the officers on the side was taken aback.

"If we don't break out, we'll wait for Manager Mu to come to rescue us. We'll stand by and wait for help. Manager Mu won't ignore us. He's a Manchu nobleman!"

At this time, Mu Zhan didn't mention Jin Taiji anymore.
"Minister in charge, you can save Ge Dutong and his [-] Banner soldiers!"

"Minister in charge, for the sake of Qing Dynasty, you must unify Ragdu!"

It was Shang Kejiao and Nian Yaling who were standing in front of Nala Mu Zhanma, the minister in charge of the Jiangbei Camp, and begging him.Hadn't they been left behind by Gerstai with three thousand infantry?It was a blessing in disguise.Because they walked too slowly, they did not have time to enter the encirclement.

Although they didn't have time to enter the encirclement, they didn't dare to go back home, that unlucky Gestai led [-] Banner soldiers to die in front!

Now surrounded by Wang Datou, what should I do?Should they take the blame?They can't carry it. What should we do?
Just as he was in a hurry, the infantry from the Green Battalion, who had occupied [-] Banners, finally arrived.

With two combined forces, Mu Zhan now has [-] soldiers ready to fight, which is quite a lot, and he can go to rescue Ge Sitai.

Although he didn't think much of Gerstai, an old guy, but he couldn't just look at the disciples of Wanbaqi and fold in Huaibei Fuliji!
Otherwise, the regent and the emperor were furious together, what should he do?

But the question is, he only has [-], can he rescue Gerstai?Don't go in by yourself.

"How many Han people surround Fu Liji?" Mu Zhan decided to inquire about the number of the opponent first.

"One hundred thousand! At least one hundred thousand!" Shang Kejiao gritted his teeth and reported the number.

"What? One hundred thousand." Mu Zhan was taken aback.

The Qing Dynasty used very few soldiers in wars, and [-] to [-] was a large army. If it was [-], it really took the rank of the regent to lead so many soldiers.

"No mistake, there are really [-]! Even if it's small, it won't go anywhere," Nian Xialing said, "Although it's just a regiment training, it's not an army controlled by the imperial court, but a [-] bandit army is still not to be underestimated!"

"Boss, why don't we retreat first, take a look, and then make a decision?" Shang Kejiao didn't want to fight at all, he just wanted to make peace, let alone rule by the river, even if it was ruled by the river, it would be all right. His personal interests did not matter much.

"No!" Mu Zhan shook his head, "We must be saved. Even if the enemy has 100 million people, we can't do nothing! If the emperor and the regent blame us for doing nothing, what should we do?"

"But there are one hundred thousand enemies!"

Mu Zhan sighed: "Do your best and obey the destiny. Order the three armies to speed up!"


The generals below shouted together.

(End of this chapter)

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