Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 274 Does this Eastern King want to be Long Live?

Chapter 274 Does this Eastern King want to be Long Live? (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
"Send troops to break the Jiangnan and Jiangdong camps as soon as possible?" Geng Jingzhong couldn't help frowning when he heard Shang Zhixin's suggestion, "I'm afraid this matter is more haste than speed?"

He and the soldiers of the three battalions of Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangxi under the command of Yue Le have been fighting inside and outside Nanjing for several months, and they have not taken advantage of it at all. He has more than 1 direct descendants in Nanjing, but he has been shrinking in the Nanjing Imperial City. Recharge your batteries inside.

And his direct descendant Zeng Yangxing, who was placed on the outskirts of Nanjing, was more active than him. He fought several games with Li Zhifang from Jiangnan Daying and Fan Chengmo from Fujian, but unfortunately, they were all defeated.

So in this battle of defending Nanjing, Geng Jingzhong, the Eastern King, performed a bit poorly, not to mention replacing him as the emperor after he established his prestige, even if he threatened the emperor and made the princes feel a little bit unreasonable.

But now he's going out of the city to fight a decisive battle with Yue Le. It's fine if he wins, but what if he loses?

How can he prevent Wang Datou from returning to Nanjing to preside over the overall situation?

Shang Zhixin seemed to know Geng Jingzhong's thoughts, so he said with a smile: "Dongwang, Yue Le is of course not easy to fight, but now his Jiangdong camp elites are all left in Xuzhou and Suzhou. And Xuzhou, the throat of north-south communication, has been Wang Datou is captured, his retreat is unstable, and the morale of the army is probably shaken too much, maybe he already has the idea of ​​retreating. Maybe Yue Le will retreat when the king sends troops."

Geng Jingzhong shook his head, and said: "Don't chase after the poor, and don't hide Yue Le when you return to the teacher. After all, Yue Le has been in the army for many years, and I'm afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry. It's better to take it easy. When he transfers all his main forces to Jiangbei to counterattack Xuzhou, let's go again." It’s not too late to send troops.”

King Geng Dong seemed a little conservative, which probably has something to do with his poor military deployment after he arrived in Nanjing.Moreover, the former Jingfan troops under him were not very motivated to fight the Manchus. And from Fujian to Nanjing.The conquests from east to west have almost broken through the whole world twice, so I don't want to work hard anymore.

Moreover, most of the family members of this group of people are still in Fujian. Even if they want to fight, they only want to get through the connection between Nanjing and Fuzhou, and let's talk about the rest.

But Shang Zhixin and his subordinates are more aggressive in fighting wars, grabbing power, and grabbing territory. If they don't fight or grab, they have nothing!
"East King, it's late!" Shang Zhixin clenched his fists and said, "Of course you can avoid confronting Yue Le head-on, and you can even send Yue Le out of the country as a gift. But this soldier must be dispatched as soon as possible, and cannot be delayed! Because you have to send troops Only then can we get Jiangnan Supervisor, Shangfang Sword and the right to do things cheaply!"

"Jiangnan Supervisor?" Geng Jingzhong took a breath, "But if I become Jiangnan Supervisor, do I have to go out of the city to supervise like Wang Datou?"

It turned out that Geng Jingzhong himself was unwilling to leave Nanjing, he was afraid that after he left with his troops, Nanjing would be controlled by Lu Sanhao and Chen Yonghua.

"Your Majesty is in trouble. Isn't this Nanjing also in the south of the Yangtze River? Your Majesty can supervise the teachers in Nanjing! If you don't leave, can King Ding send you out of Nanjing?"

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it?"

Shang Zhixin smiled and said: "And once the king takes the post of Jiangnan governor, he will be able to do things cheaply and recruit the local guards and generals from the Manchu Qing side.

In addition to the officials in the palace, you can recruit a group of officials in the supervisory office. You can use this power to enlist all the famous people in the south of the Yangtze River into the king's shogunate!With their support, Dongwang, you can go one step further! "

"Great idea!" Geng Jingzhong's eyes lit up, "I Dagong, you are really my Zhuge Kongming!"

Inside the Jianguo Mansion in Nanjing City, outside a gate built after the Wenhua Gate in front of the Chinese Palace in the Forbidden City, today it is as lively as a vegetable market.

Early in the morning, before dawn, a large group of loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty, wearing black gauze and various official uniforms, gathered outside Wenhuamen beamingly.Some of them knew the rules and knew what they were doing here today, so they all kept the courtiers' demeanor, just holding the wat board, standing at the station according to their rank, and not whispering to anyone.

And some of them have only recently become ministers of the Ming Dynasty, and have never studied how this Ming Dynasty official became the master before, but now they are not so disciplined, and chatted with each other happily.

"This gate is so magnificent! There is a plaque on the top of the gate. Wenhuamen? What does this Wenhuamen mean?"

"I know this, Wenhuamen is the gate of Wenhuadian!"

"Wenhua Palace? Isn't Wenhua Palace in the Forbidden City? Why did it move to Jian Guofu? Is there a Wenhua Palace inside this gate?"

"No, this door should be the back garden of Jian Guo Mansion, right now is the harem of King Jian Guo Ding?"

"The harem? What did the king call us to the gate of his harem early in the morning?"

"What are you doing? Go to court! Didn't the Jin Yiwei who came to your place yesterday tell you?"

"I didn't say anything, just put on the official uniform, put on the hat, take the board and wait outside the gate of Jian Guo Mansion early this morning."

"You won't ask one? Let me tell you. We are here for the morning court today!"

"Early morning? No wonder it's so early!"

"If you are an official in the capital, you have to go to the early court! The reason why you didn't go to the early court before was because the place where you went to the early court was occupied by the Eastern King. King Ding had no choice but to stay in the Jianguo Mansion, which was the original Liangjiang governor's yamen. Build another Wenhua gate, so that we can set up a royal gate to listen to the government, that is, we will go to the morning court."

"Why build a Wenhua Gate?"

"Because according to the old rules of the Ming Dynasty, the Wenhua Palace is the place where the crown prince observes and regents. King Ding is the only surviving son of the late emperor, he is equivalent to the prince, and now he is regent in the prison country, so the place of regent should be the Forbidden City The Wenhua Palace inside. But now.”

"Um cough! Uh cough, speak carefully, speak carefully!"

Now that some people say "speak cautiously", then the big guy will stop talking about the East King's occupation of the imperial city, and instead talk about the Jiangbei victory news that has just been sent back to Nanjing and the great situation in the future. Now Li Zhongtang and Bei Wang has already captured the city of Xuzhou, and defeated the Qing army in Suishui and Fuliji, beheading [-] ranks!
Twenty thousand is the number of beheadings!

If you count them one by one, you must be right!
Moreover, the Qing army that besieged Nanjing has obviously retreated slowly in the past few days. The Qing army in the west of Nanjing has abandoned Dasheng Pass and Hezhou City on the north bank of the Yangtze River, and retreated to Dangtu and Caishiji.The Qing army in the east and south of Nanjing was gradually abandoning the gates of the outer city of Nanjing, and began to retreat to the Qixia Mountain Camp and Lishui County.

This is clearly the withdrawal of troops!After withdrawing troops, returning to defend Zhenjiang and Suzhou is considered to be in a good situation. If it is more severe, they may have to leave Jiangnan.

It seems that the battle to defend Nanjing has been won, and the name of the small Nanjing court has been established. The official position that the big guy just got is kept. From now on, everyone will be the hero of the restoration of the Ming Dynasty.

Even if this new Ming Dynasty is not as prosperous as the old Ming Dynasty, with a three-point world and a 52-year family country (it is exactly 52 years from Sun Quan proclaiming emperor to three-point return to Jin), the big guys are enough for two or three generations.

In addition, the current new Daming is different from the old Daming in the past. In the old Daming, the Zhu family held the majority of the shares, and heroes big and small held the small shares. However, the current King Jian Guoding of the new Daming is no better than Zhu Hongwu. He is a Lianhuangcheng The weak master who dare not come back after being taken over by Geng Jingzhong is actually a puppet emperor who has taken the golden signboard of the third prince Zhu into a share.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that it will happen in New Daming to kill the donkey and slaughter the heroes. In the future, everyone will be able to enjoy the glory in peace!
With all kinds of good things added together, can the voices of these little heroes who have taken shares in Xin Daming be kept from getting louder and louder?

When the big guy was talking vigorously, someone suddenly shouted: "His Royal Highness Dong Wang, Lu Zhongtang, Chen Zhongtang and the others have arrived!"

The current Nanjing court has formed a situation in which the "five big men" jointly protect the three princes. Of course, these five big men are two kings and three middle halls-East King, Northern King, Li Zhongtang, Lu Zhongtang, and Chen Zhongtang.Now the Northern King and Li Zhongtang are leading troops in Jiangbei, and the Nanjing court is where the Eastern King Geng Jingzhong and Lu Sanhao and Chen Yonghua are singing against each other.

And everyone knows that the two kings belong to one party, and the three middle halls belong to one group.This time when Li Zhongtang's supervisor Jiangbei and the Northern King Liu Jinzhong took Huaixi together, they took Liu Jinzhong's wife Shang Shuying as a hostage because they did not trust the Northern King Liu Jinzhong.

Now that the future of Jiangdong Xiaoming Dynasty is stable, there will be a firefight between the two kings and the three middle halls, right?If we really want to fight, who should everyone support to be more stable?

Thinking of this, all these people outside the Wenhua Gate became honest and behaved and stood on both sides, all of them looked like loyal ministers, filial sons and good fathers.

Geng Jingzhong, Lu Sanhao, and Chen Yonghua were chatting and laughing. It seems that these two groups will not be on fire for the time being!
"The supervisor is here!"

Following the roar of a strong man in Jinyiwei clothes, all the big and small shareholders of the newly opened "Xiaoming Dynasty" bowed to each other.Then I heard the sound of footsteps and the voice of the Third Prince Zhu who couldn't hide his smile: "Pingshen, Pingshen!"

Everyone straightened up, smiled and looked towards the Wenhua Gate.I saw the third prince Zhu in court clothes, sitting on the throne, with so many smiles on his face that there was no place to pile them up. Seeing that all the officials were as happy as himself, he smiled and said: "You know, right? We have won the battle!" Hahaha, Li Zhongtang is indeed the pillar of the country, and with him in Ming Dynasty, this three-point world is secure."

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo!" Geng Jingzhong, who had a high-ranking chair outside the Wenhua Gate, interjected with a smile at this moment, "I suggest that Li Zhongshan be rewarded heavily."

Zhu Cijiong nodded: "What should I reward him for?"

"Give him the title of king!" Geng Jingzhong suggested, "I suggest that Li Zhongshan be crowned King of England. Heroes are heroes too! To make him a hero king is not to treat him badly."

He didn't talk about "Britain is in Huainan" any more. Instead, under the suggestion of his military advisers Yu Renying and Li Daoren, he changed his statement of praising Li Zhongshan.

"Fengying King" Zhu Cijiong thought for a while, "But his family already has a Nanwang."

Zhu Cijiong used to be Li Zhongshan's mentor, and started a business with him in Guangdong. Of course, he knew that Li Zhongshan dominated the business in Guangdong!That's why he was able to turn Guangzhou, the fattest place in Guangdong, into his own territory.

And Li Fuchen's favorite heir to the throne is also Li Zhongshan!
Now you can directly seal Li Zhongshan as the King of England. The King of Nan and the King of Ying are both one-word kings, and one side is big. There is no possibility of the King of Ying inheriting the King of Nan, right?
"Nan Wang Li Fuchen has so many sons, how can he think that the family has too many thrones?" Geng Jingzhong laughed, "Besides, Huaixi really needs a prince to be able to control it! Now the Jiangxi Daying Chief in the Manchu Qing Dynasty is Prince Kang Jieshu, there is Li Laishun, the loyal king in Wuchang, and Wu Sangui, the king of the west in Xiangyang. If the governor sent by the imperial court to Huaixi is just a minister of the Ministry of War, isn't it too small?"

It seems a little unreasonable!Why is Li Zhongshan leaving Huaixi?
"Eastern King, you mean that Li Zhongshan will be permanently stationed in Huaixi?"

"This is necessary," Geng Jingzhong said. "Most of the territories in the four prefectures of Huaixi, including Lujiang, Anqing, Liu'an, and Yingzhou, are still under the control of the Manchu Jiangxi Daying. Now the Manchu Jiangxi Daying The strength is still there. Jieshu can take Jiujiang and Anqing as the foundation, occupy Li Chuang in the west, and fight against Guangdong in the south. Obviously, he knows how to fight well. Now, besides Li Zhongshan, who else in the court can guarantee to win Lujiang, Anqing, and Lu'an , Yingzhou and other four prefectures?"

"It's true." The third prince Zhu thought for a while, and then looked at the two big halls.

"My lord, I also feel that Li Zhongtang should be crowned king!" Chen Yonghua got up and said to the third prince Zhu, "In addition, I suggest that King Liu Bei be stationed in Xuzhou and serve as the governor of Shandong and Henan provinces. Also grant the monk the right to do things cheaply. Fang Baojian."

Lu Sanhao echoed with a smile: "Your Majesty, I second the proposal."

These two Zhongtang obviously didn't really want Li Zhongshan to return to Nanjing, but they didn't want to "lose" Li Zhongshan in vain, and wanted to "take" Liu Jinzhong.

Geng Jingzhong smiled and nodded: "Your Majesty, I also think that King Liu Bei should be in charge of managing Shandong and Henan."

You guys agreed, right?
The third prince Zhu understood immediately!

Geng Jingzhong, Lu Sanhao, and Chen Yonghua jointly "invited" Li Zhongshan and Liu Jinzhong out of Nanjing!
But even if he understands everything, now he can only honestly act according to the opinions of these three power ministers.

"Since the three of you all agree with this idea." The Third Prince Zhu said, "Then let's seek the opinions of Li Zhongshan and Liu Jinzhong again. If they have no objection, the imperial court will formally promulgate the imperial edict."

This is the only way to go.

Li Zhongshan and Liu Jinzhong are "negotiators" who can veto the wishes of the third prince Zhu!
"Your Majesty," Shang Zhixin said in class at this time, "Now that Huaibei has just won a great victory, and Xuzhou's military stronghold has been taken back by the imperial court, it is the time when the captives are panicking. The imperial court should take this opportunity to wipe out the captives in the south of the Yangtze River. At least the Jiangdong and Jiangnan camps of the thieves should be broken. Therefore, I suggest that the Jiangnan governor should be appointed immediately to take full responsibility for the elimination of the Jiangdong and Jiangnan camps, and make them have the same power as the Jiangbei governor and Henan Shandong governor. Authority."

"I don't know who can be the supervisor of Jiangnan?" Third Prince Zhu asked.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to supervise the peace of Jiangnan!" Of course it was Geng Jingzhong who volunteered to be the supervisor.

"Eastern King?" Third Prince Zhu was full of joy. This Eastern King is going to be the governor of the city, so can he bring back the Forbidden City in Nanjing?
But he didn't dare to agree to Geng Jingzhong's request to be the Emperor!You have to be conscious of being a puppet.

"Lu Sanhao, Chen Yonghua, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I agree with the Eastern King's supervision of Jiangnan."

"I also feel that the king of the East must be the one to supervise Jiangnan!"

Third Prince Zhu nodded with a smile, "Alright, since the two of you have no objections, then the East King's supervisor Jiangnan matter is settled like this."

Geng Jingzhong's supervisor Jiangnan did not involve Li Zhongshan and Liu Jinzhong's "contracted area", so there was no need to ask for their opinions.

Geng Jingzhong smiled, as if the trick had been half successful, he stood up and bowed, "I ordered you."

The third prince Zhu said again: "Dong Wang, this king also gives you the right to use the sword and do things cheaply. The king can act with authority!"

"King Xie Ding!" Geng Jingzhong cupped his hands again.

"Eastern King, when are you going to lead the troops out of the city?" Third Prince Zhu said with a smile, "At that time, the lonely family will hold a banquet for you to practice."

"Out of the city?" Geng Jingzhong asked with a smile, "Your Majesty, why did you leave the city?"

"What? Dong Wang, don't you want to send troops to attack Jiangnan Camp and Jiangdong Camp, and you want to supervise Jiangnan? How can you attack Jiangnan and Jiangdong Camp if you don't leave Nanjing City, and how can you supervise and recover Jiangnan?"

"Your Majesty," Geng Jingzhong smiled, "Your Majesty will plan a strategy and win a decisive victory for thousands of miles. Why do you need to go out of the city to suppress the captives? You can live up to your majesty's expectations by sitting in Nanjing and dispatching troops to the southeast."

Don't leave the city. Still have the right to use Shangfang's sword and do things cheaply?What do you want to do?Yes, you must want to coerce the emperor and make the princes, and become a long live god in the future, right?
The third prince Zhu didn't expect it at all, but he still didn't want to agree to Geng Jingzhong - this Geng Jingzhong didn't seem to want An Ansheng to be a puppet!While he controls the soldiers and horses in the south of the Yangtze River, he also wants to control greater power in Nanjing. I'm afraid he wants to be a Geng Mengde to usurp the throne of Ming Dynasty?
Thinking of this, he quickly turned his head to look at Lu Sanhao and Chen Yonghua, but what he saw were two faces that were not at all happy or angry.

(End of this chapter)

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