Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 281 Is This 3 Points World Or Yuan Tan Yuan Shang?

Chapter 281 Is this three-point world or Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang? (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
In the imperial city of Xi'an, the imperial gate listens to the government.

In history, Kangxi was the emperor of the Qing Dynasty who loved to go to the early court. Even if he went to the Mulan paddock to hunt rabbits, even if he went to the grassland to hunt Galdan, he had to bring a group of ministers to facilitate the court every day.If you want to give a perfect attendance award to the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, then the winner must be Emperor Kangxi.

And Kangxi, who was sent to Xi'an by Yujia, still maintains the good habit of going to the morning court every day. Even if he was surrounded by Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi before, the morning court still can't stop!

During this period of time, the situation around Xi’an was a bit better, and Kangxi’s early court was even more diligent. All courtiers who were in Xi’an, as long as they were not on duty to defend the city, had to come to the square outside the Xi’an Imperial City Hall early in the morning to stand on duty.It takes a long time to stop at one stop, and we often have to wait until meal time to leave.And Kangxi will use the half day in the morning to talk to this group of subordinates as much as possible, cheer them up and make big cakes.Tell them that the difficulties are only temporary, the future must be bright, and the Qing Dynasty can still be saved!
Although the courtiers didn't believe Kangxi's words at first, it is possible for this lie to become the truth if it is repeated every day!What's more, Kangxi is quite able to speak, and what he speaks is quite reasonable.

And what he most often talked about was "Theory of Wu, Ming, and Qing".

According to Kangxi, the general trend of this world is that if it is divided for a long time, it will be united, and if it is united for a long time, it will be divided.This is the number of days, and manpower cannot be defied.And last time the Ming and Qing Dynasties did not respond to the number that must be divided for a long time, Nanming and Dashun were wiped out at once, which is against God's will.And Nanming and Dashun's luck is not exhausted, that's why they have three points in the world today--the three points in the world are God's will, it's not that Kang Mazi is incompetent!
And this three points. According to Kangxi's reasonable analysis, it will be maintained for at least several decades.

So don't worry, you guys, after following Kang Mazi, you can still eat and drink spicy food!
After convincing everyone that the three-point world will be divided for decades, Kangxi began to draw big cakes for everyone again, telling everyone how to ensure that the Eight Banners can continue to maintain their lives after the Qing Dynasty, which has one-third of the world. life of the Master.

After losing the taxes and rice in the southeast, it is of course impossible for the Qing court to distribute hard-core crops to the Eight Banners.But it is still possible to change the hardcore crops into flag fields and flag farms.

The monthly salary of an ordinary Eight Banners infantry is two taels of silver, plus four stones and eight buckets of Lumi a year.That is to say, excluding all kinds of extra income, the annual income of a Eight Banners infantry is 24 taels of silver plus four stones and eight buckets of rice.Today, the price of rice noodles in the north is about eight coins per stone. 24 Two taels of silver are almost thirty shi rice noodles, plus four shi and eight dou lumi, rounded up, the annual salary of an Eight Banners Bujia is 35 shi rice noodles.

If calculated on the basis of 180 catties per stone, it would be 210 catties.Based on the calculation of 20 catties of rent for one mu of land, 200 mu of land is needed to receive [-] catties of rent.To maintain [-] Eight Banners infantry soldiers, [-] million mu of land is required.

Calculated based on the 80 mu cultivated by one tenant household, that would be more than [-] households.

In other words, as long as the imperial court provided 200 million mu of land and more than 80 peasant households, it could support 20 Eight Banners infantry soldiers.

And now the Huangzhuang and the Eight Banners around Beijing are under the jurisdiction of the yamen, and there are almost half of them!There are many Huangzhuang and Qizhuang around Shengjing. In recent years, the Shengjing General's Mansion has recruited many landless farmers from Shandong and Zhili to reclaim the land. Even if the 2000 million mu plus 40 households is still a bit short, it should not be too far behind.And now there is still a lot of land in Liaodong that was abandoned in the decades before and after the entry of the Qing Dynasty.

It is all fat black land, and you can collect hundreds of catties if you plant it casually. It is definitely not much to pay [-] catties for rent per mu and [-] catties for land tax.

Shandong, Zhili, Shanxi and other provinces have relatively large populations. As long as the Qing court is willing to give each household ten or twenty acres of black land, it will not be a problem to recruit three or four hundred thousand tenants.

As for the 20 bannermen, although there are fewer and fewer bannermen with 100% of the banners, as long as there are 20 catties of rice and noodles a year, it is not a big problem to recruit [-].Even if it is a green battalion without a little bit of banner, as long as they can provide enough land, real estate, and tenants, they will still work hard for the Qing Dynasty.

As for the banner owners and leaders of the Eight Banners below, instead of directly distributing money and rice noodles to the distribution of land and tenants to the subordinates, there are actually more benefits.

Because the way after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs was to gather the children of the Eight Banners together and put them in prison. Although they could lie down and eat and drink, those slaves of the Eight Banners also changed from the original princes to officials of the court, and their power and benefits were reduced.More importantly, the power of this official position cannot be hereditary, but there is no reason why the father is the governor and the son succeeds him.As for the seats of the big and small banner owners, they can be hereditary, but the problem is that the big and small banner owners have long been emptied, and they have no real power, and the hereditary is just a false name.

Afterwards, the Qing Dynasty had no money boxes and rice bags in the southeast, and had no way to raise the Eight Banners in captivity, so they could only restore the old method when they were outside the customs, and let the people below engage in feudalization.

At that time, the banner owner will be a big prince again, the assistant leader below will be a small lord again, and the Dutong, Deputy Dutong, and Canling will be bureaucrats sent by the emperor and the banner owner.
With Kangxi drawing big cakes every day, the officials of the Eight Banners here in Xi'an actually think that it is good to divide the world into three parts. As long as everyone can be assigned a leader and can be a small lord of the Eight Banners to protect the bottom line, there is nothing to be afraid of in the future. of.

Even if the Qing Dynasty fails, their descendants can still be powerful
But the question is, is the master of this third of the world, Kang Mazi or Uncle Fu?
If Fuquan became the master, then all those who could be assistant leaders would be under Fuquan's subordinates, and those who were like Kang Mazi would have nothing.

In addition, in the next three points, who will Xi'an belong to?

Looking at Wu Sangui's posture, it seems that Xi'an must be captured!
That fierce Wu Yingqi is still farming in Wuzhangyuan!Although this guy imitated Zhuge Liang, he was a general as strong as an ox. After eating and drinking enough, he would pull a hard bow and throw a stone lock there every day. It seemed that he had a good life!
And Wu Yingxiong of Xiongzhen Huaxia didn't farm in Guanzhong, but he sent troops to occupy Shangzhou and guarded Wuguan, the southwest gate of Guanzhong, as if he would come back to fight Guanzhong at any time.

What's even more frightening is that Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng didn't fight after all. Now that the territory of Huguang has been divided, if Wu Sangui wants to fight, Xi'an will be over!
At that time, the three points of the world will also be the three points of Fuquan's gang. Does it have anything to do with Kangxi's Xi'an gang?

Those officials standing outside the main hall of the Imperial City in Xi'an today are pondering over this question.When they met each other's eyes, they were full of worry.Amitabha, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable Wu Sangui, don't come here!
"The Emperor is here!"

Following Xiao Guizi's male-duck voice, a group of loyal ministers of the Qing Dynasty who were trapped in Guanzhong and didn't know when they would become lords all prayed for long live.Immediately afterwards, I heard Kangxi's voice that couldn't hide his smile: "Pingshen, Pingshen!"

What's happening?
The emperor is so happy, could it be that Wu Sangui was condemned to death?Or is his good brother Fuquan gone?
Everyone got up and looked up together, and saw Kangxi on the white marble pedestal, dressed in court clothes, sitting on the throne, twisting the court beads with a smile, his pockmarked face, which was always concerned about the country and the people in the past, was almost shining now.Seeing that the ministers had got up and took their positions, he smiled and said, "Today I have a big news to share with you all. Wu Sangui, Wu Yingxiong, Wu Yingqi and his son will come to Xi'an to make peace with the Zhenhui League soon."

What's the situation?
How many people did the three of them bring?Can we talk in Hongmen Town, Xinfeng?
Just as the servants were thinking about something good, Kangxi said again: "The three of them are bringing an army of one hundred thousand!"

One hundred thousand troops?

The Qing Dynasty is coming to an end!

Where is this here to negotiate? It's clearly here to attack the city
Kangxi took all the stunned faces into his eyes, and then said with a smile: "Leading a hundred thousand troops to negotiate. This fully shows that Wu Sangui is sincere in the negotiation! Otherwise, he can directly attack the city!"

How else to explain it?

The ministers below were all dizzy, and they didn't even think about what else to say.

Kangxi said again: "We all know that his intention is to take Xi'an down and make him emperor! The Han people only value Chang'an and Luoyang, and think they are so royal. What's the use? Li Zicheng had Chang'an back then. , and Luoyang, isn’t it still defeated by the Qing?”

Yes, at that time there was "Duo Ama" in Qing Dynasty.
The people at the bottom thought: Daqing still cannot do without Duo Ama and the others!
Kangxi went on to say: "In fact, it is very good for Wu Sangui to become emperor in Xi'an. Once he becomes emperor, the world will be divided into three parts. One for him, one for me, and one for the third prince Zhu from Jiangnan. Three points, as everyone knows, is three families. They are both uneasy and kind, and the two weak ones have to unite against the strong one. So it is not easy to break the three-point world! At that time, Cao Wei’s population and income did not know how much Shu Han and Sun Wu had, and they could not be unified? Until the Sima family It took many years after usurping the state of Wei before three families returned to Jin. I know this truth, and Wu Sangui also knows it, so he didn’t expect to swallow our Qing Dynasty in one go. If he dared to do that, the third prince Zhu and Li Zicheng would be He was going to cross the river in white clothes! So before his soldiers arrived, he sent someone to deliver a covenant to me!
According to this covenant, as long as I give up all the territory in Shaanxi to the Wu family, and then become a minister to Wu Sangui, and pay a little tribute every year, then he will lend me troops to help me fight back to Beijing, and eradicate the fake emperor's legacy , the rebel Fuquan who proclaimed himself the Regent! "

His tone before was brisk, as if he was talking about a happy life after three points of the world, but later, his tone became more serious, and his tone was already full of murderous intent: "Since the beginning of my life, I have always treated my brothers with preferential treatment, especially preferential treatment. The second elder brother Fuquan, even though he is corrupt and perverts the law, forms a party for personal gain, I have repeatedly shielded him, and I still hope that he can inspire his conscience and serve the country. Who knows that when I was trapped in Xi'an, instead of trying to serve the king, he secretly recruited and trained a large number of Han troops , He also reused Han warriors like Yang Qilong, Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, Wang Jinbao, and Shi Lang, and even hooked up with rebels like Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao in order to betray the country and seek glory! He also announced recently that he would hold a meeting of kings and ministers in Beijing , to abolish my throne, to elect him as the new emperor, and to change the ancestral family law of the Qing Dynasty and fully Sinicize! Suo Etu, you just came from Fuquan, tell me, is what I just said right?"

Suo'etu came with Kangxi just now, and now he is standing on the side with his head bowed. No one paid attention to him. Now he heard Kangxi call him, so he hurried out, knelt down on the ground with Kangxi, and replied: "What is the emperor's request?" His words are true, Fuquan is indeed insane, he not only reuses Han officials, but also favors the Han concubine Yang, who is going to be established as the royal family, and reuses Yang's relatives, in an attempt to change Manchuria into a Han country."

Suo'etu's answer was in line with Kangxi's wishes, and the expression on Kangxi's face was already relaxed.It is impossible for him to agree to the demands of Shunzhi and Fuquan, the two rebels, and to be the Emperor L Xian who ruled over him. He is not the third prince Zhu. The third prince was a sign from the beginning. Happy.He was the real emperor, and he is still the real emperor now!Why is he willing to hand over power?
And in history, after the real emperor loses power, how many people can end well?
Outside the main hall, there was silence.

All the ministers were speechless, a little dizzy by the sudden change, how did the suppression of rebellion turn into a civil war in Manchuria, where brothers killed each other?
And this big Qing version of brothers fighting each other has to get outsiders to help!
Why is this approach so similar to the internal strife in the Yuan family after Yuan Shao's death?

This Qing Dynasty is not one-third, but the dispute between Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang?

The people below were all anxious, and they all forgot to answer the conversation. Seeing some awkwardness, Kangxi's face sank when he saw it.The Qing version of Qin Hui and Li Guangdi has been standing in the shift and watching coldly. The onlookers are clear!Seeing the cold scene, this living Qin Hui hurriedly came out and knelt down with a plop: "The emperor is holy! Fuquan is a big rebellion. Your majesty, you use your teacher to help you suppress the rebellion. How can you not win? Wu surrendered to Cao Wei, but it was an expedient measure. Once Wu Xi Wang proclaimed himself emperor in Xi'an, Wu and Zhu would definitely turn against each other. At that time, my Qing Dynasty could sit back and watch the battle between the two tigers and maintain the three points of the world. In the future, the three points will be unified. when!"

Li Guangdi's words were answered firmly, and the expression on Kangxi's face relaxed again.The most important thing for him now is to unite the [-] Banner soldiers (including some Green Battalion soldiers) in Xi'an. With these [-] elite soldiers in the Jiuli battle formation, even without Wu Sangui's support, he is sure to defeat Fuquan and regain power .

As for what to do after regaining power?Just follow the method of land military service. If more than 4000 million mu of land are released, 20 troops should be able to be deployed.With this 20 army, the Qing Dynasty can always be maintained.

Three-point world is always relatively stable.
And the people at the bottom also thought clearly at this time. They followed Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, but this does not mean that they can vote for that "Wu Mengde". They are Guanning warriors and Shanshan bandits.

As long as it's not a relative of the Wu family, a warrior from Guanning, or a bandit from Shanxi Province, it's just scraps to Wu Sangui.Even the Jizhou gentry under Cao Cao can't compare. After all, the Jizhou gentry and the Yingchuan gentry are both gentry, and everyone can marry each other and ask for help, and they can even talk about going together.

And the Eight Banners Manchuria and Eight Banners Mongolia are almost equivalent to Tadun, Wuhuan, and Xianbei. What can you do with Cao Cao?Can't do anything, nothing!

As for resisting the Wu army according to Xi'an, it is even more hopeless!
Wu's army is [-], Xi'an's Qing army is only [-], the advantage lies in the enemy!
In terms of field battles, no one can defeat Wu Sangui, and how much food is there in the city of Xi'an?Can it last three months?Moreover, the family members of the big guy are all in Xi'an. If the city is destroyed, the whole family will be finished together neatly.

Therefore, they can only follow Kangxi all the way to the black!Going to fight the civil war, going to be a traitor to a traitor, this is a traitor, a traitor, a traitor who has no foundation!

Thinking of this, some people began to express their views.

"Your Majesty, I will follow you to the death!"

"Your majesty is wise, and the slaves are willing to be the pioneers, to fight against the rebels for the emperor!"

"Your majesty, servants and others will listen to you. Even if you want to form an alliance with Wu Sangui!"

Kangxi is finally satisfied. The alliance under the city is the alliance under the city. Fortunately, the world is divided into three points. Even if Wu Sangui wins Xi'an, he must guard against Zhu more than destroy Qing.

So there is still a chance for the Qing Dynasty, and he, Kang Mazi, still has the hope that he will try his best to become a generation of enlightened masters!

Goujian, king of Yue, is also a wise master!He can be Aixinjueluo Jian!
(End of this chapter)

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