Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 276 Yue Le, you come to be a living Jiang Wei!

Chapter 276 Yue Le, you come to be a living Jiang Wei! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"Shang Zhixin, you are a traitor, how dare you come to Qixia Mountain to throw yourself into a trap and watch the arrows"

Standing outside the mountain gate of Qixia Temple looking around, I Da Gongshang Zhixin, who was dressed up as an eminent monk, finally heard the roar of his old friend, Prince An, Yue Le. This is the taste!When Dazong was reprimanding a group of Aixinjueluo's children who were incompetent and wandered in Bada Hutong all day long, he was a smell.I didn't expect it to be so many years, and it hasn't changed at all.

Just when Shang Zhixin turned his head to look inside the mountain gate of Qixia Temple, with a whoosh, a sharp arrow flew past his bald head!This annoyed Shang Zhixin, and he yelled loudly: "Yue Lao Si, what are you doing? How can you shoot arrows indiscriminately? What should you do if you shoot people? It has been many years, and you have not changed your problem." change!"

It was really Yue Le who shot the arrow. I saw this old boy walking quickly from the mountain gate with a long bow in his hand. Shoot you!"

"Shoot again? What's the use of shooting me to death? Can you shoot the third prince Zhu and Wang Datou to death? If you shoot me to death, Wang Datou's Huaixi Red Scarf Army will come to destroy your Jiangdong camp! "

Hearing the five words "Huaixi Red Scarf Army", Yue Le was so angry that he picked up his long bow and wanted to shoot again, but he didn't bring a quiver, but let a Goshha hold it, So he stretched out his right hand and shouted, "Arrow!"

Seeing that Yue Le didn't seem to be playing with him, Shang Zhixin became a little nervous, and hurriedly said, "Fourth Yue, Xuzhou has been occupied by the Huaixi Red Scarf Army, and Haizhou will soon be occupied by the Huaixi Red Scarf Army." Occupied by the Scarf Army. Your contact with the imperial court has been cut off, and it is unlikely that you will receive reinforcements from the imperial court in the future. Don’t you really want to keep the imperial court’s last capital in the south of the Yangtze River?”

Hearing Shang Zhixin's bluff, Yue Le finally didn't shoot the arrow he just got in his hand, but said coldly: "This is not a place to talk, come with me!"

There is still something to say, who made Yue Le really unable to beat the Huaixi Red Scarf Army now?Hearing the name, he knew he couldn't beat it!Originally, he just couldn't defeat Wu Sangui, but now there is another Wang Datou and his Huaixi Red Scarf Army.

Since tough battles are not enough, then we can only use some insidious and cunning methods!
And this Shang Zhixin was obviously an envoy sent by Geng Jingzhong to collude with him. If he really wanted to shoot him with an arrow, he would have to fight against Wang Datou's Huaixi Red Scarf Army.However, his strongest [-] Eight Banners soldiers and Green Battalion soldiers belonging to the Jiangdong Camp had already been completely annihilated by the Huaixi Red Scarves in the Battle of Fuliji-Suishui.There are still some troops left, most of which were adapted from the original Jiangning Banner Camp and Green Camp, because their families were all lost in Nanjing, so when they besieged Nanjing before, they worked hard at Yuhuatai and Xiaolingwei. It was used violently, resulting in heavy casualties and severe damage to vitality.Not to mention the Huaixi Red Scarf Army, even if Geng Jingzhong's Dongwang Army and Ying Tiantuan's training army came to kill them, Yue Le would be terrified.

So he shot Shang Zhixin with an arrow just now to relieve his hatred, and to scare this unfaithful and unfilial thing by the way. After scaring him, he had to invite him into the temporary official office he placed in Qixia Temple, and he had to find a secluded room. In the room, the two elder brothers sat down and brewed a pot of high tea. While drinking tea, they discussed being second ministers and third ministers.

He said he wanted to discuss it, but Yue Le really couldn't bear this face. He had been the emperor of the Manchu and Qing royal family, how could he surrender to the Third Prince Zhu as a second minister?If this second minister becomes an official, he will die badly when he turns around, and it will be difficult to explain to Ama Abatai when he goes down!
So he kept talking about the things that he thought about in the past with Monk Zhixin. When it came to the end, the two big men were very sad and almost cried.In the end, Shang Zhixin let out a long sigh, wiped away his tears, and got to the point: "Your Majesty, I will tell you the truth. I, Shang Zhixin, just surrendered to the Ming Dynasty in a fraudulent manner. I am not a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty at all. If you die in the Ming Dynasty, you will become an official of the Ming Dynasty!"

When Yue Le heard this, he suddenly became energetic: "I Da Gong, you are still a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty! It seems that the late emperor saw you right!"

"No, I am not a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Then didn't you pretend to surrender to the Ming Dynasty?"

"Yes, but my real lord is not Kangxi, but King Gengdong!"

"Geng Jingzhong?" Yue Le looked disdainful, "You voted for him? Why?"

Shang Zhixin smiled bitterly: "King An, because he rescued Zhixin's family from the prison car, and gave Zhixin rich clothes and food, so that Zhixin can continue to be a master. If there is no Dongwang, Zhixin I have already received a thousand knives at Caishikou. Tell me, if I don’t vote for Dongwang, who else can I vote for?”

"This..." Yue Le was speechless for a moment.

It is certain that Geng Jingzhong has a big food addiction, but he is really good to Shang Zhixin's family!If it wasn't for him to rescue him, Shang Zhixin would have been taken to Beijing and chopped into pieces.

Shang Zhixin went on to say: "And my family and Huo Lu Bu and Xiaohuo Lu Bu have long been enemies. More than half of my family died because of their father and son. The reason why they didn't kill them all was because they wanted to use the sword of the Qing court to kill my family. Kill all.

If their father and son are allowed to control the power of the Ming Dynasty in Nanjing, then my Shang family will have no way out.So Shang Mou has no choice but to follow Geng Dongwang to the end in order to protect himself and repay his favor!

But it is too difficult for King Geng Dong to fight against Lu Bu and his son!With just a little job Lu Bu, King Geng Dong would be nothing!This little Lu Bu is not only good at fighting, but also very good at demagogy, and he is good at dancing with long sleeves, and he is very good at attracting all parties.When he defeats Jiangxi Daying and turns around to deal with Dongwang, Dongwang will be defeated in all likelihood.Will there be a way out for my family by then?

And if Dong Wang wants to be undefeated, he can only cooperate with you, the prince, and then act first, and give the little worker Lu Bu a hard time!And you, my lord, can only come true if you feign surrender to the Ming Dynasty first, just like how Jiang Wei feigned surrender to the Wei Dynasty back then!Prince, would you like to be Jiang Wei of the Qing Dynasty? "

When Jiang Wei of the Qing Dynasty?

Yue Le kept muttering in his heart, and said in his heart: Are you cursing me and Geng Jingzhong, my father?I'm Jiang Wei, and Geng Jingzhong is Zhong Hui. It seems that both of them are going to end badly, right?

"What if I don't become this Jiang Wei?" Yue Le asked word by word.

Shang Zhidao: "Chen Yonghua has led [-] troops across the river to Puzikou, and Xiaohuo Lu Bu also transferred three battalions (Changwei's army) of the Huaixi Red Scarf Army to help in the battle. At the same time, Liu Jinzhong will also march to Haizhou , and threatened the Huai'an Mansion. My lord, how long do you think the Jiangbei camp can last? The Jiangbei camp is about to collapse, do your men still have the determination to fight to the end? Even if you can stand up to King Geng Dong, you Can you stand up to the little job Lu Bu? When he finishes the Eastern King, he will come to you again, and you will be wiped out? Instead of sitting and waiting to die, why don't you unite with the Eastern King and become Jiang Wei once again!"

Yue Le frowned, Shang Zhixin's analysis was right!

The Jiangbei camp was not strong at all, and now people are even more panicked. They can't stand the two attacks of Chen Yonghua and Liu Jinzhong at all. If Huai'an, Yangzhou, and Tongzhou are lost, the North Road will be wiped out.

At that time, the hearts of the Jiangnan Qing army will only become more flustered, not to mention the small living Lu Bu, even Geng Jingzhong's attack will not be able to withstand it.It doesn't make any sense to stand up to it. When Lu Bu takes Luzhou, Anqing, and Jiujiang, opens up the Yangtze River waterway and the road from Jiangxi to Guangdong, and then sends his troops eastward, the Qing army in the south of the Yangtze River will still be completely wiped out.

Yue Le frowned deeply, staring at Shang Zhixin closely: "But how will this Jiang Wei be?"

"First, you have to withdraw your troops from outside the city of Nanjing! Not only do you have to withdraw, but the Jiangnan camp must also be withdrawn! Second, you have to hand over the Zhenjiang and Changzhou prefectures to the East King, the Jiangnan camp, Zhejiang and Fujian, and the Jiangnan camp. You have to hand over Guangde Prefecture (belonging to Anhui), Quzhou Prefecture, Yanzhou Prefecture, Chuzhou Prefecture, Wenzhou Prefecture, Jianning Prefecture, Yanping Prefecture, and Shaowu Prefecture to Dongwang; The Qing officials all asked the third prince Zhu to surrender, and asked for the title of Jiedushi. The third, of course, is to secretly select the elite dead soldiers, sneak into Yingtian Mansion and wait for the order of the Eastern King, and wipe out Lu Bu, Chen Yonghua, Lu Sanhao and other thieves who want to live!"

"What about after they've been wiped out?" Yue Le asked.

Shang Zhixin looked at Yue Le and said with a smile: "Before we catch everything, is Liu Gege or Qi Gege married?"

"Not yet. I've been busy fighting wars for the past two years, so where can I take care of it?"

"Then marry Liu Gege to Dong Wang and Qi Gege to me, we will be a family from now on!"

"What?" Yue Le was stunned by such a brazen request, "How old is my daughter? You two are so old"

In fact, Geng Jingzhong and Monk Zhixin are not particularly old, Shang Zhixin is also the age of "running four", Geng Jingzhong is in his early thirties, and Yue Le's Liu Gege and Qi Gege are only in their teens.
But in the face of a political marriage without love, age is not a problem at all. The problem is that Yue Le's two daughters are not in Jiangnan, but are staying in Beijing!
"No, no," Yue Le shook his head again and again, "My two daughters are in Beijing! I'm going to surrender the Ming Dynasty, they're afraid."

"You can ask the regent for two princesses!" Shang Zhixin laughed, "The regent is a reasonable person. He knows that you are pretending to surrender to protect the Qing Dynasty, and he will definitely not embarrass your family. Even if you do not come back after the matter is completed In the Northern Dynasty, even if he was the head of the Geng Dynasty in the south of the Yangtze River, the Regent would also be considerate."

"The Prince Regent is reasonable."

Shang Zhixin nodded: "Yes, my lord, why don't you write the opening book today and send it to Beijing by [-]-mile flight? Before Haizhou is occupied by Liu Jinzhong, flying cavalry can still pass. "

"Okay!" Yue Le nodded heavily, and then said to Shang Zhi, "I Dagong, you should also write an opening book and tell the regent about your difficulties, maybe the regent will pardon your family."

"Okay!" Shang Zhixin nodded and said with a smile, "It's time to write something to the regent! If this matter is successful, Wu, Qing, and Geng will be divided into three parts of the world in the future. Let's unite Geng against Wu!"

"Lian Geng against Wu?" Yue Le thought for a while, and the expression on his face became extremely dignified, "If Dong Wang can eradicate Wang Datou, Chen Yonghua, and Lu Sanhao, then Wang Fuchen and Zheng Jing will definitely join Wu Sangui, Wu Sangui's strength It will rise again, the former Cao Wei is undoubtedly their Wu family!"

Shang Zhixin said with a smile: "King An, before the event is completed, you are Jiang Wei of the Qing Dynasty. If the event is completed, you will be a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty no matter whether you are in Geng Zai Qing, and you are worthy of the surname Aixinjueluo!"

"It makes sense!"

Anhui, the capital city of Luzhou.

The roar of the cannon suddenly fell silent, and then there was an earth-shattering cry.

The gunpowder smoke shrouded in the west of Luzhou Fucheng slightly dissipated, and a large gap appeared in the city wall covered with rammed earth bricks from a distance. Half of the bricks, stones and rammed earth on the city wall collapsed, forming an easy-to-climb path. gentle slope.The soldiers of the Huaixi Red Scarf Army held long spears, simple knives, and flintlock guns, wore tattered cloth armor (stripped from the corpses of Eight Banners soldiers), and held simple wooden shields against the city wall. The cluster of arrows that rained down launched a charge.Many soldiers fell on the way of charging, but the rest still struggled forward. The frontmost fusiliers had rushed up the gentle slope, their white blades glowed with cold light, and the black chambers were filled with gunpowder and bullets!
The Qing army guarding the city was also quite tenacious. Just as the Huaixi Red Scarf Army climbed the gentle slope, they also rushed up to fill their mouths.There was also a group of shotgunners rushing to the forefront of the Qing army. The musketeers and shotgunners from both sides came to a gun battle at the gap in the city wall. Many people fell on both sides, and the Qing army suffered more casualties. Most of the officers and soldiers who rushed to fill their mouths in this wave were killed or injured, and the rest were a little timid, and began to turn and retreat.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, dozens of dead soldiers from the Red Scarf Ming Army finally rushed up. Then the hand-to-hand combat unfolded at the gap in the city wall dozens of steps wide without any surprises!
Seeing that the front line had finally reached the stage of hand-to-hand combat, Li Zhongshan, who was supervising the battle behind, finally showed a smile: "Okay! Good fight, as expected of Luo Huhu!"

Luo Huhu is Luo Dawei, a middle-aged man who was buried in the long river of history, and now he has shown amazing military talent. His Suzhou Red Scarf Army is also an elite that can fight tough battles in the hands of Li Zhongshan!
However, even Luo Huhu's Suzhou soldiers encountered many difficulties when they attacked Luzhou Mansion. The two sides have been fighting desperately around that gap for two days. Come on, now we have changed to the fourth battalion!
The reason why the Qing army in Luzhou Prefecture was so tenacious was because the current governor of Anhui, Jin Fu, was overseeing the army in Luzhou Prefecture.It was Jin Fu who was later famous for his river management.He is also a banner man, a member of the Han army with a yellow banner. He was born as a writer in the sixth year of Shunzhi, and he has been promoted to his current position step by step.Compared with those "Han temporary officials" who became officials by virtue of imperial examinations and borrowing Beijing debts, his ability to handle affairs is of course much more solid.And he is also very good at river engineering to block the openings. Therefore, he has a lot of research on how to block the openings of the city walls caused by shells.In the past three days, his men have always been able to firmly block the gaps in the city wall.

However, every time the Qing soldiers blocked the road, they would lose tens of hundreds of people. While the three battalions of the Red Scarf Army suffered a lot of casualties, the Anhui governor's bid in Luzhou Prefecture was also constantly being consumed!
And how many people can a bidder have?Isn't it a matter of time before the oil is exhausted and the lights are dry?
Finally, this time the attack personally supervised by Luo Dawei finally made a breakthrough, and a battalion flag with the word "big" was finally planted in this gap in the city wall of Luzhou Prefecture.

Li Zhongshan and Zhou Chang stood side by side in the frontline headquarters, holding up binoculars to watch the siege from beginning to end.The Qing army here is tenacious, but the Huaixi army that attacked the city was even more tenacious and their morale was higher.Although they are all recruits who have just enlisted in the army, they are not good at commanding, organizing, coordinating, etc., but this group of people who dare to fight tough battles and are not afraid of tough bones shows that they will definitely be the pillars of the country in the future.

Zhou Chang nodded slightly: "Master, that Jin Fu guarding Luzhou is also a capable official. How many people does he have? He can block us for three or four days with a single Luzhou city! When he is caught, I will persuade you Advise, see if it can be used for me?"

Li Zhongshan is in a good mood. Although this battle was a bit difficult, he has successfully won the Luzhou Mansion, and Anqing is next!
Anqing is probably the real tough one!

If this Jin Fu is willing to surrender, it may be easier to win Anqing. After all, Anqing is the real provincial capital of Anhui Province. Jin Fu has been working in Anqing for the past few years, and he is very familiar with the situation there.

Thinking of this, he nodded, and said to Zhou Chang: "No, I will go personally to persuade Jin Ziyuan to surrender! You must give Jin Ziyuan some face, after all, he is a capable official!"

Zhou Chang said with a smile: "Then you are really a corporal of courtesy!"

When the two were discussing how to subdue Jin Fu, a capable official, Shang Shuying's cheerful voice suddenly came.

"Supervisor, Supervisor, great joy! You have been crowned king by the court!"

"King?" Li Zhongshan was taken aback, "What kind of king?"

"King of England! The imperial court made you King of England!"

"The King of England?" Li Zhongshan thought to himself: I will be the King of England "Lears" in the future, or the King of England "Li Yucheng". Is the fiefdom of the King of England in England?
When he was thinking about it, Shang Shuying had already led a Jinyi guard into the headquarters with a smile, first saluted Li Zhongshan, and said with a smile: "The last general congratulates the king!"

Li Zhongshan withdrew his thoughts, and then glanced at Shang Shuying. This girl has been doing very well these days, and she can't find any faults. This also made Li Zhongshan's impression of her much better.I don't want to kill her
Then he glanced at the Jinyiwei who delivered the decree. It turned out to be an acquaintance, that is, Liu Shuochuan who was pulled onto the revolutionary boat by him at the gate of the water gate in Nanjing City. Now Jinyiwei is the governor.

Because Li Zhongshan has been kind to him, he has always respected Li Zhongshan. If he hadn't brought the decree today and could not salute Li Zhongshan before the decree was delivered, he would have bowed down long ago.

"My lord," Liu Shuochuan said with a smile, "it was proposed by the East King to make you King of England, and everyone in the court agrees that your merits are enough to be named king, so please don't submit your excuses, just accept the title."

"What? It's Dong Wang." Li Zhongshan was taken aback, and said to himself: What does Geng Jingzhong want to do?It's weird!

(End of this chapter)

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